Chapter 97 – Official Bulletin Board 12

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[All in] General Progression Thread 112 [Netgamer!]

-1. Passing Vanguard

This is the general progression thread.

Let’s write about various strategies.

Previous thread: http: //******

>>940 Next thread, please!

-42. Passing Vanguard

The world is expanding.

-43. Passing Vanguard

And becoming more fantasy.

-44. Passing Vanguard

How many countries do we know now?

-45. Passing Vanguard

Well, how many?

-46. Passing Vanguard
Central: The Starting Town, part of the Principality of Markarant.
Northeast: Dwarven country, Clandell Kingdom.
North-West: The land of the Elves, Tialen Magicountry.
East: The Church’s headquarters, Nealence Kingdom.
West: Nothing much to say about it, Creakstone Kingdom.
In the sea between the continents, the starting point of the aquatic races, the undersea city of Atlantis.
On the sea between the continents, the land of the fairies, Tir na Nog.
Southern continent: The first place you reach, Dinite Empire.
Floating Continent: The lands of the angels and devils, Heaven and Helheim.

-47. Passing Vanguard
Nine of them.

-48. Passing Vanguard
Since they are the countries on the surface, that is not including the Nether, Abyss or Medium.

-49. Passing Vanguard
Can we call those countries in the first place?

-50. Passing Vanguard
Well… isn’t it fine? It seems that both the Nether and the Medium have a chancellor.

-51. Passing Vanguard
They are on a national scale. We only see a narrow part when we die.

-52. Passing Vanguard
There’s a video of a walk through the Nether. It’s ridiculously big.

-53. Passing Vanguard
I didn’t know there was such a video.

-54. Passing Vanguard
The souls of people all over the world gather there, after all.

-55. Passing Vanguard
Cecil Aniki’s Chronicle, which was recently updated, is a long one.

-56. Passing Vanguard
I’m watching it, but the progress bar is strange. I’m barely halfway through.

-57. Passing Vanguard
Cecil’s not an aniki character!

-58. Passing Vanguard
That’s what bothered you?

-59. Passing Vanguard
What then?

-60. Passing Vanguard
I suppose… knight… a knight…

-61. Passing Vanguard
The ideal image of a knight, even if it’s a knight. Not the unclear kind.

-62. Passing Vanguard
I understand.

-63. Passing Vanguard
Not a fantasy knight, he’s definitely from an otome game.

-64. Passing Vanguard
That’s lol.

-65. Passing Vanguard
In other words… Onii-sama!

-66. Passing Vanguard
Cecil Onii-sama is born.

-67. Passing Vanguard
But my aniki is Ruzebarm Aniki.

-68. Passing Vanguard
A wonderful knight! Or a black-hearted character who wears the skin of one.

-69. Passing Vanguard
There are characters like that.

-70. Passing Vanguard
Yes, yes!

-71. Passing Vanguard
That’s what I’m talking about!

-72. Passing Vanguard
A knight has the status of a nobleman, though at the very bottom.

-73. Passing Vanguard
Doesn’t it seem simpler in this world?

-74. Passing Vanguard
Oh, is that so?

-75. Passing Vanguard
A soldier, to be honest. Not a noble, but higher than the general public.

-76. Passing Vanguard
Like maids, they have lost the nobility aspect?

-77. Passing Vanguard
Pretty much.
However, it gets complicated when it comes to captain class, because they are the children of aristocrats. I think the royal guard were the third sons of aristocrats.

-78. Passing Vanguard
When it gets like that, social status becomes troublesome.

-79. Passing Vanguard
Cecil-san was guarding the Magic Count!

-80. Passing Vanguard
Magic Count!

-81. Passing Vanguard
A family that produced generations of excellent mages… Or, possibly they inherit a high maximum MP.

-82. Passing Vanguard
Does that mean there is something like a family of knights?

-83. Cecil
There seems to be another count family… Warrior Count.

-84. Passing Vanguard
Cecil Onii-sama!

-85. Cecil
No… well, I’m not going to say anything…
The Chronicle had a shocking ending. Our part was over, we were ready to just watch the end… Please watch it to the end.

-86. Passing Vanguard
Calling him Cecil Onii-sama was allowed.

-87. Passing Vanguard
I’m not sure if it was allowed, or just ignored.

-88. Passing Vanguard
Going from escorting people from the royal capital to the territories, to guarding a territory, is a big promotion.

-89. Passing Vanguard
They’re heading into the Crystal Forest to investigate!

-90. Passing Vanguard
What is this guy being hunted for? What’s the charge?

