Even though Lu Ying had merely greeted him and then walked in, You Shu still didn’t dare to stay in the brothel for a long time, for fear of being recognized. So he only drank two cups of tea and quickly ran away, causing Ying Jiu and the others to laugh at him.

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After the New Year [celebrations], all the shadow guards looked a little fatter than usual and Ying Jiu was devastated to find that his trousers were a lot tighter. After eating and drinking as they pleased for several days, it was natural to gain weight.

So, immediately after the holidays ended, Master Yingshou commenced hell-mode training, “What kind of joke is this?! Look at how fat you are! When you go out to perform your missions, are you going to beat your opponents by sitting on them and crushing them with your weight?”

This scene is seen nearly every single year and everyone meekly accepted the scolding and listened very obediently. You Shu also listened but he was mentally distracted, the words going in one ear and out the other.

After this New Year, this body is considered twenty years old. This means that it has been exactly fifteen years since he transmigrated to this world.

Fifteen years…

It turned out that it had been so long.

You Shu sighed. The times when he was a college student seemed like a dream now. Those faraway memories were hazy as if they were never real in the first place. He used to occasionally recall the past in his free time but, in recent years, he has not even dreamed.1

He shook himself out of his daze. He has to return to guard duty after the first day of the New Year. The plot will begin in earnest this year so he has to pull himself together and work hard. After all, his promotion and salary raise depend on this year’s events.

However, while he himself had had an enjoyable New Year, several others hadn’t.

For example, Prime Minister Xia.

After Wang Shunzhi’s ‘accidental’ death due to ‘illness’, the position of Vice Minister of Revenue2 became vacant. After this, despite not having to work during the New Year, he especially went to Xiao Weishen to recommend his student, Zhang Bing, for the position, saying with great certainty that he was very worthy of such a position and is a rare talent.

Although his words seemed very earnest and sincere, Xiao Weishen felt reluctant in his heart. He wasn’t that stupid. He was naturally aware that this person also belonged to Prime Minister Xia. Nearly all of the Six Ministries3 were under Prime Minister Xia’s control while he, the emperor, seemed like a figurehead and had very few people under his command.

Now that Wang Shunzhi had finally died, he finally had the chance to place someone of his own into that position. But before he could do so, someone else was already being placed there.

Xiao Weishen was also a little cautious, thinking about how to push his own person into that position while also not offending his uncle.

Coincidentally, at this time, Zhang Bing, who was heading to the capital to take up the post, received that news that his mother had passed away. According to the laws of Da Xia, he had to attend her funeral and mourn his mother properly and couldn’t arrive at the capital by the original time. However, there were too many things to deal with in the Ministry of Revenue and it was impossible to keep the position vacant for him for such a long time.

Prime Minister Xia became worried, not able to find another equally suitable person of his own. Xiao Weishen, on the other hand, was overjoyed to hear this. It was as if the heavens had smiled down at him and especially granted him this chance.


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He didn’t seem to have a very good candidate4.

However, this problem was resolved very quickly. When he went to visit Empress Dowager Xia, he heard her mention the severe drought in the north and suddenly thought of Shen Qingyu who had submitted a report two days ago.

When Shen Qingyu had taken the imperial examinations, he himself had just ascended the throne so he still had an impression of this person. At that time, he had indeed been a shining talent but after he had been assigned away from the capital, he gradually forgot about this person. If not for the severe drought this year, he wouldn’t have remembered him at all.

In the past few years, Shen Qingyu has managed Huaizhou admirably and his response to this severe drought was also remarkable. He is an outstanding talent and, if he is transferred back to the capital, he would be able to use him for himself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Weishen hurried out from Empress Dowager Xia’s palace, intending to transfer Shen Qingyu back immediately.

The reason why Empress Dowager Xia had brought up the severe drought in the north was all due to Yu Sheng5 who had inadvertently remarked earlier about the many people in the north that had died of starvation this year. While speaking with Xiao Weishen, she suddenly remembered this and mentioned it casually. No one could have thought that all of this had been arranged by Xiao Weixin a long time ago.

A few days after work resumed after the New Year’s holiday, Shen Qingyu received the imperial decree to be transferred back to the capital. He knelt on the ground in a daze for a long time before getting up to accept the decree, still unable to believe that he had been recalled to the capital so suddenly. Just a few days ago, he had been feeling disheartened and thinking of resigning from his post and returning to his hometown.

