Fourth Perspective

Chapter 23

Ch23 - Howard’s Fan

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Spear of Judgment.

Su Jiuzhou. 

004 had said before that there were a total of five level six users in the nation.

Spear of Judgment was one of them.



Xiao Jinyu calmly looked at the screen: “004, do you know his user ranking?”

[T^T I don’t know. Old Pervert had become a level five user many years ago and then only used half a year to get to level six. I already couldn’t detect him when he became a level five user and now all I can detect is that he’s a level six user and not a level seven yet.] 

[But dad, I know that the entire country has only produced six level six users.]


004 hurried to show his ability: [A few years ago a level six user died, leaving the five we know now. Old Pervert is definitely at least at A05.]

…A user who placed in the top five of the nation.

In the Grow Some Brains APP, one’s User ID cannot be changed as 004 didn’t give them permission to change their names. For example, if at level one they were named ‘Piggy Shampoo’, then at level seven their name would still be ‘Piggy Shampoo’. But the user’s ranking was ever changing, following their level and task completions.


Xiao Jinyu would have never thought that mysterious man in black would be a level six user.

There was no definite or direct relationship between a user’s level and how strong their logic skill was. For example, with Meat King’s logic skill, even if he was a level three user, Xiao Jinyu was confident that he could defeat Meat King with his right fist. Because Meat King’s logic skill had no attack power.

But it was obvious that Su Jiuzhou’s logic skill had a high attack power.


Xiao Jinyu: “Do you know what his logic skill is?” 

He was very curious.

In the coffee shop’s bathroom, with only a quick glance, Xiao Jinyu could see a condensed layer of logic factors on Su Jiuzhou’s hand, letting him catch the bullet with his bare hand.

[Old Pervert never filled in data at all. When he was at level one I had tested him and the logic skill description I gave him was “a spear that cuts through impurities”.]

[As for what it turned into later on, I don’t know. When he was around level four or five, he had already changed his logic skill’s cause and effect.] 

[He might have also changed something when he got to level six.]

[Old Pervert is a big bad guy.]

[This villainous person that never filled out information, a-tui!]

Seeing the comments floating across the screen, Xiao Jinyu’s mind suddenly flashed the thought of ‘little kids shouldn’t curse’, but he immediately felt strange. Silently putting the cursing 004 a little further away, Xiao Jinyu reflected for a moment, thinking that he seemed to have trusted this cheap son of his a bit too much. 

Since Xiao Jinyu had awakened his logic skill, a total of four days had passed.

004 stayed with him for four days.


This polluter had never harmed him and he could even say that it had helped him over and over again. Other than the time when it first appeared and wanted Xiao Jinyu to save it’s physical body from the Zhongdu User Committee, it had never brought up this matter again. It was like it sensed that Xiao Jinyu was only a level one user and couldn’t help it.

—Towards 004, he couldn’t let down his guard but he couldn’t be too indifferent. 

Xiao Jinyu made a decision.

He walked to the revolving doors of the hotel and the plastic bag in his hand swayed with the wind, creating a slight rustling sound.

Compared to 004, Xiao Jinyu should be more wary of the level six user he had already met twice.

Silently reciting that name in his heart, Xiao Jinyu’s brain quickly moved. Soon, he connected all the events that had happened in the past few days. 

On the night of the tenth, he was on his way home after buying things from the convenience store when he met Su Jiuzhou on the street in the snow. This was not an accident, but an inevitability. This was because Su Jiuzhou deliberately came to Changjie Station to check if there was a problem with the White Garden’s logic storm.

That day was when 004 suddenly had an abnormality and the Spear of Judgment pierced it, making it calm down.

Once the situation was resolved, they then needed to find the cause. The only logic skill incident that happened in the city that day was the logic storm from White Garden. So Su Jiuzhou deliberately took a trip there and encountered Xiao Jinyu who lived nearby.

As for the encounter today in the coffee shop, it might be because Su Jiuzhou was already investigating Meat King’s case and found the coffee shop, causing the two parties to meet. 

