Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 228: 228 228. Crescent moon

I had fortunately texted them in advance to say that I didnt contact them. But thankfully you tried calling me again. Or else I was thinking to let Joel say that he saw me while suddenly disappearing without any trace from this place and then call you here.

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But alas you called me. So when you called, we had to change the script and made him look impatient so that you would reach here in time.

While passing my phone in a haste to him before your arrival, I just scratched my finger over something, resulting in blood. Markus explained the entire thing, though a little happy about how much Kizy cared for him.

Hmmm. Kizy spoke, still looking at her ring.

Do you like it? Markus asked expectantly.

Yeah. How did you know that I like the crescent moon? Kizy suddenly said, turning towards Markus, remembering she had never mentioned anything like that.

Mother told me about it while we were randomly talking one day while you were hospitalised. It was a crescent moon night, making her remember how you used to sit in your balcony in younger days, watching the moon while listening to music. Markus said, looking at the ring while remembering that night when he talked with Kate.

I seriously made you all suffer- *achoo* Suddenly Kizy sneezed in between.

Markus instantly removed his blazer, putting it on Kizy, before turning her around.

Why didnt you wear your cardigan before leaving the house? How many times have I warned you to leave the house well covered and protected so that you dont catch a cold? Now look at what happened, you are already sneezing! And I heard that you were about to leave the house with the driver only? How can you forget to take Jack and Alex along? Markus said, immediately with his reprimanding mode on.

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Hehe.. I love you. Kizy said with an exaggeratedly sweet smile before showing him a finger heart and running back to their car.

You- Markus wanted to say something but Kizy had already ran away.

Fool! Markus said internally, while shaking his head, an equally foolish grin pasted on his face as he scratched his head while looking down.

Kizy ran to the car before suddenly turning back, a thought coming into her mind.

Did you have your dinner? She asked Markus, who was feeling a weird warmth coursing through his body.

Huhh? He asked, as he hadnt paid any attention to Kizys statement.

Are you deaf? I asked whether you had your dinner? Kizy repeated the question excitedly.

No, not yet. Why though? Didnt you have your dinner? Markus asked.

No. Just wait a minute. Kizy said before taking out her phone and making a few calls.

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Will you mind waiting here for sometime? Kizy asked, suddenly thinking that maybe Markus would be tired after working so hard for the surprise.

No. Why though? Markus asked, not knowing what his wifey was trying to do.

Then lets have a walk around this place for sometime. Till then they all can do whatever they want or maybe go somewhere. But ask them to return within half an hour. Kizy said while pointing towards Joel and others.

Okay. As you say. Markus said before turning towards his men who were standing in a uniform line.

Joel. You all can go and have a break for half an hour. But return back within time. Markus said and turned back towards Kizy.

Finally a break. Boss had been working over this for the past few weeks. Not to mention for how long he kept standing since afternoon, checking all the preparations, making us all stand along with him.

And these decorators!! Were they taking the boss for some random man? They bought a different shade of blue flowers than what the boss had asked. But eventually they had to remove all those blue flowers and bring the perfect shade. This serves them right!!

Plus only god knows the amount of money he spent on bringing all those fireflies here!

And the balloons! Who the hell brings green or yellow balloons after being specific about anniversary celebration. Boss was so frustrated that he was just a step away from shooting that man!!

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I guess that Young Miss is the only person who can calm the boss down and control him at such times though. Look how happy the boss is looking after just watching Young Miss praise him for the surprise! Joel thought before leaving.

I only want to sit for the next half an hour without doing anything. My legs have already gone numb from standing for almost 12 hours. Was what all the men thought while leaving the place for the couple, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

On the other hand, Markus and Kizy started walking around the mall. They both were walking side by side, when suddenly Kizy hooked her arm within Markuss making him even more happier.

So wifey, what do you want as our anniversary gift? Markus asked as his mood couldnt get any better.

I dont want anything. Kizy said while shaking her head, as she already had everything she could think of.

You dont have to act like a sacrificing and easily satisfied woman. Just ask for anything stupid woman. Markus said, not happy with Kizys reply.

Did you have to spoil my mood by calling me names? Even on our anniversary? Kizy asked, pouting.

Yeah. Theres no change in that. No matter how many years we spend together or how old we get, I wont stop calling you names my little lamb. Markus said and paused.

Kizy felt a little happy after listening to this, especially the part where Markus talked about getting older together.

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Because you will always remain stupid no matter how old you get, my stupid woman. Markus said with a devilish smirk, instantly making Kizy want to beat him till his brain would start functioning properly.

Forget it. Kizy said, her voice showing her irritation.

You forget about asking for the gift. Markus said, not wanting his wife to get more angry and make himself suffer.


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