Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 42

Yan Tian opened the car door as soon as the security guards finished forming everything up. Following afterwards, Liu Ruoxin could be seen getting out of the car. Under Yan Tian's accompaniment, they slowly moved towards the company, making it seem like a pair of newlyweds on the red carpet.

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At the moment, each and everyone of the security guards on the side held in their breath. Today, they were finally able to catch a close-up glimpse of their company's beautiful chairman at last. It had to be known that before, they had never had the opportunity to do so.

Assisted by Yan Tian and the bodyguards, Liu Ruoxin finally entered the company without hassle. The security guards blocked off the entrance, disallowing the reporters from entering after she had gone in.

"What is happening? Why are things like this?" After she entered the company, Liu Ruoxin looked at Secretary Xiao Wang and furrowed her brows.

"Chairman Liu, early this morning in the employee cafeteria, we discovered poison in the food. However, by the time we found out, it was already too late. As of now, one employee has died of poisoning and the remainder have been currently transported to the hospital." Secretary Xiao Wang noticed Liu Ruoxin had come and let loose a breath of air.

"What's going on? How could there be poison in the food? And the cafeteria administrator?" Liu Ruoxin's willowy brows raised upwards after she heard Xiao Wang report and asked.

"The cafeteria food specialist is in the middle testing. The cafeteria administrator is currently confined within the security division. Police are in the middle of their interrogation."

"Go. Take me to the cafeteria to take a look." Liu Ruoxin said, then marched to the elevator in her high-heeled shoes. Secretary Xiao Wang and Yan Tian followed behind Liu Ruoxin at the same time.

Yan Tian roughly knew of what had presently occurred. Although the company employees had all left work to go home, and a majority of them ate breakfast at home, there were some that worked over time. When these employees ate breakfast, they discovered the food had poison. This was the reason that had lead the police and reporters to surround the outside. In the end, the company was a multinational conglomerate, moreover to say nothing of that someone had died.

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"Hello, Chairman Liu."

Just as she entered the cafeteria, an employee immediately greeted her. Presently, there were several police officers and several white-robed staff members standing inside the cafeteria. At the moment, they were all sorts of instruments to inspect the leftover food from the cafeteria.

"What the heck is happening? Have you guys discovered the cause of this?" After Liu Ruoxin took in the situation, her brows immediately furrowed as she asked a young, beautiful policewoman.

"Sis Ruoxin, don't be so worried. The specialists are in the middle of inspection." The beautiful police officer furrowed her brows while looking at the several white-robed staff members.

The moment Yan Tian saw the beautiful police officer from the side, he stared with wide eyes. Hot dang, what a beauty. Her appearance wasn’t inferior to Liu Ruoxin in the slightest. The more Yan Tian looked, the more her felt this beauty was his future wife. As long it was a beautiful woman, they would all seem to be his future wife, although this was only Yan Tian's belief.

Taking in the beautiful policewoman's fair white skin, it seemed as tender as an egg membrane. Beneath shining rays, it made her skin appear even more charming. Her long and thick lashes appeared like two tiny brushes. Followed by the gentle breathing sweeping over her flesh, her eyes like black jade emitted a strong warmth. Like cherry blossoms in full bloom, her lips curved like that of a half-moon. Gentle and soft like water, her beauty stunned men. Moreover, the clothes she was wearing on her entire body were extremely sensuous, perfectly revealing her devilish provoking figure.

As police officer, the beautiful policewoman had naturally received stringent training, so she immediately felt Yan Tian's sinister gaze. She promptly turned to look at Yan Tian and found that he was in the middle of staring at her lecherously without stop. If it was swapped with a normal person, after they were caught peeping by the other person, they would instantly lower their heads shyly, let alone a police officer?

At the moment, Yan Tian was unable to rip his gaze off this beautiful policewoman before his eyes and looked at her unceasingly. It wasn’t in the slightest bit because the other party was a policewoman was he somewhat reserved, but noticing the beautiful policewoman looking at him, he winked at her.

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"What are you looking at? If you keep on looking, I'll arrest you." The beautiful policewoman saw that Yan Tian had winked towards her and fished out a pair of handcuffs to frighten him.

Over the course of the beautiful policewoman's shouting, everyone in the cafeteria took a peek. Seeing the beautiful policewoman and then seeing Yan Tian, everyone immediately understood what was going on, thinking to themselves that Yan Tian had tremendous guts.

Zhuang Yiyi, what are you shouting for? Don't you know it's working hours?" A middle-aged man wearing a uniform at the side immediately reprimanded her after hearing the beautiful policewoman's cry.


