Chapter 106 – Level Fifty, Fifth Evolution

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Evolution~ evolution~.

<Confirming evolutionary destination…..>


<Confirming previous actions.>

<Confirming evaluation by Residents.>

<Checking past logs.>

<Ordered by the Goddess to ‘manage the Afterworld’ and ‘arbitrate for the Afterworld species and this world’. This will affect the evolution destination>

<Select the evolution destination>

The Swaying and Pulsating One
 Abyssal Princess

The One That Moves Between Spaces
 Abyssal Princess

Oh, there are two routes, are there?

 The Swaying and Pulsating One
The flesh is born and dies, rushing through the process of evolution at an astonishing speed.
The body pulsates according to its will, transforming itself into a stronger being.
It has excellent toughness and regeneration, but has lost some of its magical adaptability.
With no reason to take a clear form, it just keeps expanding.

Basic Status Evaluation
 HP: SS  MP: A
 Strength: A  Dexterity: D  Vitality: S  Agility: E/D (S)  Intelligence: C  Spirit: A
 Resistance: SSS  Special: SSS  Physique: Max

 Incarnation: Abyssal Princess
A humanoid vessel used when descending on the surface world.
The Princess of the Afterworld and beloved child of God.
She is still a fledgling Princess, in both the Medium and Afterworld.
She works diligently every day, to be worthy of them.

Basic Status Evaluation
 Strength: A  Dexterity: D  Vitality: A  Agility: C/E (S)  Intelligence: C  Spirit: A
 Resistance: SSS  Special: SSS  Physique: Sma

 The One That Moves Between Spaces
The flesh is born and dies, rushing through the process of evolution at an astonishing speed.
According to its will, the body greedily sucks in mana from its surroundings, transforming itself into a more suitable being.
It has excellent magical aptitude and regenerative ability, but has lost some of its adaptability to physical impact.
The body that had been simply expanding has begun to take on a meaningful form.

Basic Status Evaluation
 HP: A  MP: SS
 Strength: B  Dexterity: E  Vitality: S  Agility: F/C (S)  Intelligence: B  Spirit: A
 Resistance: SSS  Special: SSS  Physique: Max

 Incarnation: Abyssal Princess
A humanoid vessel used when descending on the surface world.
The Princess of the Afterworld and beloved child of God.
She is still a fledgling Princess, in both the Medium and Afterworld.
She works diligently every day, to be worthy of them.

Basic Status Evaluation
 HP: A  MP: SS
 Strength: B  Dexterity: D  Vitality: A  Agility: D/C (S)  Intelligence: B  Spirit: A
 Resistance: SSS  Special: SSS  Physique: Sma

This is…a branch to either a physical tree or a magic tree, isn’t it? In my case, I don’t need to worry over it too much and can take the latter choice. The incarnation seems to be influenced by Stellura-sama. Both of them are the same, but the stats lean either towards physical or magic.
The physical tree is HP, strength, dexterity, and vitality, and the magical tree is MP, vitality, intelligence, and spirit. Do they both have high vitality because of the physique and kind of existence it is?
If there’s something to be concerned by, it’s agility. In the physical tree, movement on the ground has been improved, but it is less suitable for flight. In the magic tree, flight has been improved in exchange for movement on the ground. This also affects the incarnation…but it shouldn’t affect how controlling it feels, if I choose the magic tree.
As far as basic stat evaluations go, I’m stuck with the level restrictions anyway…

In the magic tree, it’s no longer a sphere, and the incarnation changes from a priest to a princess. Will the outfit change from the monastic habit?
Considering that I am going from a balanced type to a specialised evolution, there doesn’t seem to be a rebuild.

<The One That Moves Between Spaces has been selected. You will be incapacitated during evolution. Would you like to start evolving?>

Okay, evolve!

<Evolving from The Drifting and Expanding One to The One That Moves Between Spaces…..>
<Racial skills will be changed…..>
<The effect of «Soul Hunter» has been enhanced.>
<The effect of «Lower Independent Race» has been changed.>
<New racial skills will be added…..>
<«The One that Reigns» ….Acquired>
<Training: Sight is complete. Confirming benefits…..>
<«Darklight Eyes» has been merged with «Space-Time Awareness Expansion»>
<«Clad in Madness» has been replaced with «Eye-chan’s»>
<A divine work has been granted>
<«Scales of Judgment» …..Acquired>
<…..Evolution is complete>
<As your race level is too low, you cannot exert your full power. Restrictions are applied>
<Equipment has been optimised>
<『Title: Adrift in the Sea of Knowledge』 has been upgraded to 『Title: Confused by the Torrent of Knowledge』>
<Help has been added for ‘About magic eyes and evil eyes’.>

Now comes everyone’s favourite investigation time… hm… what? From the flavour text, I did know it wasn’t going to be a sphere anymore…
An amazing interpretation of… an angel? An amazingly blasphemous angel? A barely human torso and….all I can say is that there are a lot of wings and tentacles.