-91. Cecil
We didn’t find out until the trial, just that he was wanted by the state. The charge is high treason. Is it easier to call it just treason, or betrayal?

-92. Passing Vanguard
That’s the heaviest one. Was he targeting royalty?

-93. Cecil
Details are in the second half of the trial. It’s something specific to this world.

-94. Passing Vanguard
Hmm… progress bar says it is soon.

-95. Passing Vanguard
Oh, the court is here. I’ll have to remember the faces of the nobles!

-96. Passing Vanguard
I was thinking I didn’t know their names or titles… but they were introduced.

-97. Passing Vanguard
The judge is Marquis Artur Rogunov. The noble representative is Duke Bernard Granin.
Emiliano Calestia, the Magic Count, is a witness. And the other nobles are anonymous.

-98. Passing Vanguard
Granin… hmm…? Doesn’t that sound familiar?

-99. Passing Vanguard
It’s the master of Princess, who was killed by the shoggoth during the hunting event…

-100. Passing Vanguard
Ah! So papa then!

-101. Passing Vanguard
Yeah… it’s not!

-102. Passing Vanguard
Rather, mama.

-103. Passing Vanguard
The master is a hero, so the superior one. He is someone from their lineage. Though I’ve no idea how many generations…

-104. Passing Vanguard
That’s Princess.

-105. Passing Vanguard
Princess came?

-106. Passing Vanguard
Oh, I’ve got a bad feeling!

-107. Passing Vanguard
Princess appearing in court? Ah… that then.

-108 Passing Vanguard
Putting aside the nameless nobles, do the ones that were introduced know who she is?

-109. Passing Vanguard
A duke, a marquis, and a count. I’m sure they’re collecting information.

-110. Passing Vanguard
They’re in a position where you’d be called incompetent if you weren’t.

-111. Passing Vanguard
Those crimes that were listed.

-112. Passing Vanguard
Eeh… I see. Rather than targeting the royal family or forging the royal seal, he’s a traitor who put his hands on souls.

-113. Passing Vanguard
And he destroyed a village.

-114. Passing Vanguard
Beheading. Not bad for this kind of era, huh?

-115. Cecil
I heard from the Magic Count that all countries behead when the death penalty is decided. They want to quickly hand over the soul to the Immortals.

-116. Passing Vanguard
I se…hm? Princess has moved.

-117. Passing Vanguard
Oh? Oh…

-118. Passing Vanguard
Princess is cool… Aforgomon!? It’s an avatar of Yog-Sothoth!

-119. Passing Vanguard
He’s gone!

-120. Passing Vanguard
I’m pretty sure that’s how the victims of Aforgomon were described… Will the burnt corpse come back?

-121. Passing Vanguard
…It’s back.

-122. Passing Vanguard
I wonder if the clothes are safe because he was being held naked…

-123. Passing Vanguard
Is it not going to go to the point that memory is erased?

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-124. Cecil
You here, Princess? I’ve been wondering about something.

-125. Passing Vanguard
Outer Ones are strange…

-126. Passing Vanguard
Princess was very enthusiastic. It was great RP.

-127. Passing Vanguard
Residents are too real… I don’t think I could do that…

-128. Passing Vanguard
Yeah… Good job, Princess…

-129. Anastasia
Well, it’s a game. Stellura-sama gave me a quest to destroy it. So I did as I was told.
By the way, did you call me, Cecil-san?

-130. Cecil
Hi, Princess! The investigation report we saw during the trial. The name Liselotte was mentioned, but that was the girl from your skill, right?

-131. Anastasia
That’s right. Lizzy. I told her she was avenged. And I heard she was able to meet the people from her village.

-132. Cecil.
Oh, I see. That’s good to hear. So this was the back story.

-133. Passing Vanguard
So they were connected.

-134. Passing Vanguard
Isn’t that a rather heavy setting for a backstory?

-135. Anastasia
To summarise, the village where she was born was destroyed by the criminal I destroyed the soul of, but she was rescued as her soul was about to be sacrificed.
Because the ritual had already begun, her soul was cursed and she was forced to restrain it with her willpower, to stop it taking over her body.
The growth of her body stopped due to the curse, but she wanted to help people like the knights who saved her, so she became an adventurer.
However, the curse was too powerful because it was bound with her soul, and her spirit reached its limit. And one day, when she could not resist the curse any more, she was killed by a demon and the curse took control of her.
The skill quest I received was to stop that Lizzy…

-136. Passing Vanguard
It’s really heavy.

-137. Passing Vanguard
She’s the girl that was swinging around the two-handed axe during the defence battle?

