Ch14 - Xiao Ming’s Daily Life

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[Xiao Ming’s summer vacation routine is the same as all normal primary school students.]

[8:00 – Xiao Ming opens his eyes and ushers in an ordinary day.] 

[9:00 – Xiao Ming doesn’t want to do his homework but he still has to open his schoolbag.]

[12:00 – Xiao Ming makes a simple meal.]



[13:00 – Xiao Ming lays on the bed to nap and has a dream.]

[15:00 – Xiao Ming wakes up and has to do handicrafts. He hates handicrafts but he has to do it.] 

[18:00 – Xiao Ming turns on the computer and plays his favorite game.]


[20:00 – Xiao Ming starts to write a diary to record his daily life.]

[21:00 – Xiao Ming washes his hair.]

[22:00 – Xiao Ming falls asleep. Another peaceful day has passed.]


[This is Xiao Ming’s daily life.]

[The game will officially start when the clock strikes 24:00.]

[The game time is 7 days.]

[Find the door to leave before the time limit is over.] 

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Li Yinhang, “……”

There was a sense of substitution. It felt like she had gone back to the nightmare of a summer vacation where she was forced to supervise her little nephew doing his homework.

Once the surrounding environment was gradually rendered and separated from the garbled code, Nan Zhou discovered that he and seven other people were standing in the living room of an ordinary residential apartment.

This was a warm family house. There were three bedrooms and two public rooms that were around 100 square meters. A hand-made cross-stitch was hung on the wall of the living room, beautifully framed. Among the three brightly colored peonies, the words ‘peace for the family’ in needlepoint was hidden. 

The wallpaper was a uniform soft goose yellow which had a gradual color association with the yellow apricot light. The transition was natural and harmonious. The bear clock hanging in the living room and the dark silence outside the window told them it was close to midnight.

Everything here was normal. The only strange thing was that in the huge living room, there was no door to the outside world. ‘Look for the door’ meant finding a way to leave the house?

The yellow lights cast shadows on everyone’s bodies, staggering black shadows on the ground. There were a total of eight players. Based on their respective positions in the beginning, it could be easily judged that the players were divided into three groups.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

They watched each other carefully. No one broke the silence initially. 

Rjc Itbe, Aljcu Mjcu jcv Ol Tlctjcu kfgf lc j afjw. Ktf batfg aglb kjr j mbcoluegjalbc bo bcf kbwjc jcv akb wfc. Ktf kbwjc kjr 27 bg 28 sfjgr biv jcv rffwfv rtgfkv jcv mjqjyif ogbw lcrlvf bea. Yea bo atf akb wfc, bcf kjr ajii jcv ragbcu. Llr ybvs tjv bynlberis ubcf atgbeut rsrafwjalm fzfgmlrf jcv tf rffwfv ilxf j olacfrr lcragemabg. Ktf batfg kjr atlc jcv wbcxfs-ilxf. Llr tfjv vlvc’a aegc ktfc byrfgnlcu atf reggbecvlcu fcnlgbcwfca. Llr fsfr pera wbnfv yjmx jcv obgat jcv tf rtbkfv j ibbx ilxf j kgfamtfv atlfo.

The remaining duo was a bit special in nature. One of them was in a wheelchair.


Li Yinhang saw this situation and inevitably felt pity. The system was really inhuman to even pull the disabled in. The man in the wheelchair was in his early 30s. He had the same cold, elite temperament like Nan Zhou but the two of them had completely different styles. Nan Zhou was an indifferent mystery while he was polite and steady.

In this environment, his clothing still showed a leisurely and respectable demeanor. He even had the light scent of Bvlgari White Tea perfume coming from him. He introduced himself to the nearest Nan Zhou. “Yu Tuisi, a lawyer. I have passed four missions.” 

His introduction ended and he didn’t speak for a long time. Lawyer Yu held the wheelchair with his hands and turned his head, making a rather helpless expression. “I’m calling you.”

