Chapter 12 – The Plot Is Strange

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The opera troupe invited by Empress Dowager Xia soon arrived and performed on the temporary stage set up in the garden in front of Yuqing Palace. Empress Dowager Xia watched, fascinated, and the juniors present very cooperatively laughed along. No one had the courage to comment on whether the singing was good or not.

As a modern person, You Shu really can’t bring himself to like such an exaggerated and shrill singing style. A perfectly good sentence can be dragged on for a long time and he can’t enjoy the cadence.

Not to mention, the story being acted out on the stage is also very boring. The plot is also the same old story of two lovers, a young lady and a scholar which is basically the collection of the obscene fantasies of the scholar and the ending can be guessed after hearing the beginning. You Shu doesn’t understand what anyone could find fascinating about such a vulgar story but Empress Dowager Xia liked it very much and ordered someone to prepare rewards for all the actors.

But it can’t be denied that the actor playing the role of the swordsman Xiao Sheng was extremely handsome. His peach blossom eyes were slightly upturned at the ends and he kept glancing at Empress Dowager Xia, seemingly inadvertently. His eyes seem to be rippling with waves of affection that can easily move people’s hearts.

Empress Dowager Xia is nearly fifty years old but love is beyond age and the spring heart is immortal1. Especially in the past few years after she became the Empress Dowager, her behavior has become increasingly promiscuous and she has even raised several male pets within the harem for her own enjoyment. Although Xiao Weishen doesn’t approve of this, he could only turn a blind eye and tell her not to go too far.

It was easy for the audience to immerse themselves in the plot before them but Empress Dowager Xia was unwittingly enchanted by the swordsman and couldn’t look away from him. In a trance, she felt as if she herself was the main character of the play, a young lady who encountered a handsome young swordsman at a bridge and, when he suddenly turned around, found herself looking into his eyes…

After fantasizing like this for some time, Empress Dowager Xia’s heart suddenly filled with spring.

It seems that like an accidental occurrence, but You Shu knew that this play had actually been arranged by Xiao Weixin a long time ago. The actor playing the role of swordsman was one of the chess pieces he had secretly laid out two years ago and he had been practicing his martial arts and acting skills in the troupe for so long, all for today.

He understood Empress Dowager Xia’s personality very clearly. After all, Xiao Weishen’s lustful, greedy and indulgent nature was inherited directly from his mother. In the past, when the old emperor was not yet dead and was hanging on to life by a thread, she dared to summon people to the palace to serve her in bed and play songs every night. At that time, the old emperor was furious to the point of vomiting blood but there was nothing he could do.

By the time the play finished, the Empress Dowager Xia had turned into the number one fan of the swordsman. With an excited face, she enthusiastically spoke to him and asked his name. Seeing this, Xiao Weishen’s face became a little unsightly. He had originally wanted to celebrate the Empress Dowager’s birthday but who would have thought that she would actually take a fancy to such a lowly actor after just one glance.

“Answering the Empress Dowager, this humble one’s name is Yu Sheng.” The swordsman was very handsome. Even though he was also kneeling with his head down like the others, his temperament made him stand out more.

Empress Dowager Xia’s heart was nearly overflowing with affection and she happily announced that she would definitely reward him well. But, instead of rewarding and letting him leave like the others, she told a palace maid to take him to rest in a side chamber. Her intentions were clear as day.

Before leaving, the swordsman named Yu Sheng secretly glanced at Xiao Weixin out of the corner of his eye. Xiao Weixin’s expression remained unchanged and he lightly clasped his left hand on the back of the chair twice, as if unintentionally. This was a secret code between the two of them, signaling him to act according to the plan.

The Empress Dowager made such a scene in public but no one dared to say anything. Even if Xiao Weishen wanted to reprimand her, he couldn’t open his mouth at this time. After feeling frustrated for some time, he could only tell everyone to continue with the meal.

Xiao Weiming was sitting beside Xiao Weixin. Finally finding an opportunity, he leaned over and asked in a low voice: “Seventh Brother, when will this end? I want to go home.”

Xiao Weixin indifferently asked him to sit up straight and lightly reprimanded him: “Behave and sit down. Don’t try to make trouble.”

Xiao Weiming was miserable. He was forced to go to the palace even though he hated entering the palace. So even if a table covered with delicious dishes is place in front of him, he despises it.

In the end, under the stare of the Empress Dowager, Xiao Weishen still had to sit next to the Empress, who smiled even more brightly. Although Imperial Consort Luo looked unhappy about this, she didn’t dare to make trouble in front of the Empress Dowager. The four of them sat at the head seat, each with a different expression, as if acting out a drama on family ethics.

