Ch17 - Xiao Ming’s Daily Life

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Nan Zhou’s thinking was very clear. The skill bar in the game was displayed so it must have some use. If it was just to measure how powerful a player’s initial skills were then there was no meaning in it occupying so much space. There was always a reason for the design of a game page.

As Nan Zhou was focusing on his skills, Jiang Fang moved to Li Yinhang and said something to her. Li Yinhang listened with a slightly puzzled expression but she did as he said. She found a set of unopened colorful labels in a drawer in the second bedroom and marked all the items in the room. She even marked the sofa cushions as ‘cushion 1’ and ‘cushion 2.’ 

Li Yinhang was busy while Jiang Fang walked around in a leisurely manner. He lifted here and patted there like he was loitering. Li Yinhang was recording the number of slippers when she happened to run into Jiang Fang who was also looking at the shoe cabinet. Li Yinhang whispered to him, “Did Brother Nan find something? He looks very confident.”

After all, finding clues was the most important thing at the moment. She didn’t think that practicing skills should be the first thing.



“…Brother Nan?” Jiang Fang glanced at her intently before turning over the shoes placed in the shoe cabinet to check. “It isn’t very clear.”

Then he added, “Still, I think he might feel he isn’t very good at finding evidence. So he chose to observe from a distance in the shadows.” 

Li Yinhang, “……?”


Who was Jiang Fang talking about? Nan Zhou? He wasn’t good at finding evidence? Li Yinhang recalled the extreme operation on the bus and felt like she was a learning scum listening to a top student criticizing another top student, ‘Didn’t you find that this question can’t be solved by Lagrange’s mean value theorem?’

Jiang Fang looked at Li Yinhang. “On the bus, he was the one closest to the dash cam and he was transmitted from another place. As he said, he should pay attention to observing the surrounding environment.”

“So tell me, why didn’t he choose a convenient item like the dash cam to swindle the ghosts? There was also some unexpected tension when I pointed out the presence of the dashcam.”


Li Yinhang, “……”

Good question. She hadn’t even known that Nan Zhou had been nervous.

Li Yinhang wisely gave up on guessing. “…I’ll keep sticking it on.”

Jiang Fang smiled. “Go ahead.” 

He was closing the shoe cabinet door when he paused for a moment. He gave a soft smile and repeated to himself, “Brother Nan?”

Nan Zhou didn’t care about Jiang Fang and Li Yinhang’s small movements. He looked around as he played with the box. He had little information because the room hadn’t changed much from yesterday. The furnishings hadn’t changed and no objects had been added or subtracted. In his opinion, everything couldn’t be more normal.

In addition, Jiang Fang was right. He had his own weaknesses. In this search, he was more likely to mess up than to find a clue.

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Therefore, Shen Jie’s group returned to the living room after a careful search and saw the three people who weren’t doing anything gathered in the living room, wandering around and slacking off. The dissatisfaction accumulated since last night caused the fitness trainer to want to step up and knock the box out of Nan Zhou’s hand. 

Just then, Shen Jie pushed a hand against his chest and stopped him. “Leave him alone and let them play.”

The fitness trainer protested, “However, he isn’t doing anything…”

“Newcomers die quickly.” Shen Jie’s eyes were cold and she spoke in a tone that was close to a whisper. “It is fine as long as they don’t act up, mess things up or trigger some type of taboo. They could do trial and error for me.”

Then Shen Jie’s expression returned to its usual decent appearance and she turned around— 

She suddenly found that Nan Zhou was staring at her. Shen Jie’s heart thumped due to his emotionless eyes and her facial muscles became so stiff they couldn’t move. Before she could adjust her expression, Nan Zhou pointed to the strand of hair to the side of her ear and made a ‘stroke’ gesture.

Shen Jie was stunned for a moment before realizing his meaning and raised a finger to her hair. Previously, she laid down to look under the bed and the tip of her hair hanging down on her cheeks was stained with a bit of gray dust. Shen Jie sighed with relief. “Thank you…”


“I’m not that easily killed. Mistakes aren’t easy to happen,” Nan Zhou told her. “A ghost won’t come out just because I’m playing with a box. Don’t look down on ghosts.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtfc Alf yiertfv ab atf gbba bo tfg fjgr, tfg ojmf rbeg klat fwyjggjrrwfca. Glv atlr wjc tjnf vbu fjgr? Pc jvvlalbc, kts vlv tlr abcf rbecv ilxf utbrar kfgf tlr vlrajca gfijalnfr? Vtfc Alf qijsfv la boo klat j ijeut jcv delmxis fcafgfv atf rfmbcv yfvgbbw klat tfg akb afjwwjafr obg j mtfmx. 

