Chapter 110 – Inbamunt Defence Battle

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“”Head back?””

“Let’s do that.”

Let’s head down to a ship, to recover and resupply.

We’ll land on Rina’s ship this time.

“Ah, Onee-chan!”

“How’s the ship?”

“I thought I would die from hitting the walls.”


The ship has become entirely metal, under the influence of Alf-san. The damage from a collision would be harsh. That’s a huge disadvantage…
On the other hand…it apparently rocks about less than the other ships.

“How does the shield work?”
“It’s the rechargeable type.”

Energy has to be diverted to charge it, then it can be activated when needed. It remains active until the energy runs out, after which it enters a cooldown. Then it’s necessary to recharge it.
Energy can be supplied in differing amounts to attack, movement, defence and basic. I don’t need to ask for details, because this gives a general enough idea.
In other words, there’s no need to wait for the announcement to charge it and you can have it ready to activate at any time.

While talking, we replenish our consumable supplies. I have to trade the ones I’ve used [Magicise] on to the twins.

“Hasn’t it gotten rather quiet, anyway?”

Say Tomo and Sugu as they look out at the sea, but it really is quiet.
The aquatic species that had been fleeing have disappeared, and the enemies in the sky have dispersed. The fleet has been left floating in a calm sea, under a clear sky. Looking at just that, it’s peaceful. No, can I really say that when we’re on a warship?

The twins have started playing in the sea after resupplying, and I am…standing level with the surface of the water.

“I would like to say that it’s walking on water, as I’ve dreamed of doing…but it’s kind of different.”
“”We’ll do it!””

It’s necessary to maintain contact with the surface of the sea as it shifts, so it’s quite challenging. The nearby warships are also causing waves to form.
After seeing me and the twins, some of the nearby Outsiders have also come over and accepted the challenge. Levitation works differently depending on the race, so the level of difficulty also differs.

“I’m not doing that.”
“You fire lizards will die if your fire goes out…”
“Who’s a fire lizard..”

It’s a Salamander, so…it is a fire lizard.
The water fairy, Nixie, has it easiest…or rather, is literally just walking on the water. The rest are just floating, putting on a performance by adjusting their height and moving their legs.

“Standing is manageable, but it’s hard to walk.”

Cupid-san is flying while touching the surface of the sea. The same way most are. That is still quite picturesque.


<<Everyone! The kraken has arrived! Prepare for battle!>>

Oops, sounds like break time is over.

It jumps out of the water at a bit of a distance…and floats.
Its appearance matches the provided information. It has a humanoid torso, with tentacles for arms. From the waist, like a skirt, it looks like a jellyfish.
To add a little more information, the tentacles have a slight red colour to them.


When it spreads out the arm tentacles and lets out a cry, seawater moves up from below it to form a thin film.
This must be the performance for it appearing.

<<Everyone! Good luck!>>

Atlantic Sea Nettle Medusa. A gauge displaying its name and that it is level 68 has appeared. It’s a boss, so there are multiple health bars.
In addition, there is also a small blue gauge.

“Is it a shielding type?
“It’s going to get hit by the main guns anyway.”

Well…I’m sure that’s right.

“It doesn’t look like it has any followers…does it?”
“”Looks like?””
“Looks like~?”

…The twins are cute.

The jellyfish is…floating in the air. The tentacles on the lower half of its body seem to be quite long, extending into the sea…but otherwise it is floating.
…Maybe it’s so it doesn’t dry out.


Along with it raising its arms, seawater rises up in columns. The columns of water form a multi-tiered circle around the jellyfish, then scatter as a large number of water projectiles.


As expected, it’s impossible to prevent such a large amount…but it’s not that big a deal for those caught up in it.

“How dare you do that~!”
“Did you already have a bad feeling about this on hearing it was Inbamunt?”
“Of course? It was pretty much confirmed to be water types at that point.”
“I’d be more worried if it wasn’t water-based here.”

…Except for Salamanders and Kratesídhe. These scattered attacks against those weak to water makes using a ship almost necessary for them.

“Are the attacks not getting through~?”
“The blue shield gauge is decreasing…”.
“It looks like the armour-piercing shots are getting through the shield to its body~.”

Fairellen-san is right. Armour-piercing shells are penetrating the shield to reach the main body, but the rest appear to be exploding against the shield.
At first glance, it seems like armour-piercing is the only choice, but… I don’t think so.

『Fuumu. Is it impossible to test it with this number?』
『Well, it’s impossible. But explosive rounds might be the right answer.』
『Explosives to break the shield, then the damage should increase once it’s gone.』
『Yeah. Though we don’t know if there are any other gimmicks.』

Our attacks are being absorbed by the shield… It would be better if the attacks of the flying and aquatic players could also hit the main body.
Would we be better off using explosive attacks too? The multi-hit pillar should be about the same size as the jellyfish. The problem is the range of the spell. I have no problem with it myself.

