Ch62 - 8 Hour Game Battle

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On this day, almost all players in Squirrel Town had the same idea as Shao Qian when they saw Li Yinhang’s reminders that were highly similar.

Who are you? What the hell? You’re sick. 

Yet after seeing this sentence every five minutes for the 12th time, everyone’s minds changed subtly. Chu Wei was a bit unable to stay still. She looked at Shao Qian. “Sister Shao, what does this Li Yinhang want to do?”

Shao Qian still put on a bold face. “Don’t care about her.”



However, it was simply impossible to ignore it altogether. They couldn’t figure out Li Yinhang and the Cube Boat behind her, so their uneasiness grew with time. You know, even in the relatively safe Squirrel Town, Sonorous Little Rose had seen two drunk teams in conflict, pulling each other into the night and disappearing. The next day, a corpse belonging to an unknown team drifted in the bay.

The game system only stipulated that instance items couldn’t be used at transit stops. Even so, there were thousands of ways to kill people without an instance item. The five transit stops weren’t a warm and wonderful place of comfort or shelter. Wanting to expel nearly 2,000 people and empty the town with just one sentence? What did Cube Boat want to do? 

It just so happened that the world channel had just opened. At this point in time, a new feature would always attract the most attention. Many questions had accumulated in the hearts of people for around an hour and someone finally couldn’t hold back.


[Cube Boat – Li Yinhang (Li Bank): All players who are now in Squirrel Town, please leave the town within 6 hours and 55 minutes.]

[Donghai – Wang Shangyue: Cube Boat – Li Yinhang, why do you want us to leave Squirrel Town?]

The other party didn’t reply. She was like an AI with a set program. She was only responsible for accurate reporting and didn’t have the function of answering questions. This made Chen Meibing, the most hot-tempered one among them, become angry. “What the hell do they want to do?”


Chu Wei carefully suggested, “Or should we go to Homeland Island for a while?”

“Why?!” Chen Meibing was in a bad mood.

She had been arranged to work urgently the moment she woke up and carefully compiled the advertisement. As a result, the feedback she got was sporadic. There wasn’t as much discussion on the world channel as this inexplicable timer. She was seething. “We’re not leaving. We are crazy if we go when this person tells us to go.”

Chu Wei was the most beautiful among them but she had a standard soft personality and wasn’t aggressive at all. She was worried. “What if this team wants to do something?” 

Chen Meibing sneered. “What can they do? Blow up the town?”

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Shao Qian looked up. “…It isn’t impossible.”

She motioned to her team to see the updated rankings. Among the many teams, Cube Boat was actually ranked quite high. The team was ranked 121st. Out of the three team members, the one with the highest individual points was called Nan Zhou. It wasn’t much, just 500th.

The team ranking of Cube Boat might be far from ‘.’ at the top of the leaderboard and the number of points wasn’t eye-catching compared to some instance maniacs in Rust City, Paper Gold and Ancient City State but… 

In the small Squirrel Town that was mainly filled with salted fish players, the vast majority of players couldn’t afford to mess with them.

Chen Meibing looked at the other side’s ‘121’ and their own ‘300’ and was silent for a moment.

At this critical time, the captain Shao Qing was still stable. She told Lu Lulu, “Three Lu, go and look at the sign at the gate to see how many players have left.”

Lu Lulu had been sitting there anxiously. It was always good to have distractions and something to do. She ran to the gate. 

During this period, Li Yinhang’s countdown hadn’t stopped. This wasn’t a good feeling. It was like walking around a park only for someone to use a loudspeaker to repeatedly inform you that the park was closing and for visitors to leave quickly. Even if they never heard any rules about parks being closed and even if they didn’t know who was giving the order, ordinary people would instinctively wonder if something was going to happen Once there were no answers, invisible worries and uneasiness would automatically drive people to make choices that sought advantages and avoided disadvantages.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ds atf alwf rtf gjc ab atf fcagjcmf bo Vdelggfi Kbkc, atfgf kfgf bcis akb bg atgff qijsfgr kjixlcu ab atf afifqbgafg ja atf vbbg. Ktfgf kfgfc’a wjcs qfbqif jcv cb ylu mgbkv. Oe Oeie rafqqfv obgkjgv ab lcdelgf jcv vfafgwlcfv atja atfrf qijsfgr tjv mtbrfc ab ifjnf ys atfwrfinfr. Ktfs vlvc’a xcbk ktja kjr ublcu bc yea la kjr yfaafg ab jnblv eccfmfrrjgs agbeyif. Po qfbqif abiv atfw ab ub atfc atfs kbeiv ub.


It might sound like they had no dignity but safety was first. What dignity was needed? Most salted fish players were like this.

