Fourth Perspective

Chapter 47

Ch47 - …Let the kid be happy for a little bit longer

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Half an hour later, fifteen members from Zhongdu’s Extermination Team arrived at Kangxin Middle School.

The thick clouds covered the moon, and under the foggy night, the ten large excavators entered the school grounds. The dark and heavy vehicles crossed the ground, shaking the earth. 

Shortly after, the people in four layers of protective gear began their work.

At the same time, the staff at the User Committee also arrived at the four communities around Kangxin Middle School, knocking on their doors. The sleepy residents bewilderedly opened their doors and before they could ask what was happening, the staff took out a temporary government notice with official seals and urgently sent the residents to a safe zone ten kilometers away.



—No one knew how powerful the pollutant under Kangxin Middle School was.

But Su Jiuzhou said that it would definitely rank in the top three. 

Not every pollutant had a scarily powerful ability. For example, Pollutant 008.


With the appearance of an old phonograph, Pollutant 008 was very friendly with humans and its contamination ability was also very low. As long as one doesn’t look at it, they won’t be contaminated.

Yet Pollutant 004 was different.

Looking at Pollutant 004, or even exposing a patch of skin to the space it was in, was able to cause Pollutant 004 to contaminate them. Two weeks ago, Zhao Hen confirmed through his own personal experience that not only was exposed skin enough for contamination, but even a shrill cry from 004 was enough despite the fact that he was covered in three layers of protective gear.


Therefore, it was necessary for them to evacuate the surrounding people to prevent the pollutant from contaminating the ordinary citizens the moment it was dug up.

In addition, Wang Tao also asked for all users under level three to not enter Kangxin Middle School. The members of the extermination team weren’t only searching around the campus, but they were also learning how to operate the excavators. This was a last minute effort, but finding a level three user that also knew how to operate an excavator was near impossible. They could only learn on the spot and use it then.

Thankfully the team members’ learning ability was fast and twenty minutes later, the excavator operators wearing the thick protective gear left the school grounds and were switched out for level three users in the ten excavator seats.


Xiao Jinyu had three layers of protective gear on, with a tablet-like detector in one hand as he worked with Zhao Hen to find a trace of the pollutant. 

The protective gear was made of special materials. It was a creamy white on the outside. Every layer of it contained a thin layer of soil. All of that soil was just dug up from ground and all had the ability to block the pollutant’s ability.

In the dark campus, the sound of the excavators rang.

Everyone’s spirits were all tense, on one hand, they were breaking through the hard cement and digging at the soil, while on the other, they had to carefully prevent themselves from being contaminated.

The originally silent campus quickly became noisy, a massive hole appearing in it. 

Zhao Hen: “There’s something under this flower bed. Let excavator three come!”

Team member: “Yes!”

Xiao Jinyu looked down at the detector in his hand. He only saw on the screen that about five meters under the flower bed by the fourth building, there was a cube like object.

A huge excavator immediately arrived. The soil, mud, and countless flowers were all dug up. After the box in the ground was dug up, everyone’s first reaction was to look away, not allowing themselves to look at it directly. But after ten seconds, there still weren’t any other reactions. 

Zhao Hen looked at Xiao Jinyu: “It’s ok now.”

Xiao Jinyu nodded and turned around to look at the center of the hole, his left hand swiping across his eyelids. He didn’t look straight at the box, but instead examined the air around it, his eyebrows slowly narrowing.


A minute later.

The youth shook his head: “There aren’t any logic factors. This deformed metal box shouldn’t be the pollutant. You can have your people study it now.” 

After repeating this multiple times, the extermination team dug up seven to eight more of those strange metal boxes from the earth, but without exception, none of them were the pollutant.

Xiao Jinyu and Zhao Hen acted separately.

He had now learned how to use the detector.

The appearance of the detectors sent by the Logic Research Institute looked like a tablet, with two antenna-like rods on each side of it. These detectors use X-rays and gamma rays and were able to reach up to twenty meters below ground. If there was anything other than soil present below, it would start beeping and the approximate shape of the object would be displayed on the screen. 

The cold breeze blew across his face and Xiao Jinyu looked down. Both of his hands held the detector, while he searched the grounds.

The moment he walked to the creepers on the western wall, he froze.

