Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 35

"He took the only golden pheasant egg and gave it to the Rooster Duke and Hen Matron of Balin grasslands to incubate, letting the golden pheasant to leave behind the mortal world someday in the future. Every day in the morning, it would call out to sun to rise to awaken the people to farm. However, a demon who liked living in the darkness to torment the mortal world held a wicked idea. It thought of all forms and measures to destroy the golden pheasant egg."

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"In order to safeguard the golden pheasant egg, the Rooster Duke and Hen Matron charged forth regardless of the danger to obstruct the demon. Against the demon, a life-or-death struggle unfolded, but in the end they both tragically fell beneath the demon's claws. Just at the moment of climax, the golden pheasant finally broke out of his shell and emerged. The wind blew, and in a moment, it grew up with the regal air of a great rooster. It craned its neck and cried out, calling for the sun and vaporizing the demon."

In the place that the Rooster Duke and Hen Matron had sacrificed themselves, their blood flowed, transforming into bloodstone. People fondly recall the righteousness of the Rooster Duke and Hen Matron, taking the bloodstone as a precious gem and eagerly hoard it."

Yan Tian didn’t expect that the rooster blood jade would have a such a myth. After he finished listening to Tong Yulin, Yan Tian was suddenly secretly delighted. If what Tong Yulin said was true, then the piece of rooster blood jade should be worth quite a lot of cash.

At the same moment, Yan Tian was currently regretting his actions. If he had known earlier that rooster blood jade had no use towards the ring, then he wouldn’t have smashed it. This was a treasured item, but he had let himself smash it to bits.

Looking at the shattered bits of rooster blood jade in the box, Yan Tian's flesh felt slightly pained: "How much could I roughly earn from this jade? Furthermore, what were you just saying about fine-grade rooster blood jade?"

"I'm not too clear about the price of your rooster blood jade. But in any case, it shouldn't be small. As for the fine-grade, it's the grade of the this rooster blood jade. Rooster blood jade is also divided into grades. You can look at the purity and see that it's a fine-grade rooster blood jade." Tong Yulin usd his hand to lightly caress the blood jade. Indeed, it was a treasure.

Yan Tian heard it was divided into grades as well and was somewhat speechless. How come all things were divided into grades: "What are the grades? What can I consider good and what can I consider bad?"

"What’s good or bad? I'll tell you the truth. Even if you picked up the worst quality of rooster blood jade, it would still be a treasure." Tong Yulin rolled his eyes at Yan Tian and said.

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"Rooster blood jade is divided into four grades. It's divided into the premium grade, fine grade, precious grade, and the extreme grade. A premium-grade rooster blood jade is called shining mountain red, a fine grade is called cloudmist red, a precious grade is called snow-brimmed red, and the extreme grade is called grand victory red." Tong Yulin explained quite patiently for Yan Tian.

Yan Tian didn’t expect that rooster blood jade would have so many labeling methods. Currently, it seemed like the piece of jade in his hand should be a fine-grade cloudmist red.

"How are those grades divided? How do you know it's a fine-grade cloudmist red?" Towards rooster blood jade, Yan Tian still didn’t have the slightest of clues. He was quite curious in what Tong Yulin could see.

"Of course there is differentiation method. In general, according to the rooster blood jade's internal blood retention amount it is divided."

"Blood retention amount?" Once Yan Tian heard of the blood retention amount inside, he suddenly thought of something. Could it be that the blood jade was of no use towards the Cosmos Ring was because the blood retention amount wasn’t enough?

Tong Yulin stroked his chin and said: "Hmm, the four grades of rooster blood jade is said to have different blood retention amounts. The blood retention amount inside premium-grade shining mountain red is roughly between ten percent to thirty percent. The blood retention amount of fine-grade bloodmist red is greater than thirty percent. The blood retention amount of precious-grade snow-brimmed red is over fifty percent. As for the blood retention amount of extreme-grade grand victory red, it should be higher than seventy percent."

As he listened to Tong Yulin finish, Yan Tian was quite sure that the ring hadn't reacted to the blood jade was because of the blood retention amount. It looked like if he wanted to activate the ring, it was going to be necessary for him to use precious-grade cloudmist red or extreme-grade grand victory red.

"What's the price of cloudmist red and grand victory red?" Presently, Yan Tian wanted to know how much the cost of precious-grade and extreme-grade rooster blood jade was.

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"Well, well, I can tell you like this. This rooster blood jade is extremely rare. I've been in the jewelry industry for over thirty years, and I've actually seen a premium-grade shining mountain red several times. However, they were all auctioned at a price of several million. As for fine-grade cloudmist red, in all my years, I've seen it twice. This is the third time. Two times prior, I've heard it sold at a mind-blowing 100,000,000 RMB. Precious-grade snow-brimmed red, I've never seen. I've only heard about it once. Seems like it landed in the hands of a mega rich person. As for extreme-grade grand victory red, hehe, it's a legendary existence. No one has seen it." Tong Yulin was quite pleased with himself as he laughed, recalling that he had seen fine-grade cloudmist red. It needed to be known that the entire jewelry world had not come in contact with cloudmist red.

