Fourth Perspective

Chapter 39

Ch39 - Kangde Orphanage

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“If, according to Pope’s Crown’s logic skill, those who enter the logic skill must be physically and mentally pure, then other than being a good person, they also must be virgins. But within the three thousand victims, at least three of them are dubious.”

Xiao Jinyu’s eyes darkened and he said quietly: “First, is Xiao Wu, the police officer we saw in the hospital. He has a fiancée and furthermore, is getting married next month.” 

As soon as he finished saying that, Xu Qi cut him off: “Xiao Wu is still alive.”

Xiao Jinyu froze, looking at him.



Xu Qi immediately explained: “After the Head-Picking Incident started, the first person I watched was Xiao Wu. At that time, we all came out of the hospital and when he came out with our group, he wasn’t that far. So when I saw that he was going to pull his head off, I went to block his arms, stopping him. Only when the other team members came to help hold Xiao Wu’s arms down did I leave to help other people. He also confirmed that he and his fiancée didn’t intend to have sex before marriage. So, he’s indeed a virgin.”

Everyone there didn’t have a strong opinion on sex before marriage, but physical and mental purity was needed to enter Pope’s Crown’s logic skill. 

Xiao Jinyu: “Then there’s also the second person, Meat King. Meat King and Captain Luo had been married for a year already.”


However, Xiao Jinyu didn’t think that as soon as he said that, Xu Qi would blurt out: “Meat King is indeed a virgin.”

Xiao Jinyu froze: “?”

Xu Qi sighed helplessly: “Captain as a person, even I, who has worked with her for so many years, I don’t know much about. Other than official duties, she doesn’t say over ten sentences about her personal life a month. Before I came to Zhongdu, I met with Captain and mentioned Pope’s Crown’s logic skill. I had also thought that Meat King shouldn’t be able to enter the logic skill, but I didn’t think that Captain would turn silent for a long time before telling me that… Meat King could enter.”



This was an answer that no one would have thought of.

He pursed his lips: “Then there’s also the third person, Chu Wenting.” He calmly looked at the level four user in front of him, slowly saying: “She’s Xiao Ke’s stepmother and she’s already married.”


“This…” Xu Qi hesitated. 

Xu Qi only came to Zhongdu after Chu Wenting died and on the subway, he only roughly familiarized himself with the victim’s file and didn’t deliberately remember if she was married or not.

Xiao Jinyu: “If we say that Meat King and Captain Luo didn’t have a relationship after marriage because of their emotional discord, then Chu Wenting and her husband are different. They have a good relationship. Previously, I took a D Rank task regarding Chu Wenting with Qi Simin and Li Xiaotong, and to investigate that matter, we visited her neighbors. Although Chu Wenting’s husband suddenly had to leave for half a year, they still had a harmonious relationship and even video called every day. Before he had to leave, the two were very much in love and even if they had only been married for just over half a month then, they still lived very harmoniously…”

His voice abruptly stopped.

Xu Qi was listening patiently while analyzing whether Pope’s Crown’s logic skill had changed. Suddenly, Xiao Jinyu stopped talking and he asked in surprise: “What is it?” 

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Zhao Hen also looked at Xiao Jinyu in curiosity.

Of all the people there, only Xiao Jinyu had participated in Chu Wenting’s incident from the start to the end, knowing all the ins and outs of the incident.

“Found something wrong?”

The man’s deep laugh sounded. Xiao Jinyu looked up at Su Jiuzhou, who was standing on the side, watching the crowd. 

He retracted his gaze. His face was calm but his eyes displayed an even deeper feeling: “…I guessed wrong.” He said to Wang Tao: “Captain Wang, are you able to immediately contact Chu Wenting’s husband now? I remember he had already bought last night’s tickets back and should be back in Zhongdu by now.”

Wang Tao: “Call him over? He should be preparing for the funeral right now.”


Xiao Jinyu shook his head: “Just a phone call is fine.” Although it was a little hard to say and seemed to be snooping on other people’s privacy, Xiao Jinyu still said: “I want to ask… just about when did he have his first relationship with his wife.”


Making a phone call was very simple and after five minutes, Wang Tao got an answer from the grief-stricken Lin Qiao.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olxf atf qbilmf boolmfg Qe Tejc, jiatbeut Jte Qfcalcu’r teryjcv Olc Hljb uba gfwjgglfv, tf jcv Jte Qfcalcu kfgf gfijalnfis mbcrfgnjalnf jcv vlvc’a tjnf jcs rfzeji gfijalbcr ecali atfs kfgf wjgglfv. Vb la kjrc’a ecali atfs uba wjgglfv tjio j wbcat jub vlv atfs tjnf atflg olgra rfzeji gfijalbcrtlq.

