Xian Sheng couldn’t stand steadily and subconsciously went to reach for the banister by the side. He heard Ruyi’s holler, “Princess!”

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His heart raced quickly. He saw people panicking and running around. There were some people yelling, “The Liangs have raided the place!” 

A squad of soldiers passed by in front of him and he subconsciously walked towards the stairs when he was suddenly pushed to the side, rolling off from the banister.

His face was pale, thinking that he’d lose his life today. However, a powerful hand caught him by the waist. He looked up to see Zhan Lue.



He let go of Xian Sheng and asked, “Where are A-Yin and A-Jin?”

Xian Sheng looked up and Zhan Lue continued, “I’ll be back. Find a place to hide.” 

Xian Sheng fiercely nodded and quickly avoided the chaotic crowd. He turned around to see a group of men in black charging in. Each of them carried a long sword, and maids, and eunuchs died quickly.


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While coughing in a low voice, Xian Sheng panted. He swiftly hid behind a huge rock, the scene in front of him turning black.

It was too sudden. The Jin soldiers were flustered. The common people scattered everywhere and some were stepped to death alive.

Xian Sheng used the rock as support and slid to the side. His long hair was scattered over his shoulder. He suddenly felt someone behind him and before he could turn around, someone pinched his neck, and he lost his consciousness.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zhan Lue went over, but couldn’t find Zhan Yin. However, he saw the unconscious Zhan Jin. He hurriedly carried her down as Jiang Qin rushed over. “His Majesty and the empress are both fine.”

“Kjxf ubbv mjgf bo tfg.” Itjc Oef qertfv Itjc Alc lcab tlr jgwr. Aljcu Hlc kjr oierafgfv. “Qtja jgf sbe ublcu ab vb…”

“Dglcu tfg ab rff j gbsji qtsrlmljc.” Itjc Oef’r ujhf rkfqa jgbecv, jqqfjglcu ab yf rfjgmtlcu obg rbwfbcf. “P’w ublcu ab olcv rbwfbcf.”

Wljc Vtfcu kjr kbxfc eq ys atf cblrf. Lf ojlcais tfjgv rbwfbcf sfiilcu, “Helmxis ifa ws rlrafg-lc-ijk ub! Djrajgv! Qtja vlv sbe vb ab tfg?” 

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He slightly knitted his brows. Someone gently helped him up and said softly, “Did you get woken up by the noises? I’m going to order someone to cut her tongue off.”

Once they finished talking, they ordered someone to do so. Xiang Sheng’s eyelids jumped and he could now see the scene in front of him. “Stop.”

The guard by Qin Yi’s side stopped. Xian Sheng waited a while and heard Zhan Yin still cursing out, thinking that girl really is energetic.

He finally had time to observe the room in front of him. It was very exquisite, and the arrangements were dainty and elegant. The bed was very soft. The incense was probably brought over from the Liang Country. He was familiar with the scent. 

He pushed Qin Yi away and leaned against the wall. He finally looked at him and asked, “What are you here doing?”

Qin Yi looked down and said respectfully, “To bring princess home.”

“Which home?”

“Depends on where the princess wants to go.” 

“You captured Zhan Yin?”

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“Zhan Lue’s younger sister.” Qin Yi’s gaze flickered. “The girl that was just hollering was her?”


“Why did you capture her?”

“To take her as a hostage.” 

Xian Sheng looked coldly at him. Qin Yi made eye contact with him before lowering his head. In a gentle tone, “I know the princess doesn’t truly want to marry him. The North is also cold, so I’m extremely worried for the princess’ well-being.”

“Are you crazy? You’re doing all this work just to bring me back? I’m already married to Zhan Lue. This is my home in the future!”

Qin Yi’s gaze darkened. He looked at him again. “That doesn’t count.”

It wasn’t that Xian Sheng didn’t know his thoughts. He had rejected him many times, but Qin Yi was very stubborn and refused to change his heart. He was uncomfortable and wanted to end the topic right then. However, he was forced to become spirited. “This marriage is needed to maintain peace between the two countries. You should know that. If I’m gone, Zhan Lue would definitely vent his anger on the Liang Country. He would think that we violated the contract. That’d be his excuse to start war.” 

“I will kill Zhan Lue.”

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“When?” Xian Sheng was unable to bear his tone. “Now? Qin Yi, where were you when the capital was surrounded? Where were you when elder brother was heavily injured? Where were you when Zhan Lue conquered twenty cities? In the past, the capital has been aiding you when needed. But you never returned the favor once. What do you want now, by killing Zhan Lue?”

“I just want you.” Qin Yi said in a deep voice. “I’m waiting for the capital to reach its end. That way, I can make a deal with your emperor father, and marry you.”

Xian Sheng pursed his lips. He felt a surge of anger in his heart, and he also found it funny. “100,000 soldiers were taken as hostage and countless civilians were homeless as a result. They’ve lost their families and home, even killed by your birth father. However, you ignored all of this. You’re telling me that you’re doing this for me now?!” 

He chuckled, although he was angry. He coughed nonstop. Qin Yi reached over, but Xian Sheng slapped his hand. He didn’t dare to anger Xian Sheng. He withdrew his hand and continued to explain, attempting to quell his anger. “From the start, I mentioned my condition. Your emperor father still refused to accept them. He clearly knew how madly in love I had been with you. However, he didn’t let me marry you. I…I had no other choices.”

Xian Sheng coughed a few mouthfuls of blood. Qin Yi walked over worriedly, but Xian Sheng slapped his hands away again. His pale paled, thinking about these trivial matters. If he knew this, he wouldn’t have been a princess then. After all, he was just trying to live day by day now.

He was considering the situation. If he told his secret to Qin Yi right now, would he be angered to death or would he kill the deceiving princess first?

The more he thought about it, the more funny he thought it was. Qin Yi was also as funny as Zhan Lue who exchanged ten cities for him. 

Thinking of this, Xian Sheng really laughed. He looked up, curling his red plump lips up. He seemed to be even more beautiful than the corals embroidered on the screen. Qin Yi held in his breath and clutched his fingers tightly, controlling himself.

“Do you want to know why my emperor father refuses to let you marry me?”

Qin Yi’s voice was hoarse and deep. His gaze was harsh and cold. “Why?”

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