Being pestered by Na Sutu is a very troublesome thing. If Xiao Weixin hadn’t reminded himself that he couldn’t expose himself yet, he would have definitely screwed that rascal’s head off himself. Although the surrounding people didn’t dare to gather around to watch the show now because of his status as a prince, this humiliating incident would spread through the capital by tomorrow and he would become a laughingstock again.

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Xiao Weixin had an ominous expression, silently thinking about how to get revenge after returning.

You Shu, who had been following behind him, understood his dilemma so he drew his sword and fought in his place. Although the second male lead was once a character he admired, the protagonist is more important and no one can bully him!

Although Na Sutu had a frivolous appearance, he is also highly skilled. As soon as You Shu attacked him, he quickly dodged and fought back, as aggressive and agile as a cheetah. The two started a fight in the downtown area.

You Shu is an expert but Na Sutu is not weak either. The two of them exchanged nearly a hundred moves, without a clear victor. You Shu’s competitive spirit was aroused by him and he wanted to beat him to the ground right here. He must not let the prince feel disappointed in him.

The two of them overturned countless stands and Na Sutu’s offensive slowly weakened. Although their strength was similar, tell who was stronger and who was weaker, You Shu’s greatest advantage is his strength increases when faced with a strong opponent1. No matter how skilled Na Sutu is, he still relies on brute force in the end. How could he compare to You Shu, who fought like his life depended on it?

After two hundred moves, You Shu stepped on him, pointed his sword at his neck and said coldly, “Apologize to my lord.”

Na Sutu blinked then suddenly smirked. He raised his hand and rudely grabbed his foot, looking very perverted: “Beauty, I finally saw you~”

You Shu: “…”


While he was dumbstruck, Xiao Weixin walked over with a cold face, “Still not coming quickly?”

You Shu returned to his senses, kicked Na Sutu’s hand away and went to him. Thinking of that tender and affectionate gaze, he felt goosebumps erupt all over his body. As a straight man, this was his first time meeting a gay guy up close and his little heart had received quite a shock.

“This king is warning you once again. If you dare to pester me a second time, I’ll kill you.” Xiao Weixin coldly glanced at Na Sutu, who was lying on the ground and still obstinately staring at You Shu with a roguish smile, and suddenly felt his palms itch, wondering why the little shadow guard didn’t just kill him.

You Shu didn’t want to give Na Sutu a single look more, for fear of seeing his creepy gaze again, and hastily followed after Xiao Weixin and left.

After making sure that Na Sutu didn’t follow, he let out a sigh of relief and began to think about what happened during the fight earlier. After hesitating for a while, he asked, “My lord, those stalls that this subordinate accidentally damaged when fighting with him just now……”

“After going back, I’ll ask Wang Chen to give them some money as compensation.” Xiao Weixin knew what he wanted to say and replied calmly. “You did a good job just now.”

The way the little shadow guard fiercely beat up Na Sutu in order to vent his anger really pleased him and Xiao Weixin felt that his mood had improved a lot. As for the cooperation that Na Sutu had mentioned, he was not interested at all. What kind of truth could come out of a barbarian’s mouth? He was dreaming if he thought he could cooperate with him.

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You Shu relaxed slightly. He raised his hand and touched his face in puzzlement. Obviously, the mask was still very obediently attached to his face, without any flaws or wrinkles. So how did Na Sutu manage to recognize him? Did he recognize him just by the sound of his voice?

Then his memory is truly remarkable.

Xiao Weixin didn’t have any specific purpose for this trip outside and he just wanted to stroll around because he hadn’t went out for a long time. He had a tall and upright figure, an outstanding temperament and an extraordinary appearance. Several girls walking on the side of the road couldn’t help but stop and look at him quietly, but no one dared to disturb him.

The three walked along the roadside, stopping here and there. This is the first time You Shu has went on such a leisurely stroll. For so many years, he has been living in a highly stressful and tense environment. Even though he does get a holiday once a month, he usually preferred to stay in his room and sleep rather than go out to play so he has never properly explored the capital city.

