Xian Sheng already returned to his room.

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Ruyi didn’t understand his thoughts. While holding the lantern up, she said softly, “It’s a good thing that His Highness isn’t talking to you. Why is the princess actively going to find him?” 

Xian Sheng smiled and said nothing.

The reserved Zhan Lue needed comfort, but Xian Sheng couldn’t actively comfort him just like that. In the end, His Highness Crown Prince has lost his face and has low self-esteem as a result.



However, this was temporary. He could easily comfort him in a bit of time.

Whenever Zhan Lue saw Xian Sheng, he was probably thinking of that. He probably wouldn’t give up unless he got his way. Even more, he treated Xian Sheng’s rejection as a source of jouy. In the end, he was too proud and didn’t approve of Xian Sheng’s mental needs. 

But no matter how innocent he thought Xian Sheng was, he was definitely worried about being joked at. Since Xian Sheng took the initiative to relieve the awkwardness and went to comfort His Highness Crown Prince, if Xian Sheng needed something in the future, he definitely wouldn’t just ignore him in the future like he did in the past.


Although he couldn’t do anything physically, if he could let Zhan Lue care about him mentally, Zhan Lue wouldn’t be as angry if Xian Sheng tried to stop them from consummating.

Xian Sheng really couldn’t do anything about Zhan Lue’s aggressive means of consummating with him.

Even more, now that Xian Sheng was suspicious that Zhan Lue might have a hidden disease, he wasn’t afraid of him anymore.


Not long after Xian Sheng got in bed, Zhan Lue returned.

But the moment he came back, he settled for the couch directly. Xian Sheng opened his eyes and immediately sat up. Noticing Xian Sheng’s gaze, he temporarily avoided it. He pretended to be clueless. “You came back to sleep? Is it cold?”


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His Highness Crown Prince didn’t even have the courage to look at the bed anymore. He pretended to tidy up the couch before lying down. He closed his eyes and said, “Sleep.” 

Xian Sheng laid in bed and silently looked at him for a while. He coughed lowly before climbing out of bed agilely and lightly.

Zhan Lue detected this, but didn’t bother. Up until his blankets were tugged away did he open his eyes. He grabbed Xian Sheng’s hands, making the latter groan in pain. Then, he let go.

The man asked in a hoarse voice, “What’s the matter?”

Xian Sheng rubbed his wrist and looked down. In a small voice, “It’s a bit cold. Can I go up there?” 

Zhan Lue moved in a bit and allowed Xian Sheng to lie in. Then, he probed and pulled on his hands. Zhan Lue didn’t stop him, placing his hands under his head, cushioning him like that.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“P…jmaejiis tjnf rbwfatlcu ab vlrmerr klat Tbeg Llutcfrr.”

Itjc Oef xfqa delfa.

Wljc Vtfcu yla tlr ilqr, ecjyif ab obgw atf kbgvr. Coafg j ktlif, tf olcjiis rjlv, “Ufbqif rjs atja kbwfc rtbeiv ilrafc ab atflg teryjcvr jcv nlfk atfw jr abq qglbglas… P xcbk Tbeg Llutcfrr lr vlrqifjrfv klat wf. Lbkfnfg, lc ws tfjga, Tbeg Llutcfrr lr ws kbgiv. P’w jigfjvs sbeg klof jcv jmmfrrbgs. Tbeg wbbv mjc fjrlis vfafgwlcf ws ilof. Po sbe ilxf wf, P’v yf atf wbra yifrrfv qfgrbc lc atf kbgiv. Dea lo sbe tjaf wf, P’v vfolclafis yf atf wbra wlrfgjyif qfgrbc lc atf kbgiv.”
Zhan Lue knitted his brows. He felt bad after seeing Xian Sheng’s teary eyes. He asked in a low voice, “Then are you going to serve me?” 

What’s up with this man? Even at this time, he didn’t forget to bargain for himself.

The moment Zhan Lue said this, Xian Sheng’s expression became more miserable. Tears hung at the corner of his eyes. Zhan Lue couldn’t help but move over to kiss him. He controlled himself and asked, “Why are you crying?”


“I suffer from a serious illness and my birthdate characters aren’t the best either. Master said if I lose my virginity before I’m eighteen…I’ll die inevitably.”

He nervously glanced at Zhan Lue and the latter returned a strange gaze. “That severe?” 

“You don’t trust me?” Xian Sheng said, “Then why do you think my parents still kept me in the palace when I hit a marriageable age? Why do you think they refused to let me marry? You think that Qin Tao’s sons are all easy to deal with? Each of them had already asked for a decree bestowing marriage with me, but my emperor father refused them all.”

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He said this with reason, and Zhan Lue had heard about it before. He was forced to believe this. In the end, with Xian Sheng’s appearance, it wasn’t strange for him to have many potential suitors. However, no matter how much his parents pampered him, they definitely wouldn’t still attend to his marriage when he was seventeen. At the very least, they would’ve let him ‘choose’ some paintings.

Zhan Lue asked, “Qin Yi’s two elder brothers also talked of marrying you in the past?”



