Chapter 18 – Fancied By The Second Male Lead

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The end of the year is a busy time for everyone, including You Shu who no longer has enough time to spar with Xiao Weixin. There was a lot of entertainment at the end of the year and all the entertainment venues became lively and filled with countless people, so this was the best time for them to collect information.

But at this moment, an unexpected person came to visit.

“Who did you say?” Xiao Weixin looked up from the book, frowning and asked again, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Qi Han stood beside him and repeated in a low voice: “It’s the hostage prince from Xirong. He is making a fuss outside the door, insisting on seeing you.”

Xiao Weixin felt that either his ears were defective or Qi Han’s eyes were. He had never interacted with that barbarian prince and couldn’t imagine why he had come to find him so abruptly.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Weixin told Qi Han to bring him inside to find out what he wanted.

Qi Han hurriedly turned around and called for someone to let him in. If the hostage prince continue to make such a fuss outside their gates, the Ling Wang Mansion would become a laughingstock in the entire capital by tomorrow.

He was soon brought to the main hall. Xiao Weixin was sitting in the living room drinking tea, thinking about the reason for Na Sutu’s visit. According to Xie Feiyuan’s information, Sutu’s life in the capital has not been that miserable recently because Xiao Weishen has no idea what to do with him. There is no point in killing him so he is indifferent to him and just threw him into a mansion, giving him food and drink to make sure he doesn’t starve to death. His only requirement is that he doesn’t cause any major trouble and he basically treats him with a laissez-faire attitude.

And Na Sutu seems to be a brave and ambitionless person, disrespectful and wild as all people of Xirong are. Although he is a hostage prince, he continually causes trouble and acts impulsively and discourteously without any restraint. The officials would occasionally report his misdeeds to the emperor but Xiao Weishen didn’t take it to heart and let him off, probably still hoping to get some benefits from Xirong1.

He seemed to be unaware that the King of Xirong was critically ill. The third prince of Xirong had kept it a secret because he was afraid that the emperor of the Central Plains would take the opportunity to gather troops to attack them. Xiao Weixin quickly filtered through all the information he knew but still couldn’t figure out why Na Sutu had suddenly come to look for him.

After a while, Na Sutu arrived.

He is close to 2 meters in terms of height and, standing in the front hall, looks like a giant who can easily touch the roof with a single jump. He has a provocative and unrestrained aura that can easily intimidate people even when he himself remains silent.

Xiao Weixin observed him secretly for a while then slowly put down the teacup and said, “Sit.”

While he was looking at Na Sutu, Na Sutu’s pair of heterochromatic pupils were also looking at him blatantly, without hiding himself at all, causing Qi Han to scold him for being ill-mannered. But Na Sutu wasn’t afraid and still had a smile on his lips. He chose a seat and sat down, casually crossing his legs as if in his own home.

“For your help on the street before, thank you, my lord.” Na Sutu’s Mandarin is still not very good but people can at least get the gist of his words, “People in the Central Plains say that the life-saving grace is repaid by…. What was it? Promising your body2?”

Qi Han’s face turned green3 and he scolded angrily: “How audacious! You are being delusional!”

Xiao Weixin frowned and told him to be silent and then turned to Na Sutu who was looking at him playfully, not sure what this person meant: “This king helped you last time merely to prevent you from causing trouble for my Imperial Brother and upsetting him. It was done casually and it is truly not a life-saving grace. There is no need to mention it anymore, Your Highness.”

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His elegant face had a rather sickly feeling and looked tired, as if he had no energy to deal with Na Sutu.

With a smile on his lips, Na Sutu said meaningfully: “How can that be? Although the prince said it was a casual act, we of Xirong also have our own principles. You helped me in such a troublesome situation so I can’t help but remember.”

“You people of the Central Plains claim that your state is one of etiquette and protocols, with a vast territory and abundant resources. Since I am here, I should follow your actions. It is reasonable for me to promise you with my body.”

Now Qi Han’s expression is not the only one that looks ugly, Xiao Weixin’s face also became unsightly.

There are really men who hurry to be a concubine for someone else?

“You bastard!” Xiao Weixin said angrily, “This king said there is no need to mention it again so don’t mention it! If you dare to say another word, I will pull out your tongue!”

