Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 37

Sure enough, it was Vice Chairman Zhang. Although Yan Tian wasn’t familiar with Vice Chairman Zhang. He remembered Vice Chairman Zhang was named Zhang Linzhi. It was merely why was he assassinated? Albeit he wanted to kill Vice Chairman Zhang, he hadn't made a move.

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Suddenly, Yan Tian recalled something and promptly stood up and left to outside.

"I need to head to the restroom."

The restroom of the Changing Times bar was as at the corner of the second floor. Yan Tian strode into the restroom, locked the door, took out his cell phone, and dialed a number.

After the phone rang for several tones, it connected. Only the voice of an english girl could be heard coming from the phone: Who is it? This young mistress is in the middle of a game, OK?"

"Alright, don't play any games. I want to ask you. Was it you who wasted Zhang Linzhi?" Yan Tian spoke in english.

Once the girl on the other side of the call heard Yan Tian's voice, she suddenly said inexplicably: "Heart King, how is that you've remembered to call me? Wow, could it be you miss me? I know, you still cared about me."

Over the course of what the English girl said, Yan Tian helplessly swatted his forehead: "OK, I want to ask you about business. Was Zhang Linzhi your doing?"

"What Zhang Linzhi?" The girl seemed to not know of what Yan Tian was saying.

"He was Hua Nanhu's employer. He's called Zhang Linzhi. Was it you that called on people to kill him?"

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"What are you saying? Of course I discovered that the B-rank assassin Hua Nanhu was hired by Zhang Linzhi. Since he wanted to kill you, of course I couldn't let him live, giggle!" Once the girl heard Yan Tian, she came to a realization that it turned out be a chinese person.

"I wanted to ask how he died. I guessed it was you who wasted him. How did you find out it was Zhang Linzhi was the employer? It’s the job of the Sharp Edge to protect its clients. You're family shouldn't have been able to investigate it, right?

Yan Tian was an A-rank assassin of Sharp Edge. Naturally, he knew of Sharp Edge's client protection work was rather confidential. In order prevent their clients from being retaliated against, when Sharp Edge regularly accepted assignments, they would maintain a service of secrecy for the the client. Only the enforcement elders of Sharp Edge knew of the identity of the client. Even the assassin connected to the assignment wouldn’t know of the client's true identity. Yan Tian was no exception as well.

"Of course our family wouldn't be able to investigate who it was. However, Zhang Linzhi went out of his way to personally contact Hua Nanhu, so we were able to look into him. It can only be blamed that Zhang Linzhi was too idiotic.

"OK, first, I got something else to say. Help me look for an item." Yan Tian thought it over and planned to borrow the support of the girl's family to help him find the rooster blood jade.

"Hoohoo, Yan Tian, you've come looking for me again to handle something." The girl heard Yan Tian sought her help, so she was instantly quite pleased.

"So what I'm calling you? Let me tell you, it's your privilege that I let you help me." Yan Tian heard her and was quite dissatisfied. He was a grand imposing* man; how could he beseech others?

The girl heard Yan Tian's words and said angrily: "Hey, if you want me to help me, why should it be my privilege? It shouldn't be me thanking you?"

"Hehe, what's our connection? Thanks or no thanks, we're not strangers."

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"Hmph, do you want to find that item?" The girl asked disdainfully.

"Oh…… help me find a piece of rooster blood jade. Precious-grade brimming snow red and extreme-grade grand victory red. It would be best if you could find a piece of both, huhu." Contemplating it, Yan Tian spoke of the items he needed.

"Why are you looking for these things?" Hearing of the items Yan Tian was looking for, the girl asked quite curiously.

"I can assure you the things you're searching for are definitely of use."

The girl saw that Yan Tian didn’t want to speak of it, so she questioned no more: "Fine, I'll keep an eye out for you."

"OK, I've still got things to do. I'll hang up first."

Not waiting for the girl to reply, Yan Tian broke off the call. He really was scared the girl would capture him by asking about the items. After he determined the cause behind Vice Chairman Zhang's death, Yan Tian strode out and returned to the private room.

"Zhang Fei, right? How much money do you have right now?" Yan Tian sat down in the chair just as he returned to the private room, watching Zhang Fei.

"None. Zilch. I got nothing at all." As soon as he heard of money, Zhang Fei immediately became sullen once more.

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Zhang Fei really had no money right now. If he had cash, he wouldn’t go as far to take out the invaluable, whole rooster blood jade to pay off a 50,000 RMB debt.

