Fourth Perspective

Chapter 21

Ch21 - Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf

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There was nothing that cannot be done in this world. When the benefits outweigh the risks, even in murder and arson, there will still be people drawn to it.

When Xiao Jinyu first discovered Zhang Haixiang’s whereabouts, his first reaction was to run. But when he realized he wasn’t able to escape and was about to be caught by Zhao Hen who was outside the bathroom, his choice was: 

To shoot to kill.

Xiao Jinyu looked at Zhao Hen: “Zhao Hen, in China, is it illegal for users to privately sell polluters?”



Zhao Hen: “Of course, it’s illegal, publicly, it’s strictly prohibited.”

Xiao Jinyu: “Will it bring a death sentence?” 

“Huh? Of course not, it should only be a fine and a few months of jail. Unless the smuggled polluter is of a high ranking, which would bring a life sentence or the death penalty. But that kind of thing isn’t seen a lot since the users who can do it are at least level five or six.”


Xiao Jinyu lightly nodded and looked at the panicking Zhang Haixiang, who was handcuffed to a leg of the coffee shop’s table.

Xiao Jinyu: “Although I don’t know if a user killing someone is a special case, from what I hear, privately selling polluters does not yield as serious a punishment as killing people. Then here’s the problem…

“Zhang Haixiang, what is the truth that you would rather kill me to hide?”


When these words fell, Zhang Haixiang’s pupils trembled. He raised his head and looked at the expressionless youth in front of him.

Zhang Haixiang would rather kill than escape to hide that he had privately traded with Meat King before and was afraid of being mistaken as a suspect in killing Meat King, which was a groundless reason from the beginning.

He could still argue against killing Meat King.


But the fact that he almost killed Xiao Jinyu was irrefutable. 

Although Meat King was a rich second generation and married to the Captain of Haidu City’s Extermination Team, Xiao Jinyu was a clean person, he wasn’t as rich and didn’t have a wife with such a strong background. But he was also a human life.

Xiao Jinyu believed that this world wasn’t absolutely proper, there were always undercurrents surging in the dark cracks. But the matter of killing someone in broad daylight was something that could never be tolerated.

Killing Meat King was a crime; killing him was also a crime.

There are indeed some things in this world that are more important than life, he would rather commit suicide or kill to hide them. But no matter how you look at it, Zhang Haixiang doesn’t seem like a person who has such a big secret. And if there was, there was even more of a need to interrogate him. 

Additionally, the only truth that can make someone kill to hide, can only be murder.

“I didn’t kill anyone!”

Su Jiuzhou raised an eyebrow: “Not killing Meat King now?”

Zhang Haixiang froze for a moment before quickly adding: “Moreso, I didn’t kill Meat King!” 

Su Jiuzhou smiled: “Then you’ve killed someone.”

Xiao Jinyu glanced back at him.


Zhang Haixiang took a deep breath, and a circle of bright red blood vessels, as dense as a spider’s web, climbed up his eye. He was like an innocent person who had been wronged but could not be defended. He widened his eyes and stared at Xiao Jinyu, hoping to get a little fairness from the youngest member on the scene.

“I didn’t kill anyone, I really didn’t! If I killed someone, I’m willing to be struck dead by the heavens!” 

Xiao Jinyu really hoped that a thunderclap would immediately sound outside of the shop so that all the questions could be answered. However, for the past two days, Haidu City was all but covered in this constant gloomy but light rain, without a single sound of thunder.

Seeing that Xiao Jinyu did not pay attention to his meaning, Zhang Haixiang looked to Zhao Hen again: “Official, I beg you, don’t accuse innocent people. I’m an honest person, even if I’m not educated. Yes, I did start working immediately after I graduated, but as for murder, I couldn’t possibly do such a thing. How could I kill someone?”

Zhao Hen was suddenly asked this and froze, he asked in a thick voice: “What Xiao Jinyu said was right. Then explain, why do you want to kill then escape?”

Zhang Haixiang said anxiously; “I just saw red for a moment, and got blinded by lard!” 

“Hehe, Zhang Haixiang, has this lard of yours been boiled since ten days ago?”