“About…two or three years ago. When I was almost fifteen.”

Zhan Lue kept quiet, but his face darkened. Xian Sheng didn’t understand. “In short, before I’m eighteen, it’s not very convenient. However…I can help you like I did yesterday.”

Zhan Lue temporarily shifted his thoughts and held onto Xian Sheng’s hands while he was at it. In a deep voice, “Troubling the princess.” 

This time, Zhan Lue found his face back and finally started acting normal again. He came to hug Xian Sheng in satisfaction, not even angry that he was pushed away.

Xian Sheng said, “I’m going to sleep.”

Then, he climbed in bed.

Zhan Lue leaned against the cough and glanced at the tightly shut bed curtains. After a while, he took out the jade hairpin from his arms. It was unclear what he thought of, but the corner of his lips curled up. 

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the ice soccer competition. Xian Sheng hadn’t recovered from his cold, but because he really wanted to see it, he woke up early.

Zhan Lue didn’t stop him either, ordering someone to bring over the carriage. He personally helped him into it. When Xian Sheng arrived, there was a crowd by the frozen lake. The common people were all squished in front of the banisters around the frozen lake. There were also spirited young men warming up on the rice.

There was no wind nor wind today. However, people couldn’t really handle the weather today.

Zhan Lue got off the horse and personally came to pick up Xian Sheng. 

The man clad in black’s arm was clutched by someone far in the crowd. “Master…wait a bit longer.”

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Qin Yi clutched his fingers tightly, his gaze fixated on a certain place. Xian Sheng delivered his hand to Zhan Lue and he was carried out of the carriage princess style.


His gaze was extremely dark and gloomy. “I will definitely chop his hands off!”

The person besides sighed. “We’re in Jin Country right now. It’s best to be careful.” 

Xian Sheng was brought to the pavilion by Zhan Lue. He asked, “Are you attending today?”

“The moment I attend, it won’t be an interesting show anymore.” Zhan Lue sat by his side and started peeling the melon seeds. Xian Sheng asked curiously, “Why?”

“Because I’ll definitely be the winner.”

Xian Sheng pretended to act stupid. “Are they going to let you?” 

Zhan Lue looked at him and tossed the peeled melon seeds to the plate besides him. “There’s no need to provoke me. I’m going to guard you today. There’s no way I’m leaving.”

Xian Sheng really didn’t understand this time. “Why are you guarding me?”

Xian Sheng shifted his gaze and continued to peel melon seeds. Xian Sheng started eating it, confused.

Not long later, the Jin Emperor arrived as well, with great fanfare. The common people all kneeled at the sight of him. They heard footsteps behind and a young girl ran in. “Sister-in-law is also here! I asked my royal brother in the past, and he said you weren’t going to come though.” 

Xian Sheng said nothing. Zhan Lue also looked over him and was about to say something when Gao Xuan suddenly ran over and said something. Zhan Lue’s expression changed and he said, “Zhan Yin, stay next to her. I’ll be back soon.”

He quickly walked out. Gao Xuan said, “Qin Yi really came. However, he didn’t do anything. It doesn’t feel right.”

Zhan Lue looked up at the pavilion and pursed his lips, asking, “Have you checked the frozen lake?”

“I’ve had someone look after it for the past few days. The ice is frozen for sure. There shouldn’t be any accidents.” 

Not far from them, they heard cheers. Zhan Lue ran to the tall balcony where the Jin Emperor was at. Jiang Qin, who was in charge of protecting the emperor, immediately looked at him. Zhan Lue stood on his tippy toes and flew towards the top, grabbing the binoculars from him. “Where did you see him?”

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“I saw He Ermi in the crowd before.” It was too cold up here. Jiang Qin stomped his feet and said, “He usually never leaves Qin Yi’s side. Hey, do you think that Qin Yi personally came over because of the princess? Doesn’t that sound a bit absurd?”

“Before marrying the princess, I decided to research the people that proposed marriage to her already.”

Jiang Qin was speechless. 

So much jealousy.

“I’ve always felt like Qin Lu and Qin Xin had died weird deaths. Although they didn’t have the same mother as Qin Yi, I never heard of enmity amongst them. Up until two days ago that the princess revealed they each proposed marriage to her. Qin Lu died three years ago and Qin Xin died two years ago. It was very coincidental. They both died not long after they proposed marriage to the princess.”


Jiang Qin was shocked. “How about the other suitors?”

“There was no exception.” Zhan Lue narrowed his eyes. “However, no one dared to mention this in the Liang Country. This is because if they did, it made it seem like the princess jinxed the suitors.” 

“Maybe she did?”

“Then how did I successfully get married to her?”

“You knew this from the start already?”

“No.” Zhan Lue said, “But the letter made me certain that she treated Qin Yi differently from the others.” 


“Qin Yi is trouble. It’s better to get rid of him soon.”

“You don’t like her?”
“Ridding Qin Yi has nothing to do with liking her or not.”

Jiang Qin felt complicated. “…Women are trouble!” 

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