Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 102

"Forget about it. It's nothing. I'll go for a trip again." Seeing Liu Ruoxin nervously pacing about in circles, Yan Tian spread his hands out helplessly. It appeared that he would still have to go for a trip.

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"Don't go!" Liu Ruoxin said rather anxiously.

"It's nothing. I just got out a moment ago without a hitch; this time will be the same, too. You still don't believe me?" Yan Tian stroked Liu Ruoxin's head in consolation.

In reality, Yan Tian dared to go in because he naturally had a way out. Although he didn't have any sort of brains for business, things wouldn't be fine if you made him take a loss in business.

Under Chief Du's signaling, a SWAT officer cuffed Yan Tian once again. Looking at his handcuffs, he laughed helplessly. The SWAT officer handcuffs were surprisingly different than the standard police ones.

Yan Tian could open the standard police officer handcuffs with ease, but the SWAT ones were a bit of a nuisance. However, it wasn't of any difficulty as well. It was nothing more than a expenditure of a bit more effort.

"Brother Tian." Seeing that Yan Tian was being taken away, Wang Feng moved forward a step worriedly. He also knew what the implications of being taken away by the SWAT was. He was scared Yan Tian wouldn't come out again.

Yan Tian looked at Wang Feng, smiling and then walked away with the squadron of SWAT officers.

Watching Yan Tian being taken away again, Liu Ruoxin sat down on a chair, thinking to herself when the final bell tolled what was a good method? Yet while Wang Feng watched Yan Tian's departing silhouette, he thought of whether he should go back and summon several hundred brothers to bust into the jail?

Once he was taken back to the police station again, Yan Tian was locked up straight away. On the contrary, it wasn't some prison cell, since Chief Du knew that his status was special as well. Chief Du only locked him in a room, not even confiscating his cell phone.

Yan Tian looked over the room and was a bit shocked, since there was surprisingly a bed and a computer inside. It appeared the treatment was pretty good. The sole annoyance was that there were actually a few surveillance cameras installed.

After he made a good few faces towards the surveillance cameras, Yan Tian turned on the computer and played a game. Playing a pattern-matching game for a while, he felt it was boring, so he started playing the skirt-blowing one again. Although he couldn't see anything in this skirt-blowing game, it was able to sate his desires in any case.

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Meanwhile, as Yan Tian was blowing at skirts, the several police officers in the monitoring room were unable to stay seated, since they were staring on blankly as he blew at skirts, moreover thinking that he even had something blocking the critical regions of his brain. This made the group of police officers curse him all around.

At ten o'clock at night, a black Bentley stopped at the hospital entrance. Subsequently, four people got out of the car. The very first person to come out was the one from the front passenger seat, a man wearing black suit.

After he opened a car door, a middle-aged man came out from within. Following, another middle-aged man came out again. It was Liu Ruoxin's uncle; the Liu Family's eldest son, Liu Yong, and his secretary, Hou Lei, accompanied by two bodyguards as well. The party of four walked into the hospital worriedly.

"Uncle, you've arrived." Seeing Liu Yong had come, Liu Ruoxin stood up from the chair immediately.

"Hmph, where is my son?" Liu Yong snorted coldly at Liu Ruoxin.

"He's in the surgery room being operated on." Liu Ruoxin said coldly.

"I'm telling you, if something unexpected happens to my son, I won't let you get away with it."

Soon, Hou Lei ran over holding a medical report. But when Liu Yong wanted to see it, he obviously didn't want to hand it over to him. He was scared Liu Yong wouldn't be able to bear with it for the time being.

"What? Hand it over." Liu Yong wrest the medical report from Hou Lei's hand angrily.

Studying the report for a good period of time, Liu Yong nearly crumpled. Hou Lei promptly supported him with his hand.

"Liu Ruoxin, good, argh, you, Whatever Yi'er said, he is still your older cousin. How could you……" Liu Yong pointed angrily at Liu Ruoxin, unable to speak.

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"Hmph, served him right." Liu Ruoxin said coldly.

"You……" Liu Yong said and then turned towards Liu Ruoxin to slap her. Wang Feng at the side reacted, catching Liu Yong's hand.

"Mister, hitting people is…… Urgh……"

Wang Feng hadn't even finished speaking until he was kicked by the bodyguard behind Liu Yong. Needless to say, the strength of Liu Yong's bodyguard was rather great. His kick directly sent Wang Feng flying. Afterwards, Wang Feng spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Brother Feng!" The two brothers that Wang Feng had brought immediately ran over to support Wang Feng as soon as they saw this.