Being reprimanded by the middle-aged police officer, the beautiful policewoman fiercely glared at Yan Tian, then lowered her head. It seemed like the middle-aged man was the beautiful policewoman's superior.

"Yiyi, no need to pay attention to him. He's just a stinking delinquent." Seeing that Zhuang Yiyi was glaring at Yan Tian, Liu Ruoxin rolled her eyes at Yan Tian.

Yan Tian looked like he had fell into a daze, having had eyes rolled at him. Liu Ruoxin had said he was a stinking delinquent? After Yan Tian heard her, he immediately sniffed himself. Although he was a delinquent, he wasn’t stinky. To say once more, when had he played around with Liu Ruoxin like a delinquent? Why had she said he was a delinquent? Moreover, he was a stinking delinquent.

"Sis Ruoxin, who is he? How come he's at your side?" Zhuang Yiyi glanced at the stinking delinquent at Liu Ruoxin's side curiously.

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"He's my bodyguard driver." Liu Ruoxin spoke the truth.

"Huh? Your bodyguard driver? Nuh uh, no way. You have to swap." Once Zhuang Yiyi heard the stinking delinquent was Liu Ruoxin's bodyguard driver, she immediately disagreed. Didn't this stinking delinquent frequently play around with Liu Ruoxin?

Hearing the beautiful policewoman wanted Liu Ruoxin to sack him, Yan Tian was immediately displeased: "Hey, pretty lady, let me say, what's wrong with me? I'm so handsome and awesome. Why do you wanna change me, huh?

"Yeah, right. Handsome? I really still don't see it. Awesome? I graduated from the police academy. Do you dare to take two moves from me?" Zhuang Yiyi said quite unconvinced.

"Dammit, let's go. Who is scared of who?" Hearing the beautiful policewoman, Yan Tian swiftly adopted an inviting stance. He was a magnificent, majestic man. How could he possibly be afraid of a pretty face.

"C'mon, let's go outside. The cafeteria isn't suitable." Zhuang Yiyi said and prepared to head outside.

"OK, don't be so noisy. Take a look at yourself. You're a police officer, but you're so mischievous."

Liu Ruoxin watched Yan Tian and Zhuang Yiyi and slightly felt like she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Originally, her mood wasn’t very good, but it had taken a turn to soften because of these two clowns.

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"Hmph, in consideration of Sis Ruoxin's face today, I'll let you off. Don't let me see you later; I'll remember your face." Hearing Liu Ruoxin's words, Zhuang Yiyi waved off her ivory hand at Yan Tian.

Yan Tian looked at Zhuang Yiyi and snorted coldly with an expression that conveyed he was "unconvinced by the battle".

As soon as Yan Tian and Zhuang Yiyi entered a "cease fire", the cafeteria became tranquil once more. Liu Ruoxin watched several food inspection staff members gravely, but after waiting for several minutes, the several white-robed specialist completed their testing at last.

"There's two kinds of poison present in the food. Although these two types of poison are poisonous, they're unlikely to go as far as to kill someone. To get to the specifics of the situation, we still need to wait for the autopsy report, then we will be able to know." A white-robed middle-aged man reported the testing results to the police officer.

"Unlikely to go as far as poison a person to death? Then how come the person died?" Zhuang Yiyi heard the doctor and asked quite curiously.

"We don't know right now. We still need to wait for the autopsy for the the specifics, then it'll be concluded." The middle-aged man shook his head quite vexed. If the origin of the poison wasn’t done cleanly, then they wouldn’t be able to treat the employee in the hospital.

Yan Tian picked up a pair of chopsticks on the table at the side of him after hearing the specialist's words. Taking the chopstick, he dipped it in the remaining congee and gave it a taste. Afterwards the crowd of people stared at his mouth with startled expressions.

"Yan Tian, what are you doing? There's poison in this." Liu Ruoxin looked at Yan Tian using the chopsticks on the on the table and promptly warned him. Thinking to herself, had Yan Tian eaten breakfast this morning or not?

Yan Tian slowly sampled it, discovering that there wasn’t anything abnormal. Contrary to expectation, the congee was prettying good. Following afterwards, Yan Tian used his chopsticks to squeeze out soybean paste from a pastry, and at the same time, besides the flavor of soybean paste being too strong, there wasn’t anything wrong.  

Contemplating the matter over, Yan Tian turned his body to the remaining fried bread on the table and nibbled at it to taste. He sampled the initial flavor a bit, but due to it being unclear, he tore off another chunk and tasted it once more.

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