“Should we drop naval mines while placing pillars?”
“That might be fine as an Éclasídhe. It will be too painful for slow flying races though.”

It’s tough for the twins. Cupid-san could do it, but is using a bow, so has no reason to overdo it. I don’t care about range either, so it’s better to hand my naval mine over to Fairellen-san.

“Tell my family… that I love them… I’m going!”
“Why are you talking like you’re off to your death…”

Fairellen-san, acting like she won’t return, flies off towards the jellyfish…
She flies up into the sky, to avoid being caught in friendly fire, then drops the naval mine from above. She descends alongside it, places a pillar on the surface of the sea, so that it hits the enemy, then flies back just above sea level.

“Fuu, trivial…”
“Here you go.”
“Ah, yes. When this mission is over…I’m going to tell you how I feel…”
“Are you going to do this every time?”

Fairellen-san flies away again with the naval mine I handed over.
As expected, the naval mine is flashy…

Those of us in the sky are mainly being attacked by «Water Magic», while the ships and aquatic players are under attack from the long tentacles of the jellyfish part of the boss. We sometimes have to avoid the long tentacles when they swing down. Getting hit by them seems to inflict poison.

Fairellen-san is back.

“Let’s get married!”
“Go and play again!”
“Damn it!”

After proposing to Cupid-san, she was offered another naval mine. Is it a lover that sends her back out on the same mission?

“…Nothing comes to mind. I’m going~.”
“”Out of ideas!””

While seeing off Fairellen-san, I attack with magic.
It’s easy to hit with the pillars thanks to the magic eye, so it’s very MP efficient. Since it is just magic and tentacles, I don’t need to move much either. If I had to say something, it would be that it’s saddening that reflecting magic has no effect.

<<Explosives and water’s weaknesses seem to work on the shield!>>

Oh, the NPC gave us some information. I don’t know if it was conditional or due to the passage of time, but it’s nice that it gave us the answer.

“”What are the weaknesses of water?””
“Earth… magma and lightning, I think. Plants too.”
“Fairellen-san is the only one among us that could use them, so don’t worry about it.”
“”I see.””

Explosives, though. The ships can use explosive shells, but for magic, it would be burst, explosion, mine and gladius. The explosion types have a short range, so they’re difficult to use.
I can use explosion and pillar, and spread around mines so the swinging tentacles hit them… Burst is centred on the caster, so the magic eye is useless, and gladius has poor MP efficiency against a single opponent. Aiming at the weak points of normal enemies won’t be better than using explosion or pillar…I think.

『Shield up!』
『Eight seconds left!』
『The ship’s going to take damage!』

That cruiser has been caught by one of the long tentacles…

『No matter what we try, we aren’t going to make it in time!』

The ship sinks with a cracking sound.

“Jellyfish… What is a jellyfish..”
“Don’t you know? It’s that.”
“This other world is scary.”

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“Yeah, really.”

A scary alternate world jellyfish.
When we run out of MP potions, down to resupply, and after recovering, off to the frontline again…and repeat. I’m not using the naval mines, so arrows and potions are fine.

The shield of water protecting the jellyfish disappears with a pop. It’s time to hit the main body.

“I’ll turn you into a boiled jellyfish!”
“Fire doesn’t work so well on water.”

Well, now that the shield is gone, we can use magic as usual. Maybe flak, since it’s such a large target. If all of it hits, it’s better than arrow or lance.
The shield has broken, so there shouldn’t be any need to use mine.


Well, what’s this.
Columns of water rise up…hm? Water bullets? But that was a different voice…

“Huh, was that a different voice?”
“No, aren’t there more pillars than with the water bullets?”
“There are more~….. gee!”
“『Guan Yu!』”

It looks like Fairellen-san wanted to continue there… Well, I can understand that a little.
The problem is that the water columns froze. It’s «Ice Magic». We can’t learn it without fire and water, but it might be monster specific.
Anyway….the first thing to do is that. Use [Multilock] and remove the wet state of the party members.

“[Five-Fold Chanting] [Washing]”
“『Hm? Ah, freeze!』”

That’s right. Ice has a higher chance of freezing when the target is wet.
It would be better for the races weak to water to either recover behind #1 or on a ship. The ships will probably have their own issues, but the chances of instant death would be reduced.

I parry as much of the incoming ice as possible. Getting hit too many times in a row will inflict freeze…

“What happens if we freeze?”
“Don’t you know? You’ll fall and die.”
“Ah…fall damage from the sea’s surface.”
“Won’t you take more damage while frozen? Falling damage is blunt…”
“Eh, is it trying to kill me more than I expected?”

Freezing is a special condition, so it will work on me too.
As for the ships, they have been attacked by large icicles. They are icicles…but more literally, pillars of ice. They’re enough to open holes in the ships, depending on the angle.