Lu Lulu sighed and sped up her pace to check the electronic display board at the gate. There was someone standing at the display board earlier than her. Lu Lulu glanced over and her originally stable heartbeat rate instantly became out of order. She took a big breath and adjusted her breathing, barely controlling it. 

The young man also noticed her existence. He glanced at her lightly before looking away.

Lu Lulu’s cheeks flushed slightly. It was like seeing a person who could only be seen in a painting. Even if he glanced at her indifferently like this, she wasn’t offended or dissatisfied. She just felt like there was a thin layer of ice and snow sprinkled over the tip of her heart, making her feel cold and numb.

She walked next to the man and looked at the display. It had been 1 hour and 20 minutes since the start of the weird broadcast. Out of the 1,990 players in the town, only a dozen or so had chosen to leave. It wasn’t a lot.

Lu Lulu couldn’t tell if this was worth being happy about. She only knew that she was more confused. Therefore, she tried to talk to the young man next to her. “Hello?” 

Nan Zhou looked at the unknown player. He wouldn’t take the initiative to talk to others but if other people talked to him, he would respond seriously. “Hello.”

Lu Lulu, “……” She was flattered. She had thought this lofty, cold beauty would walk away. She hurriedly asked, “Did you see what the person in the channel said? She asked us to leave Squirrel Town or something…”

“Yes, I saw it.”

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“What do you think?” 

Nan Zhou didn’t stutter. “If it were me, I would leave.”


Nan Zhou stared into her eyes. His eyes were dark and deep, but also clear. There was a sense of contradiction between being unadorned and being full of color. He wondered, “Do you remember today’s update?”

Lu Lulu nodded. 

Nan Zhou continued, “The system suddenly changed the rules to not allow players to capture creatures in instances. So looking at it from another way, are there any players who have captured an instance creature? If so…”

Then he glanced at the town. The simple sentences combined with the look caused Lu Lulu to suddenly realize something and she started sweating.

Nan Zhou turned back to look at the display board. “In a few hours, something terrible might happen here.”

Lu Lulu had no intention of admiring the beauty any longer. She hurriedly thanked him and rushed back. On the way to her goal, she suddenly had a thought. Since the man had made up his mind to leave, what was he doing here alone? If he wanted to tell others about his ideas, wouldn’t it be better to state it directly on the world channel? However, this thought just flashed through her mind. It was too shameful for her to doubt others when he had pointed out the right direction to her. 

She went back and immediately repeated Nan Zhou’s words to her three sisters. It wasn’t until she finished speaking that she noticed the three of them didn’t look so good.

Shao Qian asked Lu Lulu to look at the world channel. She said anxiously, “Everyone’s guess is pretty much the same.”


Sure enough. Currently, many players were actively discussing the reason for the update.

[Glacier – Zhang Hai: Why is there such an update?] 

[Horned Dragon – Zeng Qiang: Would anyone really be dumb enough to catch the instance ghosts into their backpack?]

[Wild Goose – Ge Yanfei: Do they want to die?]

[Wild Goose – Ge Yanfei: Besides, there is no way to use an instance creature, right? Can they still listen to the player’s command?]

[Return Home – Li Weixing: If it can’t be used, aren’t they going to dispose of it in Squirrel Town?] 

It had to be said that the world channel had opened up a lot of communication that would otherwise just be within teams. Of course, more information meant all types of disputes and thoughts were spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye. Someone started trying to persuade the players of Squirrel Town to stay.

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[Platinum Player – Mo Chaoyong: It is too unreasonable.]

[Platinum Player – Mo Chaoyong: How can anyone do such a wicked thing? Besides, if an instance creature is brought out, it might be counted as an ‘item’ and it might not be able to be used in the transit stations.]

[Platinum Player – Mo Chaoyong: In any case, I am in Squirrel Town. I’m not going to leave just because of a possibility.] 

Of course, the Mr Mo who had spoken so well above didn’t notice that everyone who spoke on the world channel would have an inconspicuous decorative icon next to their name that indicated their location.

Next to this man’s name was a steel knife, not a chibi version of a squirrel head. In other words, this person was actually in Ancient City State. It could only be said that his mind was poisonous enough. The disadvantage was that he wasn’t proficient enough in the usage of the world channel.

Some players had the same thoughts as Mr Mo. They wanted the people of Squirrel Town to stay. In any case, they didn’t need to bear the consequences of an instance creature being released. If the players in Squirrel Town were killed by an instance creature then it would be a happy thing for everyone.

This was an act that reduced numbers without requiring them to dirty their hands. They could watch in safety as others fought and reap the rewards, waiting for their rankings to rise. There were all types of benefits and no disadvantages. 

