Fourth Perspective

Chapter 44

Ch44 - You’re even flirting with him!

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What are logic factors?

Wang Tao told Xiao Jinyu that before Fourth Perspective was activated, the entire world, or at least the entirety of China, didn’t know what they looked like. 

The reason why they gave logic factors their definition was only because of the relationship between atoms and matter. Because when a user’s logic skill collapses, there will inevitably be a phenomenon similar to the diffusion of gas molecules, as if countless small logic factors formed a logic skill, so that when the logic skill collapses, the logic factors would scatter. The only detector that can detect the presence of logic factors would be the detector.

During the Head-Picking March, the small logic skill left by Holy Sacrifice was crushed by a spear by Su Jiuzhou.



At that time, Xiao Jinyu had activated Fourth Perspective and personally saw the colorful dots of light fall from the sky. And if at that time, someone surveyed the area with a detector, they would find that at that moment, Zhongdu was filled with countless logic factors, as if something was split into atoms and scattered into the air.

Science has always been about hypothesizing then proving. The scientists at each of the large Logic Institutes in China weren’t able to see these logic factors, but they used their wisdom to give them a definition of logic factors a whole decade before Fourth Perspective was first activated. 

Now Su Jiuzhou said that he could feel that the logic factors that made up his logic skill have become more active.


Xiao Jinyu quickly thought and asked: “Is it only when you get close to Kangxin Middle School that they become more active?”

Su Jiuzhou glanced at him: “There’s a ten meter range. At a radius of ten meters from this school, I can feel that my logic factors are starting to get more and more active.”

“No matter which side of the school you’re on, you can always feel that?”


“North, East, South, West, they’re all the same.”

Logic skills won’t appear out of nowhere.

But the logic skill also depends on the user.


A logic skill that separates itself from its user is a logic skill that has the power to contaminate others. 

Lin Hao is already dead, his corpse was also long cremated.

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When Su Jiuzhou released the task, Lin Hao had already been dead for several days, so it was impossible to verify if he was the user of the hidden logic skill. But there was no doubt that once the user dies, unless their logic skill went out of control before that, the logic skill would only disappear with the death of its owner.

The possibility of Lin Hao being a user was no more than 1%.

Lin Hao had only entered a mysterious logic skill. This logic skill was still at this school right now, not leaving. 

A slight chill blew.

Xiao Jinyu suddenly said: “Did you release the task after you passed here some day and found that your logic skill suddenly became abnormal?”

Su Jiuzhou’s expression slightly darkened and he looked at the youth in front of him meaningfully. After a while, he smiled and said: “En, not bad. I first noticed the abnormality at this school first, then went and investigated it before I found the teacher that died mysteriously.”

This then would explain why Su Jiuzhou would focus on a regular person’s death. 

What he was focusing on was never Lin Hao’s peculiar death, but this school.

Now, Su Jiuzhou no longer needed to hide any information from him. Xiao Jinyu asked a few more questions and he answered them all one by one. At the end, when Xiao Jinyu was about to turn around and re enter the school, he suddenly stopped.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The young man wrinkled his eyebrows and asked: “Colonel Su, you said that you can’t get within ten meters of the school… so if you do get within range of it, what would happen?”

Jbibcfi Ve rabqqfv jcv ibbxfv ja tlw: “Ktfgf klii yf j ilaaif lwqjma.” 


Tbe wluta jr kfii tjnf cba jcrkfgfv.

Wljb Alcse ibbxfv ja tlw lcvloofgfcais jcv pera jr atf qtgjrf, “P tbqf atja kf vbc’a tlvf jcs lcobgwjalbc ogbw fjmt batfg” kjr jybea ab yf rjlv, tf ibbxfv ja atf rilutais rwlilcu fsfr bo atf batfg wjc jcv tfrlajafv.

[It has something to do with me personally.] 

In a split second, he understood Su Jiuzhou’s answer.

Thinking for a moment, Xiao Jinyu: “Are you unable to enter under any circumstances?”

“There isn’t a problem with entering for a short time. En… I’ll be outside, if you’re in any danger, I’ll save you immediately.”

Xiao Jinyu: “…”: 

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He wasn’t asking about that!

