It was unclear if Zhan Lue purposely wanted to humiliate them, but to Xian Sheng, it wasn’t that hard to accept. He knew his true gender, so he found it faintly funny that Zhan Lue was saying this.

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Zhan Lue tied his two hands together with rope, and then brought him directly back to camp. The worn-down horse carriage looked pretty good, but it was a bumpy ride. When the horse carriage stopped, Xian Sheng was already dizzy from the jolting. Yet, he couldn’t speak his mind as he curled up, staying unmoved. 

Zhan Lue said, “I didn’t think this princess is that delicate.”

Xian Sheng wanted to move, but everything appeared dark in front of his eyes. He felt strengthless.



When he was born, his master was certain that he’ll die young, saying that he had a lot of negative energy. In simple words, he was born a boy, but had the life of a girl. He was delicate and must be raised as a girl in order to live. Coincidentally, the Liang Royal Family had no princesses, and he was born with an exquisite and delicate appearance. Therefore, they raised him as a princess. Originally, Xian Sheng didn’t believe his master’s words either, wanting to be a prince. He wore men’s clothes and that night, he tripped and slipped into water, almost dying.

After that, he tried wearing men’s clothes a couple of times, but he almost died each time. After these tries, the original weak prince ended up contracting several illnesses. He became weaker and weaker, and Xian Sheng finally believed in this curse. He obediently became a “princess.” 

These days, he had been commanding by standing on the city tower and was thinking that maybe the curse was lifted. Who knew that after being triggered, not only did he land in the enemy prince’s hand, but he almost had run out of breath due to the jolting of the horse carriage.

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He had a weak pulse and Zhan Lue finally came over to observe this. He knitted his eyebrows and carried Xian Sheng.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xian Sheng was placed in bed and he half closed his eyes. After a while, he finally opened his eyes.

Itjc Oef kjr rlaalcu ys atf yfv. Vfflcu tlw bqfc tlr fsfr, tf gfjmtfv bnfg ab ecalf atf gbqf jgbecv tlr tjcvr. “P’w gfjiis kbgglfv jybea atf qglcmfrr’r kfjx rajaf.”


Ktf gbqf kjr gbqf jcv mbjgrf, rb Wljc Vtfcu’r kglrar tjv gfv wjgxr ogbw yflcu alfv abufatfg. Lf tjv rbwf rmgjamtfr jcv fnfc atbeut Itjc Oef ifa tlw ub, tf vlvc’a wbnf.

It’s not that he didn’t want to, but because he really didn’t have the energy. Right now, he still felt nauseous.

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He closed his eyes again, feeling tired. He lied in bed like a weak little kitten and his face was pale as if transparent. His lips were also pale.

But for some reason, Zhan Lue wanted to bully him. 

Zhan Lue licked his lips and then suddenly reached over to take down the hairpin in his hair. His pitch-black hair scattered on the pillow and it contrasted his appearance, making him appear paler and more exquisite. Even more, Zhan Lue couldn’t shift his gaze from him and Xian Sheng looked over once again.

His eyes were bright and clear. He tried to pretend to be calm and he also stayed alert.

Zhan Lue lifted Xian Sheng’s chin and then gazed at him. “People were saying that this
princess’s appearance can’t be compared to anyone else’s. At first, I thought that they were just exaggerating. Now that I see you today, you’re really beautiful and glamorous. It’s hard to forget you.”

Xian Sheng looked over, but he was unable to shake Zhan Lue’s hand off. Therefore, he mocked, “I didn’t think that the Crown Prince Zhan Lue is a womanizer.” 

“We desire food and sex by nature.” Zhan Lue’s thumb rubbed against Xian Sheng’s soft lips. He carelessly did that and it made Xian Sheng angry. He suddenly reached over and bit him, glancing at him harshly, wanting to scare him off. It seemed as though Zhan Lue couldn’t feel any pain, however. Meanwhile, he slightly narrowed his eyes, glancing at the faint pink in between his teeth. “Princess, are you trying to seduce me like this?”

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Xian Sheng immediately let him go and then spit on him.

Zhan Lue looked down at his thumb and then he gradually looked back up. He licked his thumb while glancing at Xian Sheng’s confused eyes.


Xian Sheng seemed to be frozen.

His expression stiffened while Zhan Lue curled his lips up. “Very sweet.”


Xian Sheng’s words were stuck in her heart. His breath heaved up and down, but he was unable to muster a word even after a while.

“Your Highness!” Someone suddenly reported from outside and Zhan Lue left the bed, though unwillingly. “Princess, please wait for a bit. I’ll come to look for you later.” 

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The moment he left, Xian Sheng covered his mouth and coughed. Half a moment later, he placed his hand down and wiped the trace of blood by the corner of his lips. He was still angry in his heart.

He had a weak body and everyone usually let him have his way normally. Even Emperor Father didn’t dare to yell at him. These years, he had been raised well, so he rarely coughed blood. But today, Zhan Lue had angered him to this point in a few sentences. Xian Sheng felt as though he won’t survive to go back to the capital.

He didn’t know how people would comment on the news that the Eldest Princess of North Liang was angered to death by the North Jin’s Crown Prince.

He knitted his eyebrows and then thought that if Zhan Lue found out that the person he teased today was a man, would he be so disgusted that he couldn’t eat? Maybe he’ll personally chop off the finger that was used to take advantage of him before. Thinking of this, he suddenly thought that Zhan Lue was a hilarious person. He then calmed down a bit. 

The camp was very quiet and Xian Sheng stayed by himself for a while before lying down to sleep.

He normally spent a lot of time in bed. Now that he came to the enemy country’s camp, it didn’t change his lifestyle. As for escaping, he knew himself well. Even if there wasn’t a single guard here, with his health, he would die on the road of escaping from the camp.

Since he was here already, he should just enjoy himself. He prepared to see if he could get some information from Zhan Lue about his Second Brother’s whereabouts.

After all, he was in his enemy’s hands. Xian Sheng was still on guard. The moment he heard noises, he was immediately startled. 

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