Ch74 - Fear of the Full Moon

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The mouth closed for a moment. Half a head dangled from the trousers, shaking with the snow like a broken lantern. Once it opened again, a slightly shrill female voice was heard. “I accidentally lost my eye.”

The head was silent for a while. “…Where did you lose it?” 

“I know.”

“The eyeball is important.”



The female voice said, “Give me an eye and I can find it again.”

It was the same mouth but they strangely emitted different voices. This gave a uniform feeling of numbness and coldness. The head rolled off the belt. The half-face man raised his stiff, bruised arm and inserted it into his eye socket without hesitation. A dehydrated eye was pulled out of the socket and fell into the palm of his hand. 

He raised his hand and tore at himself again. A crescent, rubbery ear was detached from the side of his face. In the end, the legs were given an ear, an arm and an eye. The multi-purpose belt came in handy and was full of hanging things.


The man had no ears and eyes so his face looked bare. He declared in an expressionless manner, “Get it back.”

After giving the order, the man’s torso collapsed all the way from the middle. In an instant, the broken human body reverted to organs that moved like ants. The heart went into the tent. The purple intestines entered the snow like snakes. The head rolled to a rock and disappeared.

One hand with five fingers touched the ground and walked upside down on the fingertips. It patrolled back and forth in the wind and snow. The ears were hung from the zipper of the tent and swayed in the wind. It looked like an insignificant curtain decoration from a distance. In addition, the legs with the belt disappeared into the wind and snow.


The visual impact was too much. Even Jiang Fang couldn’t help turning around. He lay on his back in the snow, grabbed a handful of snow and placed it in his mouth. He used the dissolving cold snow water to suppress his desire to vomit.

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Nan Zhou crouched next to him and didn’t speak. He kept a close eye on the direction of the camp while freeing a hand and slowly rubbing Jiang Fang’s chest. After calming down his nausea, Jiang Fang kept this overlapping posture and gently wrote on Nan Zhou’s side, “What should we do?”

They had obviously found the place they wanted to find. It was clear that their opponent only counted as one person but a strange two against many situation was formed. They couldn’t be killed and could be disassembled. Every fragmented organ had the characteristic of a cockroach. Every organ could scatter and kill.

Nan Zhou didn’t respond. 

Jiang Fang asked him again with his fingers, “What are you thinking?”

Nan Zhou moved his waist and simply wrote on Jiang Fang’s chest, “How to act.”

Jiang Fang smiled and touched his hair while also thinking of a solution. Even if the system hadn’t fixed the bug about storing instance creatures in the warehouse, it would be difficult to store these organs one by one.

It took up space and was impractical. They were living things, unlike the door that didn’t move, abided by the rules and was determined not to kill anyone until their turn. The organs each had their own consciousness and intelligence. They were originally dead so they felt no pain and were difficult to subdue. Conventional monsters had a core area that could kill them in one shot. These organs didn’t seem to have that. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Aljcu Mjcu tjv qlfgmfv atf tfjga bo atf tjio-ybvs kbwjc klat atf lmf qlmx. Lf Tlcmtejc tjv rwjrtfv tfg tfjv klat j rabcf. Ktf gfreia kjr atja atfgf kjr cb foofma. Rbgwji qfbqif qgbyjyis kbeiv’nf yjmxfv boo j ibcu alwf jub ktfc fcmbecafglcu remt j vloolmeia lcrajcmf.

Po atfs mbeivc’a joobgv la atfc atfs mbeiv jikjsr tlvf. Tfa ja atlr wbwfca, Rjc Itbe jcv Aljcu Mjcu kfgf atlcxlcu. Po la ageis tjv cb rbiealbc atfc la kjr fjrlfg. Vb ojg, atfs tjv fzqfglfcmfv akb lcrajcmfr. Ktfs regnlnfv jr ibcu jr atfs obecv jc lvfj ab qjrr atgbeut rwbbatis.

The method for passing the second instance was first thought of by Qi Tianyun, the brains of the not particularly smart barbecue stand trio. He thought about entering the classroom and changing the order in which they heard the rustling.