On the screen, 004 was still passionately cursing out Old Pervert and Xiao Jinyu’s eyes slowly looked down.

Not only for 004, but for his mom as well. He must keep his distance from that level six user.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jinyu changed into a white jacket he had just bought from the convenience store earlier, then put on a black and white hat and a black mask. He buried his face in a beige scarf, then went downstairs to check out, and with his luggage, he took the subway to Fengheng Bank.

As the bank had just opened, there were many people coming in and out. In front of the light blue glass walls, the tall and thin young man stuck both his hands in his pockets and made sure that his appearance was all hidden before Xiao Jinyu strode into the bank. 

“I have something in a safe here, I’d like to take it out now.”

The lobby manager who was sitting behind the reception desk heard the words and looked up at the fully armed young man in front of them. The young man covered his entire body, only leaving a pair of calm and cautious eyes.

The lobby manager smiled, asking: “Are you Mr. Wei’s client?”

Xiao Jinyu froze. 

Meat King, real name Wei Rong.

He lightly nodded, lowered his voice, saying: “En.”


“This way please.”

Leaving the bank’s lobby and entering the elevator, he reached the second basement floor and was then received by the safe depository worker. The other party was fast and experienced, behaving calmly and quickly, always guiding Xiao Jinyu within half a body’s distance, and never looked at Xiao Jinyu the entire time, which made Xiao Jinyu’s deliberate disguise seem a bit redundant. 

However, he wasn’t on guard against these bank workers.

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Passing by a security camera, Xiao Jinyu lowered his head.

He was on guard against the security cameras.

Who knows who would be interested in checking which eleven users took the task from Meat King. And in the worst possibility, Xiao Jinyu remembered that when the Grow Some Brains APP announced the second reward, the other eight users were not notified but the user who did not get the reward out of the three of them, must have known of the existence of the second reward. 

The unlucky person knows that within the rewards Meat King gave, there were two polluters. What if he was greedy, and because he didn’t win the second reward, he would come and steal it, using his connections to check the bank’s cameras, finding Xiao Jinyu.

Everything must be calculated carefully and made foolproof. Every point that is not considered might lead to an irreparable end.

Xiao Jinyu lowered his head, quickly passing by the security camera.

“21346873.” He quickly said the password provided by the Grow Some Brains APP. 

After the bank worker verified it, they smiled: “Alright, I have opened the safe Mr. Wei had left in the bank for you. There is 111111.11 Yuan in this safe, what is your bank account number, sir?”

“I want cash.”

The worker froze for a moment, then slightly smiled: “Ok, I will prepare that for you. Mr. Wei also left you a box.”

Not far away, the young staff member carefully took a long black box from the safe. 

The two staff members checked it together, making sure that there were no damages to the box, before handing it to Xiao Jinyu to check.

Xiao Jinyu glanced at it, confirming that there were no damages.

The worker: “When Mr. Wei left the box, he specifically said that the shelf life of this box only lasted until 22 o’clock this evening. He said that the person who would come get the box would know how to preserve the things inside and wanted to remind you that the preservation ability of this box would disappear at 22 o’clock tonight.”

Under the brim of the black hat, the young man’s eyes flashed. 

Xiao Jinyu replied with an ‘en’.

Ten minutes later.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Qf kfimbwf sbe ab erf Mfcutfcu Djcx’r rfgnlmfr jujlc!”

Pc ogbca bo atf vbbgr bo atf wjuclolmfca, wbvfgc yelivlcu, jc ecgfwjgxjyif sbecu wjc kjixfv bea klat tlr tfjv vbkc, delmxis kjixlcu lcab atf mbiv klcv. Lf kbgf j ijguf pjmxfa klat j mbaabc oiffmf rmjgo bc tlr mtfra jcv cb bcf xcfk atja tf kjr mjggslcu jybea j tecvgfv atberjcv lc mjrt lc tlr jgwr. Ktja yijmx ybz kjrc’a ylu flatfg, la kjr pera ibcu, rilutais ibcufg atjc jc jveia wjc’r qjiw. Wljb Alcse jirb tfiv la lc tlr jgwr. 