Xiao Jinyu turned around.

The wind blew through the twisted vines, creating a rustling sound. 

Xiao Jinyu: “Captain Wang.”

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Wang Tao looked up. The tall and muscular, level five user looked like a bear under the shadows of the creepers, making him look even more solemn. He looked at Xiao Jinyu: “I didn’t expect that there would be a high-level pollutant hidden in this school that Colonel Su brought me to a week ago. I didn’t even sense it at all.”

The thick eyebrows on his face slightly moved.

Xiao Jinyu looked up and glanced at him. 

So it turned out that the level five user that Su Jiuzhou mentioned he had brought here was Wang Tao?

Wang Tao: “Did you find any strange objects?”

Xiao Jinyu shook his head: “As of right now, no.”

Wang Tao nodded casually. He was fairly fond of this newly awakened user in front of him and appreciated the other. He was called a new user, but Xiao Jinyu was able to rise to level three in just ten days and even had a high ranking of B07. 

Since Holy Sacrifice was caught, Wang Tao hadn’t seen Xiao Jinyu. He stopped for a bit: “If you’re willing, you can join the extermination team at any time.”

Xiao Jinyu thought for a short bit: “Thank you.”


The youth in front of him seemed to not have any intention of joining at the moment.

Wang Tao didn’t push him any further. His personal invitation already displayed their attitude towards him, but not every user was willing to risk their life everyday to catch and find polluters. 

Users need to think. They need a long and quiet thinking period.

Many users retained a cooperative relationship with their extermination teams, and if there were compatible tasks and they also had the time, they would help the extermination teams complete those tasks. But they wouldn’t become a team member.

“That’s right.” Wang Tao casually said: “From what I’ve heard from Colonel Su, the mysterious pollutant could possibly place in the top three.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Jinyu immediately froze, then his expression changed. 

Dfobgf, tf kjr yers klat olcvlcu atf qbiieajca jcv vlvc’a tjnf alwf ab atlcx jybea la. Dea cbk tf gfjilhfv rbwfatlcu…

Qjcu Kjb: “Ktf erfg mbwwlaaffr bo atf clcf mlalfr lc Jtlcj pera tjv j wffalcu atlr wbgclcu. Ccv jmmbgvlcu ab atf jcjisrlr ogbw atf Pcralaeaf, atfs jugffv ab mtjcuf atf gjcxlcu bo atf qbiieajca atja mbcagbiifv atf CUU, atja lr, Ubiieajca 004, ab 003. Yglulcjiis, atfs kfgf ublcu ab jccbecmf la abwbggbk wbgclcu, yea lo kf vlu eq atlr qbiieajca abcluta, atfgf qgbyjyis kbc’a yf j cffv obg atja jccbecmfwfca.”

Xiao Jinyu: “…”

However, Wang Tao didn’t care much about it. Pollutant 004 was found in Zhongdu, so it had always been stored by the Institute in Zhongdu. It was also the only pollutant in Zhongdu that was self-aware. Although he didn’t have any good feelings towards that pollutant that was always cursing something or another, he felt a trace of some strange emotions after learning that the pollutant’s ranking wasn’t able to be raised. 


Wang Tao: “If it really is a high ranking pollutant, then transferring it a long distance will be dangerous. This mysterious pollutant should be considered a property of the Zhongdu division, belonging to Zhongdu’s Institute.”

Xiao Jinyu: “.. Mhm.”

After casually saying a few words, Wang Tao turned around and left. 

After a bit.

Xiao Jinyu took out his phone.


[Yes?(○՝ 3 ՛○)] 


Looking at the fast moving message on his phone, the youth’s eyebrow twitched.


004 didn’t seem to have much reaction?

Xiao Jinyu’s lips moved. He suddenly felt that he was a little strange. 

This was a pollutant, a very dangerous high-level pollutant. He should be vigilant to prevent the other from turning on him, but somehow, he suddenly became worried for the other. Because six hours ago, this little robot that didn’t seem to have a good brain, seemed extremely happy for itself after hearing that its ranking would be moved up…

He thought for a bit.

(Did you hear what Wang Tao just said?)

[What? ╰(﹡°▽°﹡)╯] 

[I just connected to that group of bad guys’ internet and saw a pretty robot lady. Hehehe…]

[What did that big bad guy say?]

