Fourth Perspective

Chapter 19

Ch19 - Flying Fists?

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Haidu City was smothered by a layer of dark and gloomy clouds. A strong gale of wind swirled up fallen leaves, its roar reverberating against the buildings.

Xiao Jinyu and Zhao Hen exited Haidu City Station together. 

Haidu City Station was located right beside the Huangpu river. As their vision adjusted to the wider view outside the underground tunnel, they were greeted by the three tall landmarks from pre-Type-A Radiation Haidu.

Three skyscrapers that seemed to reach the clouds were built next to each other, with rows and rows of tall buildings surrounding it. But in the dark of night, compared to the resplendent neon shine west of the river, the east side was covered in dark and deathly stillness, with no light to be seen.



This was Xiao Jinyu’s first time in Haidu City. It was also the first time he left Zhongdu.

“Huangpu river serves a significant purpose. Don’t get too close to it.” Noticing Xiao Jinyu’s continuous stare at the buildings sitting across the river, Zhao Hen commented: “That place is Haidu City’s most infamous contaminated area, numbered Area 18. It is said that the streets are roamed by strong out-of-control logic skills and the polluters they control are of high-level. Thankfully, the Huangpu river is there as a blockade. Polluters are unlikely to cross the river, so here, west of the river, is safe.” 

Xiao Jinyu didn’t stare any longer.


The two of them quickly found the member of the Haidu Extermination Squad who came to escort them.

The moment they walked out of the station, Xiao Jinyu stretched out his hand and caught the raindrops falling from the sky with surprise.

Xiao Jinyu: “If I remember correctly, shouldn’t it be below-zero currently?”


Is it possible for rain to fall in below-zero temperatures?

The squad member who came to escort them nodded and wiped the raindrops off his face: “That’s right, it’s about three degrees below zero. The first snow came two days ago, but it started raining this evening.”

The eerie drizzle caused a layer of water vapor to rise from the ground, silencing the whole city in a blanket of mist.


Without wasting a moment of time, the three of them rushed to the outskirts of Haidu. 

In the car, Xiao Jinyu and Zhao Hen learned the details of Meat King’s death from the Haidu squad member.

Meat King died at 22:00 late last night. He drove alone from his villa in the suburbs to the city. For some unknown reason, he stopped halfway. According to the marks on the ground, he got out of the car and smoked a few cigarettes. Then, he died.

Xiao Jinyu didn’t say anything, but he knew the answer.

Meat King must have died soon after he finished calling him. The sound of Meat King stopping his car wasn’t unnoticeable. Over the call last night, Xiao Jinyu recognized that Meat King stopped driving half way through and could hear the clicks of the lighter igniting from time to time. 

“We’re here.”

Xiao Jinyu looked up.

Before even getting out of the car, through the window covered by wet raindrop tracks, a tall body could be seen hanging under the willow branches and shaking with the wind in the dark rainy night.

Both of Meat King’s hands were pointed straight down, stuck close against his pants. His feet also pointed straight towards the ground, as if they were forced into a pair of ballet shoes. The instep of his feet were so straight that there were cracks and openings in his high-grade leather shoes. 

A gust of wind blew: creak…

The bottoms of the shoes rubbed against the roof of the Lamborghini.


Looking up again, Meat King’s pale face looked down at his feet. His lips were parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something. But in the end, he was left with a pair of wide-open eyes that strictly stared at his feet.

…He was Meat King. 

“I think your sight is very good, tonight the moon is very big, very white.”

Xiao Jinyu looked at this pale face. After a long while, he retracted his gaze.


The group of three got out of the car. 

The members of Haidu City’s Extermination Squad had examined the site for a long time already.

Several night lamps were moved into the wild and aimed at Meat King’s corpse. Under the lights, there was also a hazy rain curtain.