The coffee shop’s door was forcefully pushed open by someone, and the glass hit the wall, vibrating with a bang.

The crowd turned their heads and looked. 

A crew cut man soaked by the rain stood in front of the shop with a cold face. He patted off the rain and hurried to where the group of people was circling. A team member next to him handed a blue file to Xu Qi. Xu Qi, with his serious expression, walked to the center in two or three steps.

Originally, looking into the store from his position outside, this area was blocked by the potted plants and so it was impossible to see Su Jiuzhou who was standing at the back. After walking to the back, Xu Qi suddenly noticed the man who stood quietly behind Xiao Jinyu. He was stunned and said in surprise: “You…”

Su Jiuzhou smiled: “What happened ten days ago, Captain Xu?”

“Oh right, ten days ago.” His expression became cold again and a heavy blue file was thrown onto the table Zhang Haixiang was handcuffed to with a bang. Xu Qi bent down, pulled Zhang Haixiang by his collar and squeezed a sneer out: “Alright, you didn’t kill anyone. Then explain to me, on November 2nd, where the level three user who accepted the task with you to go into the contamination area, user ranking B279, ‘Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf’, Wang Tai, has gone!” 

A fierce wind and rain rushed through the glass door that was never closed.


The windchimes made a crisp sound.

Zhang Haixiang’s entire body froze. 

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Xu Qi: “Say it! Or, do you want me to throw the evidence in front of your face before you’ll admit it?”

Zhang Haixiang looked up in fright at this crew-cut man who gnashed his teeth while grabbing him.


After a while.

As if he was out of breath, Zhang Haixiang collapsed on the chair and read that name: “Wang Tai… 

“Wang Tai.


“I killed him.”


“Wang Tai and I have known each other for over half a year. We met at the beginning of this year when I cleaned up a logic storm for a task. Then, he was only a level two user.” Zhang Haixiang lowered his head and said quietly: “Afterward, he improved rapidly and, just last month, reached level three, so he invited me on a task to looking for stuff in the contamination areas. Although I was only level two, my logic skill had a high attack power and was very helpful. So the first person he thought of was me.

“At first I was quite happy. The reward for this task was a lot higher than the cleaning tasks, plus it was only at the edge of the contamination areas so there wasn’t any real danger. Everything went well, we only met one polluter in the contamination area, and after Wang Tai and I teamed up to kill it, the next day, we found the photo. It was a family portrait, of the three in the photo, the dad and the mom were dead, and their son had survived the radiation. Now that he was older and more mature, the son wanted a photo of his parents, but their house was in the contamination area. So he spent a lot of money to commission users to do this task of getting a photo out.”

Zhang Haixiang did not lie at this point.

Xiao Jinyu flipped through the information in the file and looked at the name of the task issuer. 

He actually knew this man, he was a newcomer billionaire in Haidu City, in his forties, who founded his own food brand, which was sold throughout the country. Xiao Jinyu particularly liked this brand’s instant noodles.

Regular people are unaware of the existence of users, but rich people often have their own privileges.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea jr Hl Vlwlc tjv rjlv, xcbklcu ibulm rxliir lrc’a cfmfrrjglis j ubbv atlcu. Po la kfgfc’a obg atf qbiieafgr tf tjv qegmtjrfv, Zfja Blcu kbeivc’a tjnf jkjxfcfv tlr ibulm rxlii.

Wljb Alcse qea vbkc atf olif. 

Itjcu Ljlzljcu ybkfv tlr tfjv jcv rjlv: “Ktfgf kjrc’a jcsatlcu eq ecali atfc, yea pera jr kf kfgf jybea ab ifjnf atf mbcajwlcjalbc jgfj, kf obecv atja qfjgi cfmxijmf.” Cr tf rqbxf, tf ibbxfv ja atf yijmx ybz cfza ab Ve Alehtbe, “Pa’r atja qbiieafg.”

“We had already discussed that the reward would be split 7:3, where he would get 70% and I got the remaining 30%. I recognized he was stronger than I was and it was also his task. But for this polluter, Wang Tai didn’t intend to give me a share.”

