Chapter 11: The sound of wrestling in the middle of the night

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After being shot in the chest, Ryuto only felt that all his strength was taken away, and his body fell limply towards the ground.

It turns out, this is what being shot feels like…

After feeling this feeling that most ordinary people have no chance to enjoy in their life.

Ryuto, who fell to the ground, raised his hand with the last of his strength and made an international gesture to Yamamoto.

"I don't know the so-called guy who dares to provoke me when he is dying."

"Hey, I don't just want to... provoke you... I want you to... die ugly."

Before his consciousness disappeared, Ryuto tried his best to show a happy smile.

"It's ugly to want me to die? Hmph, you like to pose so much, then record your temporary appearance and send it to that lord and Sakata-sama to see."

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Yamamoto smiled when he heard the words, then took out his smart phone and patted Ryuto's dying face.

Sure enough, both this guy and Sakata are...good.

It was at this moment that Ryuto's life came to an end, and he heard that familiar voice again.

"It is detected that the host is on the verge of death, and an emergency rescue plan is about to be launched. By spending one million yuan to erase the fact of death... *Didi Didu*, the erasure was successful."

The next moment, everything is restored again,

Ryuto appeared alive again in this small warehouse.

"Hum, ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at Yamamoto who was still standing not far away smoking, Ryuto couldn't help laughing, and then there was a fierce light in his eyes.

The moment he appeared in this warehouse for the third time, Ryuto couldn't help laughing.

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"Young Master? You are awake, why are you smiling so happily?"

When he heard this laughter, Yamamoto, who was leaning to the side to smoke, immediately extinguished the cigarette butt and walked over.

Ryuto watched his familiar face get closer and closer, and the smile on his face became more sinister.

"Hehe, probably because I had a good dream."

"Having a good dream is a good sign, and it means something good will happen."

Yamamoto pretended to smile, and his weather-beaten face showed a childlike expression.

"Indeed, something great will happen soon, I promise."

As for Ryuto, looking at his face that had been deeply remembered not long ago, he stretched out his hand and pinched the armrest of the reclining chair.

Because if he didn't, he might not be able to resist smashing Yamamoto's nose with a punch.

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Of course, there was no point in doing that, since Yamamoto had a gun in his arms.

If you really tear your face with him here, there is a high probability that you will be shot down.

Be calm, you must be calm, and find a silver lining in this chaotic dead end.

After lying back on the reclining chair, Ryuto thought again.

After the second resurrection, he has fully understood what a terrible devil's cave he is in.

From the very beginning, this warehouse full of the smell of the sea was the execution ground for him, the eldest young master of the "Ryulong Group".

So far, Ryuto knows that there are three forces that want his life.

The Kamishiro family was furious because the eldest lady was kidnapped, and the moment their people rushed in was the moment when Ryuto died.

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Consultant Sakata is one of the designers of this scene. He gave the proposal to let Ryuto kidnap Ruri before, and even the executor was Yamamoto.

And behind Sakata, there is the existence of Tianmu Yongji, the ultimate devil. Like Sakata, she hopes that Ryuto will die here.

As the only bloodline of the leader of the "Ryulong Group", Ryuto is equivalent to the symbol of the surname Kiryu when the leader is in prison.

Therefore, the two advisors except Sakata are all on the side of Ryuto and his son and are conscientiously waiting for the young master to grow up so that he can inherit the position of team leader.

Therefore, as long as Ryuto dies, the "Ryulong Group" will be completely reduced to the one-word hall of Sakata, and the entire force will become the puppet of Yongji.

In other words, those who want to kill Ryuto are actually the three forces of the "Kamishiro Family", "Ryulong Group" and "Tianmu Group".

Good guy... As soon as you come in, it's a dead end of internal and external attacks. They really look down on me.

After deeply understanding how troublesome this situation is, Ryuto carefully thought about how to break the situation.

It's not difficult to get out alive, you can run away by urinating.

But in this case, Ruri who stayed here will definitely be killed, or the fundamental problem will not be solved.

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