Ch8 - Three People Become Ghosts

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Nan Zhou’s strategy was simple. It was as simple as using the information from the surrounding environment to compose a series of lies in the beginning to gain everyone’s initial trust.

He used the age and name on the missing person notice and the Longtan 2nd High School logo on the map to get another ghost player secretly observing the environment to mistake him for a companion. 

Everyone hurriedly looked around for the missing person notice that Nan Zhou mentioned.

…There was nothing. This was until Nan Zhou reached out two fingers and accurately inserted them into the fat man’s jeans pocket. He quickly grabbed two pieces of paper, pulled them out and threw them in the air.



It was summer and everyone’s clothes were thinner. Therefore, it was particularly eye-catching if there were two or three sheets of paper in your pant pockets even if they were folded thinly.

The fat man’s face turned red. On the missing persons notice that slowly fell to the ground, the two bright red characters ‘Luo Yan’ were like two needles piercing his eyes. Previously, the fat man had complained about Nan Zhou and wondered why Nan Zhou didn’t just make up a name. The name on the missing persons notice on the advertisement box couldn’t be more eye-catching. 

However, it was as Nan Zhou said. Apart from ghost players, human players didn’t care about the surrounding environment, only the people. This was an unavoidable psychological blind zone. It was the same even if this name was stuck to the left side of Nan Zhou’s head when he introduced himself.


The fat man also didn’t expect that Liu Xiao would be caught directly by Jiang Fang. This made him worry about winning the game. One less teammate was one less person grabbing the points. This could be considered a good thing.

It was just that the fat man didn’t like the feeling of fighting alone. Moreover, he found that Nan Zhou could use an identity improvised based on the missing person notice to successfully fool everyone, indicating that this person’s brain was good. He could also lift the crazy Wu Yukai and throw him, showing that his strength wasn’t bad.

The ability that Nan Zhou showed made the fat man a bit tempted. He needed a long-term teammate. Therefore, he wanted to show his favor to this ‘temporary teammate’ and help him make the lie more perfect.

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At this time, Nan Zhou ‘just happened’ to leave his seat. Therefore, the fat man took advantage of the darkness created by the game system when going through the tunnel. He tiptoed to Nan Zhou’s seat in the darkness and based on the location of the missing persons notice in his memory, he grabbed several missing persons notices nearby, hiding them.

The fat man thought about how this person had been digging a hole for him from the very beginning and blood gushed to his head, making him dizzy. Was the strength and brainpower Nan Zhou displayed intentionally or unintentionally all for the sake of catching the fat man who was hidden in the darkness? Did Nan Zhou deliberately leave his seat to make room for the fat man?

As long as the bait was taken, Nan Zhou just needed to secretly observe who was hiding something. After all, the time to go through the tunnel was really limited. The fat man tore off the missing persons notices but had no time or space to properly discard them.

On the other side, Nan Zhou let out a small sigh. Jiang Fang used the dashcam to only catch Liu Xiao, the stupid fish. This showed the remaining two ghosts weren’t stupid and at least knew how to control their emotions. 

Fortunately, the smarter people were, the more likely they were to be too smart. A stupid person might not have entered the trap he set.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

…He also managed to drag another teammate into the water.

Cr atf oja wjc kjr offilcu ueaafv, tf tfjgv Rjc Itbe rjs, “Vlcmf sbe tjnfc’a yffc bc atf yer rlcmf atf yfulcclcu, atfgf lr bcf wbgf qfgrbc ktb ilfv—”

Hlc Tjvbcu rjlv atja atf oja wjc tjv jvperafv atf rfja atf wbwfca tf uba bc, qgfrrlcu la vlgfmais jujlcra tlr atlut. Vlcmf atf oja wjc kjrc’a bglulcjiis bc atf yer, Hlc Tjvbcu mbeiv bcis yf j ojxf. 

Before Nan Zhou finished speaking, a figure suddenly rushed toward him! Qin Yadong, who had been sitting behind the fat man, held a dagger in his hand. It reflected the cold light in his eyes as it aimed at Nan Zhou’s heart!

Obviously, everyone had been searched. Where did he get the weapon from?! Everyone was stunned by the huge amount of information and had no time to react.

The fat man seized this last chance and used his free hand to squeeze Nan Zhou into his arms!


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It would be false to say that Qin Yadong didn’t feel hatred toward the fat man. From the beginning, he recognized the fat man as his teammate. It was because he sat behind the fat man and could see it most clearly.

…The fat man was quietly observing the environment. Thus, he tried to give the fat man a hint. It was just that due to poor information, the fat man didn’t think of him as a teammate. From the fat man’s perspective, Qin Yadong looked weak and good-natured unlike someone who has already experienced the game. Secondly, the fat man felt he had been hiding well. Even if Qin Yadong was his ghost teammate, it was impossible for Qin Yadong to see through him so easily.


Since Qin Yadong wasn’t a ghost, he was probably a human player who had no one to testify for him. He was sleeping on the way so he found an excuse to drag someone in to testify for him.