Su Jiuzhou naturally understood Xiao Jinyu’s meaning, but seeing at the youth’s constantly cold and indifferent expression, he didn’t mind saying stuff to make this beautiful face more vivid. He smiled and looked at Xiao Jinyu, thinking that the other would just turn around and enter the school wordlessly, yet who would have expected…

Xiao Jinyu: “Alright.”

Su Jiuzhou’s expression slightly changed. 

The youth;s clear eyes were fixed upon him: “Colonel Su, your contact information… can you give it to me?”


There was no gate on the west side of Kangxin Middle School..

Xiao Jinyu didn’t go around the school to enter either. Instead, he climbed the western wall and with little to no effort, easily entered the school. 

As night fell, the light-sensitive lights on the school path flickered gently in the pitch dark night.

The tall and thin youth put his hands in his pockets, his right hand gently rubbing against the cold metal shell of the phone. Xiao Jinyu looked down and thought carefully about the information he had just acquired.


This was the first time he took on a single person task.

Any user who took on a task definitely wouldn’t refuse a level six user’s offer of protection. 

Xiao Jinyu was the same.

This was Spear of Judgement’s promise.

Su Jiuzhou’s words meant that no matter what the mysterious logic skill hidden in the school was, Xiao Jinyu could safely and boldly investigate it. He would never be in danger. Xiao Jinyu himself wasn’t a fool and so naturally, he had gladly accepted it.

Just as he was thinking about the conversation between them outside the school just now, the phone in his pocket suddenly buzzed a little. Xiao Jinyo took out his phone and froze when he saw the bullet message on his screen. 

[Dad T^T !!!!]

Xiao Jinyu immediately put his phone back into his pocket, turning around to look at the wall behind him.

The trees’ shadows were shaky and the dim light illuminated the trees on the sidewalk, leaving a long shadow on the long wall. As the wind blew, the trees on the sidewalk and the creepers on the walls of the dorm behind him rustled together.

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Yet there was no movement from behind the wall. 

He stopped for a full five seconds.

Su Jiuzhou didn’t appear.

Xiao Jinyu took out his phone again. This time, he didn’t speak but instead started typing.

(Su Jiuzhou is just ten meters away.) 



Xiao Jinyu slightly furrowed his eyebrows.

(Will he not detect you?) 

[Su Jiuzhou, you even call him Su Jiuzhou! You call him Su, Jiu, Zhou!]



If he isn’t called Su Jiuzhou, then is he called Su Yizhou?

(Isn’t his name Su Jiuzhou?) 

[This isn’t the important part! The important part is, Dad, you actually call Old Pervert’s name so intimately! Even just now, in front of me! You were flirting with Old Pervert! QAQ]

Xiao Jinyu: “…”

First of all, you were in my pocket, so it wasn’t in front of you. Also…

Where did you see that we were play-fighting?! If you can find a single time where we were flirting, then you’re my biological son! 

His line of sight quickly swept through the various bullet messages flying across his screen, looking at messages such as: “Dad, are you actually getting along with Old Pervert?”, “Do you not want me anymore?”, “Little cabbage is a little yellow, little 004 has no daddy-oh”, yet Xiao Jinyu’s heart didn’t move at all, expressionlessly putting his phone back into his pocket.


After his phone vibrated for a full minute did Xiao Jinyu slowly take it out.

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[Dad, don’t ignore me.] 


He sighed.

(I’m not ignoring you, it’s just that Spear of Judgement is right outside. Are you not afraid of being detected?)

[Oh Dad (=・ω・=) !] 

[I’m not afraid! What have I, 004, been afraid of? I’m not afraid of anything under the skies. And I don’t know why but Old Pervert’s logic skill can’t enter this school at all. As long as I’m inside this school, he can’t detect me.]

It turns out that not only could Su Jiuzhou not enter this school, but his logic skill couldn’t either.

Xiao Jinyu fell into thought.

[Dad, I have something I need to say!] 

[Dad, praise me!]




[I heard the tan bad guy say that I might be given a higher ranking! Oh, stupid humans, they’ve only seen a little bit of my strength before they were frightened. Afraid of my terrible power, they decided to raise my ranking among all the special objects in China.] 

Xiao Jinyu couldn’t help but pause.

…Raise ranking?

That is to say, in the future, it won’t be Polluter 004 anymore, but instead 003, 002, or even 001?

(So awesome.) 

[Hehe, of course. If I’m not awesome then how can I be dad’s good son.]

[Dad, kissy (○`3`○)!]

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