The current instance might be a high-intensity test of physical fitness but Nan Zhou felt they could use their brains to break through this seemingly inexplicable and difficult camp. Nan Zhou silently poked his head out of the bushes. The campground was like a hell scene with limbs walking around everywhere. 

Nan Zhou turned a blind eye to this. He noticed that the clothes covering the body parts were ragged but they were obviously the same type as the mountaineering team under the mountain. However, this man was a bit different from the people below.

His body parts were broken down very thoroughly. Why? Wouldn’t it be easier to guard against outsiders by dispersing the operations like this? So apart from the bear man who looked slightly disabled, why did the gecko man and hammer man have complete limbs?


By the way, there was the woman with the half-body. She had her lower and upper body separated but she could be called Venus compared to this man who seemed almost cut apart. Why was this person different?

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Nan Zhou leaned back and quietly thought about the face covered with cracks even when it was pieced together like just now. The face was blown black-red from the cold wind. It looked full of vicissitudes and the face full of cracks was like a preserved egg. 

However, this age was obviously different from the other three and a half mountain climbers who had also suffered from the mountain winds for an unknown number of years. He was very young and was like a university student in his early 20s. This wasn’t quite in line with Nan Zhou’s previous idea.

Before, he thought that the mountaineering team and the person on the hill were on the same team. One person was responsible for guarding the place they valued while the other group kept climbers from reaching the top of the mountain and discovering some sort of secret about the moon god.

The division of labor was clear and reasonable. Now it seemed that this broken NPC was different from the other NPCs. He was cut up too much. He also wasn’t in the same age group as the other climbers. Would NPCs also engage in external exclusion? No, that wasn’t right. The lower half of the woman’s body was mixed in with this broken man. They were on the same team.

Nan Zhou thought for a while but he felt that his train of thought was a bit broken. Therefore, he turned to look at Jiang Fang. Jiang Fang was looking at him with a smile. Nan Zhou wrote on his palm, ‘Have you thought about it?’ 

Jiang Fang wrote back, ‘What are you thinking of?’

Nan Zhou simply summed up his thoughts. ‘There are two groups of people. They seem to be of the same kind but they’re not.’

‘Do you need me to provide new arguments?’

Nan Zhou nodded naturally. 

Jiang Fang wrote one stroke at a time. ‘Do you feel that the way we came was very peaceful and easy to walk?’

Nan Zhou nodded again. He had felt it. He might be in a weak state but the four hour journey didn’t consume as much physical strength as when he had been following the team.

Jiang Fang didn’t write anything else and just stared into his eyes.

Nan Zhou blinked a few times before his eyes lit up. 

Yes. This was indeed a very important issue. Just now, they had walked for a few kilometers through the snowy field. Yet on such an easy path, they never saw any climbers. According to the idea that the mountain climbers divided their troops for the pursuit, the probability of encountering the climbers should be very high during this four hour period.

Nan Zhou just thought they were lucky so he hadn’t thought too deeply. Jiang Fang didn’t think so. Unlike Nan Zhou, Jiang Fang had been working in casinos for many years and didn’t believe there was so much luck in the world.

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The climbers didn’t come here. Was it because they believed this broken man could hold this area alone? Or…

Was this camp the reason why the climbers deliberately avoided this area and didn’t dare approach? 

Moreover, after they hid behind the rock and threw the mirror, Jiang Fang found that the legs didn’t seem to be trying to catch anyone. It was running when it first appeared. Yet at this time, both he and Nan Zhou were well hidden.

He Yinchuan and the others were on the other side of the mountain. The legs shouldn’t have a human goal. Thinking about it now, it was completely attracted by the reflection of the mirror. It also went slowly without a sense of crisis. It was like…


It didn’t know there were a few more intruders on the mountain. Then there was a contradiction. There didn’t seem to be any long-distance communication methods such as telepathy among this group of climbers.

The half-body woman summoned her teammates by blowing on the whistle around her neck. According to normal logic, if the two groups of people on the mountain were in the same team and this camp was very important, at least one person should come here and tell the broken man to be more vigilant. 