The evolved form of the sphere has retained a fairly human looking torso, but there are countless tentacles spreading out like wings from its back. Some of the tentacles have vague outlines, sometimes cut off abruptly, or come out of nowhere. There is one thick tentacle growing from the head, and one tentacle on each arm. On the legs, however, there are numerous tentacles, like on the back. The eyes look like they’re blindfolded by tentacles. In addition, countless spheres of varying sizes and speeds are circling around like satellites.

Yeah, I knew it, but….it’s a monster, to say the least. If you hide everything but the torso, it’s human…Mm. In terms of size, it’s also huge. It’s hard to say because there’s nothing else around, but isn’t this at least on the level of a skyscraper?

Maybe it’s because of these legs that agility on the ground is unchanged. It would probably move like an octopus on land. I suppose I will just float quietly.
Let’s see the incarnation. The main body is just a decoration anyway.

When I use «Incarnation», one of the tentacles on a leg detaches and takes the form of a human. The design of the equipment is a gothic dress. And…it’s not just two colours! Is it because I was given a proper role? The material of the dress has a mysterious texture and is quite thin. But it doesn’t seem to be transparent.
There is an elegant purple skirt, long enough to reach my ankles, with a black hem, but a gold border between the purple and black. On the front of the skirt, there are three layers of lace, alternating black and white. The skirt has a conical shape, so there is no difficulty in moving my legs.
On the left hip…is a large, white floral decoration, based on a crystal lotus. …Ah, this flower decoration is a clasp. It seems to be a belt or cinching device for a weapon or pouch. Is it a substitute for a corset, following the gothic concept? The three tiers of lace on the skirt also look more modern.
The problem is the upper body though, which once again looks like it is going to spill out… It is a cross halter neck. It stops anything showing at the last moment but…the meat still rides with it. And why is there a hole in the centre, lower down. The lower half of the body is elegant, but isn’t the upper half too aggressive? …Well, it’s still better than the tightness of the monastic habit.
It’s a cross halter neck, so naturally the shoulders are exposed and there are no sleeves. However, long black lace gloves run from the middle finger down the back of the hand and up the arm. In addition, the cloak that hangs down my back also covers my shoulders, so the exposure isn’t too high at first glance. …Except for the chest area.
The shoes… are pumps. Low heels, thankfully. I don’t think I could fight in high heels.
The blindfold has remained as it was…but there are more hair ornaments on the left side of my head. It is mainly a large crystal lotus, with white lace hanging down to the chin. And below the lotus is….what would you call this, these konpeito things. …Oh, a small star-shaped dodecahedron. Several of these are connected decoratively. They glitter in the light, so they will stand out.
And also…a black garter belt. ….Sexy~.

Now, let’s check the equipment.

<«Appraisal» reached level 40. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

Oh, there is more information displayed.

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[Equipment – Armour] Ruler’s Dress  Rarity: ExGo  Quality: S+  Durability: —
 A dress given to the one who rules the Afterworld, strongly influenced by the power of the god Stellura.
 It appears to be very thin, but offers a very high level of protection.
 It protects the wearer from enemies and relieves fatigue.
 Made by the gods, the materials used are a mystery.

«Appraisal Lv10»
Applicable skill: «Cloth Equipment»

«Appraisal Lv20»
Increased HP recovery: Large
Increased MP recovery: Large

«Appraisal Lv30»
Unleashes more power each time its owner gains divine blessings, further optimising it.

«Appraisal Lv40»
Appropriate Occupation: Royalty

Now it is the ‘Ruler’ set.
And the new information shown by «Appraisal»…should make it easier to match equipment with the appropriate occupation for «Uniformed», I guess? It’s better to have information than not, but it’s an indescribable benefit.

For the equipment….nothing important has changed. The name and design look to be the only parts that are different. Perhaps despite being the same ‘Large’ increase, the internal values have changed. I hope so.
If there’s anything to mention, it’s that the orb-consuming [Libertà] of Athame has been moved to the set effect for wearing the ring and dress. I don’t use it for attacking with Athame, so that’s a welcome change.
The fact that the blindfold is no longer equipment…means it can’t be removed. I don’t know what’s going on underneath it anymore.