The roads in the capital are very wide and spacious, enough that four eight-seater horse carriages2 can easily move side-by-side. On both sides of the road, there are a variety of shops, selling all kinds of things. You Shu followed Xiao Weixin and looked around while walking, remarking in his heart that even in ancient times, the street market was so thriving and bustling.

In the end, Luo Yao is still a girl and shopping is exactly what she loves to do3. Seeing all the various exquisite, little items around her, she couldn’t help but stop. So, Xiao Weixin had to stop and wait for her instead.

Xiao Weixin looks indifferent and unapproachable most of the time but, in fact, he tended to be a lot more lenient with the four confidantes around him. Qi Han and Wang Chen grew up with him, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are as close as brothers.

Hua Chun was personally selected for him by Consort Xian and is thoughtful, steady and reliable while Luo Yao is, in a sense, his junior sister because both of them had learned martial arts from Xie Feiyuan. When they were young, Xiao Weixin was often pressed to the ground and beaten up by Luo Yao so he treats her differently from others.

“San-gege, do you think these look pretty?” Luo Yao excitedly picked up a pair of pearl earrings and showed them to You Shu, looking at him expectantly.

Picking jewelry is not something You Shu is familiar with. In both of his lives, he has never helped a girl in this aspect and doesn’t have any particular opinion. He just thought that the pair of pearl earrings were too small: “They are only the size of a grain of rice. How can I say whether they’re pretty or not?”

Luo Yao was taken aback and then thought about it, “Then, can you help me choose a pair?”

Xiao Weixin frowned and said impatiently, “Pick it by yourself.”

But Luo Yao refused to give up and insisted on asking You Shu to help her choose. You Shu scratched his head, pointed to something he felt looked good and said to her, “I think that looks quite good. It looks like something a wealthy lady would wear.”

Xiao Weixin and Luo Yao turned their heads simultaneously.

The workmanship of the flowers on the buyao4 wasn’t too bad but the colors were garishly bright. The combination of bright red and vivid green made it seem like a New Year’s decoration. The overall effect was so ostentatious and tacky that one can barely bear to look at it.

What kind of rich woman deserves such a thing?

Luo Yao: “…”

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If you go out wearing this thing, anyone would think the matchmaker was coming, right5?

Xiao Weixin looked at him speechlessly: “Did Xie Feiyuan teach you this [artistic] vision too?”

“Isn’t it pretty?” You Shu was a little embarrassed, “This subordinate just felt that the flowers looked very vibrant and can cheer people up.”

“Maybe Miss Hua Chun would like it.”

He had always remembered that Hua Chun had combed his hair and occasionally, when he was free, he would secretly think about her and he subconsciously said it now.

Xiao Weixin pictured the neat and simplistic Hua Chun wearing this gaudy thing and pursed his lips.

Sometimes he also can’t help wondering what kind of strange things this little shadow guard thinks of all day.

Luo Yao simply gave up the idea of ​​asking for his suggestions, pouted and walked ahead unhappily.

After walking for a while, they happened to see a girl kneeling on the side of the road, wearing white mourning robes6. She looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a pretty and clever appearance, seemingly from a humble family.

Xiao Weixin walked past her without looking at her but the girl suddenly rushed forward and tightly held Xiao Weixin’s leg.

“Young Master, I beg you! Please buy me!”

Xiao Weixin’s leg was grabbed suddenly and he instinctively kicked her away, his expression turning murderous.

You Shu cursed inwardly. He hadn’t expected someone to appear like this and hurriedly stepped forward to stop the girl from pouncing again and said in a low voice: “Miss, please respect yourself and don’t be rude to my prince.”

Hearing that he was a prince, the girl became even more eager and knelt down and kowtowed to him, begging him to buy her so she could bury her father7. She cried, like a pear blossom in the rain8, looking very lovable and pitiful and kowtowed until her delicate forehead was bruised and bleeding.