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At this moment, Xiao Weishen, who hadn’t spoken much so far, suddenly noticed the guard standing behind Xiao Weixin and asked curiously: “Seventh Brother, this seems to be the first time you have brought this guard with you?”

As soon as he said this, everyone’s eyes fell on Xiao Weixin. You Shu hadn’t expected that Xiao Weishen would be so paranoid that he would even be curious about a new servant. He straightened his back, not daring to move even a muscle.

Xiao Weixin glanced back at him and then replied: “That scoundrel Wang Chen asked for leave to return to his hometown to visit relatives and Qi Han made a mistake again and was punished by this minister to self-reflect for a while. Since there wasn’t anyone available, I could only bring this one along to keep up appearances.

“Besides, Imperial Brother is here in the palace so even if this minister doesn’t bring anyone along, what can happen?”

Xiao Weishen felt that his words were reasonable so he nodded: “There are indeed very few people around you. Having only two guards, Qi Han and Wang Chen, is a bit shabby. Shall I select a few martial arts masters and send them to you? What would happen if you somehow encountered an assassin?”

“There’s no need for such trouble.” Xiao Weixin chuckled lightly before saying rather self-deprecatingly: “Is there anyone in this world who would want to harm an aimless idler like this minister? Besides, with this weak and feeble body, this minister will probably not be able to survive for even two years. Why would I need so many subordinates? My household can’t afford to take care of so many people.”

Empress Dowager Xia reprimanded hypocritically, “What nonsense are you talking about, Lao Qi? On such a good day, why speak of such matters as life and death. If your mother found out about your words, imagine how sad she would be.”

“Yes.” Xiao Weixin bowed his head as if ashamed, but his hands, hidden in his wide sleeves, clenched tightly, “This minister will not dare to forget the Empress Dowager’s teachings in the future.”

Bah, what a wolf-hearted and inhuman pair of mother and son!

You Shu scolded them in his heart. These two dogs were the most knowledgeable about how Consort Xian had died. Yet, they still don’t hesitate to use this matter to torment him. One of these days, they are really going to die miserably!

The Empress interrupted inadvertently, talking about a joke she had heard two days ago, successfully diverting the attention of Empress Dowager Xia from Xiao Weixin and the atmosphere at the scene seemed to become lively again.

After lunch, it was time for all the noble madams and young ladies to enter the palace to congratulate [the Empress Dowager] but Xiao Weixin was forced to stay so he could only continue to sit quietly.

After a while, the young ladies arrived.

With just one glance, You Shu picked out the most gentle, refined and elegant girl, who was dressed in a pink yiqun2, from the group. He dared to bet that this was definitely the female lead Xia Yinxiu.

Sure enough, the Empress smiled and waved: “Yinxiu, come to sister3.”

It was indeed the beautiful girl in the pink yiqun that stepped out from the crowd. Her demeanor was dignified and her steps so light that the jade ornaments on her body did not make any sound as she walked forward, which shows how strict her etiquette training was.

“So this is Yinxiu…” This was also the first time that Empress Dowager Xia saw her. After all, she had never bothered to pay attention to a mere shu daughter. If the Empress hadn’t mentioned her today, she would not have remembered that such a person existed.

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Xia Yinxiu congratulated her and wished her longevity, health and luck. Her face was as pure and charming as a hibiscus flower, with delicate features and bright eyes. Even Xiao Weishen who was used to being surrounded by beauties stared at her, dazed.

You Shu suppressed his excitement, frantically swiping the barrage4 in his heart.

This is the female lead!

The cutest, kindest and most considerate little angel!!!

The loveliest in the world!!!

My goddess!!!

The female lead was described several times in the novel as “pure, kind, intelligent, innocent, gentle and elegant”. She was born as a shu daughter but her etiquette, knowledge and demeanor have never been inferior to that of any other noble girl. She is not only well-read and highly educated but she is also very talented in the feminine arts such as embroidery. And she is also proficient in the four arts of qin5, chess, calligraphy and painting. She was the first person who treated the protagonist sincerely in this hypocritical and sinister environment and just that smile made him unable to forget her for the rest of his life.

But it’s a pity that because she was too outstanding, Xiao Weishen immediately regretted proposing the marriage after seeing her with his own eyes. After this, he never again mentioned matching the two of them, despicably wanting to take Xia Yinxiu for himself, which nearly caused her death.

You Shu really hadn’t expected that he would have the opportunity to see the first meeting of the protagonist and the female lead. The protagonist must be as happy at this moment as he himself is right now.

The protagonist…

The protagonist…

The prota-…..