Speaking of visual changes, the special effect of «Sphere of Shaking Flesh» has changed, too… Just like with the main body, the spheres just orbit around me now.
There are…6 spheres. They vary in size, like those of the main body, but they open occasionally. The spheres. Apparently they are eyeballs, and while it seems like I can do it freely while conscious of it, it looks to be a random action.
At first glance, it seems to be much better than before, but it still looks disturbing in the end. By the way, the eyes are purple. I thought my training had sealed my eyes, but they increased instead. It’s fine if you don’t know what’s going on, because I don’t either.

…Now, let’s check my status! In terms of what is written in my status, there are no particular changes beyond the change of race and incarnation name. Neither my occupation or job title have changed.
The strengthened title was related to the Book of Elder Records.

[Confused by the Torrent of Knowledge]
Knowledge itself is neither good nor bad. That is decided by the one that possesses it.
You are one who is bewildered by stupendous knowledge.
….From spells.

Eh? …Ah, so confused by magic. What are you doing adding silly flavour text. No, thinking about it, even the silkworm description was like that.

…Let’s take a look at the most important part, the skills. I’m curious about the completion of the training. There’s a skill that I’m very interested in, but considering where it came from, it’s probably an abnormal one. I’ll check that one last.

«The One that Reigns»
A skill that represents the ability of a king to stand out from the crowd.
A superior being not only stands out, but also influences the surrounding environment.

Is it related to presence and dignity? There’s no skill level.

«Soul Hunter»
10% of the damage dealt is also dealt to MP. However, only 0.2% of the targets maximum MP can be removed per attack.
Damage increases or decreases according to the colour of the soul seen.
Less damage against brighter targets, more damage against darker targets.
Those who are allowed to interfere with the soul, capable of forcibly sending the soul to the Nether.

The upper limit increased by 0.1%. That’s all. Next.

«Lower Independent Race».
It is not possible to acquire attribute magic outside of the light and dark families.
1.2 times damage taken from physical attacks.
0.8 times damage taken from the basic four attributes.
Reflection of light and dark magic.
Light and dark magic enhancement: Max.
Increased effectiveness of auto-healing skills: Max.
Critical damage immunity.
Environmental damage immunity.
Status condition immunity
No need to eat or sleep.

Ahhhh… I’m not happy about this change. From increased damage from the four attributes but no weakness to physical attacks, it has become decreased damage from the four attributes but an increase in damage taken from physical attacks. Since I’m parrying magic, I’d be happier with reduced damage from physical, but I suppose it can’t be helped… My main firepower is magic, so I couldn’t go with the physical tree…
Half damage from light and dark attacks has increased to reflection. Resistances in this game should go resistance < immunity < reflection < absorption, so light and dark will eventually be absorbed.
Well, next.

The merging of «Darklight Eyes», which gave nightvision and the ability to see souls…well, it’s nothing more than cleaning up the skills column. It’s the same as before.

What I am concerned with is….

Eye-chan’s with round eyes, always watching you.
They’re mischievous types who will surprise you with sudden eye contact, but please forgive them.
However, avoid staring contests. The safety of the other party is not guaranteed.

Magic Eye: Eye of Distance

Evil Eye: Eye of Fear, Eye of Stagnation, Eye of Slowing, Eye of Death

Normally the same colour as the eyes of the character. When the effect of the eye is activated, the colour changes.
As the intensity of the abnormal condition increases, the required duration of watching decreases. If the line of sight is broken, the count resets for each intensity.

…There are three lines of flavour text for the skill. How rare. The name makes it sound like a story skill, but it’s a real one, isn’t it? Let’s look at the help for now.

※ About magic eyes and evil eyes
An eye with magic power is called a magic eye.
Basically, it is often possessed by high-ranking monsters, but it has been confirmed that, rarely, even humans are born with it. Research has been done on creating artificial magic eyes with alchemy.
Among humans, the magic eyes with the most harmful effects are often distinguished by being called evil eyes.

…Can you please stop putting disturbing information in the help?
Putting that aside, if they aren’t seen as being particularly malicious, they’re magic eyes. But to be honest, the difference is whether it’s used by an enemy or an ally. If it has an advantageous effect for me, like the Eye of Fear, which makes the target afraid, then it’s a magic eye. It’s just a difference in perspective, so it’s as loose and messy as ‘justice’.

So, next is the new divine work.

«Scales of Judgment»
One of the divine works, given to an arbiter of the Nether.
Inflicts a curse of punishment on the soul according to the karma of the target.
Associated with the soul of the arbiter, the balance allows for a slight divine intervention.

Yeah, I suppose I should feel that I have been properly recognised. Though…it’s also possible that it’s still gonna tell me ‘Not a high enough level’!
It’s definitely easier to move around as a Nemeseia, but basically, I’m on my own with dealing with whatever happens in this life…is the kind of style we’re going with… Well, I can think of it as more options for dealing with things.

