You Shu carefully bandaged the wound for Xiao Weixin then turned around and noticed the jade fragments on the ground. Due to his self-consciousness and obsessive-compulsive disorder, he automatically grabbed a broom and cleaned it up. As he cleaned, he carefully held his breath, trying not to disturb the person on the main seat.

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According to reason, the rough task of sweeping the floor should be done by a maid instead of a shadow guard but You Shu felt it wasn’t a big deal. Besides, no servants would enter the room for some time so he quickly cleaned it.

However, no matter how lightly he moved, Xiao Weixin still noticed his actions. His injured hand was handled very well and there was hardly any pain. This little shadow guard seemed to be quite attentive and careful in performing tasks.

He didn’t want to bother with the mess, so he simply sat and watched You Shu clean it up. After all, every leader likes discerning and diligent subordinates and You Shu’s perceptiveness is his advantage.

“My lord, everything has been dealt with properly, may this subordinate withdraw?” After cleaning, You Shu asked respectfully in a low voice.

Xiao Weixin seemed listless and didn’t answer, as if he hadn’t heard him. Perhaps because of his terrible mood, he has a cold expression on his face making people afraid to approach him.

He didn’t speak so You Shu, who couldn’t get up without his permission, could only maintain his kneeling posture.

He lowered his head and stared at the floor tiles. The floor tiles in this study room have been laid for a while, but the white jade inlaid on them is still smooth, glossy and warm. If he sells even one piece, he should be able to exchange it for a lot of money, at least enough for travel expenses.

No matter what one says about the dog emperor, at least when it comes to money, he has never treated his younger brothers badly, especially Xiao Weixin who has nearly all his needs and wants fulfilled such that even without relying on his private properties, Xiao Weixin can easily lead a comfortable life with his salary alone.

You Shu thought about several matters for a while before Xiao Weixin finally seemed to awaken from his reverie. Looking at the shadow guard who was still kneeling below, he waved his hands and said softly: “Go out, no one needs to guard in here.”

You Shu, who finally received the order to get up, stood up and immediately disappeared in front of the protagonist, without any delay.

Xiao Weixin frowned as he watched the little shadow guard nimbly leap through the window. When others retreat, they all openly exit through the main door. Who the hell taught this bastard to go through the window?

Because of the prince’s words, You Shu no longer needed to stay in the dreary study room to count sheep, not to mention that it was just in time to eat dinner. In his heart, he jumped for joy like a wild wolf released from the cage and he ran to the cafeteria at the fastest speed. What protagonist, prince, plot or heroines? It was all left behind in an instant. At this moment, the group of them is far less important than a plate of pork belly on the dinner table.1

The cafeteria is crowded with people. The Shadow Guard Camp is famous for its delicious food so servants from other places in the palace often go there to eat. Due to this, it was necessary for You Shu to get there as soon as possible, before it was too late to get the good food.

He quickly held his own rice bowl and joined the queue. Looking up, he noticed a familiar figure standing in front of him. It was the servant girl next to the prince, Luo Yao, whom he had seen in the morning.

Speaking of Luo Yao, You Shu couldn’t help but take a second look. She has the cute, lovable and obedient appearance of the loli next door. In modern times, she would definitely have been the goddess of nerds. With her small, soft and cute face, she looks delicate, weak and harmless, a very sweet girl.

If You Shu hadn’t seen her easily twist a man’s head off with one hand, that is.

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Even now, whenever he thinks of that scene, You Shu couldn’t help but feel chills. He couldn’t figure out how such a cute girl could do such a horrible thing. And her appetite seemed to be even bigger than his, and she was a complete glutton. All of which really doesn’t match her highly deceiving appearance.2

Generally speaking, high-ranking maids like Luo Yao and Hua Chun all have their own small kitchens, and the treatment and benefits are comparable to that of young ladies from wealthy families. With various delicacies available, there was really no need to go to a place like the Shadow Guard Camp to grab food.

But for some unknown reason, she would come here every now and then whenever she was free, causing all the other brothers in the Shadow Guard Camp to hide from her as if fleeing from snakes and scorpions3, for fear of accidentally offending her and getting their heads twisted off.

Probably because she noticed his gaze, Luo Yao turned around to look at him. As soon as she saw him, she immediately smiled sweetly, and spoke with a soft voice: “It’s you.”

