Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 21

After several minutes, Yan Tian thought that what Sun Yue watching was really quite dull. Even the fighting scenes were all lacking, so Yan Tian had requested to watch a couple action flicks and shoot 'em ups. In fact, no cartoons were OK, however, Sun Yue wouldn’t give Yan Tian the remote control no matter what.

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It wasn't until Sun Yue had finished was Yan Tian was able to happily change the channel to the children's network. With great relish, he watched the domestically-produced animated film.

Outside the window, the rain drizzled. It noiselessly pitter pattered, resembling countless silkworms producing silver thread. The endless threads rippled in the air like an expansive haze of gauze, draping across like a black oil field.

The wind chased the rain and the rain caught the wind. The combination of wind and rain cumulated in a black cloud in the sky. The entirety of heaven and earth was encapsulated within the rain.

The next day, as daybreak gradually came, the land was misty, as if it was shrouded in a silvery ashen gauze. The sky slowly transformed into a light blue, and in a blink of an eye, the sky revealed a single red cloud.

Yan Tian opened his eyes and hazily looked at the time, preparing to shower. Suddenly, he saw something.

The only thing that could be seen was a book inside the trash can. It was unknown when it had appeared. Yan Tian squatted down, took the book in his hand, and gave it a once over. This book seemed to be quite a crappy.

The yellow paper gave off a moldy smell. The edges were slightly raised and the cover appeared to be ruined and dilapidated. The cover appeared to be filled with fine lines like that of a spider web.  

Yan Tian was quite curious where the book had come from. Could it be that during the night someone had entered his room?

Thinking about it, Yan Tian looked at the item inside his room. It had be known that with Yan Tian's perceptive abilities, if someone entered his room, and for him to be unable to discover them, there was only a single possibility. An absolute master had come.

However, Yan Tian thought again that this was incorrect. Leaving aside the fact that the amount of experts in the world were especially few, even if those experts had truly come, why would they give a book to Yan Tian? Moreover, in the trash?

Yan Tian suddenly recalled that yesterday, he had thrown the shabby ring into the trash. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

"Could it be the ring?"

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He finished speaking and shook his head. It seems that he had watched too many cartoons yesterday. How could a book come out of a ring?

Yan Tian looked at the yellow-saturated book in his hand, not knowing what was inside. Due to his curiosity, he opened the book's first page.

Cosmos Yin-Yang Ring?

Opening the first page, Yan Tian saw six large seal characters inscribed within. Fortunately, Yan Tian had previously learned seal script, otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to recognize it.

"Cosmos Yin-Yang Ring? What the heck?"

Yan Tian said, then flipped over to the second page. On the second page, he only saw that seal script characters were used.

Since ancients times, exceptional merit laws have been enclosed within the Universe Ring. If a fated person releases the seal, they can cultivate these merits.

"What trick is this? How can this be a Cosmos Ring? Shouldn't this be a crummy ring?" Yan Tian picked up the shabby ring from the trash and murmured to himself.

Yan Tian doubtingly turned to the third page. The third page told of the method to remove the seal and told of the future usage methods of the ring. It seemed that it was pretty freaking awesome.

The Cosmos Ring was an item similar to storage rings within fantasy novels. Within it was a universe, heaven representing the sky and earth the lands. Derived from it was Yin and Yang, also known as the Cosmos Yin-Yang Ring.

Yan Tian suddenly thought of the old loon from the noodle shop yesterday. That old kook had said he had already transmitted his unique martial arts to him; it shouldn't be that this was the mysterious ancient merit law, right? Who was that old man? Why had he passed on to him martial arts?

Yan Tian held a suspicious attitude as he continued to read.

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Yan Tian read over the Cosmos Ring's removal technique and thought that it wasn’t much of a problem. The book said to use blood jade to remove the seal. Putting the blood jade and the Cosmos Ring into water at the same time would cause the seal to automatically break.

The formation of blood jade and corpses were related. When a person was buried, a jade artifact forcefully stuffed in the mouth. If a person just died, at the time they swallowed the blood jade, it would freely fall through the throat. Then, it would enter the veins and arteries and be densely covered within. After the passage of a thousand years, the blood would permeate the jade in death. Traces of blood would go through the core of the jade without stop. Afterwards, this would form a gorgeous blood jade.

Thinking it over, Yan Tian prepared to look for time to go to the jade market to search for it. It should not be hard to find one, right?

Looking at it for a moment, Yan Tian took the seemingly crummy rusted ring and placed it on his hand. First, whether or not what the book said was true, a ring that had a book pop out of it was certainly not a common item.

After he took the book and stowed it into his drawer, Yan Tian went to wash up. As before, he made the same delicious breakfast as yesterday, then drove the car to work.

