Ch34 - Paper Gold

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Nan Zhou had no dreams that night but he thought he was dreaming. He felt itchy at the back of his neck like an electric current was flowing ambiguously up and down his spine. Nan Zhou didn’t feel any malice so he let the current attack him.

Then after a while, one hand reached out under the cover, gently grasping the hem of his shirt and pinching the lower edge as if determining and measuring something. As a result, the knuckles of that hand accidentally rubbed against the skin of his thighs. 

Nan Zhou wasn’t used to being touched by others, even in his dreams. He immediately grabbed the hand and squeezed it. Then he found that it seemed to be Jiang Fang’s hand. He had only carefully studied and observed Jiang Fang’s hand. Thus, he chose not to break it.

Nan Zhou frowned slightly, pulled the hand under the pillow and taught the other in a vague voice, “Put your hand under the pillow when sleeping.”



He soon heard Jiang Fang’s laughing reply. “Yes.”

Nan Zhou was relieved and turned over, exposing his back to this person. Gravity slowly sent Nan Zhou into Jiang Fang’s arms. Nan Zhou didn’t know about it at all and slept soundly. Once he opened his eyes, he saw the round moon outside the window. It took him 30 minutes to wake up before he sat up. “Good morning.” 

Li Yinhang was wearing a bathrobe while washing her clothes. She heard this sound and turned her head, her expression complicated.


“It isn’t too early.” She shook the foam on her hand. “It is 6:30 in the evening.”

Nan Zhou, “……?”

Li Yinhang didn’t think too much. She also had the experience of sleeping for a whole day and night after tiring work. At that time, she had woken up and looked at the clock and then the calendar. She thought there had been a quantum fluctuation in the timeline while she was sleeping.


However, something good happened during the 15 hours that Nan Zhou slept. They received an S-grade score in the last game. In addition to the 1,000 points, they also received a random item each. It was calculated for one night and half a day before the items were distributed to everyone’s backpacks. Li Yinhang got a B-grade item that was in the shape of a piggy bank.

[Item Name: Ghost Grindstone]

[Usage Description: Are you struggling with the fact that points are just numbers?]

[Even in the most convenient Douzhuan Casino, there is no way to directly trade points. You need to exchange chips.] 

[Then try our ‘Ghost Grindstone’ which can materialize invisible and intangible points.]

[One coin is one point and there is no upper limit on the number that can be stored or materialized.]

[The method of use is very simple: Either bribe your enemy with the container full of points (after all, money can make ghosts grind wheat) or hit the enemy in the head with the container full of points, sending them to the mill.]

[Note 1: This is a disposable item that can’t be re-used after being damaged.] 

[Note 2: The materialized points are deducted from your points balance and can’t be restored.]

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…It was very good. There was also an advertisement for Douzhuan Casino. Before seeing the last line, Li Yinhang was still thinking about how to use it. After all, something was better than nothing. Then after seeing the second note, Li Yinhang found the market in this city and placed this useless thing in the player’s mall.

Go well, goodbye. I won’t send you off.

Li Yinhang asked Nan Zhou, “What item did you get?” 

Nan Zhou read the item description from beginning to end but didn’t answer her question. “Where is Brother Fang?”



Nan Zhou got up and went straight out.

Li Yinhang called out to him. “Your clothes! I’ll wash them for you—” 

“No need.” Nan Zhou rejected her offer and walked quickly to the door. Then he seemed to realize something. He abruptly turned his head and stared straight at Li Yinhang. Li Yinhang thought he had something important to say so she straightened her back and waited for his words. The eyes of the two people met for around 5 seconds.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rjc Itbe rbifwcis rjlv, “Ktjcx sbe.”

Ol Tlctjcu, “……”

Ol Tlctjcu, “……?” 

Ktfc rtf uijcmfv ja tfg objw-rbjxfv mibatfr jcv gfjilhfv Rjc Itbe kjr atjcxlcu tfg obg atf boofg ab kjrt tlr mibatfr. Ol Tlctjcu’r wbeat aklamtfv. “Ktfgf lr cb cffv…”

Ds atf alwf rtf ibbxfv eq, Rjc Itbe tjv vlrjqqfjgfv bea atf vbbg. Ol Tlctjcu aglfv ab mbcnlcmf tfgrfio atja la kjr cbgwji obg ylurtbar ab jma ragjcuf.

The moment Nan Zhou left, the male NPC who took them to see the rooms stepped into the room, smiled and whistled at her and tucked two colorful magazines under the pillows of the two beds. He placed a business card on the wooden bedside table and left.

Li Yinhang wondered, ‘What did he do?’ 

She spread out her foamy hands, walked to the bed and lifted the pillow with her elbows. A crude pornographic magazine caught her eye. There were two men on the cover doing unspeakable things.

One was pressed against the mirror. The scene was unsightly. Li Yinhang turned her head and found that the number printed on the business card on the bedside table was… probably the man’s phone number. The same magazine was under Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang’s pillows.

