Zhan Lue’s gaze was a bit scary, like a puppy that hasn’t gotten its treat. A glint of threat was displayed in his eyes.

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Xian Sheng reached over to grab the plum blossom branch. “Since Your Highness isn’t willing, then I won’t go.” 

Zhan Lue shifted his hand, however. “Since when can you take back a gift you’ve given to someone already?”

“So you agree to bring me with you?”



“Depends on how well you behave.”

Xian Sheng didn’t get to stay out for too long before he was brought back into the room by Zhan Lue. But considering how he got to see the snow today, Xian Sheng was quite satisfied. 

Now that he was in Jin Country, he needed Zhan Lue’s permission for everything. Therefore, he didn’t purposely provoke him. He took his cloak off and hung it on the screen. Zhan Lue went to the study while Xian Sheng leaned against the couch by the window, reading the book he brought over from home.


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“Princess.” Ruyi suddenly reported, “Princess Zhan Yin came to visit you. The Crown Prince asked if you want her to come in or not.”

Xian Sheng thought of the nerve-wrecking experience on the horse carriage back then when Zhan Yin was mentioned. He knitted his brows, feeling like Zhan Yin and Zhan Lue were the same. He hated them both.

But even though Zhan Lue let him decide, there was no way Xian Sheng could really refuse to see her. Therefore, he nodded.


Zhan Yin even brought along Zhan Jin and Qing Rong. The three walked in and stomped their feet, taking off their cloaks. They greeted Xian Sheng and said, “Paying respects to the royal sister-in-law. We heard that the royal sister-in-law was sick, so we decided to come and visit… It’s my fault for colliding into you yesterday. Please don’t pay much attention to this.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Pa’r bxjs. Gbc’a qijmf la lc sbeg tfjga.” Wljc Vtfcu rjlv, jujlcra tlr klii. Lf tjv atfw rla vbkc jcv tjv rbwfbcf yglcu bnfg rcjmxr jr kfii. Lbkfnfg, Hlcu Ebcu rjlv, “Jgbkc Uglcmfrr, cb cffv obg atf agbeyif. P qfgrbcjiis wjvf qiew yibrrbw qjrags, jcv la’r ralii kjgw jcv ogfrt. P ygbeuta la bnfg obg sbe jcv Llr Llutcfrr ab ags.”

Ruyi received the pastries and placed it in front of Xian Sheng. He looked at it before praising, “Princess’ baking skills are superb.”
Qing Rong smiled shyly and exclaimed, “Crown Princess, you’re flattering me…right? His Highness is in the study. I’ll personally bring some over to him. It’s best to eat the pastry while it’s still warm. It won’t taste as good when it’s cold.”

Ruyi looked at Xian Sheng and the latter said, “Servant, bring princess over.” 

Qing Rong was quite shocked, but she still thanked her and left with the servant.

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The moment Zhan Yin came in, she had been staring at Xian Sheng. Zhan Jin didn’t make it as obvious as her. While looking at Xian Sheng from the corner of her eyes, she tugged Zhan Yin’s sleeves.

She suddenly thought of something and hurriedly grabbed a box of something from her personal maid. She walked over in large strides and said, “This is top notch solid perfume, offered as tribute from other countries. I heard it’s a complicated process to produce this. That’s why it’s incredibly valuable. I’ve begged my empress mother for a long time before she gave me a box. However, perfumes are for beautiful women. Sister-in-law, please enjoy this!”

The moment she opened the box, Zhan Jin’s expressions slightly changed. 

Ruyi’s expression became a bit stiff. Xian Sheng looked down at it, his smile still there. “It is great. It also smells like plum blossoms. Princess, you’re thoughtful.”

Zhan Yin couldn’t contain her excitement. “Let me apply some on for my sister-in-law.”

Xian Sheng subconsciously moved back, but Zhan Yin already applied some. She moved over and wiped it on her wrist. The woman’s fingertips were a bit soft, making Xian Sheng knit his brows and his heart pounded quickly.

Zhan Yin asked eagerly, “Does it smell good?” 

“It smells pretty good.” Xian Sheng had Ruyi accept it. He moved his hands back into his sleeves and cupped the hand warmer. “It is quite complicated to create this perfume. In order to guarantee the quality, it had to be filtered many times before the shape was formed. There can’t be any residue at all. While it is solidifying, it also needs to be placed in a room with the right temperature. But even so, of the ten boxes created, there will at least be eight where there are bubbles or cracks. Therefore, extremely few are created.”

Zhan Yin kept on praising it, “Sister-in-law, you’re incredible! You even know this!”

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Xian Sheng smiled again. “If my guess is right, this should be the tribute offered by the North Liang after signing the peace treaty.”

The room was silent for two seconds. Zhan Yin was also stunned. She was about to explain when she heard Xian Sheng say, “I like it a lot. Princess, please have a seat and eat some pastries.” 

Zhan Yin moved back stiffly. She turned around to look at Zhan Jin, lowering her voice. “It was offered by the North Liang…”

Zhan Jin also clenched her teeth. “You were being mysterious with me, saying that she would definitely like it. How am I supposed to know you chose that?”

“…Would she think I was purposely trying to humiliate her?”

They didn’t know whether Xian Sheng thought they were trying to humiliate him, but he wasn’t that affectionate with the girls. 

The atmosphere in the room was a bit awkward. During that time, Qing Rong had already walked to Zhan Lue’s study. The guard, Gao Xuan, paid his respects. “There’s heavy snow today. Why did the princess come over?”

“I made some food. Crown Princess had me personally bring it over. I hope you can tell the Crown Prince that.”

Gao Xuan walked in. The Crown Prince was supporting his chin with his hands as he glanced at the plum blossom branch he just brought back. He seemed to be infatuated. Gao Xuan coughed and brought Qing Rong’s words. Zhan Lue immediately placed his hands down and raised his brows. “The Crown Princess had her bring it over?”

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“Let her come over.”

His expression turned cold. Qing Rong walked in and greeted him. “I personally made plum blossom pastries. I hope Your Highness can taste it while it’s still warm.”

“Xian Sheng had you come over?”

“Yes. She even specially had someone guide me over. Zhan Yin is apologizing to her inside the room. The atmosphere is a bit awkward, and I don’t know what to say either. Therefore, I thought about just coming over to find Your Highness instead.” 

Zhan Lue rubbed the white jade ornamental thumb ring used for archery. Fiery blaze sparked in his eyes. Qing Rong delivered the pastries over to him, saying, “Your Highness? What’s the matter?”

Zhan Lue looked coldly at him. Qing Rong slightly held in her breath. But she watched as his expression changed and he slowly said, “The Crown Princess is really considerate. It’s just too sweet. I’m not used to it.”

Qing Rong stayed silent.

She personally made the pastries and brought it over, so why was Xian Sheng the considerate one? He didn’t even taste it before saying that he wasn’t used to it. Didn’t that mean that he disliked her pastries? 

“I’m going ahead to take a look.”

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