『Gyaah! Ice stabbed uuuuss!』
『You expect us to fix something like this!?』
『Help me, Erin!』
『That takes me back!』

The ships that have been pierced are having a hard time.
In the case of the ice, the number of bullets is less than with the water bullets, but they’re more powerful and may inflict freeze. There’s no problem parrying with this many.

“Is this jellyfish the low defence type~?”
“It’s going down faster than I expected.”
“Isn’t the damage to the ships too harsh?”

The more damage they take from a single shot, the longer they are going to take with recovering. The key is going to be how to avoid the ships sinking.



The ice stops shooting along with it crying out and a chunk of ice moves over the head of the jellyfish. At the same time, the tentacles that had been attacking the ships move towards the ice block.

“We…should probably prepare to avoid this. Now, what to do with #1…”
“Leave #1 to me.”
“Cavalier…okay then.”

It would be nice if the attack doesn’t come this way in the first place.
…is what we call flag.

The tentacles wrap around the block of ice overheard, splitting it into multiple pieces that it throws in different directions.

『Aah! This direction is no good! Activate the barrier!』

The ship that is on course for a direct hit activates its shield.
I…really don’t think I can parry or reflect a mass that is much bigger than #1. I’ll avoid with [Short Jump].

“That’s as far as you go! [Invulnerable]!”

The Cavalier player in front of #1 has used an invincibility art. The chunk of ice that hits the Cavalier shatters…then falls to the sea in multiple chunks.
Then there was the loud sound of an explosion.

『Super exciting! How many ships got hit?』
『Ahh…they blew up and sank…』

That ship blew up with quite a bang, didn’t it? It must have taken a hit to a vital area. I think it was probably the ammunition depot, rather than the engine.
It is quite literally an explosion, so no matter how strong the ship is, it will die instantly. If there is an explosion in the critical areas, the ammunition depot and engine room…well, they’re vital areas for a reason, so it’s not something that can be endured no matter how hard you try. Please die spectacularly at least.

『Energy to the shield.』
『On it, Aniki!』

…Their change into pirates is progressing.

Not good, it’s whittling us down faster than the goat did.



At the same time as the cry, the surrounding seawater gathers around the jellyfish. The seawater is being drawn in, so it is also pulling in the nearby ships.
And most importantly…there is a new gauge displaying ‘Widespread Annihiliation – Vapour Emission’.

<<All-out attack! Get as far away as possible while attacking!>>

Is the all-out attack because it can be cancelled? But since there’s also an instruction to leave, is it the type of attack that can be weakened by attacking while it charges?

『For the time being, fire!』
『I don’t know which ammo is best.』
『The jellyfish is accumulating power.』

While a large amount of bullets and magic are fired at the jellyfish, it continues to draw in the seawater.
Six columns of water rise up around the jellyfish, forming into a large number of spheres that begin to drift around it.

『It looks like the water collected for the attack seems to be separating…』
『Can’t tell why because it’s our first time seeing it though.』

<<The flight group should begin withdrawing! Take distance, or go to a ship!>>

…Hmm, let’s follow the instructions.

“Let’s fall back.”

The problem is that we don’t know how far back we should go yet. For now, let’s stay outside the range of our magic. The spellcasters won’t be able to do anything, but…Cupid-san can do arched shots, and I can use coordinate specified spells.
I attack with Cupid-san while watching as the ships continue to fire their guns on a course away from the jellyfish. This change to coordinate specified range being anywhere in sight… It’s really good. The MP efficiency isn’t great when used against a single boss though.

<<Incoming! Everyone, strengthen your defence in preparation for impact!>>

『The jellyfish is unleashing its magic!』


Oh, here is no good.

“『Here isn’t any good either!』”

The water that had gathered around the jellyfish’s body contracts, and the spheres that had been drifting around it spread out and scatter, followed by a burst explosion centred on the jellyfish. The scattered spheres explode when caught in the burst, increasing the momentum.
This…is probably going need an evacuation to behind #1. It should be a water attribute magic attack, so he shouldn’t die. I’ll use [Magic Barrier] while taking shelter behind #1. I’ll also cast [Light Enchantment] on #1 to raise his spirit.
The shielded ships are being swallowed up by the burst effect.

Activate [Magic Barrier] when it gets close….and endure it!

“『It’s continuous!』”
“『Mu, impossible!』”

The Salamander players are being whittled down through the [Magic Barrier]…
A normal burst should be a single instance of damage, but this one is continuous. It’s way too dangerous for it to continue applying damage until it finishes spreading out. Truly a widespread annihilation.