-138. Anastasia
That’s right. I was able to complete the quest because it was a good match, but when we talked about it… Ske-san told me he wouldn’t be able to handle it.
The skill requires a ‘corpse’, so I had to win without damaging the body at all. A Resident adventurer, who knew Lizzy before her death, helped me.
Even though the curse had taken control of her, Lizzy was still at level 68. There was a weakening event, but it was tough.

-139. Passing Vanguard
That’s so high it’s lol. How did you clear it?

-140. Anastasia
I observed while Lizzy’s acquaintance, the Resident adventurer, was fighting to stop her.
I could see that her soul had been cursed with «Identification», so I asked the priest who had been called by the adventurers to call for reinforcements.
Then when there was an opening, the adventurers stopped Lizzy’s movement, and I used a skill to separate her soul from her body. The curse was literally cut away from the soul and the adventurers beat it up until the priests arrived and purified it.

-141. Cecil
It was a strategy that only works for Princess, who can interfere with souls.
Ske-san would have had to think of a different method.

-142. Anastasia
If you just want to help… you could probably lead them to the church, where the statue would purify her. That would destroy the body though, so it’s a failure in terms of it being a skill quest.
When I asked people to check the Abyss, the person responsible was apparently missing, so I had been looking for him… Then I met him during Cecil-san’s Chronicle.

-143. Cecil.
I don’t think his motive was entirely bad… The method on the other hand….

-144. Anastasia
It can be said he acted out of patriotism, but he was probably missing a few screws.
In comparison to the nobles who are only able to react, he was a researcher who wanted to prepare ahead of time.
To use an analogy…
In contrast to the aristocrats who rush to deal with a plague after it has spread, he began experimenting on orphans in order to prepare for the plague that would occur in the future.

-145. Passing Vanguard
Ah… I see…
Right… They can only react… The nobles are like police who can only move after an incident happens…

That’s right. Perhaps there will be less sacrificed. But… if that was allowed, the country would collapse.
They couldn’t allow it because the law would become meaningless… I think that’s what happened there.

-147. Passing Vanguard
What the hell was he thinking!?

-148. Passing Vanguard
An easy to understand evil!

-149. Passing Vanguard
And then Princess mercilessly punished him…

-150. Anastasia
It doesn’t matter to me, you know. I’m an executioner, not a saint. If Stellura-sama tells me to kill, I’ll kill. It was a divine quest!

I am an Outer One, Ruler of the Afterworld and a follower of Stellura-sama. In every capacity, the goddess Stellura is the absolute master!
Or that’s the character I am playing as…

-151. Passing Vanguard
Oh, yes. Amazing RP. …I kinda want a quest from god.

-152. Passing Vanguard
You’re a player, so can’t help it. …You’re having fun, RPers.

-153. Passing Vanguard
There’s a huge difference between RPers. Some of them are cool, some of them are like Mohican…

-154. Mohican
Gyahahaha! You called? Brother!

-155. Passing Vanguard
Nobody called you!

-156. Mohican
Hihihi, too bad! Don’t hesitate to call me, brothers!

-157. Passing Vanguard
He’s a good guy lol.

-158. Passing Vanguard
He’s the type where you lose out if you just see the appearance.

-159. Passing Vanguard
Speaking of RP, I saw Princess being carried by bones. Seriously dark.

-160. Passing Vanguard
I saw it too. The background music is definitely a dark fantasy type.

-161. Passing Vanguard
It’s normally quiet, but the moment you get into battle it’s so intense it’s like a lie.

-162. Passing Vanguard
The moment you become hostile the atmosphere changes, with the BGM changing to match.

-163. Passing Vanguard
You okay? Isn’t that execution BGM?

-164. Passing Vanguard
I don’t want Aforgomon… I don’t want Aforgomon…

-165. Passing Vanguard
I don’t think anyone wants that.

-166. Passing Vanguard

-167. Passing Vanguard
You’ve got no choice but to die.

-168. Anastasia
By the way, I’ve met Cyäegha and the Yellow King.

-169. Passing Vanguard
… Bang!

-170. Passing Vanguard
Sit back down, you fanatic.

-171. Passing Vanguard
Whew… Bang!

-172. Passing Vanguard
I said sit down!

-173. Passing Vanguard

-174. Passing Vanguard
Uwa, run!

-175. Passing Vanguard
You guys are so close.

-176. Passing Vanguard
Friends with a fanatic, or is he a fanatic too?

-177. Passing Vanguard
What a joke. I like the sound of dimension shamblers. Japanese is lame.

-178. Passing Vanguard

-179. Passing Vanguard
Air-san, lol.