A tall young man who was seven or eight years younger than him was looking to the left and right. He heard these words and obediently said, “Chen Sufeng, a senior in university.” The young man had a pair of drooping dog eyes. He looked like the sunny student of the sports department who was very popular in school. He was still full of his student spirit and his eyes were clean and straightforward.

Nan Zhou told them, “Nan Zhou, art teacher. This is the first time doing a formal task.”

Yu Tuisi nodded and turned to Jiang Fang. “A foreign friend?” 

Jiang Fang answered, “Yes, half. My name is Jiang Fang and I’m an international exchange student studying music.”

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Li Yinhang thought, ‘Brother, aren’t you unemployed?’

Still, she followed suit by reporting her name and profession.

The thin monkey-like man listened and clapped his hands with a smile. “Haha, there happens to be eight of us and eight tasks. One person can do one thing. The art teacher is just right to do handicrafts. Exchange student, you probably can’t do anything else so you can sleep or something.” 

Li Yinhang felt uncomfortable. Everyone was exchanging information. Why was it that on his turn, he was giving orders?

Nan Zhou completely ignored him and continued the conversation with Yu Tuisi. “We just passed the trial level.”

Yu Tuisi also didn’t blink. “It’s fine. Take everything step by step.”

Jiang Fang asked, “Have you been in contact with a mystery level before?” 

Yu Tuisi thought about it. “Yes, I’ve been in touch twice but this time is smaller than the previous ones.”

The thin monkey to one side. “……”

The strong fitness trainer cast a slightly disgruntled look at the sophisticated, capable woman. The woman looked around the living room and whispered to the fitness trainer. The fitness trainer nodded a few times and slapped his face twice before rudely interrupting their conversation.

“Be quiet, you guys.” His tone seemed like he was training his juniors. “Now isn’t the time to chat. We have to assign tasks first.” 

Li Yinhang was a bit upset. Then she took a casual glance at the game panel and almost doubted life. The task log contained the current team information. They could view the names and levels of the eight players in the instance.

Out of the Yu Chen duo, Yu Tuisi was level 9 and Chen Sufeng was level 8. The other group of three was called ‘Shunfeng’ and they had reached level 10 together. She was a lonely level 2. For the two bigshots behind her, she didn’t know when but they had both become cute newbies at level 1 who were even cuter than her.


…She had the highest points among the three. Li Yinhang thought she was dazzled and hurriedly checked her teammates’ attributes. Nan Zhou had used 750 points from the trial level to unlock two item slots worth 300 points each. By deducting the 10 points he had used to make the wish and adding the 5 points from finding the Easter egg, he only had 145 points left and directly fell to level 1.

Jiang Fang was even worse than Nan Zhou. He had opened two item slots and exchanged two items, so his points were below 100. 

Li Yinhang, “……” The points might not be earned by her but she couldn’t help hurting for both of them.

Thanks to the point rankings, Shunfeng didn’t even have the three newcomers of ‘Cube Boat’ in their eyes. They had to hurry and fight for the right to speak in the task with ‘Nanshan’ who was right behind them.

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The game was relatively clear. The eight things obviously corresponded to eight players. It meant they should work together and divide up the tasks to complete them within the specific period of time.

This was where the disagreement came. The completion time of the eight things was long or short and they were difficult or easy. The longer the time, the greater the variables. For example, who would take the initiative to do things like ‘sleeping’ and ‘handicrafts’ that were time-consuming, difficult and had variables. 

Yu Tuisi put his hand on his leg and motioned to them. “I can’t do much.”

The fitness trainer looked at his legs. “Are you really disabled?”

Chen Sufeng was unhappy and stepped out. “What do you mean?”

Yu Tuisi raised a hand to lightly block Chen Sufeng. He pressed this person back with his hand. 

The fitness trainer wasn’t afraid of this youth. “I’m just asking. I’m afraid that someone will use an excuse to be lazy.”

“Hey, you can’t move so let’s arrange for you to sleep at night,” the thin monkey suggested. “After all, you don’t need to do anything else.”