At this point, anxiety spread in Sonorous Little Rose who were in Squirrel Town. Even Chen Meibing was silent despite strongly opposing it at the beginning.

Shao Qian looked around. “How about it? Should we go?”

No one answered at this time. The thing that really prompted them to make up their minds to leave was the message that popped out again half a minute later.

[Cube Boat – Li Yinhang (Li Bank): All players who are now in Squirrel Town, please leave the town within 6 hours.] 


Sonorous Little Rose chose to leave and decided to go to the nearest Homeland Island to take shelter for a while. As they walked toward the beach, the group of those leaving was larger than Lu Lulu remembered.


The calculations in everyone’s minds were almost identical. They were just resting somewhere else or doing business. If nothing happened in 8 hours, they could come back. Everyone had only one life. They didn’t want to throw it away in this fairy tale castle.

As they walked outside along with the flow of people, Chu Wei timidly called out to Shao Qian. “Sister Shao.” 


Chu Wei wondered, “If that Cube Boat really wanted to kill us, why give an early notice?”

Shao Qian was stunned. She hesitated for a moment, “Maybe…”

Chen Meibing interrupted coldly, “Perhaps they aren’t trying to calculate against us but these people.” 

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She raised her hand and pointed. The girls looked up and found that there were players moving against the flow of people and entering Squirrel Town. All of these people had fierce expressions and were muscular-looking. They were vigilantly looking at the surrounding conditions, studying and remembering the layout of the buildings in the town. There was clearly a plot.

Shao Qian was surprised before it suddenly became clear. Some players with teammates didn’t immediately update. They could obtain relevant information through the updated page of their teammates.

If Cube Boat really caught an instance creature and planned to release it in Squirrel Town, these people could also use the warehouse that wasn’t updated to catch it. Before this, no one had dared to bet with their one life to risk catching an instance creature. By that time, it would be too late for them to run. Now if someone had actually succeeded, they naturally wanted to try it out. An instance creature might be a powerful bargaining chip.

“They are thinking too beautifully.” Chen Meibing murmured. “If the thing that Cube Boat caught is strong enough and isn’t a simple monster like werewolves or zombies, these people… will die here in vain.” 

As she spoke, she glanced at the big men who looked fierce and fearless. Was the entry of these people also in the calculations of Cube Boat? Perhaps Cube Boat didn’t intend to kill them, salted fish players with low levels. They wanted to use the instance creature as a gimmick to catch the top players with high points in one go.

Chu Wei couldn’t think so much. She was so frightened that she spat out, “Go quickly. It is none of our business anyway.”

As they prepared to leave for Homeland Island, Lu Lulu couldn’t help glancing in the direction of the electronic display board. It had been two hours and the number of people in the town had plummeted below 1000. Moreover, the number of people was constantly changing and steadily reducing in real time. As for the male beauty who originally stood there, he had long since disappeared.

Lu Lulu felt a bit regretful but she turned her head and refocused her attention on the world channel. Just now, Li Yinhang had reported again. Lu Lulu couldn’t help being distracted. This update every five minutes could actually turn everything on its head like this. 

At the same time.

The Longtan trio, who originally planned to rest and sleep for three days and nights in Rust City, became more energetic one after another. Luo Ge and Qi Tianyun had just updated their interface and they stared at the screen with wide eyes.

“…Sun.” Luo Ge’s expression was a bit distorted. “What do they want to do?”

Then he reached out and pushed Sun Guojing, who was sleeping to the side with his eyes covered. “Old Sun, are you still asleep? They want to let that monster out?!” 

Sun Guojing was lazy. “Let them. In any case, I am in Rust City and the instance is over. Can it kill me?”

This was true. Still, Luo Ge wasn’t at ease. He suggested, “Do you want to contact them on the world channel and ask them what they want to do?”


“Don’t care about him!” Sun Guojing rolled over and jumped up. He picked up his pillow and dealt a strong blow to Luo Ge’s head. “Why does it matter to us what they want to do?”

Qi Tianyun agreed with Sun Guojing. “Old Sun is right. Besides, if we are exposed as an insider then we will inevitably get into trouble. Rust City isn’t better than Squirrel Town. There are many people and many eyes. There is no need to look for trouble.” 

Sun Guojing and Qi Tianyun exchanged looks and gave each other a high five. Sun Guojing lay on the pillow again.

…In fact, Sun Guojing didn’t think so much.

Nan Zhou, Jiang Fang and Li Yinhang had saved his life. Even if they wanted to handle all the players on that island, he wouldn’t do anything to drag them back. Moreover, how were they such people?

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