<<Hurry with resupplying and repairing!>>


The fairies are on the verge of death. Those of the water attribute or with resistance to it are fine, but for the others, their location seems to have been the difference between life and death. They’ll be running for their lives next time.
Me and #1 had room to spare. I have magic resistance due to my race, and #1 is a mass of flesh from my main body, so we’re the same. No problem. Rather, I don’t know what’s going on with this lump of flesh that is supposed to be a tank becoming weak to physical attacks. Honestly, I might have to go back to using an armour…

It seems like the shield wasn’t enough for the destroyers that were near to the jellyfish, and the continuous damage is applied to both the ship and the crew. The closer they were to the jellyfish, the higher the damage, and the more hopeless the continuous damage made it.

“Looks like a lot of damage, doesn’t it?”
“If you’re too late getting away at the start, it’s even more painful from being sucked in, huh~?”
“Looks like it. The destroyer is a type with a weaker shield too, so surviving seems impossible.”

The destroyer’s shields charge quickly, but the duration and defensive power are modest. In this case, the correct answer would be to take advantage of the destroyer’s speed and quickly escape.

“Also, it looks like those with an attribute weakness on the ships will die.”

The moment the shield disappears, the person inside dies.

“The management here are good-natured, but they really have a habit of showing no mercy.”
“It’s definitely a case of ‘this is this’.”
“I’ll never forget the tragedy of the shoggoth during the hunting~!”

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Speaking of which, the person from management who was there back then was laughing like a villain.
Now then, finding a ship with vacancies is troublesome, so let’s attack. I can go and recover once the fairies are flying again.

Did it run out of moves? Physical attacks with the tentacles, water and ice bullets, and the widespread annihilation. Ah, no, the tidal wave hasn’t come yet. We got a tutorial for it from the whale, so I’m sure it will come from the jellyfish too.
…It’s coming.

“Tidal, huh~”
“What’s the sign?”
“The sphere above it.”

It doesn’t look like it’s going to swim in circles.
…Is it gathering water on the arm tentacles?

[Pi piiiiiii!]


Beams are being fired from both arms.

“『Yeah! Don’t turn, don’t turn!』”
“『Mu, impossible…』”

Ah, a lot of Salamanders…
With the many water projectiles from the sphere in the sky, and high pressure water beams from the arm tentacles, they are sent falling down.

“Look, the people look like trash.”
“Is Muska in there too?”
“But it’s our allies who are falling.”

When the gauge is full, the water bullets and beams stop and a huge tsunami hits the fleet.
…Hm? Somehow, there’s still water gathered on its body and arms.


The water on the arm tentacles freezes. I have a really bad feeling about this. I should use [Washing].

“Here comes the freeze beeeam!”
“…Did you gain some muscles?”
“If there were any muscles, they froze and fell off.”

The freezing beam is fired around in every direction, freezing wherever it touches. The huge tsunami continues on even where it is frozen… If that ice hits a ship, it will cause a lot of damage.
Incidentally, it seems to be more troublesome for the freezing beam to hit the surrounding sea surface than to hit the ships directly. Especially for destroyers.

“『The chance of freezing is too nasty!?』”

This also seems to be a continuous type, and freezes immediately. Ice sculptures are falling. …It’s an instant death.
The small fairy species have completely turned into glass cannons. They freeze too quickly.

“Instant cockroach freezing jet!”
“『Who’s a cockroach!』”
“Well, I am too! Watch out!
“That’s terribly self-deprecating.”

The fairies are as lively as ever, but the problem is #1. I don’t think he’ll die, but he’ll lose a lot of HP. The tentacle guard is excellent… By detaching the frozen tip like a lizard’s tail, it can prevent the whole body from freezing. The problem is that a lot of HP is lost, as it’s considered limb loss.
I wonder if I can detach my own. I’ll try it later.

“#1 is wonderful!”
“Healing #1 is a simple job.”

When the tidal wave finishes, so does the freezing beam.
The damage to the flight group is much worse than to the ship group. …Recovering would go more quickly if the carrier returned…

I’m making great progress in improving skills such as «Kokon Musou» and «Magical Erosion» during this defence battle. Well, it’s still a lot of work…but it’s good because it’s more fun than overpowering goblins that come rushing in. …Though that’s likely to be divided by race.

“Oh, jellyfish. Will you just die like this? How pitiful.”
“『That doesn’t matter! Just kill it already!』”
“You guys really hate it.”

…The fairies are shouting passionately.
Honestly, all the attacks are scattered about, making them tougher than the aimed ones of the goat. Including the first half, when the birds came to eat, it has been tough on the fairies.



Oh, another new one. Maelstrom, is it. Along with the tidal wave, this is also a famous water magic. In contrast to the huge tsunami, this is a large whirlpool. …Honestly, I feel like the tsunami is stronger.

<<Travel in the direction opposite of the vortex!>>

The jellyfish that jumped up as it cried out dives into the water.

