Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 224: 224 224. Bonus for Joel, Jack and

Should I buy a good quality camera for you? Joel asked after gathering his courage.

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Finally this made Markus look at his poor secretary, who was standing expectantly at the door.

Hmmm. Not a bad idea. Go purchase the best camera. Markus said while nodding.

Yes boss. Joel said and turned, feeling happy that he was useful to his boss.

Also. Markus said, making Joel stop in his track.

Anything else boss? Joel asked.

You, Jack and Alex will receive a bonus this month. Markus said and went inside the kitchen.

Dont tell me we are getting a bonus because Boss is happy after simply watching Young Miss! Joel thought, shocked in the beginning, but soon the word bonus made a huge smile appear on his face.

Long live Boss!! Long live Young Miss!! He cheered internally and instantly went to call Kizy for brunch.

The next few days went by uneventfully where the distance between Kizy and Markus lessened even more, while Andrew and Kizy became good friends.

Andrew would intermittently advice Kizy about a thing or two in fighting, sometimes unintentionally making her understand her weak points and how to strengthen them.

During this whole time, Kizy looked after Andrew and Markuss diet, even using her medical knowledge to plan proper meals and help Andrew with healing faster.

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While Markus was busy planning his next steps, discussing it with Andrew continuously.

And though Kizy could feel that there was something secretive going on between the duo, she never interfered.

She just hoped that her current days, which were one of the most peaceful days of her life, would continue this way without any disturbance.


Kizy and Markus returned back to A city along with Andrew. But they decided to keep him hidden till he recuperated fully.

Thus, Andrew stayed at one of the villas owned by Markus, while Kizy and Markus went back to their own home.


Kizy worriedly called Joel, as Markus, whom she had been calling for the past two hours, wasnt accepting her call.

Markus was nowhere to be seen since the morning.

Earlier she didnt care much, thinking that he must be busy with some site inspection or other business related meeting.

Thus she didnt think much about his absence. Plus she hadnt gone to the office today as well as yesterday as grandpa, Mary and grandma had called her back home to spend some time.

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Because of this she wasnt even aware about Markuss scedule for today.

But she had been home for three hours already. And Markus would usually return back home by 8 pm.

Thus she hadnt called him till now. But after 9 pm, she thought that she should at least ask when he would be returning back home.

But Markus didnt pick up her call. She decided to wait for sometime. Yet Markus didnt call her back.

She called him back again after half an hour but the outcome was the same.

She continued calling him every ten-fifteen minutes, texting him to call her as soon as possible but there was no answer from his side.

With all this, she suddenly started panicking, her recent experience with the Professor alarming her of something negative.

Though she didnt want to think of anything bad, she couldnt help it. She just knew the professor too well, and didnt want to repeat another bad incident this soon, especially regarding Markus.

Thus here she was, calling Joel, who fortunately picked up her call on the very second ring.

Hello Young miss. He said from the other side, his voice a little surprised as she had called this late.

Hello Joel. Sorry for calling late, but are you still working? Kizy asked, going straight to the point.

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No Young Miss. Joel responded, his voice a little confused.

Then, is Markus with you? Kizy asked.

No Young Miss. Boss left the office at 9 pm with me. We had to complete documentation for tomorrows presentation. Hence we worked for extra time. Is there some problem? Has the boss not returned yet? Joel asked.

Yes. He hasnt returned back home. Plus he isnt picking up my call. So I thought it was better to call you. Kizy said, her voice dejected.

Just wait a moment young Miss. I will still call back to the company and confirm if the boss returned back for something. Joel said.

Ok. Kizy replied and hung up the call, her heart feeling even more uneasy.

And thankfully Joel called her back exactly within a minute.

Hello Young Miss. Joel said.

Yes. Kizy replied hopefully.

The man said that the boss had left the office with me. Since we had worked for more time, the boss asked me to leave for my home and not drop him to your house. Joel replied, his voice alarmed.

Then what should we do now? Maybe I should call his friends. Or do you know someone else? Like maybe any business partner or anyone who had planned dinner with Markus tonight? Kizy asked, knowing that only Joel was the second person in company who had access to Markuss schedule after her.

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No young miss. Boss didnt have any dinner plans tonight. Let me go and check everything by myself. Joel said, his voice on full alert.

Ok. I will try calling his friends then. Kizy said and ended the call.

She was about to call but didnt know why she felt that she should try calling Markus one more time.

She called Markuss number and called again. As always, the call rang but he didnt pick up.

Kizy was about to end the call when suddenly the call was received from the other side.

Hello Markus where the hell are you? Shouldnt you at least inform me- Kizy was still speaking when she was cut off.

Excuse me Miss, wait a minute. Suddenly a strange voice was heard from the other side.


Sorry for uploading the chapter late. Have a great day everyone!!


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