Freya-chan took off her panties、led me to the bathroom、then let me sit down on the so-called “Perv Chair”.

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「Then sit still、I’ll wash your body okay?」

「G、Got it……」

Freya-chan bubbled the soap、then washed my ‘son’ and my anus thoroughly.
According to the owner of Ayakido、there doesn’t seem to be venereal disease in the game.
But after all、other diseases are still scary if I don’t keep it clean.

Aside from that、the hand that washed my anus through the Perv Chair、also my balls and my meat stick feels good. (TN: I think the chair has a hole)

「Amazing~、it seems to ejaculate anytime soon♪」


Then、Freya-chan stopped her hand.

「But、at our shop if you ejaculate once then the course is over、so be careful okay?」

「Eh? Is it so?」

I closed my buttocks tightly by accident.

「Right right♪ That’s if you don’t endure it~♪ ……now、we’re done with the washing, let’s rinse off the bubble okay?」

Hot water was poured on me、and the bubbles are all washed away.

「Now then、I’ll set up the mat、so wait in the bath okay?」

I was told to get in the tub and warm my body up.

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Freya-chan mix the water with something slimy、then quickly stirred the mixture up.
When I looked at it with interest, Freya-chan laughed and explained:

「Are you interested in this? Mixing Tama Fox’s synovial fluid with Heart-beat Mushroom would create this lotion.
The hunters usually sell these for pocket money」


「Yup、is this much OK…… then customer-san、can you lie face-down on the mat?
It’s slippery so watch your step」

I put down a towel in replacement of the pillow and lied down as told.

「Now then、Excuse me~♪」


Lotion was poured onto my back、I let out a breath unintentionally.

Freya-chan spread the lotion on my back、then further spread it to my chest and my whole body、I was covered in lotion.

「……Good……Feels good……」

「Ufufu、I’ll move okay?」

Freya-chan pressed her chest onto my back、then started moving with *boing boing*.
That way my back received a rain of kisses.

「*kiss*……*Mchu*……*kiss*……*kiss*……though I’ll play with it、don’t come yet okay?」

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Saying so、she reached down to my crotch、then stroked my meat stick.
I tried to endure it、so that I wouldn’t accidentally come.

「Amazing isn’t it……it’s really hard……is this your first time trying this……okay、please turn around、we’ll do your front now alright?」

Freya-chan helped me turned over.


Freya-chan kissed me、and while doing so、she extended the lotion on my body with her big breasts.


My ‘son’ was rubbed intensely with Freya-chan’s belly、I would come anytime if I lost my focus.

「You can let it out if you want you know? Then、excuse me~♪」

Freya-chan moved to the lower half of my body while saying so、she picked up my meat stick、sandwiched it between her breasts、then started paizuri with her breasts and mouth.

「Nmum、*suck*……*lick*……*lick lick*……*suuck*……」


The comfort from being wrapped warmly aside、the slimy lotion added up to it and cornered me.
I grind my teeth and endured the pleasure.
If there wasn’t the experience with Kashima-chan beforehand、I would have surrendered since long.

「Nn、try your best okay……*suuck*……*lick*、*liiick*……」 (TN: Ganbaru ne!)

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After a while、I didn’t ejaculate、so Freya-chan released my dick from her mouth.
I let out a breath of relief.

「You tried your best、customer-san.
Then、now is the coup de grace♪」

「C、Coup de grace?」

「Yup、Inter. Crural. Sex♪」 (TN: indirect)

Saying so Freya-chan slipped her body and sat on my meat stick、then she extended a hand to apply lotion on the underside of my penis.

「Now then、I’ll move♪」

Under such condition when Freya-chan moved、my penis was rubbed between the entrance of her vagina and her hand、it created an illusion that it was actually inside the vagina.

「Nn♪ Nn♪ Nn♪ Customer-san、amazing……rubbing it like this、even I’m starting to feel it……♪」

「Wa、we can’t put it in can we? I almost put it in……」

「Nn♪ it’s intercrural sex、you can’t put it in……Aa!」

When Freya-chan raised a wild voice、my dick suddenly entered the hot vagina.

「Nn、Sorry sorry、I got caught up doing it so intensely that it entered accidentally……」

Saying so, she took out the meat stick from her vagina.

「It’s better if you just leave it inside……」

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When I expressed my honest thought、Freya-chan laughed lightly.

「That’s no good、I didn’t prepare contraceptive drugs……this shop prohibit real sex、understood?」

(TN: HAHAHA poor guy omg…)

When I nodded Freya-chan smiled、then started moving intensely again.
I accidentally entered her vagina 2 to 3 times already、but Freya-chan took it out without being upset and continued intercrural sex.

「Nn♪ Nn♪ So? Is it good? Nn♪」

「Ack……No……No good……C、Cumming!」

I was cornered with Freya-chan’s intercrural sex、I couldn’t  endure anymore and ejaculated on Freya-chan’s hand.

「Uwa……amazing……you came a lot♪」

「Uu……I really came……even though I registered for a really long course……」

「Ara……though you came、it’s still standing up?」

Freya-chan touched my still towering penis、lightly laughed、then kissed me.

「*chu*……*kiss*……Heey~、since it didn’t lose power、we’ll do it again okay?」

「Eh……is that alright?」

「We’ll keep it a secret、since this bad boy is still very energetic♪」

Freya-chan then washed away the lotion、and led me to bed.

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