Xu Qi scolded: “So you killed for the goods?”

“It was him who wanted to kill me first!” 

Xiao Jinyu asked: “Do you have any evidence?”

Zhang Haixiang was dumbfounded: “No… but if it wasn’t for the fact that he attacked first, would I dare to make a move first with his logic skill’s attack power being so high and a level three user? I wouldn’t dare.”


Xiao Jinyu flipped through the file again in curiosity and found Wang Tai’s information.

[User ID: Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf] 

[Real Name: Wang Tai]

[Sex: Male]

[User Ranking: B279]

[Logic Level: Three] 

[Logic Skill: If you are touched 10 times at zero-distance or touched once at a negative distance, and answer one specific question from the user, you will then be hanged by an invisible, fragrant scarf.


Xiao Jinyu was shocked.

Xiao Jinyu suddenly asked: “So you only killed Beauty… Wang Tai, and didn’t kill Meat King?” 

Zhang Haixiang’s eyes were red: “I didn’t! I admit it, the reason why I wanted to run when I saw you was because I was afraid you guys would find out I killed Wang Tai. But I didn’t kill Meat King at all. Why would I want to kill Meat King? I just want to earn money. And my logic skill is to manipulate the air and can only be used in the bathrooms. Meat King died in the wilderness, right, I read this on the news. There’s nothing I can do to kill him.”

“Is that it?” Su Jiuzhou’s indifferent voice sounded: “A user’s detailed information is manually filled in by themselves. Your logic skill might not have this restriction anymore-oh.”

Zhang Haixiang was so anxious he forgot his fear, and he looked directly at the fearsome man in black: “I really can only use my logic skill in the bathroom. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the ‘Grow Some Brains’ APP. It even gave me ‘Wind Blowing Fart’ as an ID. Isn’t that because my logic skill would only work in bathrooms… eh, yes, I’m called Wind Blowing Fart!”

This was the first time Zhang Haixiang had liked his ID so much. He said in excitement: “Think about it, my name is Wind Blowing Fart! Wind Blowing Fart, doesn’t this mean the bathrooms? How would I be able to kill Meat King who was in the wild?” 

Xiao Jinyu: “…”

He didn’t have to be this happy.

Xiao Jinyu suddenly had the idea of taking out his phone and asking 004. But he didn’t move his hand.

In fact, some things didn’t need the help of plug-ins. The truth had always been clear at a glance, it was openly placed in front of everyone’s eyes. 

Zhang Haixiang’s happiness was something that Zhao Hen and several others couldn’t understand.

However, Zhang Haixiang’s logic skill was something that could only be used in the bathrooms, which was very likely a fact. That also means he couldn’t be the killer behind Meat King’s death.


Things have gotten to this point and they fell into another difficult problem.

Zhang Haixiang admitted to killing Wang Tai, but he didn’t admit to killing Meat King. 

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Xu Qi was suddenly discouraged.

In fact, if Zhang Haixiang had refused to admit to killing Wang Tai, they wouldn’t be sure if he had actually killed Wang Tai nor would they have known whether Wang Tai was dead or alive. Xu Qi had already planned to send people to check the place where Zhang Haixiang and Wang Tai had carried out their task, to see if they could find Wang Tai’s corpse. Only after finding evidence, could they make a verdict. But they didn’t think that Zhang Haixiang would admit to it so painfully.

Wang Tai didn’t have any family, his parents had died during the radiation. His only wife, who had divorced him last year, didn’t have any kids. So when he was missing for so many days, no one reported it. If Zhang Haixiang wasn’t arrested in this coffee shop, the user committee wouldn’t have checked Zhang Haixiang’s task information, thus leading them to discover Wang Tai’s disappearance.

Just when Xu Qi was at a loss, a calm voice sounded. 

Xiao Jinyu: “We won’t talk about this matter of you killing Wang Tai for now. Zhang Haixiang, there’s one thing I’m curious about.”

Xu Qi turned around, looking at the young man who was talking.