-180. Passing Vanguard
The kanji for it means ’empty demon’.

-181. Passing Vanguard
Ia, Ia, Hastur! Hastur! Fuuu!

-182. Passing Vanguard
Somebody do something about these fanatics.

-183. Management
You called?

-184. Passing Vanguard

-185. Passing Vanguard
So you came…

-186. Passing Vanguard
Purupuru… I’m not a bad fanatic, okay?

-187. Passing Vanguard
He’s a bad fanatic, so he goes crazy.

-188. Passing Vanguard
That’s it.

-189. Passing Vanguard
Aaah, if only we could all be so fascinated.

-190. Passing Vanguard
That looks bad.

-191. Passing Vanguard
It’s not that it looks bad, it’s that it is bad.

-192. Passing Vanguard
A dreaming fanatic.

-193. Passing Vanguard
There are quite a few Cthulhu types who can interfere with dreams, so it’s not fashionable…

-194. Passing Vanguard
Takashi, wake up! It’s time to take your sleeping pills!

-195. Passing Vanguard
Goddamn it!

-196. Passing Vanguard
Are dreams for chasing? Fufu… they come from the other direction… see..

-197. Passing Vanguard
Takashi, who fell into a dream again. The mother standing next to him, her mouth drawn into a suspicious crescent.

-198. Passing Vanguard
Don’t start a horror story with Takashi-kun.

-199. Passing Vanguard
Isn’t Cyäegha that eyeball thing. You see them in many games.

-200. Anastasia
It’s a single floating eyeball. But this Cyäegha also has tentacles.

-201. Passing Vanguard
Oh, yeah. The Cthulhu mythos is more like that…

-202. Anastasia
After that I met a distortion devil child in the Empire, who can use spatial abilities.

-203. Passing Vanguard

-204. Passing Vanguard
Eh, but devils are a reversal of the light and dark attributes, so spatial is…

-205. Passing Vanguard
I guess that means there’s a loophole.

[Today too] General Crafting Thread 114 [Making Things].

-1. Anonymous Craftsman
This is the general production chat thread.

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This is the place for crafting related conversations.
You can also check out the individual boards for each production skill.
Previous thread: http: //*****
Smithing: http: //*****
Woodcraft: http: //*****
Sewing: http: //*****
… etc
>>940 Next thread, please!

-237. Primula
If you imitate furniture from the real side, Residents will buy it now and then.

-238. Anonymous Craftsman

-239. Anonymous Craftsman
I’ve seen Residents in the cafe, but they buy furniture too?

-240. Anonymous Craftsman
Food stalls… They buy a lot from those.

-241. Anonymous Craftsman
Children buy snacks from the stalls.

-242. Anonymous Craftsman

-243. Anonymous Craftsman
At break time, my friend Takashi, who joined the creative writing club, came to see me.
Takashi is trying to stop the building from collapsing, so he wants to calculate the pillars needed.
Teach him how.

-244. Anonymous Craftsman
Wait a minute.

-245. Anonymous Craftsman
The knowledge required is too serious.

-246. Anonymous Craftsman
How old is Takashi…

-247. Anonymous Craftsman
How old does he look?

-248. Anonymous Craftsman
It’s a wild pitch…

-249. Anonymous Craftsman
Hm… two people and one animal… is it…

-250. Anonymous Craftsman
These guys aren’t playing catch at all.

-251. Ertz
Oh, please go home, Takashi-kun. Look at this screenshot for the time being.

-252. Anonymous Craftsman
Oh? Eh!

-253. Anonymous Craftsman

-254. Ertz
You’d have to know the right people for this, so I’ll post the test results.

-255. Anonymous Craftsman
Thanks, old man!

-256. Anonymous Craftsman
«Holy Fire» and holy water… The holy water alone didn’t make much difference…

-257. Ertz
And here’s a special one!

-258. Anonymous Craftsman
Seriously. Must be more to this one.

-259. Anonymous Craftsman
So the Silver Sword of Purification became the Bright Sword of Purification.

It is the standard equipment of holy knights, and experience adventurers have at least one among their party.

The crystallisation of «Blacksmith», «Alchemy», «Holy Fire» and prayer.

-260. Anonymous Craftsman
Special light attribute, for the man who must kill the undead lol.

-261. Ertz
I went to check with the church, but they said there’s no problem as long as it doesn’t have the mark of the church, as adventurers have them too.

-262. Anonymous Craftsman
The attribute makes it especially effective against certain races, so it’s going to be expensive, right?