“You’re finally here. I’m the vice captain of Haidu City’s Extermination Squad, Xu Qi.” A man with a crew cut walked over. He wore a black raincoat and wiped the rain off his face: “Long time no see, Zhao Hen.” Then, he looked towards Xiao Jinyu, a brief fierce gaze sweeping across him, sizing him up before he smiled, saying: “You must be the user who can see logic factors, right?”

Xiao Jinyu nodded. 

“Xu Qi.” The man with a crew cut stuck out a hand.

Xiao Jinyu shook the other’s hand: “Xiao Jinyu.”

Xu Qi: “We troubled you to take a trip here, to help us find logic factor traces.”

Xiao Jinyu couldn’t help but look at Meat King, who was hanging from the tree: “You’re just going to leave him hanging and not take him down first?” 

Xu Qi seemed to have remembered something, his expression slightly changing: “Captain won’t let us. We already used the detector and didn’t find anything. But Captain said after you’ve looked over the body, we can take it down.”


This must be Meat King’s wife.

Xiao Jinyu didn’t think too much. Since he’d already discussed a reward, he would naturally come and work. 

He held the transparent umbrella and stopped in front of the willow branches, then gently slid his fingers across his eyelids. The next second, the light in his pupils moved and Xiao Jinyu looked up at the corpse.

After a minute.


Xiao Jinyu turned his head: “There really aren’t any logic factors. The lamborghini and this willow tree didn’t have any either.”

Xu Qi immediately called the squad members: “Get Meat King’s body down.” 

A few young members immediately moved forward, untying the willow branch that was laced around Meat King’s neck. But Xiao Jinyu stared at that thin branch, brows furrowed.

Although it wasn’t said, not one person on the scene would think Meat King was strangled by the willow tree.

A two hundred jin adult man could definitely not be strangled to death by a thin willow branch.

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Meat King was suspended in mid-air by a shapeless rope. 

He died of a mysterious logic skill.

In the rain, everyone was busy as Meat King’s corpse was taken down and moved into the ready-made tent.

Xiao Jinyu held an umbrella, standing behind the crowd, calmly looking.

He only came to Haidu City to help a bit. While he did cross paths with Meat King over the phone, Xiao Jinyu had no intention to play detective. 

As there was no work for him to do at the moment, Xiao Jinyu looked around the area. Suddenly, in the hazy rain, he seemed to have seen a gray shadow. Then five seconds later, a grim and heavy woman’s voice sounded from the tent: “Ask the new user from Zhongdu City’s Extermination Squad to come over.”

Work has come?

Xiao Jinyu walked into the tent, walking from the darkness into the light and his view darkened for a second before he saw the situation in the tent clearly.

In the middle of the tent, Meat King’s large body was placed on the floor as a silvery-gray haired, cold faced lady squatted by his neck. The lady held Meat King’s chin in one hand and the other on his collarbone, and then she used her strength to pull them apart. 

Meat King’s neck was then pulled apart by her.

Xiao Jinyu’s eyes opened in shock before he tried his best to cover it up, using his all to display a calm look at Meat King’s neck… and the exposed esophagus, windpipe, and veins.

There was only a thin piece of skin connecting Meat King’s head and shoulders.

His entire head was cut open, just like his mom’s! 

Xiao Jinyu calmed his breathing before walking forwards.

The silver haired woman’s speech was very quick and very cold: “His neck kept on withdrawing back, and his head and shoulders seemed to be connected together. If you don’t look carefully, it would have been hard to find this wound. I needed to use a lot of strength to pull apart the opening.”


Xiao Jinyu nodded, and without another word, he used Fourth Perspective.

The light in his view changed, and the humans and colors turned into shades of gray. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wljb Alcse ibbxfv ja Zfja Blcu’r cfmx.

…Ktfgf kfgfc’a jcs yijmx vbar!

Rba lwwfvljafis mibrlcu tlr ibulm rxlii, Wljb Alcse mjgfoeiis ibbxfv ogbw atf alq bo Zfja Blcu’r tjlg jii atf kjs ab tlr offa.