Na Sutu was not frightened by his threats and had a wicked smile on his face, “This Na Sutu can be regarded as a warrior in Xirong and the girls who admired me could line up to outside the city from here. I personally think that I look quite attractive too so why does the prince seem as if he has suffered a loss?”

“My lord has a beautiful face and an ethereal appearance and he is truly suitable for me.” Na Sutu became more and more convinced the longer he spoke and even became serious: “How about I go and ask the emperor of the Central Plains to give you to me as my wangfei4? In exchange, I might be able to go back and ask my Royal Father to grant some more benefits.”

“What does my lord think? Will your Central Plains emperor agree?”

Xiao Weixin doesn’t easily get angry in front of outsiders but this barbarian had really managed to completely infuriate him. He grabbed his teacup and threw it at him: “Get lost5!”

From childhood till now, he has always hated people talking about his appearance. This barbarian actually dares to be so rude!

Na Sutu raised his hand to catch the thrown teacup. His handsome face still had that teasing smile but his eyes were a bit deep: “Oh my, the prince is really ruthless.”

“Well, since the prince is so unwilling, I’ll just settle for the next best thing. How about you…..give me that beautiful guard beside you? That should be fine, right?”

With these words, Xiao Weixin clearly understood the reason for this dog’s visit. It turned out that flirting with him was merely a pretense and it was the little shadow guard whom he had really fallen in love with!

Thinking of You Shu who had caused such a big trouble, Xiao Weixin was so angry that he wanted to drag him over and beat him up.

“Is a mere guard also worthy of His Highness’s concern and attention?” Xiao Weixin looked at him coldly, “However, even if it’s only a guard, he’s still mine and has nothing to do with you. There is no need to even think about it. You cannot take him away.”

“Your Highness, please go back.”

Na Sutu seemed to have expected such a result and pretended to be sad, clutching his chest and sighing: “You people of the Central Plains are really narrow-minded and stingy. You don’t have the demeanor of a powerful state at all.”

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Xiao Weixin was too lazy to humor him any longer and, after telling Qi Han to see the guest out, he got up to walk back inside.

Qi Han blocked Na Sutu’s curious gaze with his body, frowned and told him to get out.

Na Sutu sat back in the chair and rubbed his chin thoughtfully while looking at Qi Han’s face. After looking for a while, he suddenly said: “You are also a guard yet you don’t look cute at all.”

Qi Han: ???

Whether I am cute or not, is it any of your business!?

Na Sutu stood up from his seat and, with a very indecent appearance, put the tea cup thrown by Xiao Weixin into his robes. Qi Han stepped forward, wanting to snatch it back: “That is something belonging to our mansion! How dare you try to take it away secretly!?”

“Aiya, just lend it to me for a while. I’m penniless.” Na Sutu smiled and agilely dodged Qi Han’s attack. “I want to take it back so that I can think of him when seeing it.”

What a frank and straightforward way of taking advantage of others.

Qi Han was surprised by his shamelessness. Na Sutu easily avoided all of his fierce attacks and then rushed towards the door. Qi Han chased after him all the way to the palace gate and opened his mouth to ask someone to stop him. Just then, Na Sutu suddenly turned around and hit him on the chest.

Qi Han felt a severe pain in his chest and was forced back two steps. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his internal organs cramping in pain.

The smile on Na Sutu’s face remained unchanged but his eyes turned rather cold: “There is no need for you to send me off. Tell your prince that it is impossible to hide a person forever and I can definitely find them.”

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

After saying this, Na Sutu sauntered out the palace gate. The others couldn’t stop him at all. Qi Han stared blankly in the direction he left, realizing that they had all underestimated this hostage prince. The title of the best warrior in Xirong was not gained in vain.

Xiao Weixin was reading in the study when Hua Chun came to report. After listening, he frowned and said, “Really?”

“Yes. This servant examined Qi Han’s wound just now. If the applied force had been just a little more, it would have injured his heart. This person is highly skilled.” Hua Chun said carefully, “My lord, please avoid confronting him head-on.”

Xiao Weixin had a thoughtful expression on his face. He thought that Na Sutu was only ill-mannered and impulsive. But seeing how he had injured Qi Han instead of killing him, no matter how he looked at it, it seemed that he was trying to display his strength.

