Fourth Perspective

Chapter 33

Ch33 - “A level one user using his logic skill in such a destructive way, aren’t you afraid of becoming blind?”

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Nine days ago, Xiao Jinyu escaped from White Garden’s subway space, awakened his logic skill, and ‘stole’ what was supposedly White Garden’s logic factors.

As for why he identified it as White Garden’s logic factors was because the three light dots that spun around his right hand and the light dots he saw in the subway space, spinning around White Garden’s head, were exactly the same. 

It wasn’t that they looked the same.

Since he awakened his logic skill, all the logic factors he’s seen looked the same; They were all gorgeous and multicolored while pollutant factors were all deep black dots.



Their similarity point wasn’t their appearance, but their distinct spinning manner.

The same spinning speed, angle, even the same exact rotation. 

White Garden’s logic skill was made of three logic factors. They were like three planets orbiting around an invisible star. This specific method of movement let Xiao Jinyu identify it as White Garden’s logic factors.


However there was one thing that he had never been sure of.

If this flying fist was the ability he had ‘stolen’ from White Garden, then what was the similarity between this ability and the spatial teleportation of White Garden?

The flying fist disconnects from the wrist and then flies to another location in a blink of an eye. This location can be up to ten meters from Xiao Jinyu, as the center. That is to say, any area within ten meters from Xiao Jinyu, all 360 degrees, his fist can reach there in a blink of an eye.


Then what about White Garden’s space?

White Garden’s logic skill allows him to bring people or things into his White Garden space, then using a special action, leave the space. The White Garden space has a total of eight exits, distributed in eight different areas of Zhongdu. White Garden only revealed two exits, leaving six hidden.

It wasn’t until this moment, when he saw the ashes of Pope’s Crown, that Xiao Jinyu truly understood the true cause and effect of White Garden’s logic skill.


There never were eight exits! 

White Garden’s logic skill always was—

First, bring people or things into his own space.

If he wanted to kill his enemy, then throw them into his White Garden space and wait for them to die on their own. Unless the enemy thinks of the way to leave the space and learns the last action of White Garden when he escaped, such as jumping onto the rails, then they can leave.

If he doesn’t want to kill his enemies and just wants to teleport people or things away, then the exits afterwards, allowing him to teleport, might not be eight fixed positions, but an area that places the original location of White Garden as the center and radiates out from him! 

The logic skill that Xiao Jinyu ‘stole’ might just be a hundredth of White Garden’s, maybe even a thousandth of his power. Therefore, the space he could produce was only the size of a fist, and the farthest distance was only ten meters.

What about White Garden himself?

If he was still alive, then he would be able to create a 40 meter wide, cubed space and even move them within a kilometer, five kilometers, or even ten kilometers in any direction!

Then why did it say eight exits on the file? 

Because White Garden calculated that eight exits would allow his logic skill to completely cover the entire city. White Garden can use his logic skill anywhere in the city and leave from any of the exits, perfectly masking his true ability of “teleporting to anywhere, without a specific exit”.


In China, there were only five level three users who entered the A-Rank leaderboard.

A97 White Garden was one of them. 

These three years of reflection and pondering were lonely and dazzling.

Now, Xiao Jinyu stood on these three years of pondering. He looked up at the dark and vast sky.

The cold wind blew through the dead leaves, the users standing between the two residential buildings were silent. 

“Yes, my logic skill seems to destroy everything, but I can’t actually erase matter from this world. Pope’s Crown’s ashes still exist, but we can’t find them anymore!” Wang Tao regretted: “If I hadn’t burned them using my logic skill, then it would still be in our hands. How should we find them now?”

No one answered him.

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How should they find ashes they couldn’t see?

Xiao Jinyu looked up at the sky, the blood red veins crawling all over his eyes. The sharp, tingling sensation was like a vine, spreading from his eyes to his brain. Pursing his lips, he raised his right hand and gently swiped across his eyelids. 

He couldn’t use the ordinary version of Fourth Perspective anymore.

Enhanced version of Fourth Perspective, directly activated.