There were only twelve hours left on the shelf life of this box. Xiao Jinyu must return to Zhongdu City, then…

Dig a hole, then bury it!

That’s right, Xiao Jinyu had found out from 004 last night, that the way to preserve polluters was—


Seventeen years ago, after the first person awakened their logic skill, just a few months after that, polluters started appearing.

All polluters have the ability to pollute and contaminate.

The weaker polluters can only pollute level one or two users and generally have no impact on level three and above.

For the stronger ones, such as 004 and such, must be locked under masses of soil in order to prevent them from contaminating humans. 

Of course, it wasn’t that weaker polluters absolutely couldn’t contaminate high level users. The capital’s Logic Research Institute had done many experiments. In order for a polluter that ranked in the top 89 polluters to pollute a level three user, it needed half an hour; for a ranked 185 polluter to pollute a level three user, it needed three days.

For three whole days, a level three user who was given the death penalty, was always in contact with Polluter 185. Three days later, he was contaminated. And before he was able to become a pollutant, he was killed on the spot and his logic skill that had gone out of control was forcibly destroyed.

The only thing that could isolate polluters was soil.

According to 004, the people at the Logic Research Institute refer to it as the “breath of life”. 

The more soil there was, the stronger the isolation effect. So 004 was buried deep in the ground and the closest polluter to it was at least ten meters away and above it.

But the “breath of life”, once it leaves the earth, the ability to isolate the polluters will greatly decline.

[Dad, only soil that is closely related to the earth can isolate polluters.]

This means, once the soil has been dug out of the earth, having left it, it would no longer be the “breath of life”. They would have lost “life”. 

After leaving the earth for twelve hours, the soil would lose the ability of isolating polluters.

However, users can use their own logic skill to dig out the soil that had been soaked in their logic skill, which can increase the shelf life of the “breath of life”.


It was obvious that Meat King had used his logic skill to soak the soil, prolonging the shelf life of the soil. Xiao Jinyu couldn’t imagine how Meat King’s logic skill could soak the soil, but level two users could skillfully use their own logic skill and perhaps they, like how Xiao Jinyu could see logic factors, could feel their logic skill’s power, and let the logic skill enter the soil.

Without further ado, Xiao Jinyu quickly rushed to Haidu Station. 

At two thirty in the afternoon, he got back to Zhongdu City.

Having avoided the rush hour, the old, rusty subway trains were quiet, with only a few people sitting in each car.

Walking out of Chanjie Station, Xiao Jinyu took off the mask on his face and the baseball cap that blocked his view was also pushed up, revealing part of his forehead.

Since he had arrived near his home, he couldn’t dress too cautiously and mysteriously, which was illogical as it doesn’t conform to his normal life patterns. 

Only by blending into your environment, changing yourself based on the environment, could one successfully hide their secrets.

Walking through the rusty yellow gate of the community, Xiao Jinyu didn’t meet anyone along the way. He first took the elevator upstairs to see his mom.

His mom was still sleeping.

While Xiao Jinyu sped up the playback speed and watched his mom’s daily life every day whenever he got back to the hotel, he still vigilantly checked the doors and windows of the empty house. 

Making sure that there were no marks of someone entering or leaving and that there were also no footprints on the thick dust covering the floor.

Only then was Xiao Jinyu assured and went downstairs to his home.

The windows were tightly closed. In the living room, bedroom, and kitchen, every curtain was closed before Xiao Jinyu had left. The room was pitch black and silent, leaving only the howling of the wind against the windows, shaking the glass.


Xiao Jinyu turned on the lights.

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He looked up to check the time.

It was currently six at night.

Zhongdu City was located in between the northern and southern part of China. In November, nights were especially early and even though it was only six o’clock, the sky was already full of stars. 

Taking out the hundred thousand from his arms, Xiao Jinyu thought for a moment before going to the kitchen and taking out an old biscuit container from a cabinet. He took off the cap and immediately, a few old and worn out banknotes came into view. Under the banknotes were the ID cards of the mother and son, Xiao Jinyu’s student ID cards from when he was little, and his graduation certificate.