It seems that the information about Na Sutu is inaccurate. He is, by no means, just a brave, ambitionless and unfavored outcast.

On the other side, Na Sutu, who had swaggered out of the mansion, walked a few steps then turned into an empty alley and stopped, taking out the jade teacup from his robes. After playing with it for a while, he threw it away in a corner without any hesitation. His provocative smile had disappeared completely and only cold indifference remained in his eyes.

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Xiao Weixin is indeed not a person who can be fooled easily. It would not be easy to convince him to cooperate with him so it seems that he would need to rethink his plans.

He leaned against the wall, lost in thought for several moments. Then, he suddenly remembered the guard he had met on the street that day and sighed deeply.

It’s a pity that he didn’t get to see that beauty today. Xiao Weixin seemed to have hidden him away somewhere so he made a special trip but still didn’t see him. He’s been dreaming about him every night these days. However, all the vigor and strength of that thing6 was useless.

Tsk, after everything has been taken care of, he will definitely tie that person up and take him back with himself. He has long legs and a thin waist, which are clearly good for fertility. He is the best candidate for his queen.


You Shu, who has “long legs and a thin waist which are good for fertility”, kept sneezing on the way home, making Ying Er lean over worriedly: “Did you catch a cold?”

You Shu shook his head, “Probably not.”

Ying Er likes to worry all the time and, hearing his words, he became even more worried. He looked at the sky and said: “Let’s hurry back. Let Ying Shi take your shift tonight. You should go and get some rest.”

In fact, You Shu really didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. The two of them entered through the side door of the mansion but before they could go further, they saw Wang Chen coming over and staring at him with an unfriendly expression: “Hey, the prince is looking for you!”

You Shu: “???”

Looking for him?

Ying Er’s face changed slightly: “The prince is looking for Ying San? May I ask why?”

“How would I know?” Wang Chen rolled his eyes and responded angrily. The prince has been annoyed with him recently so he is also annoyed at Ying San, “Hurry up. If you aren’t careful, maybe the prince will whip you as punishment!”

You Shu scratched his head, turned around and said a few words to Ying Er before leaving. He is also very confused. Why would the prince be looking for him? It can’t be that he wants to spar in this darkness, right?

Besides, he just returned from the brothel so he hasn’t had time to wash up yet.

Xiao Weixin looked up and saw You Shu being brought in. Seeing his calm face, his expression became icy and he was about to speak when he smelled a strong scent of perfume coming from him. He frowned and said coldly, “How dare you go to the brothel to fool around!?”

You Shu felt that there was something strange about his tone, as if he had caught him committing adultery.

“Answering the prince, this subordinate only went to Nongyue Pavilion to gather information, not for personal entertainment.”

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Xiao Weixin was also aware that it was impossible for shadow guards to go out for personal entertainment but he was inexplicably annoyed with You Shu right now and thinking of Na Sutu, he became even more annoyed.

“You are really good! You actually incited Na Sutu to personally come to my door to ask for you! Do you think that you can fly up the branch and become a wangfei in an instant7?”

You Shu: “???”

Why is it that he can individually understand every word the protagonist said but when put into a sentence, he can’t understand it at all?

The second male lead came to the protagonist to look for himself?

Why would he???

The author has something to say:

You Shu: Why can’t I understand the plot?

T/N: Hi guys. This wasn’t supposed to take this long but my cousins made a surprise visit a few days ago and I haven’t seen them in months sooo I kinda got distracted. I am sorry. I will try not to let irl affect the updates again. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


The reason he is held hostage is so that XWS can trade him for benefits or resources from Xirong but NST father said that he can just keep him.


Literally. You promise your love, emotions and body to the other person.


Face turns green due to anger, rage or fear. Anger in this case.


Princess consort


I was very very tempted to translate it as fuck off. Do you think I should?


Yep…that thing.


飞上枝头变凤凰 is the actual one which means fly up the branch and become a phoenix. A swallow who had a mud nest flew up and became a glorious phoenix i.e. a person of low station climbed up the social ladder (by marriage) and became someone with high status. Here, it is altered to mean fly up….become a princess.

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