Coafg j ofk rfmbcvr, tf mibrfv tlr fsfr, atfc bqfcfv atfw, ibbxlcu ja atf rlinfg tjlgfv kbwjc: “Ktfgf jgfc’a jcs ibulm ojmabgr.” 

The silver haired woman thought for a bit before lightly nodding: “Many thanks.”

On the outskirts of Haidu City, where it was raining, the lights shone brightly as a group of people carefully observed Meat King’s body.

Xiao Jinyu and Zhao Hen were sent to a hotel in Haidu City to rest first.

There were no special logic factors found at Meat King’s murder scene, so the next thing for Xiao Jinyu to do was to go to the places Meat King had gone to in the past few days to find logic factors. As it was currently one in the morning right now, there was no way he could check the places Meat King had gone to right now, so the vice captain had someone send Xiao Jinyu and Zhao Hen to the hotel to rest. 

The car that picked them up steadily drove in the night.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the hotel.

The member that was tasked to accompany them: “Mr. Xiao, tomorrow morning at eight, I’ll pick you up.”

Xiao Jinyu: “Ok.” 

On the way to their rooms, Zhao Hen’s hands were behind his head as he talked to Xiao Jinyu about Meat King’s corpse and his wife who didn’t seem particularly sad.

Xiao Jinyu nodded from time to time.

Before entering their rooms, Zhao Hen hesitated for a bit before asking: “You’re probably not scared, right, Xiao Jinyu? Seeing corpses and stuff.”

Xiao Jinyu lifted his head and glanced at him. 

“I’m not.”

“Then see you tomorrow.”



The door closed with a click. 

The next second, Xiao Jinyu suddenly looked up and scanned the room with an extremely calm gaze.

He didn’t find any cameras.

…No, he was overreacting.

He was asked to come help and he wasn’t a suspect. Plus no one knew that he used the backdoor 004 gave him to accept Meat King’s task. 

He was a humble, ordinary user who wasn’t even past level one.

Was the wound on Meat King’s body, which was so similar to the one on his mom’s, a coincidence or not?

In an instant, a myriad of thoughts went through in Xiao Jinyu’s mind.

His mom was in Zhongdu City, a hundred kilometers from Haidu City where Meat King was located. 

One was a regular housewife and the other was fuerdai with a net worth of over 100 million. No matter which way you look at it, there were no similarities between his mom and Meat King.

Moreover, his mom was in a strange state like the living-dead and Meat King was dead. It wasn’t possible for a level three user to be more vulnerable than an ordinary person; and his mom was still alive, yet Meat King was dead.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally, Xiao Jinyu’s gaze became firm.

It didn’t matter before, but now, he had to find out the truth behind Meat King’s murder! 


Early the next morning, the Haidu City’s Extermination Squad’s team member arrived at the hotel on time.

This young team member held the records of Meat King’s whereabouts before his death as he took Xiao Jinyu and Zhao Hen around the city.

These records were extremely detailed and accurate down to the seconds. 

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What was strange was that the whereabouts of Meat King, this fuerdai, were very simple. If he wasn’t going to the company, he was going home, and occasionally, he would have a meal with his friends. There were no such habits like the rich spending days drinking.

They first went to Meat King’s company.


Fourth Perspective could only be used for five minutes before he had to rest for ten minutes.

After spending the entire afternoon, they finally finished inspecting the entire company without finding any abnormalities. Then, they went to Meat King’s home. 

Meat King’s house was very big, as it was a five-story villa. There were three stories above ground and two underground.

On the floors above ground were the master bedroom and living room. Xiao Jinyu carefully looked around using Fourth Perspective and indeed saw some logic factors floating in the air. He turned around and said to Zhao Hen and the team member: “There’s about the same amount of logic factors in here as there was in Meat King’s company. It’s probably his own logic factors that he releases into the air regularly.”

The two nodded their heads.

