Xian Sheng clenched his teeth and said in the most serious, fierce, and annoyed tone, trying to scare Zhan Lue off, “Zhan. Lue!”

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“Hubby is here.” 


To Zhan Lue, Xian Sheng’s seriousness, fierceness, and irritation were like the perfume sprayed on him. The man admired Xian Sheng’s teary look and he said, “What does the princess want to say?”



The corner of Xian Sheng’s lips couldn’t help but tremble. His messy hair was stuck to his face. He didn’t even realize how pitiful and beautiful he looked.

He told himself that Zhan Lue was just a hilarious person. He didn’t know that he was teasing a male and when he found out the truth, he would cut off his tongue in disgust. 

But no matter men or women, while being at a disadvantage, there were probably only a few people who could tolerate Zhan Lue, this annoying person, and not explode.


Don’t mention the delicate and pampered princess.

Xiao Sheng’s chest heaved up and down. “You…you stay away from me.”

Zhan Lue thought about it before saying, “Then I’ll have someone come over to dress the princess up?”


Xiao Sheng told himself that if he hurt his health from being angry, no one could help him. He wanted to calm down, but he was unable to suppress the anger in his heart. “What exactly do you want?”
“I want you.”

The blatant words made Xian Sheng’s eyes widen.

The man in front of him was like a predator at night. He didn’t bother to disguise his greed and exposed his motive in front of him. Xian Sheng trembled at this feeling of violation.

He instinctively moved back, but he was already on the bed. This was the tent and there was no place to go. Now, he suddenly fell off the crack between the bed and the tent cloth. From outside, one could see a bump on the tent cloth. 

Xian Sheng remained silent for a while.

It hurts. He was in a daze from the fall and then he felt dizzy, temporarily fainting.

By the time he regained consciousness, he was carried up from the ground by Zhan Lue. The bed that was moved to the side was kicked back to its original spot. Zhan Lue placed him on the bed and knitted his eyebrows, asking, “Princess?”

Xian Sheng took in a deep breath, recalling what just happened. He was furious and he felt the sweetness of the blood in his throat. He violently coughed a few times because of anger and the blood splashed on Zhan Lue’s chest. It was a ghastly sight. 

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Zhan Lue’s heart thumped violently. “Doctor!!”

Military Doctor Hu was quickly called over. When he saw the beautiful woman lying in bed, he was shocked. He was secretly thinking that His Highness was so violent that the woman was knocked out as a result.

After he took his pulse, he realized that it was because the blood flow overwhelmed his heart as a result of anger. He knitted his eyebrows and said, “Everyone said that the princess of the Liang Country was weak and sickly as a child. Now it seems like that is indeed the truth and her body isn’t in the best condition.”

Zhan Lue’s expression turned unwell. “What do you mean?” 

“She clearly lacks qi and blood, so her breath is uneven. She is plagued with sickness. Looking at her pale face, there might be other sicknesses too. Who knows how long she could live with a weak body like hers.” After he finished, he saw that Zhan Lue’s expression turned heavy. He waved his hands and said, “Your Highness, do what you want with the flower before it wilts. The princess is clearly too delicate and can’t endure too much torture.”

Xian Sheng was worried that his identity might be exposed, so he paid close attention to the words. However, because of his weak body, he couldn’t open his eyes for the moment. He vaguely listened to the voice by his ears and secretly cursed. The North Country’s people are all bastards. He was already sick to this point and the doctor still lets Zhan Lue do as he wishes. Wasn’t he basically letting Zhan Lue f*ck him while he still could?


He moved his lips and let out a small mumble. Zhan Lue hurriedly moved over to hear him say, “Bast….shameless…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itjc Oef kjr rqffmtifrr. 

Wljc Vtfcu gfujlcfv tlr mbcrmlbercfrr.

Rba bcis vlv tf gfujlc tlr mbcrmlbercfrr, tf jirb rffwfv ab yf jcugs. Coafg atja, tf mbeutfv jcbatfg wbeatoei bo yibbv jujlc. Lf xclaafv tlr fsfygbkr alutais jcv ugjyyfv bcab atf yijcxfar. Lf kfjxis lcreiafv Itjc Oef yfobgf delfalcu vbkc jujlc.

This time, he completely fainted.

Zhan Lue revealed a tint of regret. “Write up a prescription first. Wait until she wakes up.” 

Jiang Qin quickly carried the bowl of medicine over and he reminded, “Your Highness, Military Doctor Hu said that the bitter scent on the princess was due to the fact she grew up taking medicine. In the military, there aren’t that many tonics available for the princess.”