“Oh, we’re safe up here?”
“I hope so.”

It would be nice if that’s the case…
The water begins to swirl around where the jellyfish dived. I’m sure there’s a battle going on underwater.

“”Naval mines in the centre?””
“Oh, that’s a good idea. Let’s go get some from a ship.”

We head to a ship that is trying to escape the vortex, replenish supplies and wait to recover. After recovering, the naval mine goes in the military supplies inventory, and we’re off.

I fly up to the sky above the centre of the whirlpool and drop the mine while laughing along with the twins.

“A nasty act that is so easy to do.”
“I wonder about that. …We don’t know if it hit.”

The explosion raised a column of water, but it is hard to tell if it hit the target.
Well, there’s nothing else to do, so I could drop more naval mines for the time being. Dropping the event naval mines should be stronger than using the mine spell…

I’ll drop them along with the noisy flight group.

“Shoot the ball into the opponent’s goal!”
“Super exciting!”
“『What are they doing….』”

Some of them look like they’re having a lot of fun.

『Can’t we just drop in a torpedo and have it hit on its own?』
『It’ll hit one of our ships first, so don’t.』
『So, what’s the problem?』
『Please go home, chief.』
『Don’t do it with torpedoes!』
『I’m not pretending! I’ll fire the guns!』

It’s certainly a whirlpool, so if a torpedo enters, it’ll eventually hit the boss. It’s a perfect plan. …Except that it’s impossible. No matter how you think about it, it will hit a friendly ship first.

“A kilometre wide whirlpool, it’s spectacular. What a wonderful tourist attraction. But the conditions for viewing it are too strict, so 3 stars.”
“Haha, review style.”
“When a kraken appears, you have to reduce it’s health, and it’s best to have some means of flying. No matter how you think about it, it won’t get many visitors~.”
“Should we also add ‘recommended for fighting’?”
“”That’s not the problem.””

Too bad.
Anyway, it’s a pain to go back and forth between the ship and the centre. …I’ve come up with a good idea.
The closest ship to the centre is….well, it’s one that’s in danger of being eaten by the vortex. I go to the ship and summon Lizzy, since there is an open party slot.

“Lizzy, throw this mine at the centre of the vortex.”

The Lizzy that is summoned from the coffin can’t speak, but can at least nod or shake her head. Though her expression doesn’t change. At any rate, I will fly up and use [Teleconductor] from «Necromantic Secrets» to instruct her to throw them.
In short, let’s fire a shot to confirm the impact. I’ll let her throw it, and if it is out of alignment, correct it and throw another. Well, it’s hard to pinpoint the target because the ship is moving.

“I see. But I can’t throw!”
“I don’t have it~”

Hmm…It’s too difficult because of the ship rocking and moving. Let’s change what we’re doing. I’ll go above the centre of the vortex and have her throw it at me. She can see me, so considering the bonus from skills, her accuracy should increase.
I’ll deal with the naval mines the same way as I do the magic mines. Use [Telekinesis] to avoid touching it directly, and release it after stopping it from moving with the magic. Unlike the magic mines, the naval mines will fall on their own.
I instruct her to throw several over and confirm that they are exploding below me. If they’re a little off, I can correct them before letting them drop.

“Yeah, this will be more efficient.”
“So, what’s the point of these mines~?”

I’ll pretend I didn’t hear Fairellen-san’s question.

“『Isn’t this taking too long?』”

How long will this maelstrom last? Maybe it’s about endurance.

“Ah…they want more mines dropped.”
“What, they’re hitting it properly?”
“Apparently they’re fighting underwater.”

It seems that the water shield recovers too quickly underwater. They have to enter the vortex to get close, and «Water Magic» is useless at long range.
As a result, the most efficient way to get rid of the shield is to use the naval mines…

“It’s a jellyfish, so it’s strongest in water.”
“Well, it’s a jellyfish…”
“It looks like a lot of tentacles dancing around, blending in with the surroundings.”
“And apparently the current is fast because of the maelstrom.”
“Hell, lol.”

They can see them if they look closely, but the current is too fast to see clearly. And they get poisoned if they’re caught by the tentacles. If they don’t shake them off fast enough, the intensity of the poison increases, so they’ll die from it. It seems tough without «Sensing Danger». Though even with it, being able to react is a different matter.

For the time being, I’ll work with Lizzy to toss in the naval mines.

“The heavy torpedo ships are adjusting their speed and dropping torpedoes…”
“There are only torpedo ships and destroyers over here.”
『Hey! Flight group!』

Well, considering friendly fire, I wonder if it will work.
And someone onboard a ship is calling.

『Sorry, but we need supplies! I’d prefer not to call in a supply ship!』
“『Aaahh~ Can’t be helped.』”
『Princess! We’re gonna run out of mines if we don’t resupply!』

Oh, maybe I tossed in too many. It can’t be helped. I’ll get Lizzy to stop and help resupply.
Fumu…it would be easier if #1 can carry them. He’s not doing much at the moment, so I’ll take him along. To test it.