Xiao Jinyu once again counted the 111,111 yuan in bills, as well as a dime and a penny.


When he went to get the money this morning, when the staff handed him the last penny, there was a slight, strange change in the professional, calm expression of the staff member. But Xiao Jinyu’s expression did not change and reached out to take the last penny.

After hiding the cash reward, he next had to deal with the polluter. 

Polluter 198.

In the experiment done by the capital’s Logic Research Institute, a level three user lasted for three days under Polluter 185.

But he was a level three user while Xiao Jinyu is only level one.

Xiao Jinyu didn’t dare to be careless and he carefully put the long black box in his arms on the table. He was very concentrated and the young man’s slender eyes stared at the small, long box on the table. After a few seconds, Xiao Jinyu reached out and opened the box with a click. 

It was a double layered reinforced box.

On the surface, it looked like a small iron box. But when you opened it, you would find that each side of the box was hollowed out and thinly filled with brown soil. Even the lid was hollowed out and filled with dirt.

The design of the polluter preservation box was the same as Xiao Jinyu thought it would be. He didn’t pay any more attention and his eyes looked down, settling on the center of the box, on the small and delicate, snow-white hand fan.

It was a gorgeous white silk and ivory fan. Gold wire and silver threads skillfully connected the eighteen ivory bones into a fan. The fan guard was embedded with various pieces of gold, pearls, and shells, and outlining the fan leaves was a circle of intricate white lace, the face of it embroidered with a three-color peony of exquisite craftsmanship. 

The surface of the fan had the beauty of an ancient Chinese style, yet the ivory of the handle was hollowed out, making a special pattern like a comma.

Xiao Jinyu just so happened to know this pattern.

This pattern was called the Paisley pattern, evolved from the Hindu “Tree of Life”, the shape of the bent hook resembling a cashew nut and the comma like shape was of similar resemblance to a mango.

The only female upperclassman in the lab had a scarf with a Paisley pattern and once, an underclassman jokingly said that that scarf was too flowery and garish. The female upperclassman was very angry as she educated him, saying that only nobles in Medieval Europe could wear this pattern. Only then did Xiao Jinyu remember this mango-like pattern. 

The ivory bone of the fan used a western design, yet the fan’s surface was embroidered with a Chinese peony.

Xiao Jinyu’s gaze fell on the white jade pendant under the handle of the fan.

Compared to the gorgeous fan itself, this pendant was much simpler. It was just a smooth, warm mutton jade and carved in it was an elk and it’s front hooves. There was also a string of english letters engraved on top of the elk’s head, but because this piece of jade seemed to have been played too much by someone, Xiao Jinyu could only recognise the four letters of H, W, A, and D when he looked closely.

After carefully studying it for a long time, Xiao Jinyu guessed the six letters on the fan’s pendant: H, O, W, A, R, D. 


This fan belonged to a foreigner.


The entire body of the fan was completely examined, yet Xiao Jinyu didn’t rush to pick it up. He still left it in the black box. Before he could take it out, he had to check his guess.

Xiao Jinyu lifted his left hand and with two fingers together, he gently swiped across his eyelids. 

In the next second, he opened his eyes.

The world in front of him immediately turned into black and white, and the gorgeous silk fan also lost its luster.

Xiao Jinyu stared at the fan that could be called a work of art without blinking. A minute later, he saw a black light dot slowly float out of the fan’s pendant.

Xiao Jinyu let out a breath. 

Five minutes later, Xiao Jinyu turned off Fourth Perspective.

He already confirmed how polluters contaminated people.

—It was through a black light dot like the one on his mom’s neck!

Normal users’ logic factors were colorful, and even if it was a broken logic skill, like White Garden’s, it was also colorful. But for the logic factors from out of control logic skills or polluters, those were all black. 

Every other minute, a black light dot would float out of a certain position from the fan, which is a contaminated logic factor. The logic factor can float outwards up to three meters before it dissipates on its own.

As long as he isn’t touched by the logic factor of the fan, he would never be polluted.