The team member then led Xiao Jinyu downstairs. 

“The lower two floors are all studies and such. Meat King himself doesn’t come down here a lot, I think Captain comes here more often.”

Xiao Jinyu activated Fourth Perspective once again.

Indeed, this time it was different from before. The moment he activated Fourth Perspective, a logic factor grain appeared in his view. These logic factors swirl and dance in the air, and at first glance, they were no different from Meat King’s logic factors, yet when you look closely, you’ll find that they are brighter and more brilliant, and they’ll occasionally reflect a hint of silvery gray light between the flashes of colorful light.

Furthermore, the amount in the air was much more than Meat King’s. 

Xiao Jinyu turned off his logic skill: “The two floors downstairs also have logic factors, but it seems like they’re all peacefully floating in the air. It should be the logic factors from your captain.”

As soon as he said that, Xiao Jinyu’s eyes froze. He saw a small elevator door next to a cabinet on the second basement floor.

Xiao Jinyu looked at the team member: “The elevator we took down wasn’t that one. There’s two elevators in this villa?”

The team member followed his view: “Oh, that one leads to the underground collection room. Both Meat King and his parents loved to collect polluters, and although the majority of them had long been donated to the user committee, there’s still a few left in the house. The captain came to examine them herself yesterday and she took all three of them to the Logic Research Institute for inspection. I heard that there was no abnormality and they’re still in the lab right now.” 

“Can I go in and take a look?”

The team member thought for a bit and didn’t stop him.

The three walked into the elevator.

Xiao Jinyu didn’t expect that the basement where Meat King stored his polluters was set up five floors underground. 

In other words, this villa only has two floors underground, but Meat King specially dug underground and built a storage room five floors underground and even had a separate elevator to access it.

Why did polluters need to be stored so far underground?


Xiao Jinyu suddenly remembered, this same situation was also mentioned by 004. It was locked up in a place deep underground, where it was very cold and very dark.

Xiao Jinyu placed this matter in his heart and didn’t reveal it on the surface. He decided to go back and ask 004 later. 

Soon, the elevator doors opened.

After seeing the scene outside the door, Xiao Jinyu’s eyes shook.

He saw that outside the elevator doors, was a straight dirt corridor. The walls were made of wet dirt and under their feet was soft soil. When they reached the end of the corridor, the team member carefully opened the door. And what they saw was a dirt house!



Xiao Jinyu used Fourth Perspective, and observed the storage room in a circle.

He turned around: “There’s no abnormalities.”

What was left was the coffee shop Meat King had visited the morning before his death. 

The car drove slowly through the streets of Haidu City district. There were not a lot of cars on the road, after all, in the post-radiation world, only rich people could afford to drive.

“On November 10th, at 9:13:15 in the morning, to 10:15:03. Yes, Meat King drank a cup of coffee here.” The young team member confirmed Meat King’s whereabouts and looked up.

The car stopped in front of an ordinarily decorated coffee shop, Xiao Jinyu looked up and glanced at it.

A plain and ordinary coffee shop. 

There were western styled columns in front of the door, and the door was raised three steps up to make a small flower bed by the door. Unfortunately, as it was the middle of winter, the rain was light and only a few dry branches and leaves were left, creating a solemn atmosphere.

Confirming it wasn’t the wrong place, the three walked into the coffee shop.

This coffee shop wasn’t big. After entering, all the chairs and tables were in sight, only the two triangular tables in the corner were blocked by green potted plants.

Xiao Jinyu lightly swept his eyes around. 

Of the two tables in the corner, one had no one and the other revealed the corner of a black coat.

He retracted his gaze.


The team member quickly ran to the window and said: “He drank coffee at this table that day.”

After the death of Meat King, Haidu City’s Extermination Squad obtained the city’s monitoring system and immediately found the whereabouts of Meat King down to the second. As for the surveillance video in this coffee shop, the team members had gone over and over it three times yesterday. 

