Chapter 15: I, Kiryu Ryuto, am a Gentleman

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But it's not over yet, it's better to say that what's next is the main event.

"Lord Yongji, what do I need to do next?"

"Inform Consultant Sakata and find someone to pretend to be a killer to kill him."

"Yes, then I won't disturb you."

*Beep*. It didn't take long for the phone to be hung up, and the quietness in the warehouse returned to normal.

No, rather than silence, it would be more appropriate to describe it as dead silence.

After listening to the synchronous live broadcast just eavesdropped on, Ruri's expression suddenly changed.

How can it be? Behind this incident, Tianmu Yongji is actually doing tricks?

From the beginning, Ruri was not so afraid of this kidnapping incident.

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Although he was kidnapped, after all, the one who did it was an idiot like Kiryu Ryuto.

As long as Ruri spends a little bit of time delaying, she will be able to drag her own people to find this place.

However, if this incident was planned by Yong Ji, then the meaning behind it is completely different.

From the very beginning, Tianmu Yongji has been the biggest enemy of the Kamishiro family, and it can even be said that the ancestors have been enemies for dozens of generations.

In the long period of hundreds of years from ancient times to modern times, the Kamishiro family has been committed to eliminating the Tianmu clan.

After all, this race that has inherited "black blood" is no longer human, or it is becoming less and less human.

Therefore, from the time when Kamishiro Ruri became conscious, she knew that she had a destined and very terrifying old enemy.

"Miss, do you understand now?"

While Ruri was thinking quickly, Ryuto asked solemnly while undoing the tape on her hand.

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"Ah? Understand what?"

"I understand that this matter is not my arrangement from beginning to end. I am actually the one who was put into the fire pit."

When he helped Ruri up from the stool, Ryuto tried his best to make his face less hideous and said in a sincere tone.

Of course, Ryuto's ferocious face was somewhat ridiculous when he tried to make a sincere expression, as if he was doing an unsuccessful face art.

However, although Ryuto's Yan Yi is very funny, Ruri knows that he is not lying, in fact it is.

Because Yongji had clearly said on the phone that the consultant Sakata was to send someone to kill Ryuto.

Anyone in this world can lie, but Yong Ji will not lie.

Although that woman is more sinister than a viper, she will never tell lies.

When she said she wanted to kill the whole family, she would kill the whole family, not even a cat would run away.

Tianmu Yongji is such an honest creature that makes one's scalp tingle.

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But just when Ruri got out of trouble, she stood up and looked at the little yellow hair in front of her.

There was still a trace of doubt in the eldest lady's eyes.

The reason for the doubt is also very simple, because this Kiryu Ryuto is too smart.

Ruri couldn't help but ask: "Do you actually know that there are people from the "Tianmu Group" in your "Ryulong Group"?"

"I know, consultant Sakata, he has been secretly dealing with Tianmu Yongji, intending to annex my family's property."

At this time, Ryuto said in a tone of "I knew it a long time ago", but in fact he knew it a long time ago.

"Consultant Sakata... seems to be one of the three advisors in power in your "Ryulong Group"."

"That's right, he should be the one who wants me to die the most. With my father in prison for a long time, as long as I die, the entire "Ryulong Group" will fall into the hands of Tianmu Yongji."

In fact, by now, Ryuto can't help but suspect that the imprisonment of Kiryu Kazuma, the contemporary "Ryulong group leader", is actually the hands and feet of Sakata and Yongji behind the scenes.

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In other words, Ryuto has long been at odds with Sakata and the others, and only one of them can survive.

That's why he has been pretending to be a playboy, but he is actually much smarter than he looks.

After understanding the whole story, Ruri's gaze towards Ryuto also changed slightly.

After all, Kiryu Ryuto before this can be said to be a downright stinky hooligan.

But from the current situation, it seems that he is not so simple.

The young master of the "Ryulong Group" can not only make a clear judgment on himself and the surrounding situation but can even see through Tianmu Yongji's conspiracy.

This alone is enough to make Ruri look at him with admiration.

Of course, if you know that this is in exchange for two lives, it is estimated that this admiration will have to be folded in half.

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