You Shu gathered his courage and nodded to her, holding the rice bowl without even making a sound.

Luo Yao’s personality is even more free and unconstrained than men. Who knew when it started but, intentionally or not, she always talks to You Shu, but she can’t speak seriously: “You were on duty this morning, right?”

She talks a lot, chattering endlessly. You Shu didn’t know why she always had so much to say and always about trivial and unimportant things. She could even easily talk about the quarrel between two servants for a long time.

Do all you girls gossip like this?4

You Shu couldn’t understand it. He had been in the Shadow Guard Camp for too long, and he was surrounded by rough men. Even the watchdog was male. He had long been unaccustomed to the girls outside. He really doesn’t know what expression he should use to deal with this properly so he simply maintains a cold face and stays quiet, thinking that nothing would go wrong with this.

Besides, Luo Yao is the confidant maid next to the protagonist. If he behaves well, he might even have a chance to recommend himself in front of the prince.

Thinking about starting his career, You Shu straightened his posture even more.

Luo Yao didn’t mind his inattention and continued to talk to him. After getting his food, You Shu took his bowl and went to sit with the other brothers. Regardless of her personality, Luo Yao is still a woman and naturally, couldn’t follow. So, she could only carry the food box and leave regretfully, while throwing a subtle glance in You Shu’s direction.

As soon as You Shu sat down, Ying Si leaned toward him, grinning, “Why does Miss Luo Yao always like to talk to you?”

“How should I know?” You Shu frowned at him.

Ying Ba interjected with a mysterious smile: “Old Third5, shall I do a divination for you? I can see that your peach blossoms6 are about to bloom. I think your Hong Luan star7 must have started to move!”

“Old Eighth’s fortune-telling has never been accurate, but I think it may be correct this time.” Ying Jiu said coolly while brushing his hair to the side in an enchanting manner. Since he is often sent to perform some strange missions, he dresses in women’s clothing all year round and if it weren’t for his wide wrists, he would really be regarded as a woman.

You Shu kept silent. In his opinion, it’s because these colleagues of his are too idle and unoccupied that they keep gossiping about him and Luo Yao every day. Not to mention that it is impossible for him and Luo Yao to be together, even if there is such a rare chance, he doesn’t want it.

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Luo Yao is indeed a cute girl but her personality is really not his ideal type. If he could choose, he still prefers a girl like the heroine Xia Yinxiu who is gentle, quiet, intelligent and pleasant, and never causes trouble for others. The goddess of his dreams.

Of course, such a good female lead can only belong to the protagonist.

Seeing his silence, Ying Er spoke in a serious tone: “Alright, all of you, don’t talk so much and eat quickly. Don’t be lazy in the afternoon training.”

In a sense, Ying Er represents Master Yingshou so the rest of the younger brothers could only obediently shut up and eat. You Shu heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at him gratefully, but Ying Er shook his head at him, expressing that there was no need for thanks.

After finishing the meal, You Shu walked out of the cafeteria. The two hours at noon are the lunch break time for everyone in the palace. The ancient people attached great importance to afternoon naps and all the servants could take a short rest. Naturally, this also applies to shadow guards.

But You Shu was conscientious and chose to stay on duty. The prince usually takes a nap in the flower hall8 at noon. He stood guard on the porch outside the flower hall, holding his sword in his arms and staring at the withered leaves in a daze. Day after day keeps passing in the same manner and even he gets tired sometimes.

Xiao Weixin is very dedicated and comprehensive in his acting and his daily life is quite boring. Unless there is a major event, he rarely leaves his mansion so You Shu has almost never travelled far out. Even though it has been more than ten years since he transmigrated, he still doesn’t know what the outside world looks like.

Occasionally, he would think that if he became famous in the future and was free after the completion of the plot, he would go outside to see if the ancient rivers and mountains were really as magnificent as the book said.

But that would not be for a long time yet. After all, in the book, several years had passed between the beginning of the plot and the successful ascension of the protagonist. Although he knew the direction of the plot, he did not dare to act rashly, for fear of arousing suspicion from others.

Ying Wu was drooling as he slept in the flowerbed under the porch of the flower hall. You Shu sighed and withdrew his thoughts.