[…Did he say something bad about me?!!!]

[(Wang Tao: “If it really is a high ranking pollutant, then transferring it a long distance will 

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be dangerous. This mysterious pollutant should be considered a property of the

Zhongdu division, belonging to Zhongdu’s Institute.”

Xiao Jinyu: “.. Mhm.”

After casually saying a few words, Wang Tao turned around and left. 

After a bit.

Xiao Jinyu took out his phone.


[Yes?(○՝ 3 ՛○)] 


Looking at the fast moving message on his phone, the youth’s eyebrow twitched.


004 didn’t seem to have much reaction?

Xiao Jinyu’s lips moved. He suddenly felt that he was a little strange. 

This was a pollutant, a very dangerous high-level pollutant. He should be vigilant to

prevent the other from turning on him, but somehow, he suddenly became worried for

the other. Because six hours ago, this little robot that didn’t seem to have a good brain,

seemed extremely happy for itself after hearing that its ranking would be moved up… 

He thought for a bit.

(Did you hear what Wang Tao just said?)

[What? ╰(﹡°▽°﹡)╯]

[I just connected to that group of bad guys’ internet and saw a pretty robot lady. 


[What did that big bad guy say?]

[…Did he say something bad about me?!!!]


Xiao Jinyu: “…”

After thinking for a little, Xiao Jinyu’s eyes lit up.

(004, can you feel the presence of other pollutants?)

Xiao Jinyu just casually asked that and didn’t expect that in the next second, a large amount of messy words would fly across his screen. 


[Of. Course. I. Can!]


[Yingyingying, Dad! Old Pervert was bullying me. A few days ago he brought another high-level pollutant to steal my territory. He’s so shameless, he’s at such a big age and he still comes to steal my territory!]

It’s talking about Pollutant 008! 

(So you can feel the presence of all pollutants and even tell if they’re in Zhongdu?)

[Of course, I’m the invincible 004. A few days ago, Old Pervert even wanted to use such a weak guy to steal my territory.]


(Then can you detect the high-level pollutant in Zhongdu right now?) 


After a few seconds.

[Phew. Dad, you scared me. I thought that Old Pervert brought another one.]

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[No, I can only feel some fairly weak things. I can’t even detect the majority of them. They’re so weak that I can’t even find them. Or is it that Dad wants me to help find other special objects?] 

[No. ╭(╯^╰)╮As long as Dad has me, then you’ll be good. And the others are so weak they’ll provide no use to you.]

Xiao Jinyu: “…”

Has it ever crossed your mind that, maybe it’s not that the other party is too weak, but that they’re too strong…?

After a while. 

(No matter what happens…)

(Dad will always love you.)


[Ah~ I love Dad too (=•ω•=)!] 

…Let’s just let the kid be happy for a little bit longer.

At this moment.


Not only was the extermination team at Kangxin Middle School busy themselves, even the Logic Research Institute in Zhongdu was busy.

At the Maintenance Department. 

Li Xiaoxiao wore a clean and tidy suit as she stood in front of the huge screen. Her expression was stern as she quickly commanded: “Search from 2043 onwards. The further back you guys can get, the better. Check every teacher, student and tell them we’re just checking up on the health of the city residents as an excuse and find out their physical health.” At the same time, she also ordered: “Check up on some residents that aren’t related to Kangxin Middle as well.”

Only a week had passed since the Head-Picking Incident, so the residents of Zhongdu were still in a nervous state.

They couldn’t let the public find out that all of their evidence was pointing towards Kangxin Middle School. This was so that they could calm the public down as soon as possible.

Hopefully this time, it won’t be another disaster. 

A hint of worry appeared on the youth’s face, but disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. Li Xiaoxiao was once again busy, but still commanded in an orderly manner: “I want an answer within three hours. At the same time, I want you guys to contact the people who worked at Kangde Orphanage nineteen years ago and ask them about their physical health.”

Who said that the pollutant had only affected the teachers and students at Kangxin Middle School? Maybe, nineteen years ago, it was already there?

The three major groups in Zhongdu organized themselves to find the mysterious pollutant. 

Yet at the same time, hundreds of kilometers away, Haidu’s Logic Research Institute was silent.