If you mention it, it was a bit strange. Colonel Su has always been standing behind this young man. Xu Qi remembered, this young man seemed to be called Xiao Jinyu, who was invited by their captain to travel from Zhongdu to help them. His logic skill was to see logic factors and was also a level one user.

Maybe he just randomly found a place with fewer people to stand? 

Xu Qi didn’t think too much.

Xiao Jinyu said in an orderly way: “You said, on the morning of the tenth, you and Meat King met in the bathroom of this coffee shop and Meat King inspected the goods on the spot. After confirming he was satisfied with the goods, in the afternoon, he wired the money to your card. You then withdrew the cash and at 12am on the eleventh, you put the polluter on the sink of the cubicle. And at 1am, he would come and get the polluter. Right?”

Zhang Haixiang: “Yes.”

Xiao Jinyu nodded and continued: “Then here’s the problem. Since you two inspected the goods in the morning of the tenth, it means that at that time, you were holding this polluter in your hands,” he pointed to the box behind him. 

Su Jiuzhou slightly smiled, turned to the side, and gave way to Xiao Jinyu.

Xiao Jinyu glanced at him before turning back.

Zhang Haixiang: “That’s right, I brought this polluter with me to have it inspected.”

How could the goods be inspected if they weren’t brought? Zhang Haixiang must have been holding the polluter at that time. 

Xiao Jinyu smiled: “So, Zhang Haixiang, you held the goods in your hand and met face to face with the buyer… So why didn’t you directly exchange money and goods at that time?”

Zhang Haixiang froze violently.


Xu Qi and Zhao Hen both revealed surprised looks.

Xu Qi slapped his thigh: “That’s right, exchange money and goods, this was very convenient. They could have completed the transaction at that time.” 

Xiao Jinyu looked at Zhang Haixiang: “Don’t worry, I thought of a reason for you. The price of this polluter is very high and Meat King couldn’t move that much money at once, so he could only go back and transfer instead. And you weren’t willing to have it transferred by phone, only when you got the cash were you reassured. So you chose this roundabout and troublesome way.”

Zhang Haixiang opened his mouth and was about to say, “right”, but Xiao Jinyu interrupted him: “But I must remind you, how much did Meat King give you? I’m sure Haidu City’s Extermination Team could find this out. The bank account number you gave must be a new account, so it wouldn’t be possible to find it from your end. But the account Meat King used to transfer money to you, I’m sure his wife could check thoroughly. If it is under one million, or even two million… with Meat King’s identity, I’m sure he would be able to move this much.

“Seeing your reaction, as you didn’t speak, it seems like this deal didn’t exceed a million. Eh… let’s just take it as a million.

“In this coffee shop, transferring a million dollars seems a bit dangerous. It’s safer to transfer it at home. But, you’re users. 

“This was just an ordinary cash transaction. Firstly, no one would pay any attention to you two and secondly, even if you two were spotted by gangsters, just pick someone from the two of you and you’ll be able to easily solve it.”

Under the bright lights and the wind and rain outside of the shop, Xiao Jinyu looked calm, but his eyes looked down coldly, staring at the man who was already covered in a cold sweat: “With my useless logic chain if I was afraid of being robbed by ordinary people, that would be understandable. With your logic skill and Meat King’s identity, I can’t understand. Besides… if I was Meat King, or if I was you, and I was going to conduct an illegal trade, and it was something I could do publicly but was made private for some reason, I would definitely think that the less contact I made, the better.

“You said, you came at 12am to place the polluter here and Meat King would retrieve it at 1am, so there would be no contact. But this was a superfluous action.

“Wasn’t it better to just finish the trade in the morning of the tenth? You just had to drag it to the early hours of the next day.” 

Xiao Jinyu silently examined Zhang Haixiang and thought for a moment. He asked: “Was this a suggestion given by Meat King? I think not. He wouldn’t have cared about this little amount of money. Plus, he certainly wouldn’t be happy about the increase in contact. So, this must have been suggested by you and you were very insistent about it so that Meat King would agree. It was you who suggested not to trade on the spot and to drag it to the second day.”