Now, it would be okay to go back to the Nether and test skills on a target dummy, but…Cyäegha first? He did ask me to show him again. Let’s go to the balcony.

“Cyäegha, I’ve evolved, so I’ll show you.”

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Okay, he’ll be here in a while. Investigation time again.

It’s great that the abnormal conditions are no longer indiscriminate, due to changing from an aura to line-of-sight. The count resets when you remove your gaze… It sounds difficult to use, but it’s reasonable…

Oops, I didn’t check the common level 50 inhuman skills.

«Long-term Activity»
Increases HP, MP and other natural healing effects.
The value depends on your base level and the skill level.
You are an individual with high natural recovery. You can remain active longer than others.

«Child of…»
A child of the sun or moon.
You gain a stat bonus while in the light of the sun or the moon.
The value depends on your base level and the skill level
A child of the sun is no longer blinded by light, and a child of the moon gains night-vision.

«Child of White Night»
You gain a stat bonus while in the light of the sun or the moon.
The value depends on your base level and the skill level
The light does not blind you and you gain night-vision.

Strengthens skills related to stealth and hiding presence.
The value depends on your base level and the skill level

Hmm… «Imperceptible» is not needed, but I should maybe take «Long-term Activity» and «Child of White Night». I have enough SP. Covert action is likely to be negatively affected by «The One that Reigns», and hiding in subspace is more reliable anyway…
Spend 3 and 6 SP for a total of 9 to get the two skills. «Child of White Night» is the more expensive one. The effect seems to be combination of the other two, so it can’t be helped. It won’t give any effect in caves and dungeons are dubious.

“I’ve been waiting! Show me.”
“There you are. Let’s go to the body.”

Along with the green, round-eyed Cyäegha who just showed up, I move back to the space containing my main body, using the Silver Key.


He has started to take a closer look, so I’ll wait until he finishes.
He circles around the main body, poking and examining it, and even a sphere was caught and investigated. The big and small spheres stare at each other, like they are unsure what is happening.
I’ll also talk about the role I have been given.

“Fuumu….? Space-time… life… death…. What are these eyeballs?”
“They seem to be the result of the training that sealed my eyes….”
“The results of the training depend on the person… You…do you no longer have an aura? Then, the aura that you couldn’t use on the surface has manifested here. Fumu.”

The aura of «Clad in Madness» has disappeared from the main body, leaving behind only «Unknown Organisation». It’s moist to the touch, or, more like touching an aquatic creature. …It feels like your finger would disappear when it’s touched.

“Do angels mean anything in your world?”
“They’re considered messengers. Servants and angels of heaven”
“Is there any effect from that?”

Maybe that’s why it looks so much like an angel.

“Angels and devils have a high aptitude for magic. Although fairies and wraiths are higher…it is interesting.”
“They look like wings, but it’s not necessarily an angel. In silhouette it could also be a fairy…”
“It has a far higher magic aptitude than fairies and wraiths… but there is too much of an inclination towards magic and too big a weakness with physical. It’s a strange balance.”

There seems to be no doubt that it is ‘meat’.
There’s a reason why high-ranking zombies look the same as they did in life. From the carrion of low rank zombies, it becomes fresh meat when they gain power as an Immortal. The high regenerative power of zombies is due to the speed at which the cells are replaced. So the skin you see will be fresh.
The nourishment to maintain the cells is magic power. As they become more powerful, the amount of magic power available for nourishing them increases, but the cells themselves also evolve. To be able to convert magic power more efficiently.
In other words, the zombie’s regeneration ability… is evolving them on a cell-by-cell basis as they are replaced.

“There was no blood when you were a zombie, and there’s no bone now that you’re a lump of flesh. Structurally, I’d say it’s a slime. Although each cell has a very high magical aptitude.”
“So it’s a slime rather than a mollusc. …Come to think of it, there are no internal organs.”
“A slime’s ability to mimic is affected by skills. Incarnation is also a skill, with its form ‘predetermined’. It could be…that the form actually has no meaning.”
“…Then maybe it could change into whatever shape is needed, when needed.”
“Why did your body take a form, I wonder? Angels and fairies, an imitation of god…? To establish competencies…well, that’s good.”

I don’t think it matters if it’s an imitation of god. …Well, whatever. Stronger is better. Strength is power!

The regeneration was already powerful with just life and death, but it became even more so with the addition of space-time. As for how much…like a phoenix, which is an existence that constantly repeats life and death.