Some time later, someone sneaked into the flower hall. You Shu raised his eyes and saw that it was Qin Wang Xiao Weiming.

It was the time when everyone took a break for lunch and rest but Xiao Weiming ran to find his Seventh Brother with a bitter face, raised his hand and banged on the door, not caring whether the person inside is sleeping or not. Xiao Weixin becomes very angry if he is woken up and You Shu did not dare to provoke his temper like this at all so he hurriedly appeared to stop this death-seeking behavior.

“His Royal Highness Qin Wang, my prince is still resting.”

“I know.” Xiao Weiming’s face was bitter and he didn’t look like a prince at all, “I have to discuss something with Seventh Brother.”

You Shu can know what it is without even needing to guess. Although Xiao Weiming is the most foolish son of the late emperor, he is also the one who is the best at causing trouble and spending money. He spends money as casually as water and often runs to Xiao Weixin for help because he ran out of money or got into trouble again.

When both of their mothers were still alive, they had a very good relationship and before she died, Xiao Weiming’s mother entrusted him to Xiao Weixin, asking him to take care of him. Although Xiao Weixin thought it was troublesome, he still agreed. Therefore, since then, there has been an extra burden on his head who gives him headaches all the time.

“Your Highness can wait for the prince to wake up.” You Shu replied in a low voice, “The prince is in a bad mood today, so please don’t bother him.”

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Xiao Weiming hesitated slightly but obediently followed him to sit at the table under the porch of the flower hall. You Shu quietly kicked the sleeping Ying Wu awake to let him hide again9. Just when he himself was about to retreat, Xiao Weiming spoke.

“Last night’s events…was it Seventh Brother’s doing?”

You Shu turned around with a blank face and lowered his head: “Replying to His Royal Highness King Qin, this subordinate doesn’t know.”

“Oh…” Xiao Weiming nodded distractedly, scratched his head and said: “Then, about his bad mood today, how bad is it?”

You Shu was puzzled: “What does Your Highness mean?”

Xiao Weiming rubbed his hands back and forth, and said nervously: “It’s just… I fought with Prime Minister Xia’s son, Xia Huaizhang in Tianxiang Tower and accidentally injured his head.”

“Do you think my Seventh Brother will help me deal with it?”

You Shu: “…”

I think it is better for you to kill yourself.

Who is Xia Huaizhang10? That’s the nephew of the dog emperor’s mother, Empress Dowager Xia! Prime Minister Xia’s only son! The son of the number one villain in this book.

You have broken his head and you still have the face to come and ask?

And causing such trouble at this time, your seventh brother is probably going to tear you apart!

“Forgive this subordinate for speaking bluntly.” You Shu replied in a flat tone, “Your Highness should try and hide. After my prince wakes up, I am afraid he will deal with you first.”

Xiao Weiming miserably lay down on the table, feeling that the end was near.

Xiao Weixin, who had been awakened by all the noise, came over with a sword in his hand, looking murderous and said with a sneer, “He’s right, this king will kill you first, and then go to make amends to Xia Huaizhang!”

Xiao Weiming was frightened by his shout and hid under the table, trembling.

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The author has something to say:

You Shu: In our Shadow Guard Camp, eating is a matter of course.



This is one of the reasons I like him so much. Dude’s got his priorities straight. Food>>>>>>>>>>>>


For some reason, I think that You Shu is more offended by her appetite than her killing a person lol. Like I said, priorities.


避如蛇蝎: (avoid like a snake) basically flee from something very frightening.


Poor You Shu lol… I really pity him. An extroverted gossip can be a bit much sometimes. My friend is an extrovert and half the time I am astonished about how much she can say about a random event she saw from the bus like what?


Lao San (老三) because You Shu’s name is Ying San.


Peach blossoms symbolize romance, prosperity, and growth and they are popular with single young people who are looking for love. Basically, peach blossoms starting to bloom for someone means that they are going to have someone they like or someone who likes them. This is also used in the sense that someone has a lot of peach blossoms meaning they have a lot of admirers.


Hong Luan Star (红鸾星) is the auspicious star in Chinese mythology that is responsible for marriages, pregnancies, and other happy events.


Flower hall (花厅) refers to a drawing room beyond the main reception hall of a large residence, where visitors are entertained. 


Make him go back to his duty.


A POS and utter waste of space, that’s who.

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