Yu Tuisi responded indifferently, “Okay.”

He promised so readily that it made the capable woman, Shen Jie frown. She was the brains of Shunfeng and had to consider everything thoroughly. The game description made it clear that it would officially start after midnight. Sleep was the first thing Xiao Ming had to do. 

Therefore, it was likely to contain key information to solving the puzzle. If such an important matter was entrusted to the Nanshan people, wouldn’t the initiative be in their hands? What if they hid important information?

Shen Jie was hesitating when the young and handsome mixed-race man from the newbie team made a move. Jiang Fang drew out a brand new set of playing cards from the glass coffee table. “If you arrange this arbitrarily, there will always be disputes and it will waste time.”

He suggested another solution. “Let’s draw cards.”

He took apart this new deck of cards, drew eight cards from it and showed them to everyone. A of Hearts to 8 of Hearts. 

“There are a total of eight things in the task, arranged by time.”

“A of Hearts stands for the homework at 9 o’clock and 8 of Hearts stands for sleeping from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day.”


“Whoever draws a card has to do that task. If you have an opinion about what you drew, you can exchange it within the group, not outside the group.”

“How about it?” 

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The fitness trainer and thin monkey both glanced at Shen Jie and asked for her opinion. Shen Jie nodded. This was reasonable.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Jiang Fang smiled gently. He held the thin pile of cards and slowly shuffled them. His movements weren’t very flexible and the number of cards was small. He shuffled very slowly at first and gradually became a bit faster, only to accidentally drop one.

Jiang Fang apologized, looked at Nan Zhou and leaned down. He picked up the dropped 2 of Hearts and casually inserted it among the cards. After shuffling dozens of times, he put the cards back down on the coffee table and spread them open with one finger. He took two steps back. “You choose. I will be last.”

Everyone looked at the cards, a bit reluctant to touch them. 

Nan Zhou remembered Jiang Fang’s meaningful look toward him when Jiang Fang dropped the 2 of Hearts. A light nail mark had been quickly drawn on the dark blue pattern on the back of the 2 of Hearts card. He probably understood what Jiang Fang wanted him to do.

He was the first to move and he pulled out the marked 2 of Hearts. The others saw that someone had chosen and also moved to draw a card. Yu Tuisi’s card was taken with Chen Sufeng’s help.

The drawing of cards was over. Some people looked happy and some people were worried. Only Nan Zhou showed slight confusion in his calm expression. He saw Jiang Fang take out eight Hearts cards with his own eyes. He also saw with his own eyes that after Jiang Fang dropped the 2 of Hearts, he drew a mark on it in a quick and natural manner.

So why was there a smiling red Joker in his hand? 

In the blink of an eye, cards were drawn. Jiang Fang took the last one.

Shen Jie wasn’t satisfied with her card. She drew ‘washing her hair.’ She wanted a card like cooking because the time was short and it was a task that couldn’t easily go wrong. However, both her teammates were fairly satisfied with their cards. The fitness trainer got playing games and the thin monkey got writing in the diary. Neither of them had plans to change.

On the other side, Yu Tuisi got napping and Chen Sufeng got doing homework, which were also normal.

Nan Zhou was still thinking about how to show the card in his hand when Jiang Fang smiled bitterly and revealed his own card. It was the sleep that lasted for a while and had the longest time span. 

Jiang Fang asked his two teammates, “What did you get?”

Then he smoothly took away Li Yinhang and Nan Zhou’s cards. Li Yinhang sighed. “I have to do handicrafts.” It wasn’t a good card.

Jiang Fang put the three cards in his hands. He compared them and was satisfied. “Nan Zhou is lucky.”

As he spoke, he gently flipped the cards over. 8 of Hearts, 4 of Hearts and 2 of Hearts. The Joker had disappeared without a trace at some point. 

The author has something to say:

Jiang Fang: I’m just a plain, unemployed person [laughs]

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