"Why did you take out this blood jade to repay the debt?" Recalling that Zhang Fei had used an item worth a 100,000,000 RMB to pay off a 50,000 RMB debt made Yan Tian nearly smile. It looked like Zhang Fei didn’t know of the value of the piece of jade.

"Belch, it shouldn't be crappy jade, right? I heard Brother Long needed blood jade, so I remembered my family had a piece. Therefore, I took it out to repay the debt." Zhang Fei pat his stomach and burped, explaining himself. He knew he had nothing to rely on right now, so he called Ah Long Brother Long.

Once Ah Long heard one of the former Four Masters of Fengan City, Young Master Zhang, call him Brother Long, he almost hopped up gleefully at once. Young Master Zhang, Zhang Fei, surprisingly you called me Brother Long.

Yan Tian saw that Ah Long's flustered appearance and shook his head helplessly. What bullshit Fengan Four Young Masters could make this guy worked up like this. If Yan Tian called a group of A-rank assassin to come, would they not terrify him?

"Ah Long, give him a 100,000 RMB."

Although Zhang Fei's father had wanted to kill him, Zhang Fei wasn’t connected to this matter at all. He and Zhang Fei had no beef, and moreover, his father had been killed by the London girl to help Yan Tian out. His group had so much cash, so Yan Tian planned on giving Zhang Fei some cash. Although a 100,000 RMB was simply not enough to spend for a playboy, at most, it would settle the issue of eating.

Yan Tian didn’t give out much. It was only a 100,000 RMB. While Yan Tian had sold the rooster blood jade for hefty amount of cash, Yan Tian was still lacking an extreme amount of cash. It had to be known that he could not even buy a cloudmist red right now, so he only gave Zhang Fei a 100,000 RMB. To say the least, his conscience wouldn’t ache, and as for how Zhang Fei would cope later, that would depend on Zhang Fei's own luck.

"Huh? Give him a 100,000 RMB?" Ah Long was clearly confused. Why would he give Zhang Fei a 100,000 RMB?

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"Yeah, give him a 100,000 RMB."

"OK." Although he didn’t know why Yan Tian wanted to give Zhang Fei a 100,000 RMB, Ah Long did in accordance to Yan Tian's word and gave Zhang Fei a check for a 100,000 RMB.

It was obvious that Zhang Fei didn’t expect Yan tian to give him a 100,000 RMB. He and the guy were total strangers. Why had he given him a 100,000 RMB? Mulling it over, could it be that they were frightened by his name? Zhang Fei laughed several times quite pleased and accepted the check and swaggered out.

"Brother Tian, why did you give him a 100,000 RMB?" As soon as Zhang Fei left, Ah Long looked at Yan Tian suspiciously.

"Hehe, that piece of blood jade sold for quite a pretty amount. Alright, I'm gonna go." Yan Tian laughed and said. He only spoke of how the blood jade sold for no small amount of cash, and said nothing of the bestowment that Zhang Fei had granted today.

As soon as he returned to the company, it was already past six o'clock. A majority of the employees within the company had already left work, and the entire company seemed to be absolutely vacant. However, as before, Liu Ruoxin worked earnestly within her office. Yan Tian knew that his boss would work over time every day until eight or nine o'clock to leave work. Thus, Yan Tian sat on a chair getting ready to play a game.

It wasn’t until past eight that Liu Ruoxin finally put her things in order and prepared to leave work. After he brought Liu Ruoxin back to her villa, Yan Tian let loose a breath at last. He yawned and got ready to go home and sleep. Yet just as he driving the car for a while, Yan Tian suddenly spotted a headache in the car mirror.

He didn’t know when, but surprisingly the back of his red Porsche was being followed by three black commercial vehicles. Just as Yan Tian was preparing to speed up and shake them off his tail, another three black cars suddenly emerged from the side. Looking at the six cars behind him, Yan Tian cursed. Although he could speed up and floor it, if he charged forward then Liu Ruoxin's car would be decimated. Without anything that could be done, Yan Tian was forced to obediently stop the car.

The six cars drove forth and surrounded Yan Tian. Subsequently, over a dozen men wearing similar clothing and mono-colored sunglasses hopped out of the cars. Yan Tian knew at a glance these were the men of the Azure Dragon Group, since the dozens of men had azure dragons tattooed on their arms.

Looking at the group of men, Yan Tian finally broadened his knowledge of China's underworld. Before he had only seen a gang of hooligans, but this time, he surprisingly saw genuine gangsters.

If a normal person saw these gang of men, they would have definitely wet themselves in fear, but once Yan Tian saw them, he suddenly felt a slightly familiar feeling. Before he had returned home, he came into contact frequently with those crime syndicates, narcotic traffickers, and mercenaries, no?

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