“That bird is very famous among mankind due to its appearance. It’s a bird of the goddess Sigrdrífa faith.”
“Because it’s an animal. And has the fire attribute.”
“Umu. Still, the phoenix has its drawback.”
“Well, in some ways it’s an advantage…but it does not inherit its memories. It resets with every death, leaving just the instinctual faith of the first generation. Its strength also varies somewhat.”
“It’s certainly hard to tell if it’s an advantage or disadvantage when it comes to memory…”
“When space-time is added to life and death, memories are also inherited. There are no physical limitations to begin with.”

Truly fantasy. It’s also quite complicated.
The phoenix. Immortals of the Stellura faith. Sorciere, the immortal witches. They all have different causes and powers.
Sorciere, the immortal witches, are only immortal. Rituals and magic are used to stop the body’s progression through time. It can be considered infinite regeneration through the energy of magic power.
The body of an Immortal has already ceased the activities associated with living, with the power of Stellura-sama causing the soul to have more influence than the body. Because they leave their bodies behind in this world, zombies and skeletons are rare. The Immortals of the Nether and the Abyss are mostly spirit types. On the other hand, undead are mostly zombies and skeletons, and powerful spirits are rare.
The phoenix is of the Sigrdrífa faith, but you can’t say it is unrelated to Stellura-sama. The phoenix only has the power of life and rebirth. That is, they die normally. They die normally, but because they have the power of rebirth, they are immediately reincarnated. Naturally, Stellura-sama is involved here.

“To put it very simply, one who serves Sigrdrífa-sama has been approved of by the elder sister, Stellura-sama. If the body is killed, jurisdiction passes to Stellura-sama. To ensure they could serve her younger sister for a long, they are given a strong power of life.”
“Sorcieres and Immortals don’t have the power of life, so they can’t be resurrected?”
“Right. Sorcieres are stagnant. The Immortals have the power of death. Conversely, they can be reincarnated without problems.”

Although it is only temporary in the view of the gods, it is impressive that the sorcieres can escape the passage of time as mortals. For Stellura-sama, making someone an Immortal is a way of thanking those who will serve her after death.

“Though they are called Immortals, the only ones who truly fit the word are those of us who follow the goddess Stellura.”
“Sorcieres can die because they are only unaging. Immortals are already dead. The Phoenix just repeats reincarnation…?”
“Yes. If only beings who never grow old and never die were immortal, then we would be the only ones. It is not just a literal interpretation of the word, but in a broader sense.”

Incidentally, vampires use blood-sucking to enhance their overall stats and super-enhance their regenerative abilities. It’s a temporary self-enhancement… by drawing nutrients and magic power from the blood.
If you want to kill them, drive a stake through their heart. …It will kill most of them.

“With all that said, you’re probably the most tenacious of us all. Your attack power isn’t quite there yet, but it will get stronger as you grow.”
“Are the remaining elements incarnations and roles?”
“Contract and condemnation would be the arbiter role. Fate is not for us to judge.”

In other words, a space-time element that did not exist before evolution has been added. Well, that’s mostly just there for flavour, so it can be left alone. But there is more I would like to hear.

“Does «The One that Reigns» have a negative effect on acting covertly?”
“Yes, it does. It’s a skill to make your existence known.”
“I felt that would be the case. So what are the effects of the eye’s of distance, fear, stagnation, slowing and death?”
“Fumu…. the effect of fear is the same as usual.”

Fear is an abnormal condition that reduces the damage the target does to the caster.
I am also taught about the effects of the others.

Eye of Distance
Changes the specifiable distance of coordinate targetted magic to your field of view.

Eye of Stagnation

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Space-time attribute petrification and freezing.

Eye of Slowing
A line-of-sight version of «Space-Time Magic»’s [Slow].

Eye of Death
Causes the target to die. Slightly different from other evil eye spells, the count decreases while the target is being looked at, causing them to die when it reaches 0.

The strongest of these is Eye of Distance. It affects coordinate magic… so the range of explosion, wall, mine, pillar, gladius and flak spells becomes anywhere in my field of view. It doesn’t affect anything else, though.
It was possible to place a spell behind me in my field of view, but I couldn’t place it farther than its original range. From now on, even if it’s beyond the original range, I can place them anywhere I can see.
No, wait….? [Night Sky Array], which is the servant strengthening spell from «Necromantic Secrets» will also be in my line of sight, right? A~mazing…..!

“If you look at the target with multiples of the same effect, you can break through their resistance to the condition more quickly.”
“So I can use every effect with each eye?”
“Because they seem to be independent of each other.”

There are six spheres that can become eyeballs, so it’s excessive.
Well, Cyäegha seems to be satisfied, so I’ll go to the training ground in the Nether. For the target dummy. I have to check the performance of the magic eyes. Now that I know the actual effects, all I need to test is how well they perform. A wooden target dummy that cannot move is fine for that.