Shen Qingyu touched the bright golden imperial decree6 in his hand and suddenly remembered the black-robed man from before. Had he known already that this day would come?

Then can he, perhaps, hope to encounter him again after going to the capital?

Xiao Weixin lowered his head to sip his tea, listened to the news Wang Chen had brought and asked in a low voice: “Has everything been arranged?”

“Yes.” Wang Chen replied respectfully, “The person in the palace has already implemented the plan. The Empress Dowager trusts him completely and is very fond of him.”

Xiao Weixin hummed softly, looked at the desk for a while, thinking, and then said: “Tell him to be careful. Xiao Weishen is insignificant but that old fox Xia Maoan7 must not find out. There is no need to be impatient for success. Revenge cannot be taken in just a few days. Since he has waited for this long already, it’s nothing to wait a little longer. Keep calm, lest a single impulsive mistake compromises your success.”

Wang Chen acknowledged his words then he turned around and went out the door.

After he left, Xiao Weixin stared at the paper on which he had written the names of Xiao Weishen, Empress Dowager Xia, and Xia Maoan. These three people are all linked by marriage and their interests are aligned and intertwined. In order to separate them, you can only attack them from within.

Empress Dowager Xia is the most vulnerable one among them. As long as she is still there, Xiao Weishen and Xia Maoan will be united and stable but he believes that day is not far away when Yu Sheng will complete his task.

After staring for a while, Xiao Weixin threw the piece of paper into the burning brazier beside the desk and watched as it was slowly swallowed by the flames and turned into a pile of ashes, as if those three people had also been burned into ashes and smoke.

He remembered that he hadn’t seen the little shadow guard for a long time. Counting the days, it had been more than half a month. Xiao Weixin was in a good mood today so he asked someone to bring him. Now that spring is here, the weather has also become warmer so it is perfect to use him as a sparring partner.

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It was still early in the morning when You Shu arrived. When he appeared in the courtyard, Xiao Weixin frowned and looked at him for a while, “Why have you gotten fat?”

These days, he has eaten well without any worries so You Shu has naturally gained a little weight. He himself also felt that he was a little excessive. The master was in a bad mood and had trouble sleeping and eating while he had been eating well every day to the point of gaining weight. It is indeed a little inappropriate.

“It is probably because this subordinate neglected to exercise during the New Year’s holiday. However, it shouldn’t affect the spar so my lord can rest assured.”

Compared with his rosy face and healthy complexion, Xiao Weixin looks as if he has lost a lot of weight. He is a very picky eater and, even on ordinary days, he doesn’t usually eat much. These days, because of his mother’s death, he has even less appetite and also has trouble sleeping at night.

Comparing the two, Xiao Weixin looks like a mistreated servant while You Shu looks like a wealthy and well-fed landlord.

“Hmph.” Even though he knew that his own problems would not cause anyone else to be unable to eat, Xiao Weixin huffed in displeasure, “If you fight half-heartedly later, this king will definitely have you beaten.”

Although he said this, he inwardly felt that the little shadow guard looked even better this way.

You Shu is ranked third in the Shadow Guard Camp. Even if he hasn’t practiced his sword very much in the past few days, his skill hasn’t declined and Xiao Weixin still has a long way to go before he can defeat him.

Xiao Weixin didn’t fight for the sake of victory and just wanted a friendly spar with the little shadow guard so when his sabre was wrested away by You Shu, he didn’t struggle too much and was easily restrained.

At this time, the two were standing very close together so after taking away the sabre, You Shu twisted his arm behind his back, placed the sword at his neck and stepped closer to prevent him from breaking free of his hold.

His movements were as light as possible and when he raised his head, he met Xiao Weixin’s gaze.

Although their heights seem to be about the same, but when compared at such a close distance, it can be seen that Xiao Weixin is actually half a head taller than You Shu but because he always pretends to be sick and stoops deliberately, he looks slightly shorter.

You Shu hadn’t expected that he was so close to him. After being stunned for a while, he quickly released his hand, stepped back and knelt down on one knee to plead guilty. He didn’t forget the protagonist’s hopeless mysophobia. It would be bad if he got angry and punished him severely.

Compared with his worries, Xiao Weixin’s thoughts were a lot more complex.