Zhao Hen couldn’t help but interject: “Wait, I don’t quite understand. What do you mean now? Is there a difference between trading on the spot and trading the next day? If Meat King hadn’t died, then he would definitely come and get the polluter. And the polluter was right here, didn’t this guy come back and get the polluter because he was afraid we would find the relationship between the two of them, which is why he got arrested by us?”

“What you said is correct.”

Xiao Jinyu looked up, his eyes cold. 

“But what if this person knew from the beginning that no one would come and get the polluter?”

Zhao Hen froze.

Xu Qi’s eyes widened: “You mean, he knew that Meat King would die? He killed Meat King?”

Xiao Jinyu: “He didn’t kill Meat King, but he knew that Meat King wouldn’t be able to live until 1AM the second day.” Slightly pausing, Xiao Jinyu bowed his head, looking at the stunned Zhang Haixiang: “Lastly, there’s a question that I’m pretty curious about… Zhang Haixiang, did you come here today to take the polluter from the sink or to place the polluter into the sink?” 


The torrential rain slammed into the door and windows, heavily smashing into the shop.


The rain in Haidu City suddenly became heavy.


How many lies can a person tell in a lifetime?

As dense as needled felt and as many as cattle lice.

Xiao Jinyu couldn’t count how many lies Zhang Haixiang had told in this coffee shop today.

From the beginning, there was not a single truth spoken from his mouth. 

He said he came to retrieve the polluter, this was the first lie.

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He said he was afraid he was going to be suspected as the killer behind Meat King’s murder, this was the second lie.

Killing Xiao Jinyu was because he was rushing at that moment, killing Wang Tai was because he had acted first…

Even whether Wang Tai had taken the initiative to invite him to that task, could’ve been a lie. Even this polluter that looked like a pearl necklace might not have been the polluter they found in the contamination area, and instead might have belonged to him or Wang Tai… 

No one knew the answer.

Xiao Jinyu remembered something: “Haidu City has a polluter that can test whether someone is lying or not?”

Hearing this, Xu Qi asked in surprise: “Who told you?”

Xiao Jinyu pointed to the silent Zhang Haixiang who had lowered his head. 

Xu Qi said an “Oh” meaningfully and laughed sarcastically: “So it turns out you even said this too, Zhang Haixiang. Did you say it before I came? Are you willing to be tested by that bloody basin, to see if you lied or not, to say you didn’t kill Meat King? Alright, then you can try. Indeed, this thing is very easy to use. Just stick your head into that terrible lion’s head, say the truth, and nothing will happen. But as soon as you lie, that lion will bite your head off in one bite. What, do you want to go?”

At this moment, Xiao Jinyu understood where Zhang Haixiang’s confidence came from. He suddenly said: “You really didn’t kill Meat King. Meat King wasn’t killed by you. But, from the current sense, he did die from your hands… is it that polluter?”

As his words fell, the crowd looked back in unison.

In the corner of the coffee shop, at some unknown point, the mysterious man in black had dragged a chair over and sat down. Su Jiuzhou lazily drank his pre-bought coffee in one hand and opened the black box with the other, picking up the magnificent pearl necklace. 

Finding that everyone was looking at him, Colonel Su smiled: “En?”

Xiao Jinyu turned his head around and his face didn’t change: “It’s this polluter that killed Meat King. Meat King entered the strange logic skill of this polluter. What is its logic skill? Touch it and you’ll die the next day?”


The smile on Su Jiuzhou’s face suddenly disappeared. He sighed softly, and with a pa-ta, the pearl necklace he was just toying around with immediately fell into the box.

Of course, Xu Qi didn’t think this little pearl necklace could kill Su Jiuzhou. 

If there really was such a magical necklace, then that would be great. Just take this necklace and walk with it around rebel users. Throw it once and one would die, it was simply to the satisfaction of everyone. But it was a pity, even from this distance Xu Qi could feel that the pollution ability of this necklace wasn’t that strong. If it was sent to the Logic Research Institute and given an experimental detection, it would be estimated to rank in the hundreds.

In general, the pollution ability of a polluter is directly proportional to its degree of danger.

For those ranking lower than 100, it is impossible for a single touch to lead to death.

