After she was rescued, she will point out the fact that Ryuto had kidnapped, and then everything is over.

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However, when Ruri pretended to chat with the kidnapper, her ears, which were covered by her hair, moved slightly, as if she heard something.

At the same time, Ryuto also heard the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from the door not far away.

It seems that people have come, and this young master's gorgeous performance is ready to start.

Suddenly, Ryuto smiled secretly, and said to Ruri seriously: "Someone is coming, don't walk around here, I'll go over and observe."

"Well, let's go, it's all up to you to protect me, Ryuto-kun."

Ruri also showed a worried look, but her heart had already bloomed with a smile.

Pretend, you can pretend, if it wasn't for the person you called outside, it would be a ghost.

So, Ruri smiled and watched Ryudoou straighten his back and walked towards the door of the warehouse that was rusted by the sea breeze...

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boom! But before Ryuto took a few steps, a loud bang came from there.

A sneaker was kicked out, and the rusty door of the warehouse was directly kicked open by an uninvited guest outside.

This...worthy of being a professional, the acting is quite real.

Under the gaze of Ryuto's praise, three young men who wore animal masks on their heads and dressed up like Anbu walked in.

With machetes, crowbars and electric shocks in their hands, they looked like they had done their homework and acted very realistically.

"Hey! Who are you! Help!"

When she saw the three people's clothes, Ruri couldn't help shouting, but the irony in her eyes became more obvious.

No matter how professionally dressed, fake killers are always fake killers and will not become real killers.

This fact is very clear to Ruri, and Ryuto is naturally clearer.

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So he walked towards the three of them, and said as he walked, "Who are you! Do you want to say no to Miss"

Just as Ryuto walked over there without warning.

The dog-masked man standing at the front with a machete raised it and slashed at the forehead of this young master Kiryu without hesitation!

Everything is acting, so it's impossible for them to actually copy criminals and kill people.

That's right, everything was supposed to be acting.

But why? Why does the floor tilt? erect in front of my eyes?

When Ryuto was hit in the forehead by this head-on-the-head knife, and his head fell to the floor with the blood spurting like a fountain, his heart was full of doubts.

"Huh! What's going on? Hey! Kiryu Ryuto! This is..."

At the last moment when Ryuto's vision quickly blurred and his consciousness gradually dissipated, he seemed to hear Ruri’s voice filled with disbelief.

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At the same time, he also heard the mechanical voice of the system that seemed to be mocking him slowly ringing in his ears.

"It is detected that the host is on the verge of death, and an emergency rescue plan is about to be launched to erase the fact of death by consuming one million yuan... *Didi Didu*, the erasure was successful."

Before Ryuto came back to his senses, he reappeared in the previous warehouse.

It was still on the familiar reclining chair, with the familiar men in black suits standing beside him.

Everything that happened a moment ago was like it never happened at all.

How should I put it, for Ryuto, when he found himself lying on the reclining chair again, it felt like he had just had a dream.

It was like a dream, and after waking up for a long time, I still didn't dare to move.

It's still the damp warehouse, with a few men in suits around, and Kamishiro Ruri tied to a chair not far away.

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But when Ryuto saw such a scene now, his mood was qualitatively different from before.

what happened? Am I not dead? How could it be alive again?

And if I heard it right, the "Krypton Gold Reverse Fate System" seems to say that some emergency rescue plan was activated?

The plan seems to be wiping out the fact of my death by spending a million dollars?

Could it be that! Ryuto immediately opened the bastard system and carefully looked at his attribute column.


Name: Kiryu Ryuto

Age: 16

Attributes: resourcefulness LV1 physique LV2 courage LV3 insight LV1 charm LV1

Title: Young Master of the Ryulong Group (Charm reduced by one level, courage increased by one level)

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