Soon, the car arrived outside Liu Ruoxin's villa. Yan Tian stopped the car, left it, and rapped the door.

A fifty-something-year-old auntie opened the door. Although she had taken good care of her skin, there were some faint traces of time on her face. At the moment, a smiling expression hung on her face as she looked at Yan Tian.

Yan Tian knew that this was Liu Ruoxin's housemaid Auntie Sun. He had seen her yesterday night.

"Hello, I've come to receive Chairman Liu." Yan Tian said quite courteously.

"Hmm, Little miss explained it to me. Come in." As before, Mother Sun smiled.

After Yan Tian entered the villa, he saw Liu Ruoxin sitting at the table eating. It was only that it seemed like she didn't want to eat it. Perhaps Auntie Sun's food wasn’t delicious?

"I'm full. Let's go; we'll head to work." Liu Ruoxin saw Yan Tian come, then put down her bowl and chopsticks and wiped her mouth.

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Auntie Sun saw that Liu Ruoxin hadn't even eaten two mouthfuls and was preparing to leave for work, so she cried out worryingly: "Ah, little miss, why are you like this today? You still haven't eaten anything."

"Auntie Sun, I've got no appetite today, so I'm not eating." Liu Ruoxin said, then prepared to get up.

Yan Tian looked at Liu Ruoxin and discovered her complexion wasn’t so great. Since he had received rigorous training, Yan Tian was sure Liu Ruoxin had fallen ill.

"Chairman Liu, it seems that your complexion isn't too good. Do you really want to go to work?"

"Liu Ruoxin looked at Yan Tian cooly and stood up: "I'm alright, quickly……"

However, just as Liu Ruoxin stood up, her eyes darkened. Just as she was halfway through with speaking, she fell over. Yan Tian immediately caught Liu Ruoxin.  

"Oh my, little miss, what's going on?" Auntie Sun saw Liu Ruoxin fall into unconsciousness and was very worried.

"Chairman Liu has possibly been too weary recently. This can lead to anemia. If she rests for a bit, then it won't be a problem."

Yan Tian gave her a once over and was quite sure that Liu Ruoxin was over-exhausted, so it had lead to anemia.

In the past few days, a tremendous matter had occurred in the Liu Family Conglomerate clothing company. Since Liu Ruoxin was the company chairman, the burden on her body was too great. Each day, she had worked over time and had continued to do so without any good rest. Furthermore, for the past two days, Auntie Sun wasn’t present, so Liu Ruoxin had eaten food without much nutrition. This had involuntarily lead to anemia.  

"How about we go the the hospital to get it looked at? Usually, little sister isn't in this kind of situation.

Auntie Sun was really quite worried; scared that Liu Ruoxin had developed something. She had looked after Liu Ruoxin since she was a girl.

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"There's no need. I've studied medicine. It seems like in her current situation, she needs to rest for a while, and it'll be OK. If we go the hospital, it'll be a waste of money. The shortest path to recovery is a greater supplementation high-protein, calorie-dense meals. In addition, pay attention to the food she eats are rich in iron and copper." Yan Tian said quite calmly.

"Alright, I'll go broil some chicken soup for young miss." Auntie Sun said, then went to the kitchen and began her work bustling.

Yan Tian looked at the beautiful woman within his embrace and laughed wryly. He then brought Liu Ruoxin to the sofa. Since the air conditioner was on, there was a cold, rustling feeling, so Yan Tian covered Liu Ruoxin with a blanket as to avoid her catching a cold.

Looking at the currently unconscious Liu Ruoxin, Yan Tian knew he didn't need to go to work today. He mulled it over, then turned the television on and set it to a low volume, sitting on the sofa, looking at it in great interest.

Yan Tian's hearing was quite good, so even if the television volume was set rather low, he could still hear it clearly. It was without the slightest bit problem.

As he watched the cartoon character on the television, Yan Tian began to exclaim in admiration. Before, he had still not discovered that domestically-produced cartoons were originally so good to watch. Such a dazzling armor along with a suitable body were simply awesome……

Soon, Liu Ruoxin wearily sat up. Seeing that she was lying down on the sofa, she knew she had fallen unconscious. Turning her to look, Liu Ruoxin was left rather speechless. Thinking to herself that Yan Tian was a twenty-year-old man, but he still watched cartoons?

"Chairman Liu, you've woken up? You just fell unconscious." Yan Tian saw Liu Ruoxin get up and said.

"Ah, thank you."

When she blacked out, Liu Ruoxin knew that it was Yan Tian that had caught her. If it weren’t for Yan Tian, she would have fallen to the ground.

"Oh, we're going to be late soon. We need to leave quickly." Liu Ruoxin rubbed her eyes, looking at the time and urgently prepared to continue to go to work without considering she had just fallen unconscious and needed to rest.

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