The target dummy and sphere are staring at each other.
An icon is added to the wooden target, with the icon being coloured as the countdown progresses. 180 seconds. Considering it’s just watching, well…..?
Come to think of it, the target dummy has not entered into combat mode…. In that case, if it’s done before a battle, it will provide an advantage, but…3 minutes… It’s quite a lot, when you think of it as the time needed to prepare cup noodles. And it won’t work as well on bosses, so it’s probably better to just start hitting each other from the beginning…

After waiting for 180 seconds, the condition is applied at level 1. 150 seconds for level 2. 120 seconds for level 3. 90 seconds for level 4. 60 seconds for level 5. 30 seconds for level 6.
I’m already able to get them to level 6…I’ll assume that’s a racial trait, but as the level of the condition increases, the time required for the next decreases.
There’s no need to stare at the target, they just need to be in sight. The time needed for each level is reset if they are out of sight for even a moment. Blinking is safe, so no need to worry about dry eyes. Though closing them resets the timer.
If I put a wall between the target and the sphere, the countdown is reset, so walls are the countermeasures for enemies that use eye skills…
The sphere can be manipulated fairly well, so I experiment by gradually moving between the sphere and target dummy. The effect seems to last as long as part of the targets body is exposed, so it’s useless if part of the body sticks out from behind the shield. Wall is the best choice, but it depends on the attribute. Wind seems like it would be impossible. I don’t have it, so I can’t try it.

Another thing I need to try is…[Slow] from Eye of Slowing. …It’s judged separately. Well, that makes sense.
Eye of Death starts its counter at 300, with the target dummy breaking at 0. Of course, if line of sight is broken, the timer starts again from 300. It looks strong, but most enemies will resist it anyway. There’s no way that instant death will work so well. It might work on weaker enemies, but it’s faster to just hit them, unless the required time is reduced.

Eye of Distance…seems to be passive. It works even when the eyes are not open, so it’s safe to assume it is linked to my perception. In other words, the «Eye-chan’s» are working hard when it comes to evil eyes, which are status abnormalities.
The other thing that I was curious about was that the colour of the eyes are supposed to change when using evil eyes, but they sometimes do not. There is no change when using Eye of Distance or Eye of Fear. They remain the same purple as in character creation. In contrast, Eye of Stagnation turns them black, Eye of Slowing to grey, and Eye of Death to red.

Let’s see…what else… Oh, I haven’t tested [Mirror Spell] yet. It fires spells a second time, so I should check the damage. While shooting the same magic several times, I’ll try them all.
Hmm…it seems okay to consider it a pure upgrade. The initial 100% damage spell is followed by one doing 20% damage. There’s probably no change depending on the magic used. It’s hard to be sure with pillars, because they are multi-stage attacks and end up overlapping.
The power is low at 20%, and the second shot flies to the same place, so the hit rate is a bit iffy, but the cost has not increased. As long as the first shot hits, the second is just a bonus, so I can think of it as being lucky when it hits.

“Oh? Sire, did you evolve?”
“Ah, Lana. Yes, I evolved, so I’m testing new skills. There are a few things I’m curious about, so would you accompany me for a bit?”
“Of course.”

The «Eye-chan’s» are spheres that have become satellites centred on me. However, these spheres were originally the special effect from «Sphere of Shaking Flesh». They were the spheres that would repeatedly attach and separate from me at random points. With this evolution they have become satellites.
The important point here is that the spheres of «Sphere of Shaking Flesh» were performing automatic counterattacks against an opponent’s physical attacks. The probability of a counterattack increased by 10% for each sphere, so it should now be 60%.
But what has happened to the probability of counterattacks now that the spheres have become «Eye-chan’s»? If it has not changed, I can use the evil eyes without worrying about it, but if that’s not the case, I can’t.
Against Lana, abnormal conditions won’t work and the counterattacks aren’t a problem. Perfect for testing. …The problem is that she slashes at me mercilessly.

“You should learn [Shura Form] while we’re at it.”
“That was an integrated form, yes?”
“You probably won’t use it Sire, but it’s necessary. In order for me to reach greater heights, I need Sire to become stronger.”

I am an Outer One. My physical prowess will be unmatched by any other race. In other words, by raising me and creating a perfect partner, she hopes to further her own growth.
…Immortals just do as they like, and Lana is no different, huh.

Well, let’s have this mock battle with Lana to test the skills and learn the new form.
Lana’s relentless slashing attacks are being parried… Oh?


…Has the behaviour changed? I thought the only change to the equipment was the design, but I guess that’s not the case.
Prevent another two or three of Lana’s slashing attacks.