When he still lived in the palace, he had always been cautious in both his words and deeds to prevent people from seeing through his disguise. Back when he was still a teenager, aside from his personal bodyguards, he never even touched any of the palace maids who wanted to climb his bed. Later, after he grew up, he never gave any thought to falling in love and only wanted to avenge his mother. So, for several years, he avoided all physical contact with everyone.

Gradually, he couldn’t bear being too close to people. Even when Hua Chun served him in his daily life, she had to be very careful to not touch him, in order to prevent him from instantly losing his temper.

But Xiao Weixin just discovered that he doesn’t seem to hate the little shadow guard’s touch.

Just now when he twisted his arm back and moved the sword to his neck, his fingers had accidentally grazed his neck. Although it was only for a short moment, with his sensitivity, he still felt it.

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That sensation was so strange that he couldn’t even describe it properly to anyone.

Xiao Weixin looked down at You Shu who was kneeling on the ground waiting for his punishment, pursed his lips, lost in thought for a while, before speaking: “Get up. I don’t blame you.”

Generally, Xiao Weixin refers to himself as ‘this king’ on formal occasions or when he is angry and he says “I” in private, when he is in a good mood. From this, You Shu can judge that he is indeed not angry.

How strange.

You Shu stood up, doubtful. He remembered that, many years ago, there was a servant girl who closely served Xiao Weixin. However, she was fanciful and wanted to improve her own status through him8. She stepped close to him without his permission. Although she only managed to touch his fingers, she was beaten severely and then thrown out of the mansion. Due to this, even after so many years, no one dared to have any crooked ideas.

For the daring action just now, it was perfectly reasonable to be punished with at least 180 strikes, a deduction of three months’ salary, and fifteen days of self-reflection in confinement.

Xiao Weixin calmly threw the sabre aside and said lightly: “You can leave.”

You Shu was naturally happy at not getting any punishment and he immediately escaped from the courtyard, afraid that Xiao Weixin would change his mind if he was any slower.

Xiao Weixin was once again left alone in the courtyard. Several moments later, he slowly raised his hand and gently touched his neck.

Although he knew it was only his own illusion, Xiao Weixin still felt that the place that was touched for only a moment….was hot.


That night, under the candlelight, You Shu once again took a freshly sharpened charcoal pencil and enthusiastically wrote [in his diary].

‘X day X month X year, sunny’

‘I went to court death today. I actually forgot his serious mysophobia just because I wanted to win and I even touched his neck. ‘

‘Ah, damn my desire to win! ‘

‘But the protagonist didn’t seem to blame me and he wasn’t even angry. I wonder why.’

‘Can mysophobia be treated without any external help?’

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After writing this, You Shu stopped and thought for a while before continuing to write.

‘It’s also possible that I already have some importance in his heart so because it was me, he wasn’t angry. ‘

‘Now that I think about it, this actually seems quite logical and plausible.’

‘As expected of me.’

T/N: Hi. I don’t know whether you guys noticed my comment last chapter (and thanks to yuu for your well wishes <3) but I was sick. I had a constant migraine that and nausea for no particular reason and no medicine or painkiller worked. Eventually, I developed a fever that wouldn’t. go. away. And then, a few mornings ago, I woke up with no headache, nearly no nausea and fever gone. I don’t even know what happened. Though I did catch a cold after that because it’s been raining way too much and too often where I am. But at least colds can be treated with medicine and no headache so I am great. Honestly, it takes a long while of sickness before you truly appreciate being healthy and sickness-free. Living life without having invisible hands treating my brain like play dough is really really amazing. Health really is wealth. But, back to the point, I am great now which means updates resume like before.

Stay healthy everyone. <3<3


For anyone who previously wondered why You Shu was so focused on the plot and it being exactly as it was in the book, this is why. The novel is his only link to his past, the only thing he has to convince himself that all his memories of the past weren’t just illusions. I could be wrong but I think this is why.


I translate it as Revenue but it was a mixture of Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance. In China, the Ministry of Interior is Ministry of Civil Affairs.


The six ministries of Ancient China were Officials, Revenue, Rites, Punishment (Law), War, Industry (Infrastructure).


When the heavens and the earth and the entire universe (and your brother) conspire to grant your wish but you are just too incompetent.


The opera singer and actor from the troupe who is Xiao Weixin’s spy.



Prime Minister Xia’s name


Climb his bed and become a concubine or even a bed servant.

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