The raging tide rammed against the tough cliff wall and the sound of the tide passed through, into the Institute inside.

Basement floor thirty, the underground prison. 

The gray-haired lady stood in front of the glass jail, her eyes down, her cold gaze landing on the blurry humanoid mass.

“The Trial Court will be opened soon.”

The robotic, cold voice sounded. Luo Sheng continued: “There won’t be a punishment tomorrow. Because you, Huo Lanxu, will soon be sent to the Trial Court.”

The mass slightly trembled, as if it had just heard something extremely horrifying. 

This small movement was hard to catch with the human eye, but the level five user caught it.

Luo Sheng: “It’s not a regular court… Spear of Punishment has already agreed.”


Huo Lanxu’s body trembled violently.

Luo Sheng smiled. She knew that this woman knew what she was talking about. 

“Are you still not going to talk? What is it that’s preventing you from talking? As long as you say how you were able to use Pope’s Crown’s logic skill then you won’t be sent to the Trial Court. Perhaps you can struggle at death’s door for a while longer and wait for the simplest death…”

“If I tell you, then will I not be stripped of my logic skill?”

Luo Sheng’s voice stopped.

There were no stupid level five users. 

Even if Huo Lanxu revealed how to use other people’s logic skills, she would still be stripped of her logic skill. Because she has two logic skills, one of which was the complicated Holy Sacrifice.

Su Jiuzhou agreed to Haidu’s Institute’s plan that night because he wanted to know whether there was anything special about a logic skill that chose to be more complicated.


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Luo Sheng expressionlessly turned towards the elevator. 

Seeing that his captain failed to deceive someone and that she wasn’t in a good mood, Xu Qi immediately closed his mouth and followed.

The elevator doors closed.

The heavy mood in the elevator suffocated Xu Qi. He scratched his head and forced a laugh out: “Captain, a new high-level pollutant seems to have appeared in Zhongdu. From what I’ve heard, it might be the ninth pollutant in China to have self-awareness.”

Luo Sheng’s expression finally loosened a little. A look of surprise flashed through her eyes and she looked up. 

“Pollutant 009?”

Xu Qi: “It could be 003 or higher.”


She reached out and pressed a button. 

Xu Qi originally wanted to say something else, but his gaze landed on the button she pressed and his entire body froze.

Suddenly, the elevator stopped.


“Ding dong—”

The cold, metal doors opened, yet the gray-haired woman didn’t move at the first second. Instead, she stood silently in the bright elevator, staring at the dark and narrow, dirt hallway outside the elevator. 

After a while.

Luo Sheng took a step and entered the damp hallway, towards the soil prison nineteen floors underground.

Xu Qi was dumbfounded for a while and watched Luo Sheng push open the door and disappear behind it. It was only then, did he exit the elevator.

He let out a breath, but didn’t follow her in. Xu Qi crouched outside the prison door and silently waited for his Captain. 

Soon, a thump and crash sounded, accompanied from time to time by a man’s whimpering cry and his begging.

It seems like tomorrow is Zhang Haixiang’s execution day…

The speed of the Trial Court really is fast.

Xu Qi silently thought. 

An hour later, the dirt door opened from the inside. Xu Qi hurriedly stood up and immediately saw the bloodstains on Luo Sheng’s clothes. His eyelids twitched and he instantly averted his eyes.


Luo Sheng hung her head and strode towards the elevator.

“Hahaha… death penalty… death penalty…” 

The door hadn’t closed all the way yet and the man’s crazy and hoarse voice echoed in the hallway.

Xu Qi furrowed his eyebrows and glanced behind him, but all he saw was darkness. Luo Sheng didn’t stop, so he didn’t turn around. The two quickly entered the elevator.

“I’m about to die…”


“Die… Hahahahahahaha…”



The elevator doors closed slowly in front of him.

Zhang Haixiang looked like he was possessed and laughed like a maniac. Every death row inmate probably looked like this too, especially users who were on the brink of death. Clearly, they faced death every second of their lives, but the more they were like this, the more they were afraid of death. 

Finally, the elevator doors completely closed.

Xu Qi finally relaxed.

Not having to listen to a crazed man’s laughter is always better.

“Hahahaha I’m going to die…” 

“I’m gonna die…”


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