And change the attribute of the light sword from space, then check again.
It’s the same as before…I think.

“…Sire, has your spatial attribute been strengthened?”
“Cyäegha did say that the evolution had added a space-time attribute… That’s the only reason I can think of.”
“We should test that too.”

We’ll be keeping each other company for a while.

First of all, the «Eye-chan’s» were shared. Meaning that using an evil eye reduces the probability of a counterattack. In close range, automatic counterattack will be better, with «Unknown Organisation» applying conditions. It doesn’t matter at long range, so I can use «Eye-chan’s» then.

And I also learned [Ex3 Shura Form]. It is a combination of forms, like this:

[Ex Anti-Personnel]
  [Enhanced Swordsmanship]

[Ex Anti-Monster]
  [Enhanced Slashing]

[Ex Airflow]
  [Enhanced Leg Strength]

[Ex2 White Army] = [Ex Anti-Personnel] + [Ex Airflow]
  [Enhanced Swordsmanship] [Enhanced Leg Strength]

[Ex3 Shura Form] = [Ex Anti-Monster] + [Ex2 White Army]
  [Enhanced Swordsmanship] [Enhanced Slashing] [Enhanced Leg Strength]

That is to say, while fighting with [Shura Form], the states of [Enhanced Swordsmanship], [Enhanced Slashing] and [Enhanced Leg Strength] are all maintained. The moment you leave the form, those effects disappear, since it’s a style that relies on stance.
I am usually in [Water Surface Form], so I have [Enhanced Defence], [Enhanced Parry] and [Enhanced Reflection].
By learning [Shura Form] I have acquired two Ex3’s, so the quest can continue.

『Aim for complete mastery.』
Be recognized by Svetlana, the master of swordsmanship.
  1. Master six ‘forms’.
  2. Learn two ‘Higher Unified Variant Forms’.
  3. Learn two ‘Top-Level Unified Variant Forms’.
  4. Show your skill to Svetlana.
 Requester: Svetlana
 Completion Reward: Updated title

Maybe I don’t have a high enough skill level, because she told me I’m not skilled enough yet! I will come back to this sooner or later. It will end on its own, if I continue fighting against Lana.

And as for the light sword…this is also a nice upgrade. I’m becoming more and more like a Jedi.
With the light sword using the space attribute, it can now reflect melee attacks…or rather, I can repel them. Until now it has just been for ranged attacks, allowing me to reflect them simply by holding the sword in their path. Now I can do something similar with melee attacks.
It’s repulsion, not reflection, so it doesn’t damage the opponent. However, it’s nice to be able to repel melee attacks. It will be much easier to deal with attacks such as horizontal torso attacks, which are difficult to parry.
When parrying, it’s possible to [Break Parry] by deflecting the target weapon upwards, putting the opponent off balance. It’s similar to this, so it will create an opening that can be exploited.
Well, if you’re dealing with someone on the level of Lana, it’s still completely pointless. It’s likely to be affected by differences in level and body size, so I can’t be too overconfident.

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I’ll continue to train with Lana until dinner, then go check on Sophie-san in the evening.

“Lana, keep me company until dinner, please.”
“Not a problem. Since you’re here, Lisa, come and pair up with Sire.”
“Eh, right.”

The original owner of Lizzy’s body, Lisa, has gotten involved. Well, she’s a newcomer!

“…Lana, I don’t think it’s a good idea to cut off my arm or head in a mock battle.”
“It only takes five seconds for them to regrow.”

It hurts a lot because of the increased physical damage though! And my maximum HP is reduced while it is missing!
There are five places that can be cut off, the head and each of the limbs, with each one reducing the maximum HP by 20%. Generally, having your head cut off will kill you, but that doesn’t seem to apply to me. Even if my head is gone, I can still recognise my surroundings and act.

Of everything I have fought so far, the Black Goat was strongest. Then there’s Lana…
Ah, Lisa’s flying away. That means Lana is coming for me. Ahhhh… farewell ,left arm! Goddamn!

I leave the vanguard to Lisa after she returns and attack with magic, but Lana either avoids it with minimal movement or cuts it down… And since slashes come flying continuously, I have to be constantly alert. I might end up hitting Lisa if I reflect, so I have to lightly parry them.

Uwa, she got past Lisa. Ahhh! Farewell, lower body! I strike right back at Lana, who was expecting me to fall. Legs are just for decoration.

“Right, that was the case…”

And so we kill time like this. Fighting against strong opponents is a lot of fun. It’s exhilarating to kill a lot of small fry, but it’s a different kind of fun.
Sophie-san is still working, so I’ll call it a day. Time to do what I need to on the real side.