If any other man was in his place, he would probably pity her and take mercy on her but, unfortunately, Xiao Weixin is not a sentimental person. He didn’t spare her a single glance and left indifferently without even listening to her words. You Shu immediately followed him.

Luo Yao smiled and threw a piece of silver in front of the girl and said softly: “You look like a good girl from a decent family but you have learned to use such lowly schemes and tricks. Are you worthy of entering our palace?”

The girl’s face flushed and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

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Xiao Weixin walked for a while and when he reached the bridge, he suddenly stopped and looked back at You Shu. You Shu was stared at by him for no reason, lowered his head and asked him in a low voice: “My lord, has this subordinate done something wrong again?”

Xiao Weixin shook his head and asked him seemingly nonchalantly: “Do you think I’m heartless?”

You Shu was taken aback and then quickly shook his head: “This subordinate does not dare. This subordinate has never felt that the prince is heartless.”

“You’re lying.” Xiao Weixin said coldly, not believing his words at all, “Don’t you sympathize with her in your heart?”

You Shu vaguely felt that Xiao Weixin seemed to be testing him but he couldn’t figure out why so he could only tell the truth: “That girl was thin and dressed in plain mourning clothes. If she keeps kneeling on this cold bluestone road, she might injure her knees.”

Although he is a straight man, even he knows that girls shouldn’t be in contact with cold things too much because it is very harmful to their health. Although her intentions are not pure, he is not in a position to judge her. In this oppressive and cruel era, who wouldn’t want to take shortcuts to success and enjoy the rest of their days in luxury?

“So?” Xiao Weixin waited slowly for him to continue.

He looked calm on the surface but he was already very upset in his heart. As long as You Shu dared to say anything good about that girl, he would directly kick him off the bridge and let him refresh his mind in the cold water.

“This subordinate just feels that it’s a pity that a girl like her only wants to climb up.” You Shu said softly, “The prince does not owe anyone anything so he naturally doesn’t need to be sympathetic to anyone.”

Xiao Weixin stared at him for a while then huffed softly, satisfied with his answer: “Even if she didn’t have impure intentions and really wanted to sell herself to bury her father, I wouldn’t have given a glance.”

“There is no room for incapable people around me. Do you understand?”

You Shu lowered his eyelids and whispered, “Understood.”

This is why he always works so hard. Although there were many times where he almost gave up, he still persevered, because he understands that only when he is strong and excellent enough can he be qualified to be close to the protagonist. Otherwise, what face would he have to say that he wants to fight for his freedom?

Seeing that he didn’t speak anymore, Xiao Weixin suddenly asked: “Why do you always have this expression? So rigid and serious, like a piece of wood.”

“This is a necessary quality for shadow guards.” You Shu explained with his head bowed, “Master Yingshou taught this.”

“Neither sad nor happy, neither angry nor arrogant. This is the trait that shadow guards should have.”

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Xiao Weixin listened to his calm words, but still frowned. Of course he knew that Xie Feiyuan was correct and he really needed shadow guards to be emotionless so they would be easier to use.


But he suddenly didn’t want to see him like this.

He remembered the smile he had seen him give Xie Feiyuan outside the study door that day. He has seen many beautiful women smiling but that smile is the only one he can’t forget. He often recalls it when he is alone and, in a trance, imagines it directed at himself.

If only…. he really smiled at him like that.



遇强则强 means ‘tough adversaries make you stronger’. Basically that if you meet a strong opponent, you will want to defeat them and your competitive spirit will be aroused and you will be stronger than before, even if it’s not strong enough to defeat the opponent.


This is the best I found:


So I am just not a girl then? Wow.






身葬父 is to sell oneself (as a slave) to bury ones father. Someone who was too poor to afford proper funeral arrangements would sell themselves and get the money for the funeral and then either earn back the money they were given by working for their master or stay as a slave. This apparently started from the folk story (?) of Dong Yong.


花带雨很. An idiom describing a person who cried very beautifully and delicately and looks like a beautiful pear blossom covered in raindrops. Originally used to describe how the famous Yang Guìfēi looked when she was crying.

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