Instantaneously, the world between the heavens and the earth shifted into shades of gray. Everything became bleak. Xiao Jinyu looked up and in the pupils where the multicolored lights were spinning in, hundreds of thousands of black light dots were reflected as they flew in the air.

“Found it!” 

A bright light appeared in the clear pupils, Xiao Jinyu gripped Zhao Hen’s arm.

“Xiao Jinyu?”

The pain in his arms stunned Zhao Hen and he looked at the youth next to him.

His lips were already a pale white, yet Xiao Jinyu didn’t waste a single second. He hurriedly said: “It’s not too late! Pope’s Crown’s ashes belong to a logic skill and as long as something enters a logic skill, there will be logic factors on it. I saw it, the logic factors on the ashes!” 

Hearing this, Zhao Hen hadn’t yet reacted when Wang Tao’s eyes lit up, pushing him away to get in front of Xiao Jinyu.

Wang Tao: “You can see the logic factors on those ashes? Where?”


“Yes. The farthest one now is drifting towards the end of this path. It’s there, about ten meters above the ground.” Xiao Jinyu spoke quickly, “They’re floating further away. Captain Wang, I have a way to deal with the invisible ashes, but right now we need to find a way to stop them from flying away so fast!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qjcu Kjb’r ujhf rabqqfv, atfc cbvvfv. 

Xljca agjlifgr gewyifv jr atfs agjnfifv ogbw atf njglber vlraglmar lc atf mlas ab Jbcajwlcjalbc Cgfj 81. Ktf ugbecv rtbbx jcv atf ibbrf geyyif bc atf ugbecv nlygjafv, ifjnlcu atf ugbecv.

Ktf agjlifgr yfujc ecibjvlcu.

“Dbbw, ybbw—” 

Lecvgfvr bo teuf, raffi qijafr reggbecvfv atf Mewlc Jbwweclas ogbw jii obeg vlgfmalbcr. Ktf klcv bearlvf tfjnlis yifk bc atf raffi qijafr, ibevis rbecvlcu. Pa rffwfv ilxf la kjcafv ab mgfjaf jc bqfc gbbo qglrbc jgbecv Mewlc Jbwweclas, yea atlr kjr, bo mbegrf, ecjyif ab rabq atf qbkfg bo cjaegji obgmfr.

Before these steel plates were all placed, the wind would blow away all the ashes in the air.

However, among these hundreds of dark steel plates, there was a strong figure.

“Step, step—” 

He was dancing.

The large muscles were covered in beads of sweat, the sweat rolling down along the muscles before disappearing into the earth. The dark skinned man raised his arms up high and clapped. Zhao Hen’s head moved, his powerful muscular thighs tensing and twisting, his hips swaying rhythmically in the air.

The temperature was already high enough to melt steel, but Zhao Hen wasn’t affected. His whole body was covered in sweat as he danced a passionate and sexy samba dance.

[User ID: Sexy Samba] 

[Real Name: Zhao Hen]

[Sex: Male]

[User Rank: A80]

[Logic Level: Four] 

[Logic Skill: While samba dancing, extreme heat will be generated in the local area, resulting in a low pressure…]

Zhao Hen’s user information in the Grow Some Brains APP wasn’t complete, but as a member of Zhongdu’s Extermination Team, he had already submitted his complete logic skill info in private.


So when Xiao Jinyu proposed that “we must not let these ashes fly any further”, the first person Wang Tao thought of was Zhao Hen.

Zhao Hen’s logic skill and Zhang Haixiang’s logic skill were quite similar in a sense. 

However, they were, of course, different.

Zhao Hen didn’t have to be in a certain environment to use his logic skill. He was a level four user, he had already changed part of it’s cause. He only needed to samba dance to create extreme heat in a certain range.

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Only Zhao Hen could endure this high temperature and everyone else who entered would be roasted to death.

At the same time, according to common sense, if high temperatures create low pressure, then extremely high temperatures should cause extremely low pressures. 

And as everyone knows, when gas moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas, winds are formed. When the air pressure is low enough, a barometric wind is formed.