The fat man naturally couldn’t follow his words. What if Qin Yadong was cheating him? Therefore, he denied Qin Yadong’s testimony and at the same time, he identified an unrelated person as a teammate. 

As a result, Qin Yadong became the dirt that was pulled out along with the radish (investigating something and uncovering something else).

Qin Yadong didn’t intend to sit back and wait. The ghost players had experienced more games than these new players and it wasn’t just experience that they had gained. There was also an invisible warehouse.

The game had a rule that didn’t allow ghosts to kill players by means other than voting. If he broke the rules, there was a good chance he would be wiped out on the spot like the player who tried to escape. However, even if it meant dying, he had to take preemptive action and pull someone else with him!

Nan Zhou’s chest was exposed to Qin Yadong’s knife. Just as the steel knife with the bloodletting groove was about to sink into Nan Zhou’s flesh, a strong wind burst in Qin Yadong’s ear. A swing punch hit his ear hard without any cushioning! 

Qin Yadong felt a terrible pain and his brain was like tofu that had been stirred. There was a bloody mist in front of him and he couldn’t hold the dagger in his hand. He was about to fall vertically when a leg whipped through the air and struck the handle of the knife. The blade flew out in a cross shape and nailed straight into the advertisement box!

Li Yinhang had long hands and legs. She rushed to the side of Qin Yadong who was lying on the ground, screaming and twitching in pain. She gripped his wrist and voted for him. After finishing what Jiang Fang had told her to do, she looked up and found that the bus was very close to the tunnel

The fat man didn’t get the blood splattering scene he imagined. Nan Zhou didn’t struggle from the shackle of the fat man’s one arm. He simply stretched a hand back and grabbed the fat man’s neck.

The fat man shivered due to the touch of his palm. Nan Zhou’s hand was very cold and the feeling of it gently closing around his neck gave the fat man a strange sense of horror. This person… seemed to be intending to break his neck. 

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At this time, the shadow of the tunnel covered them. The moment the darkness was about to swallow up the two of them, the fat man suffocating from fear seemed to hear Nan Zhou sigh. The touch that was like a poisonous snake on his neck disappeared. Instead, there was a mechanical sound coming from his wrist.


At almost the same time, another mechanical sound signaling the end came from Qin Yadong’s wrist. It was just that the sound was too synchronized so Nan Zhou didn’t realize the game was over. In his cognition, there was still Qin Yadong.

Jiang Fang had just stood up when a figure leaped toward him. Out of instinct, Jiang Fang straightened his waist and pressed Nan Zhou under him. However, he didn’t relax because of this. Sure enough, there was a strong wind coming from his waist area. 

Jiang Fang pushed one hand back and blocked the force of this knee. At the same time, he pressed one hand firmly into the crook of this person’s right knee, forcing his thighs apart and pinning him to the ground firmly.

It was just that he ignored the other hand. Nan Zhou used his best effort and slammed the silver bracelet around his wrist against Jiang Fang’s silver bracelet.


Nan Zhou didn’t remember until their bracelets touched and the familiar mechanical sound wasn’t heard that everyone could only vote once in a round. Nan Zhou who was a bit frustrated, “……” 

The other party just pressed against his leg and didn’t seem to intend to fight back. Therefore, Nan Zhou also dropped his hand. The moment his muscles relaxed, the feeling of being suffocated followed closely.

Nan Zhou couldn’t help gasping. The warm air flow hit the other person’s face and returned back, making his own cheeks itchy. He was about to turn over and sit up when it became bright. Nan Zhou saw that it wasn’t Qin Yadong pressing on him as imagined. It was Jiang Fang.


Nan Zhou, “……”

Nan Zhou stared at him before glancing to the side. Two white mushrooms were neatly appearing next to them. Nan Zhou looked at Jiang Fang again. 

…He fell into a brief period of confusion. The game was over.

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The mushroom’s sweet and cheerful girlish voice was heard from the front of the bus. “Everybody—”

…Then it fell silent.

Not only did it not see the corpse of the annoying Nan Zhou, but it also saw such an ugly restricted scene. After a few seconds, it disappeared on the spot with a bang, running away as quickly as it came. 

…Li Yinhang felt that it ran away in anger. The DM ran away so the final reward was announced by a mechanical female voice.

“The trial level is over.”

“The human players have won.”

“Three people in the ghost camp have died. The basic reward is 300 points.” 

“One person died in the human camp.”

“Contribution sharing and reward reports are being generated. Please wait—”

Jiang Fang let go of his hand and apologized gently. “Sorry, I didn’t expect you to jump over so suddenly. I just…”

Nan Zhou shook his head and was going to reply ‘it’s okay’ when he noticed something abnormal between them. Once the three ghost camp players died, the silver bracelets changed back to ordinary metal rings. Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang’s hands were handcuffed together by the metal rings. 

Nan Zhou exclaimed, “…Ah.”

It turned out that the click just now was the sound of locking. Jiang Fang also noticed their inseparable hands. The subtle light in his eyes was replaced by a helpless and gentle smile. He shrugged and smiled, “…Oops.”

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