Name: Anastasia Atropos Nemeseia
Race: The One That Moves Between Spaces  Lv50
Incarnation: Abyssal Princess  Female
Occupation: Agent of the Goddess, Ruler of the Afterworld
Title: Priest, Highest Judge
Class: Outer One
Order: Lower Independent Race
Family: Stellura
Genus: Unique
Species: The One That Moves Between Spaces
Skill points: 142


«Slender Sword Lv56» «Book Lv55» «Serpentine Sword Lv36»

  Defence / Resistance
«Cloth Equipment Lv11» «Uniformed Lv12»

  Strengthening / Assistance
«Kokon Musou – Single Sword Style Lv52» «Super-Class Magic Ability Lv13» «Extreme Magic»
«Revelation Lv11» «Dazzling Butō Lv10»
«Mapmaking Lv21» «Trap Detection Lv20» «Trap Disarming Lv18»
«Body Enhancement Lv14» «Limb Enhancement Lv14» «Soul Enhancement Lv14»
«Maximum HP Enhancement Lv13» «Maximum MP Enhancement Lv14»

«Cook Lv53» «Alchemist Lv3» «Collecting Lv33» «Mining Lv49»

«Connoisseur Lv44» «Dismantling Lv38» «Appraisal Lv40» «Identification» «Dance»
«Ancient Divine Linguistics Lv100» «Space-Time Awareness Expansion Lv38»

Racial Skills:

«Aurora Magic Lv10» «Holy Magic Lv42» «Space-Time Magic Lv9»
«Chaos Magic Lv11» «Shadow Magic Lv45» «Necromantic Secrets Lv66»
«Eye-chan’s Lv25» «Unknown Organisation Lv32»

  Defence / Resistance
«Physical Resistance Lv65» «Higher Physical Immunity Lv38»
«Magic Resistance Lv59» «Higher Magic Immunity Lv22»

  Strengthening / Assistance
«Life Absorption Lv56» «Magical Erosion Lv38» «Soul Chaser»
«Wild Instinct Lv60» «Survival of the Fittest Lv60» «Magic Power Optimization Lv56»
«Unusual God Larva Lv38» «Regeneration Trait Lv38» «Long-term Activity Lv1» «Active Cells»
«Child of White Night Lv1» «Undead General Lv66» «Great Art Lv44» «Outer One Lv56»

«Sphere of Shaking Flesh Lv39» «Mad and Merciless Lv39»
«Incarnation» «Sword of Judgment» «Soul Hunter» «Coordinate Levitation» «Lower Independent Race»
«The One that Reigns» «Invitation of the Main Body»

  Divine work
«Erasing Burning Chain»
«Scales of Judgment»

  Special Spells
[Fist of Yog-Sothoth]
[Summon Byakhee]
[Summon / Subordinate Black Goat]
[Invite / Dismiss Shub-Niggurath]

Cook: The title given to a full-fledged cook.
Special-Class Alchemist: A title given to veterans who have produced S-grade items with alchemy.
Alchemist’s Disciple: Apprenticed to Megan, in the Starting Town.
Elegant and Calm Princess: Makes a much better impression on others and makes them less likely to be wary of you.

Stellura’s Protection: Increases resistance to light and dark magic. Reduces the cost of light and dark magic. Enhances spatial magic. Provides a bonus to spatial magic experience. Reduces cost of spatial magic. Increases healing effect. Increases resistance to instant death.
Ruler of Afterworld: You have command over those in the Afterworld and a reduced death penalty. Evernight Castle has become your home, allowing you to expand the Afterworld.
Owner of The Silver Key: You will receive various benefits regarding space and dimensions. The Silver Key can be equipped.
Confused by the Torrent of Knowledge: Knowledge itself is neither good nor bad. That is decided by the one that possesses it. You are one who is bewildered by stupendous knowledge.
Successor to Ancient Swordsmanship: Allows you to use the forms to full effect.
Outer One: Has a profound effect on the Residents, but the nature of the effect depends on the object of your faith.

Full-Fledged Adventurer: A commemorative title given to those who have attained the rank of ‘C’ in the Union. You are a full-fledged adventurer, and it is clear to both yourself and others. However, the peak is still far away.
Liberator of Belstead: A title commemorating the first person to liberate the east of the Starting Town.
Liberator of Inbamunt: A title commemorating the first person to liberate the south of the Starting Town.
Dungeon Discoverer: A title commemorating the first Outsider to arrive at a dungeon.
Ancient Linguist: A commemorative title given to those who know a language that was long forgotten.
Encounter with the Goddess: A commemorative title given to those who meet the Goddess.


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