Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 220: 220 220. His face seems familiar

How did you know about this? Markus asked, truly shocked.

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Nicole told me about it. Kizy said in a nonchalant voice.

Nicole!! Are you truly my sister?! Markus exclaimed, not knowing that his own sister, the mastermind behind this foolish plan had ditched him midway.

So you are dropping the plan? Kizy asked, her eyebrows raising while she was trying to control her laughter.

Immediately dropping it. Anything for you milady. Markus said, his voice exaggerated.

Anymore plans to make me jealous in future? Kizy asked, barely managing to stifle her laughter.

No. Markus said in a firm tone.

Good boy. Kizy said, about to walk towards the desk when Markus captured her lips with his, kissing her passionately.

Kizy was frozen for a moment before locking her hands behind his neck, reciprocating the kiss.

The kiss was slow but passionate, making Kizy feel hot all over, while Markus was barely thinking straight.

Stop it Markus! You wont be able to control yourself anymore. Was what Markuss brain was thinking, but his heart and body wanted something else.

He would have continued the kiss if not for the sudden call which interrupted his chain of thoughts.

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He broke the kiss in frustration before looking at Kizy in the eyes.

Will continue this later my little lamb. He said while kissing her forehead, before taking the call.

Hello. Markus said.

Boss, our men found Mr. Andrew unconscious and gravely injured in F city moments ago. We have already shifted him to the city base and started with primary treatment. How should we proceed? Joels voice could be heard from the other side.

He had intended to visit Nina and even bought a beautiful flower bouquet for her. But who would have known that he would receive such bad news about his bosss best friend.

Thus he instantly cancelled Ninas meeting and informed Markus.

Continue with the treatment and provide whatever is necessary. Dont care about the money. We will immediately leave for F city. Till then, keep me updated. Markus said before hanging up.

What happened? Kizy asked, knowing that Markus wont make decisions on a whim.

Andrew was found unconscious and severely injured. I need to visit him urgently. Markus said, before taking his coat.

I will accompany you. Kizy said, her tone serious.

No you should be resting now. You are already exhausting yourself by working in the office. Dont tire yourself out on this trip. Markus said, his voice leaving no room for discussion.

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Markus, dont worry about my health. I am completely fine now. Plus we cant plan much security this suddenly. So let me accompany you. At least I can help with the guns. Kizy said, not knowing what might be awaiting them in F city, especially when Markuss friend was found injured there.

No Kizy, I have Joel- Markus was still speaking when Kizy cut him off.

And you have me, Jack and Alex as well. We are going together. Kizy said firmly.

Markus thought for a moment before nodding his head.

Because a part of him didnt want to leave Kizy alone behind, especially after the incident with Professor, he would be assured only after having Kizy by his side.

Thus, though he knew that taking Kizy was dangerous, he was at least assured that Kizy would be in front of his eyes.


His condition is out of danger. Just keep monitoring him for tonight. He will wake up by tomorrow afternoon. The doctor said before leaving.

Markus nodded before entering the room, followed by Kizy and Joel.

Markus just went and sat beside the bed, holding Andrews hand.

He could literally relive one of his hardest but best days that he had spent with Andrew.

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Their continuous practises, fighting matches, workouts, cooking dishes, racing, shooting and a lot more. They both had done so many activities together that Markus had lost the count.

Kizy came behind Markus and looked at pale -faced Andrew, who was lying lifelessly on the bed.

But the moment she saw his face, her eyebrows creased while she carefully examined Andrews face.

Young Miss, are you feeling unwell? Joel asked after looking at the sudden change in Kizys expression.

Markus, who was holding Andrews hand instantly turned around to look at Kizy who was standing there with a confused expression.

What happened? He asked in a gentle voice.

I feel as if I have seen him. Kizy said pointing towards Andrew.

Are you sure? Markus asked, not being able to draw any connection between Andrew and Kizy.

I am not sure. But his face seems familiar. I dont usually make mistakes in recognizing people. Kizy said, shaking her head.

No need to stress out. Anyways, the doctor said that he will be conscious by tomorrow. So we can directly ask him. Trust me, but Andrew has got a real sharp memory. He can easily remember anything he has seen just once. Markus said after a moment, not wanting Kizy to think much and tire herself out.

Hmmm. Kizy said, nodding her head.

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You go and sleep. Ill stay with Andrew tonight. Markus said before turning back towards Andrew.

Kizy just looked at Andrew one last time before greeting Markus good night and going back to their bedroom.

How did he end up this way? Markus asked as soon as Kizy was gone.

We dont know the details, boss. Thankfully Mr. Andrew was found in our turf and it was easier to bring him here. Or else it would have been difficult to even find any clue about him. Joel replied.

Any other clue or CCTV footage? Markus asked.

No boss. The place where Mr. Andrew was found is a blind spot. We couldnt capture anything. Joel said, disappointment visible in his voice.

This seems fishy. Anyways, lets just wait for Andrew to wake up. Only he can answer our doubts. Markus said, knowing that if Andrew was not found in his area, anything could have happened to him.


Sorry for the late upload.. Anyways, I will be uploading more chapters today onwards.. the frequency of releasing chapters has not been decided yet but I will inform you all about the same soon.

Thank you @hopze21 for the gifts! Dont forget to comment and vote with powerstones and golden tickets. Have a great day!!


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