Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 28

Brother Long suddenly felt that he was toyed with. Although he was no big shot, he was still a third of one. When had he ever been insulted like so by another person?

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After he realized it, Brother Long gloomily looked at Yan Tian: "You're not keeping your word."

The moment he heard Brother Long, Yan Tian smiled: "Hahaha, Brother Long, right? Currently, you have two choices. The first one is to immediately release Wang Feng's younger sister and the second is, well, to us there's no benefit, but I'll kill you."

Yan Tian finished speaking, then picked up a cigarette from the table. He looked it over and put it in his mouth.

Wang Feng immediately lit the cigarette for Yan Tian tactfully, completely in the manner of a younger brother.

"Hmph, what if I don't want to let her go? Do you think if you kill me you'll have anywhere left to go?" After Brother Long heard Yan Tian, he coldly snorted. It had to be known he still had many men.

Yan Tian looked at the cigarette box in his hand and said: "Haha, Brother Long's smokes are of such high quality. This box should cost a little lower than a day of a normal person's salary. Brother Long really knows how to live it up."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm just thinking that's all. Seems that Brother Long is this type of person. If you died like this, wouldn't it be a pity? Think it over. If you want to die, your money, your women; who do they belong to? Why, it's no good to enjoy it as such, no?" Yan Tian took two puffs of the cigarette and looked at Brother Long all smiles.  

As soon as Brother Long heard Yan Tian, he really thought it over. Why had he earned so much money? Was it not so he could have a good life? Even if he earned money, he couldn’t enjoy it if he was dead. Then what would he want so much cash for?

Mulling it over, Brother Long sighed and looked at the bodyguard behind him, waving his hand: "Sigh, It was out of my calculations. Against my expectations,I didn't think I would experience such a failure. Bring his younger sister out."

Wang Feng's younger sister was locked inside the basement of the Changing Times bar, so after the bodyguard heard the command, he went down stairs to bring Wang Feng's sister up. Right now, both sides were waiting to exchange hostages.

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Wang Feng's sister's name was Wang Hui. She had a pair of large sparkling eyes. This girl gave others a deep impression, since her appearance transcended her age of that of an astonishing beauty. Her face was carefully adorned with faint, shapely eyebrows and her long lashes sparkled like two brushes.

From what Yan Tian could see, although Wang Hui's beauty couldn’t move men like that of Zi Qi and Liu Ruoxin. In comparison to a majority of women, she could be considered top beauty. In school, she should've had many suitors.

Wang Hui saw her brother here and immediately ran over in front of Wang Feng with her eyes brimming full of tears. She knew her brother had come to rescue her.

"Bro, I'm sorry. I've worried you." Wang Hui used her hand to cover her unshed tears.

Wang Feng looked at his sister with red eyes. He gratefully looked at Yan Tian and Zi Qi, if it weren’t for the two of them helping him, when would he have been able to see his younger sister?

"Hui'er It's your brother who is at fault. I've made you suffer." Wang Feng tightly hugged his sister.

Brother Long looked at the brother-sister reunion weeping incessantly together and looked at them disdainfully. He glanced at Yan Tian: "You two, I've already handed her over to you, so what? You should put away the blade, no?

"Don't worry, stop being so anxious and wait a moment. Let's listen to what this girl has to say." Yan Tian looked at Wang brother-sister pair and picked his ear.

How could Yan Tian let Brother Long go like that? Currently, he still didn’t know whether Brother Long had mistreated Wang Hui or not. If he had done something lower than scum, Yan Tian would dispose of Brother Long no matter the case.

"Hui'er. How were the past several days? Did they mistreat you?" After he held her for a moment longer, Wang Feng let go of his sister and asked.

"Nothing, I was fine." As soon as Wang Hui heard her brother, she shook her head.

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As a matter of fact, Wang Hui was treated rather well. Just as Wang Hui was kidnapped that day, Brother Long had taken a fancy to her. For a time, he wanted to possess Wang Hui, but he didn’t expect that every time he made his move, Wang Hui would use her own death to pressure him.

Helplessly, Brother Long was forced to abandon his desires, so he planned to slip a drug into Wang Hui's food tonight. However, he didn’t expect that Wang Feng would lead people here today, so his plot had fallen to shambles.

"They didn't try to do anything to you, right?" Wang Feng said a little uneasily, looking Wang Hui up and down.

Wang Hui saw that her brother wasn’t believing, so she smiled: "Nothing, I'm really ok."