You Shu glanced at Xiao Weixin, who was sitting in the chair, only to find that he was probably the only excited person here. Because Xiao Weixin’s eyes were calm and unwavering and he was looking at the beautiful girl seated beside the Empress Dowager with the same indifference he had when looking at any random passerby.

What happened? Didn’t the novel say that when Xiao Weixin saw Xia Yinxiu for the first time, he was so entranced that he nearly lost his composure?

The Xiao Weixin right now can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai and it really doesn’t seem like he fell in love at first sight.

You Shu was at a loss. How could it be different from what was written?

What about the famous scene???

However, his doubts only lasted for a moment. The relationship between the protagonist and female lead was strengthened gradually after repeated trials and tribulations. Having no reaction the first time doesn’t mean that they won’t fall in love in the future. Perhaps their feelings will stir the next time they meet.

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With him around, no one can prevent the protagonist and female lead from falling in love6!

Xiao Weishen really did regret it and didn’t bring up the previous matter of marrying her to Xiao Weixin. The Empress was a little anxious and hinted at him with her eyes many times but all her glances were ignored. Holding his wine cup, he pondered in silence as if not understanding the Empress’s meaning.

At this time, the appearance of another girl also caused commotion.

It is common knowledge that aside from Yang Qixian, the eldest son who can fight, Old General Yang also has a seventeen-year-old daughter. Also born in the general’s family, the daughter of the Yang family is as good as the son, and the credit for the victory against Xirong this time is also owed in part to this daughter.

Yang Nanruo refused to paint her eyebrows and lips7 even when entering the palace. She was still fully armed, with a heroic and powerful aura, and was particularly conspicuous among the beautifully dressed girls. She was wearing a red dress8, with a long whip pinned to her waist, and her long black hair was tied into a high ponytail. With a refreshing and neat appearance, even without any ornaments, she was as bright as a flame.

She is the second female lead who appeared later. Although she was not able to be with the protagonist in the end, in the later part of the plot, she followed her father and brother and made great efforts to support Xiao Weixin to take the throne and is a very popular character among the readers. She is a very popular character among the readers and complements the female lead just like a red rose complements a white rose. Readers even fight over who would form the best CP with the protagonist.

Empress Dowager Xia saw her at a glance, and after being reminded by the Empress, she remembered that this was a child from Old General Yang’s house and hurriedly asked her to step forward.

Yang Nanruo was used to staying in the army. When she strode forward and knelt down in greeting, her aura was not inferior to that of men. Even Empress Dowager Xia couldn’t find any fault and Xia Yinxiu who was sitting next to her9 seemed to be ignored all of a sudden.

Empress Dowager Xia symbolically inquired about her mother but she was more curious about the girl herself who, despite being a female, followed her father to the battlefield. After hearing that she was talented in martial arts, she became very excited and immediately asked her to display her skills.

Actually, no junior likes to show off their talents in front of their elders but Yang Nanruo had no choice. She asked someone to bring her a sword, stepped onto the stage and leapt upwards. Her sword dance was filled with vigor and momentum and her red robes shone in the sun, dazzling as a burning flame, making all the girls present blush quietly.

You Shu observed her for a while and couldn’t help his admiration. Yang Nanruo’s skill is indeed excellent. Although she is a little inferior compared with himself, she is definitely a master.

He looked at Xiao Weixin once again with anticipation, trying to find a change in his expression but he discovered that he was still calm and unaffected. His expression was as calm as if it was someone else’s love interest10.

He responded to neither the female lead nor the second female lead?

What’s going on here, protagonist?

You Shu couldn’t bear to look at the female lead’s expression, but the female lead…

The female lead’s face is full of admiration and her eyes are full of longing and her gaze has not once been directed at Xiao Weixin.

It seems that Xiao Weixin is not even as good as a ball11.

You Shu: ????

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There is definitely something wrong with this rotten plot.



So I took a few liberties with this sentence to make it make sense. “春心不死” literally means that spring heart never dies. Spring heart basically means a heart that can fall in love with someone. So the sentence means that you can fall in love at any time and at any age. It can also be taken to mean that one is always young at heart.



姐姐: jiějiě meaning older sister like “noona” in Korean


Barrage is a function in Chinese streaming sites that allows comments to appear directly on the video. You might have seen it on bilibili. Swiping barrage means continuously sending messages with the same content so that everyone watching will notice it. 


Musical instrument. It is usually used to refer to the guqin but here it means that she is a master of various musical instruments.


Right, sure, whatever you say 


apply makeup




her being Yang Nanruo


Actual word here was cabbage. Usually used to refer to the child of one’s family but in Internet slang it apparently means someone’s girlfriend.


宛若萧未辛连个球都不如. Can someone tell me what this is supposed to mean? I can’t figure it out.

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