Ever since Xian Sheng fainted, Zhen Lue would go check Xian Sheng’s breath every now and then. Xian Sheng breathed faintly, so even though he was sleeping, it felt like his breath was going to disappear any moment. Zhan Lue didn’t relax his eyebrows. Taking the bowl of medicine from Jiang Qin, he said, “Have a person go to the capital to collect the tonics.”

Jiang Qin almost kneeled down. Good one. He just snatched the princess over this morning and in the afternoon, he almost caused her to die. Now he has the face to collect tonics for her? The Liang Country is probably more willing to let the princess die than to give you the medicine, so you can put it to waste.

“Is this…suitable?” 

Zhan Lue said, “What’s unfit with letting the Liang princess take medicine from the Liang Country?”

That is true… but Jiang Qin felt like he wanted his face.

Zhan Lue picked up the spool and blew on the medicine. Seeing that he still didn’t leave, he asked, “Anything else?”

“Nothing.” Jiang Qin turned around and walked out. He thought about it before running over to ask Military Doctor Hu, “Can the princess live by relying on our medicine?” 

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“Probably for a day or two.”

Jiang Qin felt comforted. Then he’ll decide whether or not to go to the capital to get medicine a day or two later.

Who knew that the Liang princess’s body was that weak? His Highness didn’t get a taste of her yet which is why he must be so concerned for her. If he really had a taste, who knows whether he’ll just toss her to the side.

In the tent, Zhan Lue noticed that Xian Sheng was entirely unconscious. He tried feeding him a spoon of medicine but a half of it flowed down the corner of her lips. He only subconsciously swallowed half of it. 

He glanced at the pale lips in front of him and reached over to wipe away the soup that slid down the corner of his lips. He took a sip of the medicine and then pinched Xian Sheng’s chin, feeding him mouth to mouth. The mouthful of medicine slid out from the corner of Xian Sheng’s lips and then he fed him it again. At the same time, he slightly raised Xian Sheng’s neck, making him subconsciously open his mouth. The process repeated and he finally fed him the bowl of medicine.

The pale lips flushed as a result of his feeding.


Zhan Lue licked his lips. The medicine was bitter but he felt like he was tasting candy.

When Xian Sheng woke up, it was midnight. The moment he opened his eyes, the nightmare-like voice rang. “You’re awake?” 

He suddenly supported himself and sat up, glancing coldly at Zhan Lue. The latter placed his elbow on the table on the bedside. With one hand, he supported his chin, seemingly tired as well. He lazily said, “Since the princess is fine, I’m going to get in bed to rest too.”

Xian Sheng waited for him to leave only to see the man getting in bed. Xian Sheng acted like a kitten whose territory was being invaded and his hair stood up. “Zhan Luelue!”

Zhan Lue looked over and there was a tint of chilliness in his gaze. “People who dared to call me by this nickname have died already.”

The Liang people had given him this nickname after he was defeated by Qin Tao. Those who dared to call him this nickname in front of his face were slashed to death by him. There was no exception. Xian Sheng also heard of a good friend of his from the Jin Country that called him this name who was killed right on the scene by Zhan Lue. This man was noble and had exceptional martial arts skills. He could become ruthless although smiling just a moment before. Almost no one dared to offend him. 

He was terrified in his heart, but that didn’t stop him from being hostile to his enemy. He slowly said, “Then kill me.”

Zhan Lue placed down his hand which was unbuttoning his clothes.


His personal sword was unsheathed and the candle flame flickered. He gazed icily at Xian Sheng and the latter felt a sense of chilliness on his neck. Xian Sheng instinctively closed his eyes. 

He held in his breath and didn’t detect any pain after a long time. He opened his eyes to see Zhan Lue’s face in front of him. He subconsciously leaned back again. Yet, Zhan Lue moved over and placed a hand behind Xian Sheng, propping himself up.

Xian Sheng was bewildered. Zhan Lue raised his finger and gently knocked on the tent cloth behind him. There was a deep bang. “I had someone put up a board outside, so you don’t need to worry about falling off.”

Xian Sheng was stunned. After a moment he realized that his back was leaning against something hard like a wall.

He was a bit confused. “I broke your rules. If you don’t kill me today, how are you going to keep up your dignity?” 

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Zhan Lue said half-heartedly, “The princess is so considerate, so how could I bear to kill you?”

Xian Sheng had trouble reading him. He knitted his eyebrows and then said purposely, “Zhan Luelue.”

Zhan Lue smiled.

Xian Sheng was confused so he continued, “Zhan Luelue.” 

Zhan Lue smiled again and there was an interesting glint in his eyes.

Xian Sheng repeated a third time, “Zhan Luelue.”


