Chapter 13: The biggest and worst misunderstanding in history

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From this point of view, the cost of repeatedly improving the attribute should be ten times the cost of the previous one.

To upgrade from LV2 to LV3 requires five million.

From LV3 to LV4, it takes 50 million.

It takes 500 million to upgrade from LV4 to LV5.

And this is still the cost of the "Physical" attribute when there is LV2 at the beginning. If the cost is increased from LV1, the cost will be increased by ten times, up to 5 billion!

Man, what a money grab, where am I going to get so much money to improve?

Even if Ryuto is the eldest young master of the "Ryulong Group", he doesn't have such a large sum of money in his pocket.

The hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars is not what normal people can afford at all!

Forget it... It doesn't make sense to think about this, anyway, the money can't be used indiscriminately now.

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After sighing, Ryuto looked at his remaining funds of more than five million.

So far, he has only been trapped in this small seaside warehouse, thinking about the future is simply superfluous.

Ok? Wait, what is this?

Just when Ryuto was about to close the system page, he suddenly saw a small "house" icon below the amount of money.

He clicked on the icon, and a secondary page with four straight characters "Krypton Gold Mall" popped up.

There is also a line at the top of this page, this line is "rogue equipment tailored for you who love to play rogue".


Who likes to be a hooligan, bastard.

If it weren't for Ryuto's urgent need to unite all forces now, he would not have glanced at this ghost "Krypton Gold Mall".

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But I don't know if I don't see it, I was startled when I saw it.

The mall is full of dazzling, and some things are really very useful.

Since it is "rogue equipment", the things sold here are indeed very rogue.

For example, the "rogue electric shocker" that can directly electrocute others into eels is priced at 200,000 yuan.

For example, the "rogue finger tiger", which can enhance the hitting power and also very hidden, is priced at 150,000 yuan.

For example, the "rogue lockpicker" that can pick most keyholes is priced at 500,000 yuan.

Frankly speaking, although the names of these things are very ugly, there are some things in them that are quite practical.

If you consider that you will use force against Yamamoto in a while, it would be better to buy an "electric shock device" or "finger tiger"... Huh? What is this thing?

Just when Ryuto was thinking about buying something to serve Yamamoto, his eyes saw the "rogue bug" in the corner of the mall.

The "rogue bug" looks like a dot sticker, and it can eavesdrop on the conversation as long as it is pasted on the other party's smart phone and other communication devices.

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The price of this "rogue bug" is not cheap, the asking price is 500,000 yuan.

But for the current Ryuto, the price/performance ratio of this thing is extremely high.

Before, he was thinking about how to make Ruri understand the current situation as soon as possible, so that it would be convenient for him to cooperate with him. Now it seems that he has found a way.

After spending some money to buy the "rogue bugging device" and "rogue electric shock device", Ryuto's total assets decreased by another 700,000 yuan, and became about "4.95 million".

Well, that's not even five lives enough.

However, when he touched two small stickers and a stick that suddenly appeared in his pocket, he still felt that the money was well worth it.

There's still more than half an hour before the bodyguards of the Kamishiro family arrive...Let's start.

After silently going through the plan in his mind, Ryuto quietly reached into his pocket and turned off the phone completely.

"Speaking of which, Ruri looks pretty good when she's tied up, so I'd better take a picture of her first."

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While talking like a hooligan, Ryuto stood up and walked towards Ruri with his phone.

Snapped! But before he could get off the chair and take a few steps, the phone suddenly fell to the ground.

"What the hell...I broke my phone?"

After picking up the phone, Ryuto pretended to press the power button, but the screen was still pitch black.

But this is also a matter of course, after all, the smart phone is not turned on, it is strange that a single press of the power button can respond.

"Yamamoto, come here."

So Ryuto sighed and called Yamamoto over and waved to him.

"Master Ryuto, what's wrong?"

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