By the time they searched all of the house, Chen Sufeng’s homework was almost completed. Chen Sufeng felt relieved and quickly put down his pen, unwilling to maintain this state for another second. His chest was soaked with sweat and he formed a perfect empathy with ‘Xiao Ming.’

‘I don’t want to do my homework but I have to.’

The thin monkey poked his head in. “Mr Nan is going to cook. Come out and summarize the information first.”

Yu Tuisi patted him on the shoulder. “Wait until the summary is finished and then go take a shower.” 

Chen Sufeng nodded obediently before getting up and pushing Yu Tuisi’s wheelchair.

In the kitchen, Nan Zhou put on an apron and tied his slightly longer hair behind his head with a small hair tie. In the kitchen, he took out rice, noodles, grains, oil and meat and placed them seriously on the counter. As he stared at the ingredients, Shen Jie’s disbelieving voice was heard from outside. “…Nothing happened?”

Chen Sufeng answered, “Yes.”

Yu Tuisi added, “I was watching. Everything was indeed normal.” 

Nan Zhou listened to the conversation outside while opening the bowls cabinet. There was a set of cheap dishes with three large bowls, five small bowls and a pile of plates of different colors. It was difficult to judge how many people were living in this house. He counted the chopsticks in the chopsticks drawer again. It looked like they were bought in a batch unlike the detective novels where they just put out a few pairs of chopsticks. Things really weren’t obvious at a glance.

He heard Shen Jie knock on the table. It seemed like she was going to speak. Her tone sounded rather old-school.

“As far as I can see, there were two people living in this home.”

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“It isn’t difficult to make such a judgment. There might be no photos in this house but the number of bedding isn’t more than four or five. It is difficult to see how many people are in this family based on the tableware, table and chairs but there are still many valuable clues.” 

“We found the breakthrough in the closet.”

“The clothes in the master bedroom are all men’s clothing and the underwear is the same. The size is the same and it should be the same person using it.”

“There are no cosmetics, only ordinary moisturizing spray and a can of men’s facial cleanser that is about to be used up.”

“The shoes in the shoe cabinet are all the same size and are divided into size 43 and 31.” 

Shen Jie concluded, “Xiao Ming and a man live here. It might be his brother or his father.”

“The task has us experience Xiao Ming’s daily life. Perhaps it is to let us discover the murderer of Xiao Ming or his family member. Xiao Ming will give some hints about this. I suggest thinking in this direction.”


Shen Jie clearly stated her views before spreading out her hands generously. “Miss Li, come tell us your group’s findings. Apart from the small trick of the stickers, have you done anything meaningful?”

Li Yinhang was very honest. “I found nothing on my side.” 

Shen Jie thought, ‘Sure enough.’

She turned her proud face to Jiang Fang and raised her chin at him. Jiang Fang told her, “I haven’t found much.”

“First, the mobile phones have a signal here.”

Shen’s group of three, “……” 

Shen Jie lost her voice. “Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

Jiang Fang was polite. “In the morning, Miss Li’s mobile phone was looked at by you. I thought everyone would notice this obvious thing.”

Shen Jie’s mouth dropped open. It might be a clue on the surface but their mindset for supernatural tasks convinced them that the mobile phone was the most useless thing in the dungeon. One, they couldn’t call the police and two, there was no signal. Only newcomers were unwilling to throw away this burden.

“What is the use of discovering this?” The thin monkey poured out a bucket of cold water. “There are no doors here and the building is floating. We don’t even know the location of the community. Can we ask for help from outside?” 

“Don’t be in a rush. Aren’t you asking for clues?” Jiang Fang was gentle and he wasn’t upset at all. This made the thin monkey feel like he was punching cotton.

Shen Jie asked somewhat reluctantly, “Mr Jiang’s second point…”

“Yes, I’ll say it.” Jiang Fang nodded. “Second, before we came, three people should’ve lived in this place for a long time.”

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Shen Jie, “……” 

She was a bit confused and instinctively argued, “Impossible. There are only traces of two people living in this house…”

In order to testify for her speculation, she stood up and walked straight to the hallway to open the shoe cabinet. “Look, there are only two kinds of shoes and the size is only for two people—”

Jiang Fang also walked to the shoe cabinet and gave a gesture for Shen Jie to protect her skirt and avoid being exposed. Then he crouched down and took out two pairs of men’s shoes from the bottom layer of the cabinet that didn’t seem to be worn much.