Once he knows how polluters pollute people, Xiao Jinyu could boldly pick it up.

Polluter 185 spent three whole days to pollute a level three user. Ranks 185 and 192 were very close, so he’ll assume the pollution ability of the two are the same. Three whole days, which is a total of 4320 minutes. That user was touched by more than 4000 light dots before he was polluted. Xiao Jinyu believed that even if he was a level one user, as long as he didn’t touch the fan too often, it should be difficult to be polluted. 

Of course, he couldn’t be like a level three user, and casually use this fan. But if he was to just touch it once or twice a day, he should be fine. A user’s body definitely could digest these black light dots in some way or another. The black light dots couldn’t be stockpiled in a person’s body forever. Otherwise no user can use a polluter as the black light dots would pollute them sooner or later.

Digesting the black light dots was an inevitable thing, all it needed was time.

Thinking for a moment, Xiao Jinyu gave the black light dots a name: Pollution Factors.

All the preliminary preparations were completed. Xiao Jinyu lowered his head, his eyes staring at the small fan. 

He took out the fan.

This fan was very small. It was a women’s fan but it didn’t look like it was for an adult.


Thinking for a moment, Xiao Jinyu thought: This was very likely a fan for a teenage girl. The girl’s family name might have been Howard.

If a normal user gets a polluter reward from Meat King, they can ask their local user committee what the special effects of the polluter were, and what to take note of. Because the two polluters given out by Meat King were filed in Haidu City and given a ranking, as a public polluter in China. 

But Xiao Jinyu cannot.

He had asked 004 if it could find the information on polluters before and 004’s answer was no.

The Grow Some Brains APP could only detect logic skills and was unable to detect polluters. Polluters were collected and ranked by humans and as 004 was a polluter itself, it definitely wouldn’t collect the information of its own kind.

Polluters that can be privately collected by Meat King and not be taken away by the User Committee cannot be fatally dangerous. 

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Howard’s fan, Meat King…

Xiao Jinyu quickly thought about these. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he took out his phone, searching the web.

“Howard, fan, Wei Rong…”

“There it is!” 

Xiao Jinyu smiled in surprise.

He found information on when Meat King had bought this antique fan!

This fan was too much like an artwork and it wasn’t something a normal household could obtain. If it was placed before the radiation, it was likely to be a cultural relic.

“In 2045, the CEO of Rongsi Company, Wei Rong spent 1.3 Million dollars to obtain Howard’s Fan from Jiashi’s Auction in Haidu City.” Xiao Jinyu lowered his head, reading aloud the words on the screen: “In the 1930s, the Howard family came to the French Concession in Haidu City to open a textile factory…” 

The auction house posted the details of the original owner of the fan on the internet in detail.

The owner of the fan was named Sybil Howard, who came with her father to set up a factory in Haidu City and later moved back to the United States due to war.

When she left the country, she was only twelve. Because they left in a hurry, they only took the valuable things and many other luggages were not taken. This fan was an item she had left in her boudoir and had not taken with her.

While the history of this fan was clear, the auction website did not publish any information on the usage of this fan. 

Xiao Jinyu read the information on the auction house’s official website again and his eyes stopped on the last line of notes in red.

[*The fan’s pendant is heavily worn and to prevent the Howard family’s family crest, “Blood Elk”, from disappearing, it is not recommended to hold the fan’s pendant frequently.]


…Do normal people hold the pendant when they use a fan?

Xiao Jinyu looked at the slightly swaying pendant hanging in the air, and in the next moment, he held it. 

There were no changes.

Xiao Jinyu fanned the fan.

The faint wind blew on him head on and there was also nothing unusual about it.

XIao Jinyu pondered for a moment before raising his fingers. 

He activated Fourth Perspective.

The world changed abruptly.

Xiao Jinyu held the fan’s pendant, only to see that on the eighth ivory bone of the fan, a faint glow suddenly flashed. Xiao Jinyu was slightly stunned. He thought about it before he pressed on the eighth bone of the fan with his thumb while holding it, then moved about a centimeter above it, blocking all the light on the bone of the fan.