Xiao Jinyu and Zhao Hen walked to the table.

Lifting his hand, he activated Fourth Perspective. After five minutes, Xiao Jinyu looked at the expectant team member and shook his head in regret: “I didn’t see any logic factors.”

The team member froze for a second before saying: “Ok.”

This coffee shop was different from Meat King’s company or home. He only comes once or twice a week, so his logic factor doesn’t spread into the air. 

This was the last place Meat King had gone to.

The team member repeatedly confirmed with Xiao Jinyu that this coffee shop really had no logic factors. Finally, he bowed his head in disappointment and ran outside to call Xu Qi to report the situation.

Zhao Hen didn’t think that this task would be completed so quickly. Captain had sent him to take Xiao Jinyu to Haidu City to help with the investigation revolving around Meat King and had also made him responsible for Xiao Jinyu’s personal safety. Only one day had passed and the task was already completed.

Thinking that he would soon be able to return to Zhongdu City, Zhao Hen was in a happy mood and ordered two cups of coffee. He smiled: “It’s only two in the afternoon, we can still catch the four o’clock train to home. Then, Xiao Jinyu, I’ll buy the tickets now?” 

“Wait a moment.”

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Zhao Hen froze: “What is it?”

Xiao Jinyu’s expression was calm: “I know some friends in Haidu City, so I’ll stay for a few more days. You can go back first.”

Zhao Hen made a sound in shock. He thought for a bit and scratched his head: “That’s alright. Then I’ll go back first. You didn’t mention you had friends in Haidu City before. A lot of people now never leave their own city, yet it turns out you have friends here.” 

Xiao Jinyu casually responded.

He can’t go back.

Not only because he hadn’t received the reward from Fengheng Bank yet, but also because he has still not found out why Meat King had died.

The city’s road surveillance couldn’t be wrong, Meat King really did only visit his home, company, and this coffee shop in the two days before his death. 

There were no abnormalities in those three places, so could it be that Meat King’s wife made a mistake in judgment and that before she had left, her husband had already fallen into the logic skill of others?

Through the clean floor-to-ceiling windows of the coffee shop, Xiao Jinyu looked at the team member that was making a call and fell into thought.


Now, there were only the three polluters that had been collected by Meat King, but had been sent to the institute by his wife for inspection, that he had not seen.

Taking a sip of the coffee, the young and elegant face did not show much expression. 

He needed to find a chance to see those three polluters.

He was just thinking about this when a crisp wind chime sound suddenly sounded in Xiao Jinyu’s ears.

In the slow moving coffee shop, Zhao Hen lowered his head and happily bought a train ticket and the team member called the vice captain with a bitter look on his face outside the store.

Xiao Jinyu looked up, in the direction the wind chime had sounded from. 

A string of pink wind chimes came into his view. The wind chimes were struck by the open door and swayed in the air. A short-haired girl came out from behind the door, tucked her hair back, looked at herself in the mirror, and then turned on the faucet, washing her hands.

The restrooms were over there?

Xiao Jinyu’s eyes lit up and he stood up and said quickly to Zhao Hen: “The bathrooms haven’t been checked yet, I’ll go and check them.”

Zhao Hen was still buying tickets and hearing Xiao Jinyu’s words: “Eh? Bathrooms? Where?” 

“Just over there.” Xiao Jinyu pointed.

Zhao Hen looked over. It wasn’t too far, only five or six meters away. “Alright, you can go.”

In the quiet and warm coffee shop, the young man stood up and walked in the direction of the bathrooms.

The coffee shop’s bathrooms were divided into two. Taking a right from the cash register to the end, on the left was the women’s bathroom, where a string of pink wind chimes hung on the door; on the right was the men’s bathroom, where a string of turquoise wind chimes hung. The sink was in the middle of the two, facing the coffee shop door. 

Xiao Jinyu thought for a bit, and pushed open the right door first.