Shen Jie opened her mouth. “These two pairs are also size 43—” 

The next second, she fell silent.

The shoes hadn’t been worn for a long time so dust had accumulated for ages around the place where the shoes were located. The color of the spacer separating the shoes in this position contrasted sharply with the other areas of the shoe cabinet and it couldn’t be wiped off even with a strong detergent. Then under one pair of men’s shoes, there was a shoe print of a size 36 or 37 shoe left behind.


Jiang Fang told her mildly, “Miss Shen, this is the trace.”

Nan Zhou pricked his ears, listening a bit happily. He accidentally touched the knife holder and made a loud noise. Li Yinhang had also marked the knives. There was a kitchen knife, a pair of scissors and a fruit knife all inserted in the knife holder. She clearly distinguished between them. 

There was no electric cooker in this house. There was only a large frying pan, a small frying pan, a Mandarin duck hot pot, a soup pot and a pressure cooker. (Mandarin duck hot pot= the pots that are divided into two so two broths can be cooked at the same time. For those who want to have spicy and non-spicy broths at the same time.)

It was a standard home configuration.

Nan Zhou thought about it before taking out the pressure cooker from the cabinet. He put the washed rice aside and opened the lid. The moment Nan Zhou looked into the pot, he raised his eyebrow slightly.

Outside the kitchen, Jiang Fang showed other ‘traces’ to Shen Jie. There were a few mothballs in the closet and the smell of the Coco Mademoiselle perfume couldn’t be covered up. At the bottom of the transparent ashtray, there were two adult fingerprints of different sizes and shapes. They should’ve been left behind while holding the bottom when pouring out the ash. They were almost all subtle traces hard to be noticed. 

“What if two people got divorced?” Shen JIe didn’t want to admit that her observation power had lost to this male newcomer. “There are very few traces of a female in this home and there is no hair belonging to a female on the comb.”

“Even if they are divorced, there used to be a woman in this home.”

Jiang Fang wasn’t humble or arrogant despite completely overturning the discoveries of the Shen Jie trio. “These are the clues that were found.”

Yu Tuisi’s findings weren’t so valuable. 

“Xiao Ming should be a more delicate and sensitive boy.”

“He has many picture books on his shelves. I grabbed a few I could reach and found they were artistic and colorful.”

“In terms of subjects he is good at, he is more likely to be in a daze in math and English class than any other subjects.”

Then Yu Tuisi spread open a math book in front of everyone. 

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“He smears the spaces of numbers and letters and does some doodling in the corners.”

“In contrast, he prefers language. The summer homework for his language class is half finished and the degree of completion is very good. It is the best out of all his subjects.”

Such a conclusion didn’t seem able to help them clear the instance. However, it was better than nothing. Shen Jie couldn’t expect any clever discovery from a disabled man anyway. After the discussion, everyone was silent as they digested the information that there was a woman in this house.

They also started to frequently turn their sights to the kitchen. After a whole night of worrying and half a day of searching and discussing, they were already hungry. There were some concerns that the food couldn’t be eaten casually because it was part of Xiao Ming’s daily tasks but there were more or less expectations about the finished product. 

However, their expectations were dashed an hour later. The beginning of the destruction was green and black chicken wings brought to the table.

Everyone, “……”


The thin monkey pointed to the strangely colored chicken wings with burnt edges. “What is this?!”

Nan Zhou replied, “Coke chicken wings.” 

“…Why is it green?”

“There was no Coke.”

Then he put a small, eye-catching bottle on the table. “You drink this first.”

Everyone, “……” 

They saw the black spinach that Nan Zhou spent this hour cooking and the fried squirrel fish with the fish head facing the sky in a dead-eyed manner and thought they would feel no more fluctuations. Then they saw the last dish Nan Zhou placed on the table and they all got up, moving away from the table.

Shen Jie trembled as she pointed to the contents of the soup pot. “…What is this?”

Nan Zhou replied, “Rice and noodles.”

Everyone had only one feeling, ‘Don’t fucking insult the words rice and noodles.’ 

Li Yinhang endured her nausea and observed the main ingredients inside. “Teacher Nan, why did you cook black rice with noodles?”

“I wanted to cook rice using the black rice but I added too much water.” He continued, “There was too much water and I was idle. Also, there is less black rice. In order to avoid not having enough to eat, I put noodles in.”

“Can’t I do this?”

The white noodles were colored by the black rice and mixed together. To put it more clearly, it was like a pot of rice with earthworms. Everyone’s san value dropped by one point. This was the scariest thing they had seen since entering this supernatural instance. 

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