Then, he fanned the fan. 



Half a minute later, Xiao Jinyu staggered up from the ground and got up to open the door.

Looking at the worried Aunt Wang outside of the apartment, a hint of uneasiness flashed across the young man’s cheeks. 

Xiao Jinyu: “…Aunt Wang.”

Aunt Wang asked in shock: “What was that sound that came from your house just now? It rang for a little bit. Little Xiao, are you ok?”

Xiao Jinyu nodded: “It’s nothing, I just accidentally knocked over a chair.”

“There’s really no problem?” 

Xiao Jinyu smiled helplessly: “It’s alright.”

After spending three minutes coaxing Aunt Wang away, Xiao Jinyu returned to the dining table, looking at the lustrous white silk and ivory fan on the table. His gaze gradually moved down to the center of the first ivory bone of the fan, where there was a tiny crack.


The effect of this polluter was much simpler and rougher than what Xiao Jinyu had thought.

It turned out to be a simple weapon. By holding the fan pendant and pressing on the eighth bone of the fan, with just a light fan, it will become a strong wind above the eighth knot. 

It should be around eight or nine knots and it was impossible to reach the tenth knot.

Logically speaking, such a wind should not have been able to smash Xiao Jinyu onto the wall, but he was too close to the fan just now and caught off guard, he was blown away.

In the current situation where the only attack ability of Xiao Jinyu was his flying fists, this was actually a very good weapon. However, this fan was a consumable.

Xiao Jinyu did not hesitate to wave the fan again for experimentation. 

Sure enough, there was another crack on the bone.

Xiao Jinyu put down the fan.

At the moment, he has two attack abilities.

The first was flying fists and the other was the white silk and bone fan. 

The eight knot wind of the silk and bone fan might work very well in short distances, but once the distance was widened and the fan was used, based on a user’s physical fitness, it would be hard to create an impact. It could only be used as an auxiliary. Also, while the users of Zhongdu City were not clear, there may be some users in Haidu City who knew that this fan once belonged to Meat King.

He cannot use this fan in front of Haidu City users.

At the moment, his flying fists were his most important attack ability.

“The speed of my flying fists…” 

The sound stopped abruptly.

Xiao Jinyu coldly looked down, at his right hand.


“En, my moveable, right, fist. At present, the logic factor of White Garden can only rotate around my right fist and cannot be moved to other places. Which also means, I cannot change the part that is sent flying. I need to learn more about White Garden’s logic skill. His logic skill and this fist’s ability doesn’t seem to be the same…” 

Xiao Jinyu silently thought.

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In the quiet and peaceful night, the young man sat at the table, staring at the flickering light dots on his wrist, and fell into thought.


Upstairs, his mom suddenly woke up. In the silent and dim room, the woman opened her eyes, passed through the bedroom door whose paint was peeling off, and dragged her slippers as she walked slowly to the only sofa that was in the center of the living room.

The broken blood vessels swayed gently in the air. His mom craned her neck and watched the ‘TV’ on the wall. 

Life was still so calm.


Three days later.

The East Gate of the Old Campus of Zhongdu University. 

Having just gotten out of another big class, a group of energetic and young college students rode their bikes, laughing and biking out of the school gate, rushing to another campus.

On the west side of the East Gate, an indifferent young man wearing a white cotton jacket and holding a book walked towards the subway station.

There had been too many things happening lately and Xiao Jinyu had not gone to school for a week already. And he came today to request for leave. A few courses in the third year can be completed with the final homework and Xiao Jinyu had always had a good reputation among the professors and was a good and diligent student. Because his mom was sick and he needed to take care of her, but as it would not affect his studies, several professors had given him a long vacation.

Walking by the dry and yellowing trees by the sidewalk, XIao Jinyu was currently thinking about the tasks given by 004, and based on his current ability, which ones he could take. Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang. 

It was an unknown number.

Xiao Jinyu raised an eyebrow and pressed the answer button: “Hello.”

“Hallo-ya.” A pleasant and crisp male voice sounded, with a hint of childishness that had not completely changed.

Xiao Jinyu immediately froze. 