"Are you alright?" Liu Ruoxin saw that Wang Feng had been struck and ran over worriedly.

"It's…… It's nothing."

Wang Feng covered in his stomach with his hand and stood up from the floor in great difficulty. That kick had been too fierce. Right now, he felt that his intestines would quickly spill out.

"What are you doing? Why did you hit him?" Liu Ruoxin stood up and bellowed at Liu Yong.

"What am I doing? Go beat the crap out of them for me." Liu Yong coldly said.

To the bodyguards behind him heard his command, then glanced at each other face to face. Consequently, a bodyguard charged straight in front of Wang Feng and the remaining one continued to stand at Liu Yong's side. It appeared this bodyguard was defending Liu Yong's security at the moment.

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"Don't, stay your hand." Seeing the bodyguard rushing towards Wang Feng, Liu Ruoxin tried to put a stop to it right away, but it wasn't of the slightest use at all.

"Fuck, brothers, waste him." Wang Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, then charged towards the bodyguard. The brothers followed him closely from behind.

But how could Wang Feng and them possibly be this bodyguard's opponent? The three of them hadn't even hit the bodyguard before they had been felled to the ground. Following, they were ruthlessly beat up.

A minute later, Wang Feng and the two brothers were lying down on the floor, unable to even stand up. The two brothers were completely covered in wounds as well. The bodyguard's strength was too strong.

"Xiao Wang, hurry, call a doctor!" Liu Ruoxin yelled immediately at Secretary Xiao Wang.

After over a dozen seconds, several nurses came over, quickly carrying Wang Feng and the other two away. Although the three of them hadn't been disabled, it was estimated they would be down for the count from ten days to half a month.

"Hmph, Yan Tian is it? Daring to beat my son, I'll make you pay the price." Liu Yong slammed the wall with his fist, panting in anger.

Once she had sat down for a while, Liu Ruoxin went to visit Wang Feng and the two brothers. After she learned there were no major obstructions whatsoever, she let loose a breath of air. At the same time, properly expressed her gratitude to the three of them. After all, they had only received injuries in order to protect her.

Upon seeing Liu Ruoxin personally come to visit him, Wang Feng was bit overwhelmed from the favor, immediately saying that it was nothing and that he was doing as he was supposed to do.

Much later, Ah Long came over, bringing a few men with him. Just when this prick Wang Feng got beaten up, he hurried to give Ah Long a call. After Ah Long heard him, he ran over at once.

Once the time was half past eleven, Liu Ruoxin was escorted back by men Ah Long had ordered. Presently, Liu Yong was at Liu Yi's side, so she naturally didn't have to stay here anymore. Wang Feng had Ah Long at his side, so there wasn't anything for her to stay at the hospital for.

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Right now, Liu Ruoxin's sole worry was Yan Tian. She didn't know how her uncle Liu Yong would handle him. She didn't have any methods as well, so she could only pray in silence.

As for Yan Tian, he was in the middle of snoring sound asleep in the police station at this time. The computer screen displayed a domestic cartoon. It appeared that he had been watching television until he had fell asleep.

Suddenly, Yan Tian's cell phone rang out. Yan Tian yawned, then sat up on his bed. After he saw it was Sun Yue, he picked up.

"Hello, pretty lady. Why are you calling me so late for?" Yan Tian rubbed his bleary eyes and asked.

"Where are you? It's so late, so why haven't you come back?" Sun Yue questioned rather worriedly.

If things were swapped with ordinary times, Yan Tian would've come back around eight or nine o'clock. However, as the time continued onwards past eleven o'clock, he still hadn't returned home. Sun Yue was scared something happened to him and gave him a call.

"Mhm, I'm not coming back tonight. I was already sleeping, but you woke me up." Yan Tian yawned and said.

"Fine, alright, sleep 'til you're dead. I'm hanging up." Seeing nothing was wrong with Yan Tian, Sun Yue ended the call, thinking to herself that he also didn't come back and call.

Taking a look at the time, Yan Tian gave Liu Ruoxin a call to inform her was safe and sound. Learning that Wang Feng and the two brothers had been beaten up, he immediately called Wang Feng.

"Wang Feng, you good, kid?"

"I'm fine, Brother Tian. This kid's skin is thick; he won't die."

Answering the phone was Ah Long. He had just found out from Wang Feng's mouth a moment ago that Yan Tian had been arrested, but once he saw Yan Tian had called, he was relieved. If he could make a call at the police station, then there was definitely nothing wrong. Perhaps, Brother Tian had already come out now.

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