Xu Qi immediately understood, he analyzed: “So there’s now an explanation. Pope’s Crown’s logic skill swept in Chu Wenting half a month ago when she still met the requirements of being ‘physically and mentally pure’.”

All victims of Pope’s Crown’s logic skill must fulfill the requirements of being physically and mentally pure. 

But as long as they’ve successfully entered the logic skill, then no matter if they’re still virgins or not, they’ll still stay in the logic skill and reach the end of pulling their head off.

“Xiao Jinyu.”

Xiao Jinyu looked up.

The wide street was filled with snow and the chill had gotten worse as the snow melted. The burly man of almost two meters bowed his head and stared at the youth in front of him. Wang Tao asked: “The reason why you’re so suspicious of the ‘physically pure’ condition is that Chu Wenting, Meat King, and the police officer Wu Yuan, these three people, made you feel like something was wrong?” 

Xiao Jinyu’s eyes were calm, not saying anything.

Wang Tao stared at him and suddenly asked: “Or is there a fourth person that you cannot accept that they’re a ‘virgin’.”

Zhao Hen immediately turned his head, looking at Xiao Jinyu in surprise.

Xu Qi wasn’t too surprised. After talking for so long, he naturally noticed that something was strange. What Wang Tao had wanted to ask, he had also wanted to ask too. Although he hadn’t been in contact with this young and remarkable new user for long, Xu Qi knew that it wasn’t only Chu Wenting’s group of people that made the other party dubious of whether the other party must be a virgin and also lose control of his emotions the moment he first learned of this information. 

—Fourth Perspective.

Xu Qi had long remembered this ID.

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Fourth Perspective wasn’t such an uncalm user.

Of the people here, only Zhao Hen didn’t notice Xiao Jinyu’s slight change in expression. 

Carrying the heavy box in one hand, Su Jiuzhou’s dark eyes silently looked at the usually calm youth.

A while later.


Su Jiuzhou smiled: “So is it now the secret revealing time?”

Xiao Jinyu looked up at him, his gaze landing on a pair of cold, black eyes. 

Su Jiuzhou was smiling, but his eyes showed his thoughts and inquiry. However, there was not a trace of hostility. Seeing Xiao Jinyu look at him, he smiled and tilted his head, raising an eyebrow at him.

Xu Qi: “Is it inconvenient to say?”

After thinking for a while.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind and he seemed as if he could open his mouth, but no words were able to come out. A long-kept secret was suddenly about to be publicly revealed, yet Xiao Jinyu didn’t know what to say. If he says it, then there might be more things to deal with. But if he didn’t say it… suddenly, his eyes met with the man’s eyes. 

Taking in a deep breath, Xiao Jinyu looked up and said in a calm voice: “The last piece of evidence I want is… my mom, is she also physically and mentally pure?”

The wind seemed to stop for a second.

This time, not only was Zhao Hen stunned, but Wang Tao and Xu Qi were also stunned. 

Even Su Jiuzhou’s gaze towards Xiao Jinyu stopped for a second.


This was an answer that even Spear of Judgement didn’t even think of.


The night was starting to end.

On the eastern horizon, a pale yellow and blue light appeared.

At five in the morning, all of the three thousand injured survivors were taken to the hospital.

The Head-Picking incident didn’t only affect the three highly populated communities near Changmei Community, but also the two large communities and three apartment buildings on the west side of area 81. 

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After taking a young girl with dismembered arms to the nearby hospital, the old police officer Lao Li finally had time to wipe the sweat off his forehead. In the cold weather, he was so busy that he was covered in sweat, scared that if he was any slower in sending the girl to the hospital, her arms would no longer be able to be reattached.

If he gets there faster and brings the two dismembered arms, then she’ll still have hope!


Taking a cup of hot tea from his colleague, Lao Li only took one sip before he quickly ran back to the police station in the community. Seeing his deputy director, Lao Li quickly said: “Director Wang, tonight’s incident definitely has something to do with the beheading case in Bojiu Apartments on the 13th of last month! We must investigate to the end!”

“No worries, Lao Li, I’ve already sent people to send the files to the top.” 

Lao Li finally let out a sigh of relief.

The beheading case that happened on the 13th of last month was vividly remembered by Lao Li.

The victim was a man living alone, in his fifties, his personality was generally eccentric. He heard that twenty-five years ago, his girlfriend had died of Type-A radiation and he had been a little crazy ever since. Ever since then, he had been living alone. There were many people like him after the Type-A radiation, whose relatives and friends didn’t survive, causing them to lose hope and also dislike dealing with strangers, leading to them living in isolation.