Sitting alone on the sides, Su Jiuzhou, who had been amusing himself this whole time, finally spoke. He supported his chin and asked the first question: “What is the effect of this polluter?” 

Zhang Haixiang’s mouth opened, but no sound came out.

Su Jiuzhou smiled: “If you don’t answer my question, I’ll be embarrassed.”

Seeing his smile, Xu Qi shivered and kicked the leg of the chair Zhang Haixiang was sitting on, shouting angrily: “If you say it clearly now, based on your performance, we can lower your sentence!”

Zhang Haixiang slowly raised his head and as if he was frightened, he murmured: “I can still reduce my sentence, wasn’t I already at a death sentence…?” 

Xu Qi: “This isn’t decided by Haidu City’s Extermination team, it’s decided by the law.”

As if a glimmer of hope had appeared, Zhang Haixiang lowered his voice and explained: “Wang Tai and I found it in the contamination area in the morning of the second. It hasn’t been a long time yet, so I’m not quite sure of its effect. But Wang Tai and I both think… it can change one’s logic skill.”

When these words landed, the coffee shop fell silent.


Xiao Jinyu looked back.

That man stood up.

It turns out that in addition to liking to tease others in strange ways, he was also able to become serious? Xiao Jinyu couldn’t help but think.

“How does it change the logic skill?” A deep and indifferent male voice sounded from the end of the crowd. Su Jiuzhou’s handsome face had no expression. 

Zhang Haixiang was startled by his terrifying expression and didn’t respond.

Su Jiuzhou sighed in annoyance.


Zhang Haixiang curled in on himself and immediately explained: “For example, my logic skill requires me to be in a bathroom with a humidity of over 50% to be used. But, in fact, after I got it, I found out that this requirement changed, it changed to around 55%.”

It only changed like that? 

Zhang Haixiang continued to explain: “The way it changes logic skills isn’t very strong. It’s just some useless changes.”

Su Jiuzhou looked down, reached out, and tucked the black box on the table into his pocket.

Xiao Jinyu looked at his hand, which had stolen goods in public, in surprise.

Xu Qi also stared straight at him, his internal alarm was ringing very loudly, and he hurriedly whispered: “That was the last thing Meat King bought, counting as a remnant. Our captain might want to keep it as a keepsake…” 

Su Jiuzhou slightly smiled: “Tell your captain that I’m going to take it and experiment with it for a couple days.”

Xu Qi: “…”

The pearl necklace was given to the two big people to worry about and Xu Qi didn’t even think that this thing could belong to him. Xiao Jinyu’s analysis he understood, but there was one other thing: “This polluter can only change someone’s logic skill? Then how did it kill Meat King? Zhang Haixiang, through what means did you use to kill Meat King? You must explain honestly!”

Zhang Haixiang wanted to talk, but stopped. Several people circling him stared at him. 

After a few seconds, Zhang Haixiang said: “You might not believe me if I say this, but it’s true. The one who killed Meat King wasn’t me, and strictly speaking, it wasn’t this polluter either. In fact, the one who killed Meat King… was Wang Tai.”

Wang Tai.

‘Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf’, Wang Tai.

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The level three user who died in the contaminated area ten days ago? 

Xiao Jinyu didn’t make a sound, he was waiting for Zhang Haixiang’s next step.

Since they had already gotten to this point, Zhang Haixiang had nothing to hide. He hung his head and said: “Before Wang Tai had died, I felt that he might have broken to the fourth level. He kept on staring at me, that pair of eyes kept on staring at me, and he said that he would definitely kill me, definitely.

“Then, Wang Tai died. But the moment before he died, he upgraded and his logic skill went out of control.

“His out of control logic skill polluted this pearl necklace. I didn’t feel the fact that this pearl necklace had the effect of changing logic skills. But Wang Tai’s ‘Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf’…” 

As if remembering something frightening, Zhang Haixiang’s lips trembled, and he said hoarsely: “I found that his ‘Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf’ was still alive! That logic skill was hidden in this necklace. Meat King was dead, he was killed by Wang Tai’s logic skill, ‘Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf’ is killing people!”