-263. Anonymous Craftsman
It looks like it’s got a unique effect…

-264. Anonymous Craftsman
You can see holy knights swinging them around on rare occasions, but that was why they were shining.

-265. Ertz
There are many materials and processes. It’s hard to make. But the effect is worth the effort.

-267. Anonymous Craftsman
Why does everyone have to oppress the undead!

-268. Anonymous Craftsman
Because they stink.

-269. Anonymous Craftsman
Because they’re disgusting.

-270. Anonymous Craftsman
Because they’re dirty.

-271. Anonymous Craftsman
I can still forgive skeletons and spirits, but not zombies.

-272. Anonymous Craftsman

-273. Anonymous Craftsman
I’ll forgive them from around middle undead.

-274. Anonymous Craftsman
When «Decomposing Body» disappears.

-275. Anonymous Craftsman
The smell disappears, but everything else is the same.

-276. Anonymous Craftsman
That’s it.

-277. Anonymous Craftsman
You have to become clean.

-278. Anonymous Craftsman
We have to sterilise them.

-279. Anonymous Craftsman

-280. Anonymous Craftsman
Disinfect the filth!

-281. Anonymous Craftsman
I thought it was a white blood cell but it turned out to be a hyaha!

-282. Anonymous Craftsman
Are your white blood cells Mohican?

-283. Anonymous Craftsman

-284. Anonymous Craftsman
Haa, it’s the end of the century inside your body!

-285. Anonymous Craftsman
Too much of a novel idea.

-286. Anonymous Craftsman
It’s too original to get across.

-287. Anonymous Craftsman
Leave the end of the century behind.

But «Holy Fire»… I’m sure that’s one that Princess mentioned.

-288. Anonymous Craftsman
The priest taught her, you can learn it if you have «Flame Magic» and «Holy Magic».

-289. Anonymous Craftsman
We are crafters! We don’t have such things!

-290. Anonymous Craftsman

-291. Anonymous Craftsman
What ‘yeah’.

-292. Anonymous Craftsman
Prepare holy fire, holy water and magic silver.

Use the holy fire to make ingots.

Use «Alchemy» to combine an ingot made with holy fire and a light gemstone, with [Synthesis].

Heat the ingot with holy fire and hammer it, then quench it with holy water.


-293. Anonymous Craftsman
Does the ore come from the lower levels of the cave dungeon at the moment?

-294. Anonymous Craftsman
Or the veins in the housing.

-295. Anonymous Craftsman
Holy water is sometimes sold on consignment. The quality is best when it comes from Princess.

-296. Anonymous Craftsman
The other priests make lower quality… or rather, Princess has the best relationship with the gods.

-297. Anonymous Craftsman
That’s the one!

-298. Anonymous Craftsman
Princess has been spotted praying in church quite a bit.

-299. Anonymous Craftsman
It’s a matter of luck if you can buy Princess’s, but getting normal quality is fine. More importantly, the holy fire.

-300. Anonymous Craftsman
Do you have to use «Holy Fire» to light the furnace?

-301. Ertz
That’s right. It’s possible to keep it lit for a while. I don’t know how much it costs.

-302. Anonymous Craftsman
The combination of flame and holy is quite common, but it’s doubtful if they will take holy fire

-303. Ertz
It seems to be very strong against undead. It just acts as normal fire against others.

-304. Anonymous Craftsman
Don’t you not need this, if you have someone in the party who can use holy fire?

-305. Anonymous Craftsman
Well, it’s going to be expensive, so it’s something that will come later.

-306. Anonymous Craftsman
If you have an enchanted weapon, you probably don’t need it.

-307. Anonymous Craftsman
If you had a Spetsnaz knife with a different blade for each attribute… wouldn’t that work well?

-308. Anonymous Craftsman
Well, is it cheaper than preparing normal weapons? I can’t deny there’s a feeling of romance to it…

-309. Ertz
Casting would be a waste, in that case.

-310. Anonymous Craftsman
It would be nice if there was some kind of revolver loader that could be attached easily.

-311. Anonymous Craftsman
Since you can make a Spetsnaz knife… I had a thought.

-312. Anonymous Craftsman

-313. Anonymous Craftsman
Is it a pile bunker!? Yay!

-314. Anonymous Craftsman
It loses a lot of durability if it doesn’t hit anything. And the STR requirement is ridiculous.

-315. Anonymous Craftsman
Reload problems?

-316. Anonymous Craftsman
There’s that, and it flies off your arm when it fires.

-317. Anonymous Craftsman
Ah… recoil control.

-318. Anonymous Craftsman
I’d like to make it a magic type, but I don’t know the principle…

-319. Anonymous Craftsman
What’s the usability?