Li Yinhang’s first thought was about collecting money. The NPC that gave out the business cards probably got a commission from it but it was unknown how much he could earn. She originally wanted to take away the magazines under Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang’s pillows. Then she thought about it. Neither of them were controlled by lust and she didn’t have to worry too much. In particular, Nan Zhou. She couldn’t imagine what his cold face would look like when he was moved emotionally.

She shrugged and headed back to the laundry basin. Before she started washing her clothes again, she suddenly had a question. Wait. There was one woman and two men living in the room. Why did the young man only put out men’s magazines? 


Nan Zhou placed his hands in his pockets, pinching the small lock in his pocket as he walked out of the hostel room and looked around. In Paper Gold, night arrived as early as 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

A mouse flashed by in the corner. Nan Zhou only had time to see its tail that was as thick as a cat. The stained gray walls had advertisements for treating athlete’s feet and diphtheria. The light bulbs hanging in the narrow corridor were on. The light bulbs in front of each room had different colors and shapes. They were red, yellow, blue and green, round or flat and bright or dark. The entire city seemed to be a huge and strange world of colored lights.

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There was a full moon hanging in the sky. It was a bit more complete than what Nan Zhou saw in the bathroom yesterday. So today should be the 15th. 

Nan Zhou stared up at the moon for a while. Then he saw Jiang Fang in the moonlight. Jiang Fang was sitting on the more spacious stairwell of this floor and playing mahjong with three NPCs.

His hair was undone and he moved his wrists to touch the tiles. His expressions and actions were still calm and leisurely like in the casino but the wildness of the casino had faded away, allowing him to blend perfectly with the smoky atmosphere around him. His pronunciation was very accurate when he read the tiles, ensuring that every old player opposite him could hear his voice clearly.


Nan Zhou thought of the dream where his shirt was touched yesterday. Jiang Fang was a very elegant gentleman. It could be shown that dreams were indeed dreams. They were the most illogical things.

Jiang Fang seemed to be aware of the gaze behind him. He turned his head back and once he met Nan Zhou’s eyes, his eyes curved slightly in a smile. He mouthed to Nan Zhou, “Wait a minute.” 

Thus, Nan Zhou waited in place while watching the moon and this person for a while. Nan Zhou saw Jiang Fang obtain a mahjong tile and push down all the tiles in front of him. He folded his hands together and apologized to the three old men as if apologizing for his victory.

Nan Zhou pressed his chin against his hand. He was curious. Which one was real between the Jiang Fang who was so enthusiastic in the casino yesterday or the Jiang Fang who acted spoiled in front of him.

Jiang Fang said goodbye to the old men, ended the game and came to him. Before Nan Zhou could respond, Nanji Star seemed to realize something. He emerged from Nan Zhou’s collar, chirped excitedly and flew at Jiang Fang like a small plane.

Jiang Fang smiled and raised his left hand to catch Nanji Star, rubbing the soft forehead with his thumb. Nanji Star smelled a sweet fruity fragrance and tried to crawl out of his left hand and go to the right hand to steal it. However, he found that Jiang Fang was firmly holding him in place. 

Nan Zhou inquired, “What did you win?”

“I won an apple.” Jiang Fang gently squeezed the chirping Nanji Star with one hand while revealing the right hand behind his back to Nan Zhou. It was a bright red and plump apple. He said warmly, “I’ll give it to you.”

Nan Zhou’s eyes lit up and he took the apple. “Why did you bet on this?”

“The three old gentlemen like to bet with fruit and apples are the most expensive,” Jiang Fang explained. “The person who wins 10 games in a row can get the best apple.” 

Nan Zhou played with the apple. “Thank you.”

Nanji Star finally broke free and ran back to Nan Zhou along the iron railing. He cocked his head and learned to bark like a puppy, trying to sell cuteness for the apple. Nan Zhou solemnly told him, “It’s mine.”

Nanji Star became angry. He turned and entered Nan Zhou’s sleeve, refusing to move. Nan Zhou held the apple and stood by the railing on the 12th floor, looking out at the night view. He asked, “What did you get?”

“A B-grade item, ‘Clown’s Secret’. It is a complete set of playing cards with knife-sharp edges on all sides. It is an aggressive consumable item that consumes one card with every use.” 

Jiang Fang inquired, “What about you?”

Nan Zhou showed him the item issued directly by the system.

[Congratulations to player Nan Zhou for receiving the reward item for the S-grade rating— Ma Liang’s Sketchbook (3 pages)]

[Item Level: B] 

[Item Nature: Limited number of uses (limited to 3 times)]

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[Description: Draw a cake—although it will disappear from your stomach within three minutes of eating it.]


[Draw an extinct dodo—although it will become extinct again after three minutes.]

[Draw a lover—although the lover can only hold your hand for three minutes.] 

Jiang Fang exclaimed, “…Wow.”

He added, “It is a very depressing explanation.”