The restrooms weren’t big and it was clean. There were a total of three stalls.

Xiao Jinyu quickly glanced around.

The buttons above the handles were all green. There was no one inside. 

He lifted his hand and brushed across his eyelids. Opening his eyes again, his world had turned into black and white. Xiao Jinyu activated his logic skill and examined everything using Fourth Perspective.

First, he checked every corner of the bathroom to make sure there was nothing unusual.


Then, Xiao Jinyu walked to the first stall. He pushed open the door.

It was clean and tidy, there was nothing in the air. 

No logic factors.

Next was the second stall.

It also had no abnormalities.

Walking to the third stall, Xiao Jinyu pushed open the door. 

Sighing, he turned and walked to the bathroom door.

The boots gently walked on the cold tiles of the bathroom, the sound of footsteps echoing, crisp and loud.

Xiao Jinyu looked calm as he walked to the door. However, just as he got to the door of the first stall, he suddenly changed! He quickly lifted his leg and kicked open the door of the first stall with one foot, then looked up with lightning speed, at the small man who was on all fours and lying on top of the stall.

The short, thin man did not expect that Xiao Jinyu would suddenly kick open the door. His face was full of shock as he clutched a black box the size of a fist in his arms. 

This all happened in an instant.

The short man glared fiercely. He quickly glanced at the window first, before laughing hoarsely: “Sorry.”

As soon as he said that, a strange wind blew on Xiao Jinyu’s cheeks, causing the hair on his face to float up.

Before Xiao Jinyu could react, his limbs were pulled back by a strange force. Like someone used a rope to tie his hands and feet together, keeping him back. With a thud, his body slammed into the wall behind him. Even with all his might, he was still unable to move. 

Immediately, another warm and gentle wind blew.

The wind was like a woman’s gentle hand, caressing Xiao Jinyu’s neck with affection. But in the cold air, a wind blade gradually appeared, showing it’s fierceness.

The short man had now run to the window on the other side of the bathroom. He clutched the black box, using his left hand to break the glass and escape, while his right hand was behind him, dancing like a snake. As it danced, that wind blade became faster and faster, rushing to Xiao Jinyu’s face.

Teeth clenched, his clear eyes stared at the man’s right hand without blinking. 

“Don’t you dare think about leaving!”

In the beautiful pupils of the young man, a light shone in an instant. Three colored light dots appeared between Xiao Jinyu’s right fingers, rotating at a high speed, invisible to the naked eye, rotating faster and faster, and turning bigger and bigger! Finally, they turned into a wrist-sized circle, and in the next moment, like a bracelet, they settled on Xiao Jinyu’s right wrist.


That hand formed a fist, and with his body bound and unable to move, Xiao Jinyu had punched the air.

Just as the short man was about to break the glass, a force suddenly slammed into his dancing right hand. He was so caught off guard that he slammed into the wall and screamed. After his dancing right hand was hit and stopped dancing, the invisible power that bound Xiao Jinyu also disappeared. 

The short man glanced down.

“A fist?”

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Yes, it was exactly a fist. A lone fist slammed into his right arm, forcing him to stop his logic skill. He looked again at the youth not far away from him.

Xiao Jinyu raised his right arm, and that slender arm, like someone had cut it off with a sharp knife, his right hand disappeared and landed in front of the short man three meters away. 

“What the hell, is your logic skill flying fists everywhere?!” The short man asked in disbelief.

What the hell was this strange logic skill!

Xiao Jinyu didn’t give him any time to think and sent another fist over.

The short man was caught off guard. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to fight back, but instead, he didn’t think that after someone was bound, his fist could still fly and fight on their own. 

While suppressing this man, Xiao Jinyu shouted loudly: “Zhao Hen, you..”

The short man’s expression darkened, and he dodged to the side, sneering as he pulled out a black pistol from his arms.