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I head off to a supply ship, receive a ‘supply box for warships’, then have #1 extend two tentacles and put it on them.
…It’s not disappearing, so it works. Then I’ll have him bring out as many tentacles as he can and load them up. I can use my own tentacles too, so I’ll change my arms to tentacles, have another player load on supplies, change my legs to tentacles to grab two more, and off we go.

“It’s funny how Princess makes so much use of her own body.”
“So casually doing inhuman things.”
“When I see something like that, it reminds me she’s a really dangerous race.”

You guys are inhuman too! Well, compared to fairies and angels, it certainly is bad. But tentacles are convenient, you know. Wouldn’t you like to grow some too?

I’ll probably drop them if I speed up, so I’ll go slowly and deliver them to the ships. It looks like one box restores 25% of the maximum value, so four per ship is the max. Other players will probably bring them too, so I’ll deliver two to the ship that Lizzy is on.
The MP used for [Telekinesis] has been restored while I was onboard, so I can resume dropping mines.

“『Hm!? Retreat!』”

The area above the centre of the vortex has become a dangerous area, so I escape with [Short Jump].


The jellyfish jumps out and floats on the surface of the water as the maelstrom ends…the tentacles are twitching.

“『Was it knocked down!? Beat it up!』”

That…is probably the case. It is stunned after the attack.
The flying group launches an all-out attack, and they are probably doing the same underwater. A little later, the ships also start to attack with their main guns and torpedoes.

『I should have charged my wave cannon!』
『Don’t call it wave cannon.』
『Is it different?』
『It’s not.』

That must be the convergent magic cannon. This is a good chance, but it requires charging. If there’s a next time, the super dreadnoughts will be charged and waiting.
Even so, it has lost a lot of health. We’re finally halfway there.

“”Waking up?””
“I think so. We should stay back.”

As the twins say, it looks like it’s getting up, so we should stay back. We don’t want to get hit by an attack as it wakes up, and the tentacles should start moving as soon as it does.
I’ll send Lizzy back too.

“You guys are heading back already~? We can still go~!”
“No, we can already see it.”

Like the twins said, the seawater has started to gather on the jellyfish. There are some people playing chicken, but our policy is to play it safe.


I knew it.
As soon as the jellyfish wakes up, it creates a burst of water and the shield comes back up.

“I wonder..”
“No, it’s best if we leave them. We don’t have a choice.”
“Getting up from that position is no good.”
“They’ll get hit by the tentacles and die if we revive them there.”

We can’t revive those who died at the foot of the boss. Let’s have them go to the carrier.


Water bullets…right?

“Huh, no change~?”
“Looks like….right?”
“Same as before~”

I want to parry as much as I can to improve my skills, so it’s fine for me…Oh? Has it changed a little?

“”Something changed.””
“Oh, that’s good~.”

The water bullets are much larger than the first time, and instead of being similar to lance, there are fewer of them. I wonder if the emphasis has shifted to power.

“It’s not good~!”

If a fairy were hit by these, they would be obliterated, so Fairellen-san is dashing around to avoid them.
In addition to the extra thick shots from the front, they are also being fired at the ships this time, with the ones that land in sea causing a pillar to appear. Even if you’re above the point of impact, they will still cause damage.

“This is no good near the ships.”
“We have to worry about what’s below us too.”

There are no bird type enemies anymore, so it’s okay for us to move away. There’s no reason we have to accompany them.
This is easier for me, as the number of attacks that come flying have decreased.


The multi-tiered circle firing the water bullets is moving in a way it didn’t before. Each of the circles that surrounded the jellyfish like hula-hoops gather in several places…and are then released as lasers.

“Did it shoot in random directions?”
“Maybe so~.”



Oh, that should be the ice, but it is fast.

“Has the frequency of magic attacks increased dramatically~? [Washing].”
“I’m rather happy about that…[Washing].”
“Is that the enraged mode? [Washing].”

Excuse me from freezing and falling.
Now then, how will this one behave…

“『Hey, seriously!』”

This one seems to have decreased in power but increased in number. It’s the opposite of the first set of water and ice. And obviously, this one is worse.

“I can’t stay here! I’m going back behind #1!”
“Is that a death flag?”

Fairellen-san has evacuated, as expected.
The number has increased…I’m unsure about #1, with the increased amount that will hit. The abnormal condition is more likely to be applied the more he is hit, so I hope he can recover in time.

“Isn’t #1 in danger?”
“『Do your best, #1! You’re our fort! If you die, we die!』”
“Is it okay to use holy on #1?”
“He’s just a lump of meat, so it’s fine.”
“I’ll buff it then. [Relax] [Regenerate].”