Once the rewards that the three of them received were combined, it could be seen that although they were ‘random’, the rewards unexpectedly conformed to their personalities or abilities.

Nan Zhou stated, “This is an algorithm.” 

In the process of the game, the algorithm collected their information as much as possible and allocated items that suited them. It planned all this, pulled so many people in the world into a huge and endless horror game, started a protracted competition and established a behavior analysis mechanism for each player. What exactly did the mastermind behind it want to do? Nan Zhou couldn’t think of an answer for the time being.

Jiang Fang obviously had the same thoughts so he asked a more pragmatic question. “You have three chances to use it. What do you want to draw?”

“I don’t know.” Nan Zhou said, “I would probably draw a door.”

Jiang Fang agreed with him. “We would’ve passed the first instance easily if you had this item.” 

Nan Zhou continued the second half of the sentence. “…And draw Xiao Ming.”

Jiang Fang’s eyebrow twitched.

“It would be nice to take him out of here, even if it is only for three minutes.” Nan Zhou added, “Unfortunately, I can’t do that.”

Jiang Fang looked at Nan Zhou with a soft expression. Nan Zhou held the apple as he stood in front of the rust-stained guardrail of the corridor, looking down. He didn’t even realize his gentleness. To him, this was just a sentence expressing his feelings but it was a fatal temptation to Jiang Fang. 

Nan Zhou suddenly asked, ”What is that?”

Jiang Fang shifted his gaze away from Nan Zhou’s face and followed his direction. A monk in linen pants walked slowly along the green brick square with sewage flowing from the center of the walled city. He walked slowly with a pair of Buddhist beads in his hands, his feet bare. Regardless of whether it was his temperament or his clothing, he was out of place with the bustling surroundings.

Nan Zhou asked Jiang Fang, “What is this NPC doing?”

“He should be a player.” Jiang Fang observed for a long time before replying. “His behavior is completely different from an NPC. He is probably honoring someone.” 

Nan Zhou wondered, “Is it paying homage to his teammates?”

“It is possible.” Jiang Fang thought for a moment and added, “It is also possible that he is remembering everyone who died in the game.”


Nan Zhou was silent. A moment later, he asked, “When shall we do the next task?”

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Jiang Fang laughed. “So anxious?” 

“I want to finish the game as soon as possible, get first place and then achieve my wish.”

“What is your wish?”

Nan Zhou paused. “I can’t tell you.”

Jiang Fang smiled, “Aren’t we friends?” 

“We aren’t friends.” Nan Zhou slightly frowned and emphasized it. “We are collaborators.”

Due to this remark, the smile on Jiang Fang’s face froze. This conversation seemed familiar. It once appeared between Nan Zhou and Li Yinhang. At that time, Jiang Fang didn’t think anything about it. But now…

The harmonious atmosphere between the two men abruptly stiffened. Jiang Fang turned sideways. He was still smiling but there was a subtle sharp light in his eyes. “Why?”

“I can’t tell you my wish. I have my own reasons.” 

Jiang Fang told him, “I didn’t mean this.” He took a step forward and narrowed the distance. “…Why aren’t we friends?”

Nan Zhou didn’t budge and wasn’t prepared to revise his statement. “Because we aren’t.”

“I thought…” There was a polite look in Jiang Fang’s eyes. “We have been through so much together. You, me and Yinhang should at least be friends.”

He was so polite that the aggression surging in his body wasn’t exposed. Nan Zhou noticed his anomaly. He asked Jiang Fang in a puzzled manner, “What’s wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?” 

Jiang Fang realized his gaffe. He grabbed the rusty railing for six seconds, restraining his emotions by silently counting. He took the initiative to bring the topic back to their previous conversation. “You said that you want to do the task?”

Nan Zhou nodded. “Yes.”

Jiang Fang looked at him. “At the very least, it can’t be today.”

Nan Zhou paused. “You…” 

Most of the residents in the walled city were NPCs and the range and intelligence of their activities depended on the character’s attributes. For example, the owner of the hostel could bargain with customers. The breakfast store owner would make buns. The small employee would secretly distribute pornographic magazines for guests to earn extra money.

In addition, a group of unimportant children NPCs would regularly refresh at the other end of the corridor, chasing and screaming at each other in groups. The corridor was so narrow that when two slender housewives approached each other, they had to turn sideways to avoid hitting the other.


Nan Zhou faced Jiang Fang and stood in the middle of the corridor, so he was hit by the kid leading the rampage. He, who should’ve been motionless, actually staggered and fell forward under the impact from the child.

As his body was about to hit the iron railing, an arm wrapped around his waist and held him steadily in this person’s arms. The arm wrapped tightly around his waist was so powerful that it even depressed his soft abs slightly. 

Under the moonlight, Jiang Fang hugged Nan Zhou’s waist, smiling as he listened to this person gasping in his ears. “…Look, I said that at the very least, it won’t be today.”

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