When Xiao Jinyu saw the gun, his eyes opened wide, and the thought of “how can you even use a gun” flashed through his mind. The next second, the black muzzle was aimed at his head.

The ears weren’t affected by the shock and heard the loud bang. 

In the coffee shop.

Zhao Hen had rushed to the bathroom the moment Xiao Jinyu had shouted. But he was two meters away when he heard the gunshot.


There was a gun inside! 

No matter how fast he runs, he wouldn’t be as fast as a gun!

…Xiao Jinyu!


Yet in the bathroom, in the face of the bullet that had already left the chamber and was flying straight towards him, Xiao Jinyu had already calmed down.

In the cold air, the bullet rubbed against metal, causing sparks to fly out everywhere. 

It seems like Zhao Hen won’t be able to arrive on time. He only had one chance to live right now, that is, to use his logic skill!

His logic skill was Fourth Perspective.

He can see logic factors.

He can use the logic factors collected from White Garden to wrap his fist, split the area between his fist and arm, letting his fist leave his body and swing around in the air. The farthest they could go was ten meters, which he had tested nine times at home. 

Then what was the speed that his fists could fly at?

Was it as fast as a bullet? He hadn’t tested that before, since he didn’t have a professional instrument for measuring it.

If he had an instrument for measuring, he would be able to understand his logic skill a lot better and be able to find a chance to survive. Why wasn’t there any…

That’s not right, calm down. 

Keep thinking, keep thinking, keep thinking.

While he doesn’t know how fast his fists fly, he knows that it’s not that fast. But if he instantly deactivates his logic skill, the logic factors from White Garden will lose effectiveness and his fist will return to his body. If his fist returns fast enough, he can use the force to create a reverse force, causing his body to move backwards for some distance.

Yes, just like this!

This was his only chance, even if it was an useless hypothesis, he must go through with his life on the line. 

Just when the bullet was less than a meter away from his eyes, the youth closed his eyes.

Fourth Perspective was deactivated.

A fist slammed back into Xiao Jinyu’s wrist, and the sudden thrust caused his body to move back by two centimeters. But, at this point, the bullet would still go through his cheek.

He already did all that he could. No matter what the outcome was, he had never given up. 

Xiao Jinyu closed his eyes and calmly waited for the outcome that would be shown in a few milliseconds.



The sound of the bullet flying through the air stopped.

A cold breath like the falling of the first snow stopped in front of his cheek. 

The tragedy of the bullet passing through his face did not happen, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, seemingly brushing against something. Xiao Jinyu opened his eyes and his gaze immediately fell on a pair of dark, smiling eyes.

Looking at each other, Xiao Jinyu’s lips moved, yet they didn’t make a sound.

A hand blocked in front of him, it’s fingers slowly spreading.


The bullet fell from the hand to the floor.

“Xiao Jinyu!”

Xiao Jinyu looked at the man in black in front of him. This person had a pair of deep, yet smiling eyes, but the straight brow bone causes the smiling expression to bring a touch of ruthlessness and indifference. His eyebrows were slender but not too thin and the bridge of his nose was straight, connecting to his thin, raised lips. He was very handsome, but what was more impressive than the face was the oppressive feeling that was pressing down.

Xiao Jinyu pursed his lips. 

Su Jiuzhou quietly looked down at Xiao Jinyu, thinking for a moment before asking.

“Wasn’t your logic skill seeing logic factors? Then why…”

The feeling of the young man’s eyelashes on the back of his hand did not dissipate, and felt a little strange. After a pause, Su Jiuzhou continued to tease and ask: “Flying fists?”

The author has something to say: 

[A family that loves each other 3/3]

Ninth sister: How can you touch my hand with your eyelashes, you must take responsibility.

Little Goldfish: You’re flying fists! Your whole family is flying fists!

Ninth sister: Oh? That’s fine too, as you’re family too, you can send flying fists first ^_^ 

004: Today dad did not love me, did not pay attention to me, I am a little white cabbage Q^Q

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