The body was only found five days after the victim died, due to the smell. However, even now, the police still haven’t caught the killer. 

Lao Li remembers the extremely flat cut on the neck of the victim he saw when he got to the crime scene. He had always thought that the murderer was either extremely strong or specialized in butchering or other professions, otherwise, there was no way for the murderer to have cut such a neat cut. But today, when he saw that horrific and shocking march, a strange thought appeared in his mind.

Maybe the victim died from pulling his own head off.

He really hoped they could find the murderer.

And let all the victims rest in peace! 

At this moment, Xiao Jinyu didn’t know about the beheading case reported by the police station. Even Wang Tao didn’t know that this case was reported to the User Committee a month ago and that the maintenance department issued a C Rank task on the same day, in which three level two users took on the task and went to Bojiu Apartments to check for logic factors.

They didn’t detect any logic factors.

In the end, this case was determined to be a regular homicide case and had nothing to do with logic skills.

The focus of everyone’s attention now was the cause of Pope’s Crown’s logic skill: physical and mental purity. 

How should they test if someone is mentally pure?

There was no correct answer to this question. Everyone’s definition of kindness was different and not all good people were recognized by everyone, only unkind behavior was easy to identify.

But checking if someone was a virgin or not was very easy.

More than a hundred people died overnight and even if everyone knew and even saw the cause of death, a simple autopsy was needed to give each family an answer. 

The forensic lab of the police station was long insufficient, so the major hospitals were also called over along with the students of the forensic department studying at Zhongdu University with the reward of school credits to participate in examining the corpses and determine the cause of death of more than a hundred people as soon as possible.

Half an hour later in the temporary dissection room of Zhongdu’s affiliated hospital.


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Xiao Jinyu took the autopsy report from the forensic doctor’s hand, looking at the black text on the white paper. His head was slightly bowed, yet there was no expression on his face.

Zhao Hen looked at this Xiao Jinyu, lightly sighing. 

When someone finds out they’re not their parent’s biological child, their reaction should be something like this as well, confused. What’s more, Xiao Jinyu only found out because of the death of his mother, so his mood must be even more painful and complicated.

Zhao Hen patted Xiao Jinyu’s shoulders: “My condolences.”

Xiao Jinyu looked up and glanced at him, quietly answering.

There was one point that Zhao Hen guessed wrong, Xiao Jinyu wasn’t confused. For as long as he could remember, he had always lived with his mom and never had a dad. Mom said that Dad died very early on and hoped that Xiao Jinyu wouldn’t bring it up again because she’ll be sad. So after he turned four, Xiao Jinyu never mentioned his dad again. 

He didn’t need a Dad.

All he needed was his mom.

A mom who loved him very much.

Wang Tao: “When the forensic doctor did the autopsy, Xiao Jinyu, I asked Li Xiaoxiao of the maintenance department, that is, Li Xiaotong’s older sister, to check your mother’s information to see if we can help you find your biological parents.” 

Xiao Jinyu froze, he looked up and was just about to say he didn’t need it when Wang Tao began again: “You should have been adopted from an orphanage.”

His voice stopped in his throat. Xiao Jinyu was quiet: “Orphanage?”

He didn’t care who his biological parents were, but he wasn’t against learning about his own past.

Wang Tao nodded: “It seems to be called…” He glanced at his phone, “Oh, Kangde Orphanage. Your mother used to work here. In 2021, she graduated from Zhongdu’s Vocational School and worked as a nurse on the night shift in a hospital. After that, she worked at a pet shop. Around two years after you were born, she went to work at Kangde Orphanage. However, the orphanage closed down six months later due to poor management and many children weren’t adopted yet at the time, so the staff that worked there adopted several of them. According to the information your mother filled out, you were adopted from Kangde Orphanage.” 

“Kangde Orphanage?”

A surprised, male voice sounded.

Everyone looked at Zhao Hen.

Zhao Hen scratched his head: “I feel like I’ve heard of this name somewhere.” 

“It’s a B Rank task.”

Zhao Hen: “Oh right, right, a B Rank task! Twenty years ago, Kangde Orphanage was demolished and a school was built on top of it. Last week I saw a B Rank task on the Grow Some Brains APP that was related to this school!” After a moment, Zhao Hen looked at the man holding a large black box not so far away: “But Colonel Su, how did you know about this task?”


Xiao Jinyu looked at Su Jiuzhou in surprise.

“How do I know?” Under the cold light of the hospital, the handsome man drew up the corners of his lips. 

Su Jiuzhou slightly smiled: “Because this task, was released by me.”

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