Zhan Lue patiently reminded, “Why must the princess provoke me? Be careful that you’re going to bear the consequences.”

Xian Sheng was seeking death. “Zhan…oomph!” 

His parted lips were suddenly captured by Zhan Lue. Xian Sheng was stunned for a moment before he immediately raised his hands to push him. However, his wrists were restrained by Zhan Lue and raised above his head. Zhan Lue sucked on his gentle lips.

After a moment, they parted lips. Zhan Lue wasn’t satisfied with just a kiss. He said, “Killing you isn’t the only way to stop you from talking.”

Xian Sheng lived in the palace for many years, so he had never experienced something of this sort. After he temporarily panicked, he gazed at Zhan Lue angrily and said, “You…”

Zhan Lue acted like he was going to listen. 


Zhan Lue looked up and half-smiled.

Xian Sheng was speechless and continued to call Zhan Lue by his nickname as though purposely enticing him to kiss him.

He was furious from humiliation and his cheeks flushed. He looked like he was about to cough blood, so when Zhan Lue saw this, he said, “I’ll bring you back tomorrow.” 

Xian Sheng coughed. As expected, his attention was shifted to this topic. He asked skeptically, “You’re going to let me go?”

“Are you happy?”

Xian Sheng didn’t dare to be happy. He said with a straight face, “Are you saying the truth?”

“You have a weak body and there isn’t much medicine in the military camp right now. I temporarily can’t support you.” 

Zhan Lue had a decent face. When he talked peacefully and calmly, he wasn’t that annoying either. Xian Sheng believed him and said, “Then let me go first.”

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Zhan Lue got lucky this time, so it was easy to talk to him for now. He let Xian Sheng go and the latter moved his wrist around. He couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the condition?”

The moment he went back, he’ll definitely help the Liang Country go against him. Zhan Lue had suffered in his hands before, so how could he possibly let him go that easily?

Zhan Lue didn’t respond and instead, he laid down. “I’m tired. Let’s talk tomorrow.” 

The beds in the military camp were narrow, so if Xian Sheng wanted to sleep, he needed to be nearly on top of Zhan Lue. Although he wasn’t a woman, he had the title of the Liang princess on his head. It was unsuitable no matter what.

Xian Sheng was by his feet and he glanced at him resentfully. He leaned against the wooden board and closed his eyes.


After a long while, Xian Sheng was tired both physically and emotionally. He quickly fell asleep. Zhan Lue opened his eyes and then turned around to say in his ears, “Princess?”

The little sickly person was a deep sleeper. Zhan Lue pushed him and the latter fell back. Before he fell off the bed, Zhan Lue wrapped his arm around his waist, easily pulling him into his arms. This brought a smile to his face.
He really believed in his words and slept peacefully. 

The next day, the sun was bright. Xian Sheng woke up but didn’t see Zhan Lue. He glanced at his clothes. Thankfully, it was still on him and this comforted him. However, his stomach started rumbling.

Maids quickly came in and pulled the curtains to the side, smiling. “Princess, you’re awake. You must be hungry. Let this maid bring over some food.”

After Xian Sheng rinsed his teeth, he sat on a chair and quietly ate his breakfast. The maid continued, “Let this maid dress the princess up.”

Zhan Lue said that he was going to bring him back, so it didn’t look good if he went back with messy hair. Therefore, Xian Sheng nodded and sat in front of the mirror. He allowed the maid to mess about with his hair. He ordered, “Don’t put on makeup. I don’t like it.” 

“This is top-quality blush and it also smells very good.” The maid delivered it over for him to see. She said in a soft voice, “Look at it.”

“It’s fine.” Xian Sheng said, “You don’t need to do any complicated hairstyles either. Just make it simple.”

The maid didn’t dare to disobey him. She helped him pull his hair into a bun before advising, “The princess has pale lips. It’ll make your lips look redder if you apply some lip balm.”

Xian Sheng glanced at himself through the mirror. If his elder brother found out he coughed blood yesterday, he’ll definitely be worried again. Therefore, he swiped a bit of lip balm and applied it on his lips. 

After he tidied everything up, the maid ironed the wrinkled clothes he wore yesterday. Xian Sheng paid no attention to it, focusing his mind on returning back to the capital.

He didn’t want to see Zhan Luelue yesterday, wanting to anger him. Now that he wanted to see him today, he was gone.

He gazed sideways and asked, “Where’s your Crown Prince?”

“This maid doesn’t know.” 

What is Zhan Lue playing at?

Xian Sheng was bewildered. He couldn’t wait any longer and walked out, pulling the curtains to the side which immediately attracted many gazes.

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