"That's good, that's great. If you had some sort of unexpected accident, I don't know what I would do." As soon as Wang Feng heard her, he released a breath. He really was scared that his sister was sullied by Brother Long.

Yan Tian saw  there was no problem with Wang Hui, so he and Brother Long's group had no animosity. As such, he no longer planned on blackmailing Brother Long. He had already earned a million; he had got his worth.

"Ok, since there's nothing wrong with your sister, let's go." Yan Tian saw that there wasn’t anything wrong with Wang Hui, so he prepared to leave.

At the moment, Zi Qi had released Brother Long. In a flash, she took her place at Yan Tian's side. Zi Qi thought to herself that saving someone was quite stimulating. In a short amount of time, they had earned a 1,000,000 RMB.

Yan Tian saw that Zi Qi had already released Brother Long, so helplessly looking at Zi Qi he asked: "Hey, is this your first time doing this?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Nothing, since you let him go, we have to get ready to break out." Yan Tian shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

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As soon as Zi Qi heard Yan Tian say break out, she knew didn’t understand his reasoning. Why on earth would they need to break out. Just as she was getting ready to say something, she heard Brother Long face towards the side and shout.

"C'mon, surround these guys for me." Brother Long stretched his neck and said angrily.

Just as Brother Long finished speaking, over a dozen men immediately charged out from outside the door. Along with the bodyguards at the side, the four of them were surrounded on all side.

Wang Feng looked at the great amount of people that rushed in suddenly, and in a fright, hurriedly protected Wang Hui behind him. He was a man as well; he had gotten mixed up on the streets for several years, so he displayed no sort of fearful expression at all.

As for Wang Hui, she was but an ordinary high school student, nothing more. When had she ever seen such a scene? It looked like she was already trembling in fear from head to toe because of the crowd of men that had busted in.

Zi Qi finally understood Yan Tian's meaning when he said to break out of the enclosure. At the same moment, she regretted in just releasing Brother Long. If she knew earlier, she would have continued detaining him.

"What do we do? There are so many people." Zi Qi saw that there were many men rushing in and became nervous.

Yan Tian spread his hands out apathetically: "What can be done? We have to waste these thugs. You grew up in the underworld, how come you only have this much awareness?"

"Could it be that you're blaming me? My older sister always wanted me to study well and didn't let me mingle with such affairs." As soon as Zi Qi heard Yan Tian speak, she pouted in displeasure.

Brother Long saw that all of his men had come in, so he hid behind his bodyguards and laughed coldly: "Haha, how about that? I'll give you two choices right now. The first, you two men can go lie down on the couch and afterwards, I'll make the two girls serve as whores."

"Ah, big bro, I don't want to be daft, but what's the second choice?" Yan Tian asked, feigning a frightened appearance. Similarly, his legs shook.

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Brother Long saw Yan Tian's expression and nodded his head quite satisfiedly: "The second option is for you two to give me 2,000,000 RMB. Afterwards, you need to handicap Wang Feng and then skin his sister and throw her out onto the street."

Hearing Brother Long's second choice, Wang Feng glimpsed at Yan Tian in fear. At the moment, he was truly fearful that Yan Tian didn’t care about his life or death.

After Yan Tian heard Brother Long, he suddenly narrowed his eyes at him: "Are you threatening me?"

"Hahaha, you can think of it as such." Brother Long believed he had already won as he cackled happily.

Yan Tian drew the finished cigarette and threw it on the ground, stomping on it: "I forgot to tell you. I despise this type of person the most, being threatened……"

Just as Yan Tian finished speaking, his body moved like a shadow. In a flash, he moved before two bodyguards and lashed out like lightning.

The two bodyguards were unable to react, so they were thrashed to the ground. As soon as they responded, the two bodyguards covered the left side of their face, moaning painfully. They spat out several teeth from their mouths.

Yan Tian's movements astonished everyone because his speed was too quick. In the past second, from the spot where he stood originally and stomped out the cigarette, he had directly felled two men in the next.

Brother Long looked at his two bodyguards with wide eyes. He himself knew very well what the strength of his two bodyguards was, but before Yan Tian, they had surprisingly been destroyed in a single blow.

However, Yan Tian was still not done. As everyone was shocked, he charged towards the group of men at the door.

The men looked at Yan Tian charging forward and frightenedly hurried to prepare to fight. But no matter how they struck, they were unable to touch Yan Tian, since they were simply unable to see where he was. Just as he was at your left, as soon as you punched out, he had appeared at your back.

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