-320. Anonymous Craftsman
Depending on your stats, it could be practical.

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-321. Anonymous Craftsman

-322. Anonymous Craftsman
I’d like to make a two-handed hammer-shaped attachment for attackers. Even if it’s for one hand, it should be stronger if its used for a two-handed hit and run attack.

-323. Anonymous Craftsman
The type of weapon that has a lot of firepower, but makes you cry if you miss!

-324. Anonymous Craftsman
Yeah, there’s that. It’s annoying of course.

-325. Anonymous Craftsman
Well, who needs silence after the fight starts.

-326. Anonymous Craftsman
You’ll attract enemies with good ears!

-327. Anonymous Craftsman
I love that you can lure enemies just by hunting!

-328. Anonymous Craftsman
I guess the attack is piercing and blunt.

-329. Anonymous Craftsman
The reload and recoil can be handled with muscles, so it’s strong if you’re a muscle brain.

-330. Anonymous Craftsman
One hand is doubtful, but I wonder if I could use it with two.

-331. Anonymous Craftsman
It’s a good that it’s romantic!

[Event] General Discussion Thread 116[Soon!].

-1. Adventurer on a break
This is the general discussion thread.
Feel free to post whatever you like.
However, do follow the basic rules or the management will fly over.
No, seriously. At worst the entire thread will disappear, so behave.
Previous Thread: http://******
>>940 Next thread, please.

-530. Adventurer on a break
Na~nts ingony~ama bagithi baba

-531. Adventurer on a break

-532. Adventurer on a break
Chihuahua: “This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will?”

-533. Adventurer on a break
The lion has become a chihuahua because of you, damn it!

-534. Adventurer on a break
With perfectly round eyes!

-535. Adventurer on a break
Keep your tail up!

-536. Adventurer on a break
No, stooop!

-537. Adventurer on a break
The image of a sunset behind a chihuahua

-538. adventurer on a break
I’ve put a curse of the chihuahua on you all.

-539. Adventurer on a break
A lion… it’s a lion… definitely not a round-eyed chihuahua.

-540. Adventurer on a break
Takashi… what are you saying… it’s a chihuahua, right?

-541. Adventurer on a break
Lio… Right, mum! It was a chihuahua!

-542. Adventurer on a break
You’ve fallen.

-543. Adventurer on a break
What I saw in the ruins dungeon… was a jedi…

-544. Adventurer on a break
Are there jedi in this game?

-545. Adventurer on a break
Even without them, Princess.

-546. Adventurer on a break
Seriously a jedi, walking while reflecting the attacks of a support firing type MK.I

-547. Adventurer on a break
The characteristic and advantage of MK.I is its rapid fire.

-548. Adventurer on a break
It’s a complete defeat against Princess…

-549. Adventurer on a break
She’s sometimes spinning her athame around, so it’s really like that.

-550. Adventurer on a break
I kinda get it, because I’m sometimes tempted to do the same.

-551. Adventurer on a break
No, don’t do that.

-552. Adventurer on a break
Don’t you ever spin a racket or something?

-553. Adventurer on a break
I understand. Like when you’re waiting for a serve!

-554. adventurer on a break
Yes, that’s it!

-555. Adventurer on a break
Ah, the one where you spin it on your hand. Princess’s way of spinning it is really like a jedi, so she’s definitely aiming for it!

-556. Adventurer on a break
Seriously, that’s good. Do it more.

-557. Adventurer on a break
If you have a light sword, you have no choice but to do it…

-558. Adventurer on a break
Maybe it has a meaning other than RP. When you parry and reflect, it actually increases the reflection damage.

-559. adventurer on a break
So the reflect power goes up!

-560. Adventurer on a break
Yeah, it does. Of course, it’s harder to hit.

-561. adventurer on a break
It’s good because it’s cool.

-562. Adventurer on a break
It’s relatively easy to aim and return attacks with a shield…

-563. Adventurer on a break
Eh, isn’t it quite hard?

-564. Adventurer on a break
Isn’t that when you try to reflect straight on? Most shields have a curve, so you need to reflect at an angle.

-565. Adventurer on a break
Seriously. You have to be aware of the shape of the shield.

-566. Adventurer on a break
Yeah. With a sword you have a flat surface, but it’s long and thin, so aiming reflects is quite rough.

-567. adventurer on a break
In this game, you can basically think that collision detection is as it looks.

-568. Adventurer on a break
Enemy attacks can be surprisingly varied, so you have to remember the shape of your shield, and not just during reflects.

-569. adventurer on a break
Got it!

