Forbidden Forest

Chapter 75: 75

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'' Let get back together I missed you too. ''Eros said,

Later that Night Eros and Leela slept in the same room together Leela wasn't wearing any panties and Eros saw it. He grabs her and kisses her. Things was getting heated.

Leela Kiss Eros and they made out in the library meanwhile Nolan wasn't feeling so good he been very sick. escalating and getting serious. Leela wasn't ready to lose her virgin yet so she stops Eros for going any farther.

'' You was right I still want to wait. ''Leela said,

'' It okay we can do another thing, ''Eros said,

'' Like what. ''Leela said,

''I will show you. ''Eros said,

Meanwhile, Nolan was getting sick day by day gone by and he was bed-bound no one knew what was going on with him. Soon Drew came to visit Nolan he saw how unwell he was and he planned to take over Moon Valley. If anything would happen to Nolan Drew would be next in line to inherit his brother kingdom. Leela isn't married yet so she has no right to the kingdom until she gets married. Drew started to run the kingdom like it was his and Leela didn't have any say in the matter Leela went to Eros.

'' You need to get your sister back her now? ''Leela said,

'' What going on? ''Eros said,

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'' I think Drew is trying to take the Nolan Kingdom away there is a law that was made a long time ago that if other king is unfit or not health to run the kingdom alliance kingdom can run that kingdom. ''Leela said,

'' Since we still have an alliance Drew can take the Nolan Kingdom away the only person that can stop him is Ezra. ''Leela said,

'' Okay calm down I will talk to Ezra. ''Eros said,

' Please don't stress. ''Eros said,

Spirit Call

Eros went into a room away from people and did a spirit call for Ezra. Ezra was riding on a horse when she got the call.

the spirit call took her to the woods where Eros was standing

'' Ezra where are you going. ''Eros said,

'' Chung City. ''Eros said,

'' You need to come back to Moon Valley. ''Eros said,

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'' Why did Nolan tell you to do this? ''Ezra said,

'' No, It has been 5-month don't you think you punish him enough. ''Eros said,

'' This is not about Punishing him. ''Ezra said,

''Yes it is, this is your way of ignoring him. ''Eros said,

''Your right i don't want nothing to do with him. ''Ezra said,

'' Ezra he dieing on top of that Drew is trying to take his kingdom''

'' Your the only one can stop that. ''Eros said,

'' Beside we had a deal if I made up with Leela you would make up with Nolan. ''Eros said,

Eros end the spirit call and told Leela everything that happens Ezra race to get to Moon Valley meanwhile Two days later Drew gathers everyone to announce that he would be taking over the kingdom. As he was still talking Ezra came back to the kingdom just in time before he could announce his return everyone was happy to see her.

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' Thank you Drew for taking care of my kingdom while I was gone but you're no longer needed I have come back to resume my position. ''Ezra said,

Drew and Sarah left because Ezra kicked them out then she went to see Nolan. Nolan boy was getting Red mark on him and Ezra realize what was going on with him she turns to Leela and said ''Didn't you say that Drew threw Nolan Gemiore in Xilloxs?''

'' Yea that what he told us. ''Leela said,

'' I don't think he threw it Xilloxs, I think he kept it, ''Ezra said,

'' These marks are from a grimoire know this because something similar happens to a friend of mine. ''Ezra said,

'' Even if the host haven't made a soul bind contract with the grimoire

there is still a connection. ''Ezra said,

'' If a different host and come to make a contract with it instead of the person it was attended for. ''The grimoire would being to attack the previous host. That law was made to prevent people from getting they grimoire stolen by other people.

'' How do you know so much about this ''Leela said,
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'' A friend of mine had this happen to him. ''Ezra said,

'' How did it turn out for your friend? ''Leela said,

'' He dies a week later there is no cure for this 99% of people die from this. ''Ezra said,

'' There have to be another way. ''Leela said,

'' I am sorry there is none. ''Ezra said,

'' What if we would kill the hosted. ''Eros said,

'' if you kill the present host the host will turn to any host However there is a lot of problem with that plan. ''Ezra said,

'' We have to try something. Leela said,

''We don't have alot of time. He has is a week. ''Ezra said,

Ezra acted cold-heart but deep down inside she was upset and very sad but she never showed it on her face. Leela was upset that Ezra didn't seem like she cares at all Ezra walked out to the room and went to the garden. Leela follows right behind her.

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