Once Yan Tian heard him, he nearly keeled over. What was this? He had found that snow-brimmed red and grand victory red were surprisingly so rare. Unexpectedly, there was only a single piece of precious-grade snow-brimmed red. Furthermore, it was in the hands of a mega rich person. Then moreover, there was never a grand victory red.

How would Yan Tian find it? In the end, he couldn't go find that rich person. After he went, would he assassinate that person? In reality, if Yan Tian could find it, then he would get it. The strength of that little London girl's family was rather great; would they not be able to find that person?

Leaving aside whether or not he could find precious-grade snow-brimmed red, even if he could find it, Yan Tian reckoned it would be of no use to his ring. Since the ring was written to be so amazing, how could he possibly use rooster blood jade of fifty percent blood retention amount to break the seal? Thus, Yan Tian came to conclude that if he wanted to break the seal, it should at least be an extreme-grade grand victory red or even higher.

"Then right now, roughly how much is my piece of cloudmist red?" Yan Tian thought it over and determined he would first handle the piece of rooster blood jade in his hand. He really was quite lacking in cash.

"It's hard to say. If it wasn't broken, I reckon it could fetch a cool million at auction, but yours is broken, so the price has been greatly reduced. However, to my calculations, right now, it should be worth at least 40,000,000 RMB." Tong Yulin felt that it was a bit of a pity. Such a great piece of jade had been smashed like this. It truly was a reckless waste.

After he heard the price, Yan Tian's intestines quickly turned green in regret. He had something truly valuable in the palm of his hand, but his blow had lowered the value by several tens of millions.

Regret begot regret. In the world, there was no medicine for regret. Presently, the most important matter was how he was going to exchange the shattered rooster blood jade for cash. Thinking about, Yan Tian had to slowly develop his own power in Fengan City. Recently, the amount of people he had provoked was somewhat large. If he wanted to stay in Fengan City in the long term, then it was necessary for stand on his feet first.

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"Are there any methods to sell this jade faster right now?"

"You want to sell?" As soon as he heard Yan Tian wanted to sell, Tong Yulin looked at Yan Tian a little excitedly.

"Yeah, recently, I've been short of money." Yan Tian shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't need to sell it. I'll buy it. I'll give you 50,000,000 RMB, I'll buy it."

As soon as Tong Yulin heard Yan Tian wanted to sell the jade, his eyes immediately burned red in desire. This was a treasure. Although it was shattered, it could still be used to produce rings, earrings, and what not. If he put it up for auction, then he could casually turn over a profit several times greater. It had to be known that were were many wealthy people in the world. Taking out several tens of millions to buy jewelry was a fairly common sight.

"60,000,000 RMB." Yan Tian glanced at Tong Yulin's excited expression, then spoke of a price.

"55,000,000 RMB."

"At least 60,000,000 RMB."

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"Alright, 60,000,000 RMB is 60,000,000 RMB. The deal is done.

Ultimately, Yan Tian sold the piece of rooster blood jade for 60,000,000 RMB. Yan Tian thought to himself if the person who owed Ah Long knew that this piece of rooster blood jade could fetch such a price wouldn't he vomit blood and die?

"When do we complete the transaction?" Yan Tian asked slightly impatiently.

"Right at once. I can transfer the money to you at the moment." Tong Yulin said and took out his cell phone to prepare the transfer.

Naturally, Yan Tian had no questions whatsoever. He eagerly looked forward to it, the faster it was the better. He was better off quickly exchanging it for cash, then holding on to the the piece of broken jade. However, Yan Tian recalled he still had no banking card. While he was abroad, he actually had several banking cards though.

"Ah, I don't have a banking card in China. Is a Swiss banking card fine?" Mulling it over, Yan Tian remembered he had a Swiss banking card number. "Sure, of course. In general, any large-scale bank will work."

On his phone, Yan Tian found his Swiss banking card number and read it aloud to Tong Yulin. Contrary to his expectation, Tong Yulin was a wealthy man as well. In two to three minutes, sixty million RMB had been transferred into Yan Tian's bank account. After he saw the six and the seven zeroes trailing it, he was in a joyful mood. He was now a rich man as well.

After the deal was completed, Yan Tian drove the car back to the Changing Times bar. Presently, he had cash. Now was the time to consider expanding his personal power.

"Ah Long, speak of your situation presently. Be specific about how great your strength is, how many estates you own; be clear-cut about it." Since Yan Tian had taken in Ah Long as his little bro, he still didn’t know of the internal workings of his men.

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