A group of people waited outside in the harsh wind meanwhile Zhan Lue went to the backyard to practice his swordsmanship. Mama Qiu glanced at his rear view, seemingly thinking about something. Then her gaze landed on the tightly shut door once more, slightly knitting her brows.

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Xian Sheng tossed the wedding gown to the side and only wore a red unlined garment. Then he messed with his hair. He picked up the white cloth again and was about to find a dagger to slash his finger in order to put a drip of blood on there when he suddenly noticed a red mark on there. Not only there, it seemed to have a faint…metallic smell. 

Could it be that Zhan Lue…

His face suddenly flushed.



He placed the white cloth down. He laid down to rest for a while until Mama Qiu couldn’t help but call out outside, “Is Crown Princess up yet? This mama wants to remind you that you need to serve tea to the empress today.”

Xian Sheng was forced to get up. “You all may come in.” 

He got off the bed and under Yue Hua’s support, he sat down in front of the bronze mirror. Mama Qiu personally went to make the bed and picked up the white cloth while she was at it. After confirming something, she looked towards Xian Sheng with a more pleasant gaze. “This mama needs to report to the empress, so this mama will be taking her leave now.”


She curtsied and left. Xian Sheng immediately sighed. He allowed Ruyi to do her magic as he leaned against the table strengthless. He listened to Yue Hua say, “Yesterday…”

“Don’t mention it.” Xian Sheng replied, “Just hurry up.”

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By the time he was done getting dressed, Zhan Lue had returned as well. The moment Xian Sheng saw him, he thought of the white cloth and subconsciously shifted his gaze.


When Zhan Lue was done as well, they walked to the door. The horse carriage was already by the door. Xian Sheng got in and turned around to see the unusually quiet Zhan Lue. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what. Therefore, he quietly sat down.

While he sat down, Zhan Lue got on his horse. When they arrived, Xian Sheng’s head peeked out of the door and was carried out by Zhan Lue in the next second.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

They walked ahead, but Xian Sheng walked slowly. Therefore, Zhan Lue had to slow down to match his steps. Xian Sheng secretly glanced at him before saying in a soft voice, “Thank you.”

Itjc Oef rjlv cbatlcu.
…Lf ofia ilxf tf kjr jcugs obg rbwf gfjrbc. 

Wljc Vtfcu tjv j kfjx ybvs. Yglulcjiis, atf Alc qfbqif vlvc’a atlcx jcsatlcu jybea la, Itjc Oef lcmievfv. Lbkfnfg, bc atflg kjs, atfs rffwfv ab ecvfgrajcv rbwf atlcur.

Pa kjrc’a jc fzjuufgjalbc atja atlr rlmxis qglcmfrr kjr yfjealoei, yea atf rjwf ubfr obg tlr kfjx ybvs. Ktfs tjvc’a kjixfv obg ibcu yfobgf tf rajga qjcalcu jr atbeut tf kjr ublcu ab ibrf bzsufc ja jcs wbwfca.

Empress Xin had been waiting since early morning. She had waited for a while but saw no one. Then, she had someone to go check out the situation. They came back saying that the princess was already in the palace. Then, she waited some more. Her patience was running thin. She had someone go take a look once again. They replied, “They’re walking here.”

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“They’re still walking here?” The empress lost her temper. The emperor glanced at her and knitted his brows, explaining, “I heard that the Liang Country’s princess has had a weak body since she was young. Xian Yin pampers her and specially allows her to travel within the Liang Palace through horse carriages and sedan chairs. It seems like the rumors aren’t fake.” 

“Does Your Majesty want to explain for her too?”

“Why would I?” The Jin Emperor coldly said, “If the Liang Country’s princess was able to do whatever she wants in my Jin Palace, wouldn’t people make a joke out of this?”

He suddenly thought of something and said, “She’ll be here in a moment. Empress, have her suffer a bit for making her elders wait for her. This is really unacceptable behavior.”

The empress knew that ever since Zhan Lue decided to give back the land conquered for this princess, the emperor had been angry over this. He thought that the Liang Country’s princess had seduced the crown prince. Although Zhan Lue gave enough reason for him to accept the marriage, when he saw Zhan Lue personally carrying the fainted Xian Sheng into their bridal room, his opinion became firmer. As long as the princess was still here one day, he couldn’t help but worry for the crown prince, afraid that he’d be enchanted by her and lose the country to her. 