Not waiting for the other to ask who they were, a woman’s laughter rang from the other side: “That’s enough, let me talk. Don’t rob the phone.” After a few seconds, the woman’s voice was transmitted by the microphone: “Is this Xiao Jinyu? Long time no see, you can guess who we are.”

These two voices were slightly familiar.

Xiao Jinyu’s expression was calm: “Qi Simin, Li Xiaotong.”

This wasn’t a question, but a statement. 

On the other end of the phone, the short-haired woman and the baseball capped boy, who had once handled the White Garden incident in Changjie Station, were stunned. Li Xiaotong even said, “How did he guess so quickly”, and Qi Simin said “I told you he would guess it, he isn’t as dumb as you.”

Then, Qi Simin continued to say: “Right, it’s us. It’s been a while since we met, Xiao Jinyu.”


Continuing to walk, Xiao Jinyu lightly said: “Long time no see.”

Qi Simin: “We won’t bother you, so I’ll keep it short. There’s a task we want to invite you to complete. I heard from Xiaotong’s sister that you awakened your logic skill, which is to see logic factors. It’s very powerful.” 

Xiao Jinyu lowered his eyes and looked at the fallen leaves on the ground that had been trampled by pedestrians.

Li Xiaotong’s sister?

It seems like a lot of people know about his logic skill already.

Perhaps most users’ logic skill ability that is detected by the Grow Some Brain’s APP are open secrets. His real ability was not detected by 004. 

Seeing that Xiao Jinyu didn’t respond, Qi Simin continued to say: “You know that Xiaotong and I never take on overly dangerous tasks nor do we go to the contamination areas. This task is very simple, we just need to take a look at a family’s home and that house is pretty close as well. Someone in this house called the police, saying that their house was a bit strange these days. We just need to go take a look and see if it was just a polluter that appeared or if someone awakened their logic skill in the area. Of course, there’s the possibility that a logic skill broke in the area too.”

If it wasn’t a contamination area task, it usually wouldn’t be too hard. Also Qi Simin’s group of two indeed didn’t take high risk tasks, they only took tasks that didn’t have any risk to it.

The tasks given by 004 all had some level of difficulty and they all needed to be completed by himself, he couldn’t find teammates or else he would expose the fact that he could accept any level of tasks.

The appearance of Qi Simin and Li Xiaotong was somewhat like sending charcoal in the snow. 

Xiao Jinyu said reservedly: “That sounds nice. You guys invited me because I can see logic factors, so if it was someone’s logic skill breaking or awakening, I can find it more conveniently, right.”

Qi Simin smiled: “Bingo. That community is pretty big, so we don’t want to look house by house.”

“Alright, but I need to know the details of this task before we can work together, then I need to think about whether I want to participate or not.”

“That’s fine. Right, are you home now? We’re at the entrance of your community.” 

In the cold wind, Xiao Jinyu’s steps paused for a moment. After a while, he continued.

“I moved.”

Qi Simin didn’t dwell on those words: “You moved? Alright, can you tell me your new address? We’ll come find you tomorrow.”

“Yes, I’ll send it to you in a moment.” 

“Ok, this is my number.”

Before hanging up, Xiao Jinyu suddenly remembered something: “That’s right, how did you guys get my number?” But just as he asked that, he got the answer. Perhaps they got it from the user committee.


The manually entered information in Grow Some Brains APP didn’t include a phone number. But as a government organization, it would be very easy to get a college student’s phone number. Since Qi Simin could get information about Xiao Jinyu’s logic skill from Li Xiaotong’s sister, then his sister must very likely be a government official. Checking for contact information would not be very hard.

However, Qi Simin strangely laughed: “I asked ‘Sexy Samba’.” 


After a few seconds, Xiao Jinyu reacted: “Sexy Samba?”

Sexy Samba?

He thought he heard wrong. 

“Do I know this person?”

Qi Simin muffledly laughed: “You know, you definitely know.”

Xiao Jinyu’s lips fluttered, and suddenly, a tanned face flashed through his mind.


Sexy Samba.

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