However, they didn’t do so. After the avalanche, Jiang Fang had stood behind Nan Zhou and watched the group of people in his vision. They were physically intact but they didn’t have the intention of someone separating and reporting to the top. Therefore, Jiang Fang suspected that the two sides didn’t communicate information. This didn’t seem like what teammates would do.

Nan Zhou’s thinking was more bizarre and unconventional. If the broken man and these people were in the same team, the entire instance would almost be a dead end for the physically exhausted players. They couldn’t compare with experienced climbers, nor could they gather effective information from these undead people who couldn’t be killed. Even a trained person like He Yinchuan would have his physical strength consumed by this height due to the high-intensity race. He wouldn’t be able to win in a fight.

On the contrary, there was a chance to reverse the situation if this broken man wasn’t in the same team as the climbers. This turning point might be the key to clearing the game.

It was just that Nan Zhou was a bit hesitant. He didn’t know if he should take the risk. After all, the current clues could be explained in both directions. If it wasn’t the full moon, he would dare to find the broken man and verify his hypothesis. It was just—Jiang Fang… 

He looked at Jiang Fang with a bit of worry. Then from the corner of his eye, he vaguely captured a living thing. Jiang Fang followed his gaze. The next moment, the two of them froze. It wasn’t known when it happened but the intestines that had turned purple from the cold had been wandering to their side and was only three or four meters away.

It drilled out of the snow and faced their direction, standing under the moonlight. It was like a creepy, soft and huge sandworm.

Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang silently grasped each other’s clothes and covered their mouths and noses with the other hand, minimizing the movement of their bodies. Fortunately, it had no eyes or ears.

Then the next second, Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang looked at each other again and the same word was read in each other’s eyes. 


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The legs were wrapped in pants. Meanwhile, the intestines were bare and naked in the cold air. Therefore, it was more sensitive to heat than the legs.

Nan Zhou suddenly turned over, leaving enough room for Jiang Fang to move. Regardless of hiding, Jiang Fang grabbed the intestines in his hands and controlled it in the shortest possible time. However, it was too late.

The cobra-like intestines quickly rose from the snow. The intestines, which were six or seven meters high, rose up high and hit the trip wire with the broken bell tied to it. 

Jingle. The mountain wind seemed shocked by the sound of the bell and there was a moment of silence. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound that spread toward this place in a semi-circle. Even if the two groups weren’t in a team, it didn’t mean the other side wouldn’t hurt them. After all, in the legend of the mountain climbers, the ‘moon god’ on the mountain ate people.

Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang only had a moment to make preparations.

Nan Zhou acted swiftly. He took out half a bottle of Truth Tequila from the warehouse and poured the alcohol on the bushes in front of him in a manner that would make Li Yinhang distressed if she saw it. Then he quickly struck the windproof match that Zhou Ao had given them before they left.

The so-called alcohol always had its original characteristics. The moment the aroma of alcohol spread, there was a roar and then a wall of fire separated Nan Zhou, Jiang Fang and the monster. The organs saw the fire and seemed like frightened animals. They all ran back and forth, gathering a few meters away in horror. 

On top of this snowy mountain, the fire wouldn’t spread for long without special windproof measures. The organs twisted together vigilantly, gradually returning to their positions and joining together to form a vague human form.

The man stood quietly beyond the fire. He didn’t advance. He just waited for the fire to go out. It was like he was waiting for the two people opposite. However, his stagnation provided enough information for Nan Zhou.


“You are afraid of fire.”

Through the heavy flames, Nan Zhou saw the man’s hideous face. Perhaps it was due to the frequent disassembly but his facial muscles were weird. As long as they moved, the flesh would be twisted into balls or lumps that intertwined together. 

Even so, Nan Zhou didn’t shy away and observed this face calmly. From such a close distance, the cuts on the face were smooth and looked like they were made from a sharp blade. They were neat and tidy, like the cross-section of the legs. They seemed to have been cut with a knife.

Through the crackling fire, Nan Zhou asked him softly, “What did the fire do to you?”

“Or what did those people do to you?”

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