-570. Adventurer on a break
But Princess, is a sith in terms of colouring…

-571. Adventurer on a break
Pretty much!

-572. Adventurer on a break
It’s hard to tell where she stands…

-573. Adventurer on a break
A messenger of god, in the form of darkness!

-574. Adventurer on a break
Like the grim reaper. A ‘god’ of death, so actually a sacred existence…

-575. Adventurer on a break
Princess and Fairellen started a duel lol.

-576. Adventurer on a break
Serious! Where can I see it!?

-577. Adventurer on a break
In the Starting Town, but you can’t see much because it’s in the sky! Goddamn!

-578. Adventurer on a break
In the sky!

-579. Adventurer on a break
It’s Fairellen. But what’s with Princess flying around?

-580. Adventurer on a break
Well she’s not human…

-581. Adventurer on a break
Something in the shape of human.

-582. Adventurer on a break
Visible… Visible…

-583. Adventurer on a break
Are you looking into the abyss?

-584. Adventurer on a break
When you look into the abyss, the abyss is also looking into you.

-585. Adventurer on a break
What should I do. If I look in and see tentacles swaying about.

-586. Adventurer on a break
The eyes are no good either. You’ll see something staring back.

-587. Adventurer on a break
If you look in the skirt and see something… too scary.

-588. Adventurer on a break
It’s good when girls have something in their skirts…

-589. Adventurer on a break
When it’s Princess, it’s not at the level of storing things there.

-590. Adventurer on a break
This guy is out.

-591. Adventurer on a break
I can tell that Fairellen is doing her best.

-592. Adventurer on a break
The light of magic flying about in the sky is very fantasy.

-593. Adventurer on a break
I know. Pretty good.

-594. Adventurer on a break
Fairellen-san stands out.

-595. Adventurer on a break
That sparking is a racial thing.

-596. Adventurer on a break

-597. Adventurer on a break
You killed Fairellen! You bastard!

-598. Adventurer on a break
Because it’s a duel.

-599. Adventurer on a break
I wonder if it was recorded?

-600. Adventurer on a break
The fairy wasn’t really floating.

-601. Adventurer on a break
Duels have a recording function. It’ll come, doggy.

-602. Adventurer on a break
It seems like it was recording. Standing by naked!

-603. Adventurer on a break
Hit F5 repeatedly.

-604. Adventurer on a break
Stop it.

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-605. Adventurer on a break
Ctrl+F5 repeatedly.

-606. Adventurer on a break
It’s the same!

-607. Adventurer on a break
Alt+F4 then.

-608. Adventurer on a break
It disappeared?

-609. Adventurer on a break

-610. adventurer on a break
lol is inevitable.

-611. Adventurer on a break
I mean, those shortcuts do work.

-612. adventurer on a break
Can I get a software keyboard?

-613. Adventurer on a break
Seriously… serious….

-614. Adventurer on a break
Take that! Eternal force blizzard!

-615. Adventurer on a break
Drive C has been formatted.

-616. Adventurer on a break
Stop… stop…

-617. Adventurer on a break
Have to do a fresh install…

-618. Adventurer on a break
Oops, the installation disk is missing.

-619. Adventurer on a break
That’s a bit of a problem.

-620. Adventurer on a break
Sure is.

-621. Adventurer on a break
Mu, it’s up.

-622. Adventurer on a break
Really. And from both points of view. I like that.

-623. Adventurer on a break
What the hell is this…

-624. Adventurer on a break
I didn’t know Princess’ point of view was like this…

-625. Adventurer on a break
Not that it was to the level of having eyes in the back of her head.

-626. Adventurer on a break
That blindfold, it wasn’t just a decoration.

-627. Adventurer on a break
Oh, I see. Between this and «Sensing Danger», a jedi was born…

-628. Adventurer on a break
This seems hard to get used to.

-629. Adventurer on a break
Inhumans have to be prepared for that.

-630. Adventurer on a break
Rather, if you get used to this, real life seems more inconvenient.

-631. Adventurer on a break
Fairellen is getting parried at every turn. Doesn’t «Thunder Magic» have the fastest bullet speed?

-632. Adventurer on a break
I saw her parrying lightning back during the camp… I figured it would be like this in a one-on-one.

-633. Adventurer on a break
They only barely got her in frifo because she was surrounded.

-634. Adventurer on a break
In a SW FPS, think of the despair you feel when you’re in a narrow passage and Vader comes at you from the front!

-635. Adventurer on a break
Don’t worry. The feeling of despair is the same even when the opponent is a jedi.

-636. Adventurer on a break
I can’t help laughing.