Wind Blowing Fart’s logic skill created wind blades through the difference in air pressure in order to kill people. Zhao Hen’s logic skill didn’t even have to generate wind at all to kill people. He could just directly roast the person alive. If the enemy wasn’t roasted to death, then the overwhelming and powerful air pressure would crush them alive.

But this time, he didn’t have to roast nor crush any enemies. All he had to do was dance. Before the steel cage that would entrap Pope’s Crown’s ashes was formed, he just had to let the wind blow towards him.

Samba was still dancing. 

In Contamination Area 81, a small tornado was formed.

All the air was rushing towards Zhao Hen’s position.

Including all those invisible ashes spread out in the air.

Suddenly, a black dot flew past his eyes, rushing towards Zhao Hen’s position. 

Xiao Jinyu narrowed his eyes, raising his right hand to grab the dot and the air around it.

In the next second, his Flying Fist was activated!

Immediately, a neat cut appeared on Xiao Jinyu’s wrist, his fist moving at a speed invisible to the eye, flying ten meters out before stopping in the air.

Xiao Jinyu spread out his fingers. 

Fourth Perspective was used simultaneously.

In the black and white world, the slender fingers waved slightly in the air, yet the black light dot that was just in the palm of the hand was gone.


Although he had already speculated this earlier, actually seeing the black dot disappear shocked the youth. Then Xiao Jinyu quickly turned his head: “Captain Wang, let Zhao Hen continue! He can’t stop before the entire Fumin Community is sealed. I have a way to move these ashes elsewhere!”

Just now, when Xiao Jinyu’s Flying Fist was in Wang Tao’s field of vision, a name flashed into his mind in an instant— 

White Garden.

What relationship did Xiao Jinyu’s Flying Fists have with White Garden’s space?

…It wasn’t the time to ponder now.

Wang Tao’s face became cold: “Alright. You can rest easy, he’s a level four user, he can hold on for at least a night, until we complete the lid on Fumin Community.” 

As Wang Tao was talking, Xiao Jinyu grabbed another black dot that flew in front of his face.

He didn’t know if he actually grabbed Pope’s Crown’s ashes, but he knew that as long as all the black dots were sent into White Garden’s space, then it would mean that Pope’s Crown’s ashes would be completely erased from this world and the cause of the logic skill would become invalid!

Yes, his flying fist wasn’t a cut off hand flying in the first place.

Just like White Garden’s space. He completely cut off the area where his fist was and sent it into a different space. Not only was his fist in this space, but also all the air and matter in that cubed area. 

—His fist had never ‘flown’, it just entered a separate space before reentering into this world.

Therefore, Xiao Jinyu ‘grabbed’ the ashes and then let the fist and ashes disappear. Eventually, he left the ashes and air in that space, only teleporting out his fists.

White Garden was dead, yet his logic skill was still alive.

This was the real use of White Garden’s logic skill! 

Zhao Hen was still passionately dancing.

The Fumin Community was completely surrounded by giant steel plates and only the huge roof remained before it became a steel cage, trapping all Pope’s Crown’s ashes in it.

Zhao Hen was surrounded by black dots, the majority of the ashes pressed up against Zhao Hen’s side. However, Xiao Jinyu couldn’t get close to Zhao Hen at the moment. Once Xiao Jinyu approached Zhao Hen, he would be roasted and crushed to death by Zhao Hen’s logic skill. Only when the steel cage was completely cast and Zhao Hen stopped dancing could he get closer. 

But Xiao Jinyu didn’t waste any time, he tried his best to deal with those black dots that were further from Zhao Hen.

The sky darkened.


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The quiet snow was still falling.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the blood stained Zhongdu on the screen, at the headless corpses that fell one by one, at the severed arms scattered on the ground… 

Who was the real culprit behind the scenes?!

It surely couldn’t be Pope’s Crown, who has been dead for half a year. He was used. His logic skill was taken away and used by someone to plot this human tragedy.

But can someone’s logic skill really be stripped away?