Being late today was just a reason for them to find trouble.

Therefore, she nodded.


Xian Sheng was still slowly walking over. Even though he was walking slowly, he wore thick clothes, so his body felt heavy. He still panted a bit. Zhan Lue finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and suddenly carried him princess style. Xian Sheng was shocked. “Your Highness…”

“We shouldn’t let the seniors wait. I’ll carry you to the door.” 

The moment Xian Sheng walked in, he noticed that the atmosphere wasn’t right. He paid respects to them and someone immediately walked over carrying teacups. Xian Sheng first offered the tea to the Jin Emperor, “This daughter-in-law greets emperor father. Emperor father, please drink tea.”

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His hat and clothes had blocked everything. From the Jin Emperor’s perspective, he could only see the slight sweat on the tip of Xian Sheng’s nose. It was unsure whether he wore too many clothes that he was a bit clumsy, but his hand holding the teacup wasn’t that steady. The emperor received the tea and took a sip, faintly saying, “Reward her.”

Right then, someone announced His Majesty’s rewards— a pair of jadeite and ruyi scepters. It was to wish the newly couple smooth lives and good fortune.

Xian Sheng kowtowed and said, “Many thanks emperor father.” 

He got up and his legs felt a bit weak. Zhan Lue helped him up. Then he went to serve the empress, delivering the tea to her. However, the latter said, “Raise your head for me to see.”

Xian Sheng’s hands were already sore from lifting the tea. The teacup was slightly trembling and beads of sweat fell down his forehead. He obediently lifted his head and the Jin Emperor also shifted his gaze over to look. Seeing the beautiful and gorgeous face, a flicker of shock immediately flashed through his eyes.

This Xian Yin really had a gorgeous and beautiful daughter.

At that moment, the empress glanced at his trembling hands. She asked, “You can’t even hold the teacup steadily?” 

Zhan Lue looked over and knitted his brows.

Xian Sheng couldn’t muster his words. He rarely had to kneel or make salutations, unless it was a huge ceremony that he needed to be present for. Normally, he rarely stood in front of his emperor father and empress mother either. He pursed his lips and tried his best to hold the teacup steadily. However, his hands shook even more. Then, he lost balance and the teacup fell.

The empress’ expression changed and Xian Sheng panicked a bit too. A hand suddenly reached over and caught the teacup, delivering to the empress. “Xiang’er is tired from walking all the way here. Empress mother, please don’t make things difficult for her.”

The empress revealed an unpleasant expression. The Jin Emperor looked over to see the crown princess’ pale face and shaking body. She looked indeed pitiful. He couldn’t help but say, “Zhen’er is right. Just let this go.” 

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They had already decided that one was going to be the good guy and the other the bad guy. Therefore, the empress didn’t place this in her heart. She received the teacup and said, “Reward her.”

Xian Sheng didn’t hear what the rewards were clearly. He kneeled down and thanked her. Zhan Lue then helped him up. The empress got ready to nitpick some more when he heard the Jin Emperor say, “Reward her a seat.”

She immediately turned around and looked at him confusedly.

Zhan Lue sat down with Xian Sheng and helped him wipe the sweat on his forehead. He cut straight to the chase and said, “Emperor father, this son wants to request something.” 

The Jin Emperor responded, “Let’s hear it.”

“It’s our fault for making the emperor father and empress mother for waiting that long. However, the princess is weak. But back when she was in the Liang Palace, she usually traveled in horse carriages. It was very difficult for her to walk the way there. Emperor father, please allow her to get around in the palace through horse carriage.”


The moment he said this, Xian Sheng looked over while the Jin Emperor looked at the latter. Meanwhile, the empress subconsciously looked at the Jin Emperor.

Xian Sheng hesitated before meeting the Jin Emperor’s mighty gaze. He looked down, feeling extremely ill at ease. He felt like the Jin Emperor and the empress would be even more displeased with him now that Zhan Lue requested this. 

In the end…


Empress Xin was dumbfounded.

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