-637. Adventurer on a break
It’s even funnier when you win through some mistake.

-638. Adventurer on a break
Fairellen-san’s point of view really has the feeling of a mob character in SW…

-639. Adventurer on a break
She turned upside down.

-640. Adventurer on a break
It’s visible… It’s visible…!

-641. Adventurer on a break
Inner shorts, though.

-642. Adventurer on a break
I don’t mind at all!

-643. Adventurer on a break

-644. Adventurer on a break
I see. So magic missile can be shot that way…

-645. Adventurer on a break

-646. Adventurer on a break
Princess is behind her!

-647. Adventurer on a break
She teleported!?

-648. Adventurer on a break
Ah, amen amen…

-649. Adventurer on a break
That last move of Princess… There were some things that interest me.

-650. Adventurer on a break
[Short Jump], so it is probably a short distance transfer. It’s «Spatial Magic».

-651. Adventurer on a break
And those activation keys.

-652. Adventurer on a break
I thought it was the incurable disease… too bad…

-653. Adventurer on a break
It’s different from the normal.

-654. Adventurer on a break
I don’t have any magic, what’s the difference?

-655. Adventurer on a break
The procedure to use a spell depends on the type of spell, but for ball and arrow it is as follows.
1. Select a spell.
2. Wait for the gauge that appears to fill up. Players call this the cast time or casting.
3. Activate the spell by using a key such as the name of the spell.
4. Aim and fire.

-656. Adventurer on a break
I understand. Isn’t it completely different?

-657. Adventurer on a break
Looking at the way Princess’s gauge is behaving… is she constructing her magic with those words?

-658. Adventurer on a break
It’s very RP-like, but it seems inconvenient to use. …Isn’t it hard to delay activation by leaving the key unsaid after the gauge is full?

-659. Adventurer on a break
But if you’re the type that assembles magic in real time, the selection can be adapted to the situation, right?

-660. Adventurer on a break
But then, why not use shot or lance instead of burst in that situation?

-661. Adventurer on a break
Right? But the opponent is Fairellen… to be sure it hits, isn’t burst better?

-662. Adventurer on a break
Fairies are small… And Éclasídhe move quite fast…

-663. Adventurer on a break
[Short Jump] is used normally.

The magic selection, the coordinate designation, the direction after appearing, the activation key? Perhaps the range is… within sight?

-664. Adventurer on a break
Looks like. I wonder about the direction of the body. I don’t know if it’s the same as when used, or if you can specify it. With that field of view, setting coordinates would be bad.

-665. Adventurer on a break
And it cost 10% for Princess, whose consumption is probably low because of her race.

-666. Adventurer on a break
That’s it!

-667. Adventurer on a break
It can be used for evasion and surprise attacks… I’m a bit concerned about the cooldown, but the cast speed is well within the practical range.

-668. Adventurer on a break
Papa! The tentacles aren’t very sexy, are they?

-669. Adventurer on a break
Stop it! I’ll have to get rough!

-670. Adventurer on a break
Stop it! I’ll play rough!

-671. Adventurer on a break
The meaning changes with so little…

-672. Adventurer on a break
First blood…of course it’s your blood!

-673. Adventurer on a break
Rough with tentacles, that sounds bad…

-674. Adventurer on a break
Don’t forget that these are Cthulhu mythos tentacles, not lewd doujin tentacles…

-675. Adventurer on a break
If you get caught by a tentacle, you can’t escape. It’s impossible to compete with monsters in strength…

-676. Adventurer on a break
With some tentacles you’re already out when you touch them.

-677. Adventurer on a break
I think «Unknown Organisation» is that kind of thing.

-678. Adventurer on a break
If the tentacles came out to dance from the beginning, wouldn’t that be the worst match up for Fairellen?

-679. Fairellen
I would crash and die!

-680. Adventurer on a break


-681. Adventurer on a break
What is mdr?

-682. Adventurer on a break
A foreign version of lol.

-683. Adventurer on a break
I see.

-684. Adventurer on a break
Not strong enough…

-685. Adventurer on a break
The fate of the fairy race.

-686. Fairellen
It’s comfortable otherwise.

-687. Adventurer on a break
You’re not strong, but you’re fast. If you run into it, you’ll die.

-688. Fairellen
Walls are my natural enemy! The forests are scary too!

-689. Adventurer on a break
Princess needs to be surrounded by a group.

-690. Fairellen
Waves of attacks in melee range? Well, she’ll probably escape into the sky!

-691. Adventurer on a break
…It’s best not to be hostile!

-692. Adventurer on a break

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