All over the country, every Logic Research Institute was frantically experimenting. 

Stripping someone’s logic skill artificially was unheard of. What’s more was that after stripping away this logic skill, it could still be used effectively.

Li Xiaoxiao closed her eyes.

No, she couldn’t get caught up in anger. Just because she didn’t have the potential to become an user didn’t mean that she couldn’t ponder.

She wasn’t an user. 

But she was the captain of Zhongdu’s Maintenace Department.

Everyday, she also defends the city.

Keep thinking.

“Unless they have a natural homicidal, antisocial personality disorder, it would be impossible for them to do something like this. But if it really is an ordinary antisocial personality, then why would you start this plan half a year ago and be so meticulous that you found that ‘White Garden’ could perfectly restrain ‘Pope’s Crown’s’ logic skill, deliberately killing him?” 

Li Xiaoxiao’s expression became cold: “It’s not antisocial personality, it’s premeditated! The murderer behind the scenes must have their own purpose in doing this, not just killing people. There isn’t just ‘Pope’s Crown’ whose logic skill can carry out mass murder and ‘Pope’s Crown’ is way too high profile. There are even logic skills that can kill people in their sleep such as ‘Dreamer’. But they just had to pick ‘Pope’s Crown’…

“‘Pope’s Crown’, just what was special about him…?”

Seeing the desperate people on the screen, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly froze, her eyes staring at the ground stained with blood.

Suddenly, her phone sounded. 

Li Xiaoxiao immediately picked up the call.

A stranger’s young voice came from the phone.


“Department Head Li.”

Instantly, Li Xiaoxiao guessed the other’s identity: “Fourth Perspective… Xiao Jinyu?” 

A small tornado formed over Fumin Community.

They were a hundred square meters away from finishing the roof. In five minutes, Zhao Hen could stop dancing and Xiao Jinyu could then completely remove all the black pollutant factors.

In the cold darkness of the night, dead leaves scratched the youth’s cheeks, leaving a faint mark.

Wang Tao was working with the other users to speed up the caging of the entire Fumin Community. 

Xiao Jinyu held Wang Tao’s phone in his left hand while using the Flying Fist on his right. His pupils shone with brilliant dots of light and he used Fourth Perspective without rest. He had to make sure that not a single one of the pollutant factors escapes from the cage and he also needed to make sure to send each of them into the White Garden space as soon as possible.

His eyes felt as if they were burning yet his body was already used to the pain. A drop of blood mixed in his tears, flowing down from the corner of his eye. Before Wang Tao could notice, Xiao Jinyu quickly raised his hand and wiped it away.

His jaws clenched from the pain, shaking, making it almost impossible for him to talk calmly, but he had something to tell Li Xiaoxiao.

“The area where Pope’s Crown lived before his death was the Xiaoqiu District, not Wuxing District, where Fumin Community is located. I think that his ashes weren’t buried in Wuxing District, right?” 

Fourth Perspective’s voice seemed to be trembling? Not thinking too much, Li Xiaoxiao gravely said: “Yes, his ashes were buried in a cemetery in Xiaoqiu District but someone dug it up before burying it there. I’ve already sent someone to the Xiaoqiu District cemetery and they found that Pope’s Crown’s tomb had been dug up and his ashes were long gone.”

“Department Head Li,  why did the murderer choose to bury Pope’s Crown’s ashes in Contamination Area 81, Fumin Community?”

Li Xiaoxiao froze.

“That’s right, there are a lot of people around Contamination Area 81 so they could rope in more victims here. But those areas have the same high-density population, and as far as I know, there are no less than two of those areas in Xiaoqiu District! However, they just had to travel that far to bury the ashes there, instead of just burying it in Xiaoqiu District. 

“Department Head Li, for the murderer, Fumin Community must have some sort of important meaning to them. It’s also possible that this important meaning has something to do with the area between Building 18 and 20…”

A burning pain suddenly pierced his brain, causing Xiao Jinyu to fall silent.