It turns out it was like this?


In the dark, late-night suburbs, a man leaned against a luxury car as he smoked.

A beautiful woman danced in an enchanting posture, holding a fragrant incense scarf, and strangled him from behind. 

Meat King died silently.

He would never think that he would die in the hands of an out of control, level four logic skill.

This out of control logic skill didn’t pollute him and only polluted a polluter that had long been polluted. He couldn’t even find the enemy. His enemy had died long ago. And he was also silently hanged by a strange, fragrant scarf, on a strange night.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Jinyu asked: “Just now you said that the ‘Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf’ in the necklace can kill people. Then why are you alive?” 

Zhang Haixiang bitterly smiled: “According to Wang Tai’s logical skill, I speculated that this necklace wants to kill people, and like the original ‘Beauty’s Fragrant Scarf’, it must be touched many times. So because I had been careful in touching this necklace, always isolating it in the box, or even burying it in the soil, not daring to touch it, it wasn’t able to kill me.”

Who would have thought it would be such an answer.

Since Wang Tai polluted this necklace right before he died, then the person he must want to kill the most would be Zhang Haixiang.

But no one could control a logic skill that had spiraled out of control. Even if Wang Tai was still alive. 

Zhang Haixiang hasn’t died, yet Meat King has.

Xu Qi and Zhao Hen both sighed.

This case has proceeded to this point and it should be over.

It was just as Xiao Jinyu had said, the reason why Zhang Haixiang came to the coffee shop today wasn’t to retrieve the polluter. On the contrary, he was here to place the polluter. 

He knew from the beginning that Meat King wouldn’t be able to live past the night, and so he had no intention of delivering it. But Meat King’s death was too sensational and all the users in Haidu City knew of Meat King’s death and also knew that his wife would pursue it to the end.

If it wasn’t Meat King, perhaps no one would have searched so carefully. The bank card that Zhang Haixiang had used to get the money from Meat King was a new account and no one would be able to track it to him; the coffee shop’s surveillance didn’t matter, he had avoided it.

But, it was Meat King.

That woman would flip through the entirety of Haidu City for Meat King to find the truth. 

Zhang Haixiang didn’t dare gamble, so he could only fight and find an opportunity to put the pearl necklace in the sink. And so even if he was found to have been in contact with Meat King, he could evade it and play it off as simply buying and selling polluters. Even if it was found that the pearl necklace could kill people, he could also lie and say he didn’t know that the necklace could kill. After all, he didn’t die in the hands of the necklace.

However, Xiao Jinyu sensed something unusual from Zhang Haixiang’s delivery time.


He didn’t personally kill Meat King.

But at the same time, he killed Meat King. 

Just as Xu Qi was going to call and ask when the rest of the team would arrive, Xiao Jinyu suddenly said: “So now you should be able to say…

“Zhang Haixiang, what is the real cause that’s letting this pearl necklace kill?

“Before Meat King died, who else have you killed with this necklace? Or in other words, how many other people?”

The wind and rain outside the window seemed to stop at this moment. 

Compared to Xu Qi and Zhao Hen’s shock, Su Jiuzhou did not show a trace of surprise. He supported his chin with one hand, and quietly looked at the thin and tall back in front of him.

After a long time, he lifted the corners of his lips, and whispered for the first time, reading aloud the characters one by one.

“Xiao Jinyu…”

Xiao Jinyu ah. 

The author has something to say:

Little Goldfish: What can I do? Others like Meat King have such a strong background and such a strong wife as well, and I have nothing. This walrus or something can kill me casually.

Ninth Sister: Is a husband like me not enough? [:)]


Originally I wanted to write until 004 appeared and I estimated that there would be another 3000 words before that happened, but I feel like it’s very good to stop here.

What do you all think?

And you guys don’t know, I edited this chapter for almost an hour. There was a place that couldn’t convince me, and was changed for almost half an hour… you can guess where it is…

By the way, a certain friend made me ten covers, and I plan to change one every half a month! When all the changes are done, you vote for a favorite ~ I’m just so arrogant! 

Did you guys see the new cover~~

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