[Relax] is from level 55 and [Regenerate] from 60 of «Holy Magic». The first increases the natural recovery rate of HP and MP. The second gradually restores HP.
[Relax] does not increase the effect of [Regenerate], but it does stack with #1’s automatic recovery skill, so it’s a strong combination. I’d like it too, but I took «Holy Magic» quite late, so I haven’t learned it yet.
It…looks like we can endure. #1 is mainly being supported by the fire type fairies who evacuated behind him.

“Ah, the shield broke.”
“Wasn’t it fast this time?”
“Because we knew what would be effective from the start.”

Explosions and the weaknesses of water were fired at it continuously…
We’re down to the last gauge.


Widespread annihilation!

“『Hit it with all you’ve got!』”
“Don’t think you’ll make it out alive!”
“Considering the situation, isn’t that us?”

An all-out attack has been launched, to reduce the amount of gathered seawater as much as possible.

<<The flight group should begin withdrawing! Take distance, or go to a ship!>>

“『Time to run.』”

As for the widespread annihilation, there doesn’t look to be any change due to its HP.


“Live, refugee’s.”

We should have attacked much better than we did the first time, but I honestly can’t see any difference. …It’s very painful.

“I was on the brink of death~”
“Because you’re greedy~”
“I won’t retreat! I won’t be afraid! I won’t regret!
“You should.”

Fairellen-san, who has a high flying speed, died after greedily attacking until the last moment, before being revived by Cupid-san.
Fairies can withstand magic attacks that are not their weakest attribute to a certain extent, but…that’s just compared to other attacks. It’s more a matter of HP than defence.

After recovering, we resupply at the ships where necessary and return to combat distance.
When the ships have finished resupplying and are ready to fight, the boss’s HP should drop.


It’s maelstrom time.
I’ll go to the supply ship and fetch over some supplies.

『Fuhahahaha! Charge the convergent magic cannon!』
『Convergent magic cannon charging! …The hell is this.』
『Eh…we don’t need anything other than the engine!』

They must be talking about the energy distribution. If the engine stops, the whirlpool will swallow them, but they’ve left nothing else.
While delivering supplies, I summon Lizzy to a ship near the vortex, then I head up above it.


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Well, no matter how cute we make it sound, we’re still dropping mines.
Good luck, aquatic group.

Is it…about time for it to come out? It’s down to around 30% HP remaining.

『Come on out! I’m gonna shoot!』
『Hurry it up!』
『Hey, sailors. You’ve become pirates.』
『We haven’t at all!』


『It’s heeeeere!』
『…More like pirates for real.』

No matter how I look at it, it’s a pirate ship now.

『Turn to aim at it! Hard to starboard!』
『Aye, hard to starboard!』
『Deploy the convergent magic cannon!』
『Deploying the magic cannon!』
『Cannon deployed! Automatic magical stabiliser active!』

There’s even a stabiliser!?

『Rapid water-cooling system ready!』
『Rudder centred!』
『Begin firing sequence!』
『Sharing firing lines with friendly ships! Firing line is clear!』
『All sailors on deck, enter the ship! I repeat. All hands to the inside of the ship!』

Multiple magic circles appear in front of the bridge, with a large amount of magic being sucked in to form a sphere, between the largest magic circle and a slightly smaller one. Several more magic circles are arrayed in front of the smaller one, probably forming the barrel.
I can see magic being ejected from ten points on the left and right of the battleship, which is likely to be the magic stabiliser meant to steady the ship.

There are similar sights on the other super dreadnought battleships, so they are ready to concentrate their fire. Well, there’s only one place they will be aiming.

“I think we’re going to see a terrible sight.”
“There’s definitely going to be a crossfire. Thank you very much.”

Well, it looks like it’s about to be unleashed. I wonder if there will be any HP left…

『Convergent magic cannon, fire!』
『Master Spark!』
『Burst stream of destruction!』
“What a lack of unity…”
『Fuhahaha! Amazing! So cool!』
“Their leader is noisy…”
“”Amazing and cool!””
“The twins got infected~.”

<<World Quest: Inbamunt Defence Battle, complete.>>
<<Checking quest evaluation………>>
<<Damage to defence target……0%>>
<<Clear evaluation……….S Clear!>>
<<A bonus will be rewarded for a perfect clear.>>
<<For being protected unharmed, Resident evaluation of Outsiders has improved.>>

<Your Race Level has increased.>
<Your servant’s level has increased.>

The jellyfish has disappeared…

“Oh…jellyfish. What a pathetic way to die…”
“No, I think most things would die from that…”

It was a crossfire of very thick beams… The super dreadnought battleships were knocked back by the recoil.

“It’s quite a simple evaluation.”
“”Only damage to the town?””
“Apparently so.”