After a few seconds, he took a deep breath to calm the pain and continued: “If the murderer is really that nun, then I think it’s very likely that Fumin Community is where she once lived! She is a very sentimental person, so she wore the cross with the Howard Family’s Crest engraved on it and must have also buried the ashes of Pope’s Crown in the Fumin Community.

“Can we determine her identity with this?” 

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Li Xiaoxiao’s thought quickly and as her thoughts changes, she jerked her eyes to the screen: “Xiao Jinyu, I’ve gotten your suggestion. I’ve also found something on my end too!”

“What is it?”


“I found that the victim’s blood that is flowing on the ground seems to be decreasing!”

Xiao Jinyu froze for a moment. 

The blood on the ground seems to be decreasing?

The blood evaporated?

Not possible. Even in hot weather, blood doesn’t evaporate this quickly. Furthermore, there are even more victims joining the parade, the dead increasing by the moment, even more blood as time passes.

Then why would the blood disappear? 

Xiao Jinyu’s eyes widened as he sent another pollutant factor into the White Garden space. Suddenly, he said in surprise: “The murderer wants this blood? Pope’s Crown’s logic skill… is there anything different between this blood and the blood of ordinary people?”

Li Xiaoxiao also froze, immediately thinking of “physical and mentally pure”, the cause of Pope’s Crown’s logic skill. Yet before she could speak, she heard a suppressed and hoarse shout from the other end of the phone.

As if he had endured the severe pain all day and night, until he couldn’t bear it anymore, the youth finally let out a cry of pain.

Yet in the next second, there was the sound of wind before a low, male voice came from the phone. 

“What he said was correct, this blood is what the murderer really wants. They must use Pope’s Crown’s logic skill and not any other logic skill.”

Li Xiaoxiao: “…You are?”

The night was silent and Su Jiuzhou looked at the northeast corner of the Fumin Community.


The last chunk of steel plates was placed on Fumin Community, tightly closing the community, not letting any of the ashes escape it.

There seemed to be some hot liquid flowing from under his fingers and Su Jiuzhou’s eyelashes moved slightly. He looked down at the youth in front of him who was trembling with pain. He stood behind Xiao Jinyu and raised his left hand, not letting the other party a chance resist before he pressed on the other’s eyes.

After a while.

Su Jiuzhou: “A level one user using his logic skill in such a destructive way, aren’t you afraid of becoming blind?” 

The powerful sense of oppression coming from behind him made Xiao Jinyu’s shaking body shake even more. The man grabbed him from behind and pressed his eyes closed, forcing him to stop using his logic skill. The posture was like a hug, the man hugged him from behind and a cold smell poured into his nose.

There were no more colors in front of him, only an endless darkness.


Xiao Jinyu didn’t see who had suddenly appeared behind him before he was forced to close his eyes by the other party, but his eyelashes trembled slightly, fluttering against his palm. That familiar feeling let him remember this man’s name.

“…Su Jiuzhou.” 

Xiao Jinyu surpressed his shaking voice and calmly said: “I don’t have any time to waste. Right now, every second and every minute, there are people outside, dying.”

“So I’m back.”

Xiao Jinyu’s body froze.

Covering the youth’s eyes, Su Jiuzhou turned his head around. His breath brushed the youth’s ear as he looked down on the pale youth. 

“I’m here, so you’ll have a lot of time now…

“There’s no rush.”

The man’s hand still covered his eyes, but Xiao Jinyu felt that the man’s other hand seemed to have lifted something up.


He opened some kind of box?

Xiao Jinyu was just wondering that when, in the next second, a piercing scream sounded in his ear.

The author has something to say:

This chapter was about Zhao Hen’s logic skill, I checked a lot of information and in the process of checking, I gradually felt that this thing couldn’t be solved from the macroscopic level alone. This should include the microscopic level as well and I’ve seen the suggestions in the comment section, yet I personally feel like there is a problem here, basic physics isn’t enough to explain this. But you’re all right, there’s already a debate over the macro stuff, so there’s no need to include the micro. So I just changed something necessary. The most important thing is that everyone is happy while reading. Finger heart~ 

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