Well, if the number of warships sunk, the amount of ammunition used and the amount of military supplies used were given, it would be quite a tough assessment in terms of the amount of money that had to be spent… So this is how it is.

<<Thank you, Outsiders! Let’s go home!>>

Let’s head back.

“Hey, Princess has more eyes~?”
“Oh? …There are 7 now. Ah, the skill level increased to 40 from the battle.”

The level of «Sphere of Shaking Flesh» has increased, raising the number of spheres, so in turn there are more «Eye-chan’s». Then, the probability of a counterattack has increased to 70%. 100% is close.

“Come to think of it, skills don’t all level up at the end in the case of defence battles. I have to check them.”
“”Check them~!””

Hmm…the passive skills have been rising gradually, along with some arts and magic.
«Super-Class Magic Ability» has reached 15, giving [Parallel Casting]. «Space-Time Magic» has increased to 10, giving [Quick]. «Mad and Merciless» is 40, increasing the number of available tentacles to five. I need to update my macros.
[Quick] is a classic, the opposite of [Slow].

“Oho~! [Parallel Casting] showed up~!”
“Can we play like Dragon Quest now?”
“Did it make you feel nostalgic~? Was it Dai, or Erdrick…”
“Erdrick, wasn’t it.”
“Ah, yeah. Zoom in the right hand, zoom in the left, Okrura!”
“That, that.”

[Parallel Casting]…should allow the use of two types of magic at the same time.

“It doesn’t work with differing attributes.”
“Maybe because of [Resonance Magic]…”

If you could use different attributes, you could resonate by yourself.

“…Then what use is it~?”
“Let them deliberately avoid an arrow, then hit them with a mine or something…maybe?”
“Or a lance when they’re scared by a ball?”
“Can you do that~? Let’s try…”

Fairellen-san casts a ball with her right hand and a lance with her left, throws the ball and then fires the lance. It seems that it’s possible.

“So you can do it. Well, it’s good to have more options~.”
“It’s better than not being able to do it.

There’s a big difference between can and cannot.

“”Are we disbanding?””
“Ah, what should we do.”
“Any plans, Princess~?”
“Nothing in particular.”
“Okay, then let’s go hunting~!”
“”Let’s go!””

Fairellen-san and the twins are motivated, so let’s go since we’re already together. In this group, me and my servant will be tanking… I’d like to get «Slender Sword» to the third tier, so I guess that’s fine.

Back to the port!

“Onee-chan, what’s next?”
“We’re going to go hunting with these members.”
“Oh, then we should go as we are too!”

There’s also the party composed of Ske-san, Alf-san, Clementia-san, Mead-san, Mutt-san and Mohican-san.

“Gyahahaha! And hunting with our party, some part is gonna get hot!”
“Why did use ‘part’!”

Alf-san will be their shield… then they have four members for firepower and Clementia-san as rearguard. They’ve got plenty of attributes with darkness, fire, water, soil and plants!

“…Don’t you have much better balance than us?”
“…Isn’t it just that yours is too terrible?”

I have nothing to say in response to Clementia-san’s comment.

“Acorns comparing their height…”
“Even if acorns…the numbers come out well…”
“Well, yeah.”

The numbers don’t lie, sister of mine.

“We’ve got healing over here~! And the twins.”
“And the twins won’t die anyway.”
“”Holy is no good!””

We actually have a terribly balanced party. Yet despite that we had no problems at all during the defence battle. What on earth is going on.

“Well, this is fine too.”
“We’re already together, so let’s go have fun.”

Right. This kind of situation is sometimes fun too. While I agree with Mead-san, we have to decide where to hunt.

“No, isn’t this party going to be rough if we have bad attributes?”
“We can’t exploit their weaknesses, huh~?”
“Well, we’re usually light and dark, so it doesn’t matter much to begin with.”
“Fumu? There is grant for physical attacks…I suppose.”
“”Leave it to us!””
“Ellen-san’s weaknesses are fire and…wind. So, not north, in that case?”
“North is really impossible. Why don’t we let the tanking Princess choose~?”
“I think I would pick the ruins dungeon if it’s my choice?”
“Ah, jedi…”

I hear that the ruins dungeon is quite challenging. I’m quite compatible with it, so I often go solo.
It seems to be quite hard on the flying races over there. The airspace is full of projectiles, and there are shotgun doggies, so it must be dangerous for fairies.

“…I want to see it, so let’s go!”
“Well, if the fairy, Ellen-san says so, then it’s fine for me too…”
“”We’ve been there~.””

The twins have already gone there with the usual party.
Alf-san is not here this time though, so it’s going to be necessary to consider countermeasures for the General-Purpose Elimination Type missiles. Hm…no Lizzy, but two #1 with shields, then.

Let’s go hunting then.
I’ll hunt until dinner, then do some crafting afterwards.

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