Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 49

A moment later, Yan Tian had already felled all the thugs. Song Dong had been left lying on the ground by Yan Tian, so everybody stared at him fearfully. Yan Tian's abilities were too awesome and frightening.

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Yan Tian rubbed his hands, then retrieved his wallet and cell phone. Afterwards, he picked up Liu Ruoxin's clutch and cell phone and ran to her eagerly: "Wifey, your clutch and cell phone, huehue."

"Yeah, let's leave and go back, alright?" Liu Ruoxin took her purse, got into Yan Tian's Audi, and left. Both of them didn’t even glance at Gao Chengwen; today, they had finally became aware of Gao Chengwen's personal conduct.

Yan Tian laughed, then smugly followed Liu Ruoxin from behind. As he got into the car, he glared briefly at Gao Chengwen. Right now, Yan Tian truly wanted to ruthlessly beat the crap out of him, but he recalled that Gao Chengwen's company and Liu Ruoxin were business partners. Therefore, he couldn't go make trouble for Gao Chengwen. However, if Gao Chengwen still wanted to cause trouble for him, then regardless of whoever it was, even if it was the fricking emperor, Yan Tian would find a way pull him apart into pieces.

As for Gao Chengwen, he had already become terrified long ago. Looking at the pile of men lying on the ground, Gao Chengwen's slightly trembled. So it turned out, Yan Tian had knew all along, and he had even stupidly acted the same as the clown, fighting like so. Yan Tian was a true, bonafide master. This wasn’t good. The fake Li Kui had run across the true Li Kui*.

"Why didn't you tell me that you already knew all along?" Liu Ruoxin sat in the car and pouted at Yan Tian. She thought to herself that Yan Tian had known earlier, but still hadn't told her and deliberately caused her to feel alarmed.

"Huehue, I was scared to tell you because you might've been unable to hold in your anger and would've exposed him on the spot." Yan Tian laughed.

"Hmph, I still hadn't found out before. Against my expectations, Gao Chengwen is such a treacherous person. So what's to be done now?" Liu Ruoxin snorted coldly, then cast a look at Yan Tian.

"What do you mean what's to be done?

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"You said we're to be married." Once Liu Ruoxin recalled this, she became angry. She had only wanted Yan Tian to play along accordingly, but she hadn't expected he would've really brought the show to that ending.

"Oh. Say whatever; what you say goes." Yan Tian shook his head indifferently.

"Y-you want to ask me what to do? Sigh, forget about it. When the time comes, we'll revisit it, alright?" Mulling the topic over, Liu Ruoxin couldn't think of any methods. She thought to herself that she would see things through one step at a time.


As soon as the car arrived at the hospital, Liu Ruoxin urgently headed to the third-floor sickroom, unknowing if the antidote had been administered or not.

"What's the situation?" Liu Ruoxin asked Chief Huang just as she entered. Chief Huang was a man endeared to his work; surprisingly, he had stayed since the beginning to preside over the situation. At the moment, he was in the middle of eating a boxed lunch.

"As of now, the hospital still hasn't produced the antidote. However, they guaranteed that within two days our employees will be able get up and walk around normally." Chief Huang swallowed a bite of rice and said.

"How come they're so slow?" Liu Ruoxin raised her brows once she heard that the antidote had still not been administered.

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"Chairman Liu, this needs more time. Concocting an antidote isn't a matter that can be done in a short amount of time. It shouldn't take three days, right?" Yan Tian smiled and patted Liu Ruoxin's shoulder consolingly. Since Gao Chengwen wasn’t at the side right now, Yan Tian dared not to call her "wifey" again. Just in case Liu Ruoxin truly burst into anger, it would be no good if he was fired.

After thinking it about it, Liu Ruoxin felt this to be true. It had just been several hours. It seemed like she was a bit too anxious. Shaking her head, she went into each and every sickroom again and expressed her sympathies to the employees.

This made Yan Tian exhausted. As Liu Ruoxin sat with the employees and chatted, he had to pour them water. There was no way around it; who made him an employee as well? Thinking of how he was actually pouring water for these minor employees, Yan Tian felt the matter was a little unbelievable. It had to be known if it was as before, even if a major magnate from a corporation sat down before him, he would still be unwilling to respond.

After many more hours of Yan Tian's arduous "labor", Liu Ruoxin prepared to return to the company at last. This caused Yan Tian to be extremely ecstatic, there was finally no need for him to serve tea and pour water like a cafeteria worker for others.

"How goes it? Did you investigate who it was?" Just as she entered the company, Liu Ruoxin entered the security room and asked..

"Chairman Liu, we've already checked it out. It was Xiao Liu from the cafeteria that did it. He's already been taken back to the police station by Captain Cai and the other police officers." The section chief of security answer quite respectfully.

"Xiao Liu? Who is that? Forget about it, I'll go the police station." Once she heard it was Xiao Liu, Liu Ruoxin pondered who it was, but there were so many company employees, so how could she do so? Thinking it over, she pulled Yan Tian with her to go to the police station.

Naturally, Yan Tian had no questions. Right now, he felt like he was a puppet; whatever Liu Ruoxin said was what he did. If Liu Ruoxin told him to go over there, then he could only go over there. Soon, Yan Tian and Liu Ruoxin arrived at the Fengan City police station. At the moment, there stood two officers standing guard at the entrance. The two officers stood there with ramrod straight backs, not moving an inch. Each of them had become drenched in sweat by the shining of the burning sun. Yan Tian who was looking at them while sitting in an air-conditioned car felt a bit sorry for them, thinking to himself that this should have been China's military style.

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In fact, in regards to police stations, it could be said that Yan Tian was a frequent visitor. It just so happened in the past that he had been "invited" by many european police stations to drink some tea, chat about life, and so on. This was the first time he had ever been to a Chinese public security bureau. Bearing a curious attitude, Yan Tian eagerly went in with Liu Ruoxin, not knowing if there were amusing things inside or not. "Sis Ruoxin, you've come. I was just getting ready to give you a call." Zhuang Yiyi immediately chuckled and came over once she saw Liu Ruoxin come in. At the same time, she didn’t forget to glare fiercely at Yan Tian for a brief moment.

Seeing the beautiful policewoman glaring at him, Yan Tian assumed a rather cheeky expression that seemed to say: Hmph, you widdle girl, whatcha gonna do wit me!

"How is it? Where's the person?" Liu Ruoxin asked quite anxiously.

Zhuang Yiyi noticed Yan Tian's expression and assumed a look that said "just you wait for mama": "Sis Ruoxin, we've investigated the matter quite clearly already. The poisoner was Xiao Liu, a cafeteria worker from your company.

"Why would he want to do such a thing?" Liu Ruoxin furrowed her brows once she heard that it really was an employee from her company named Xiao Liu that did it.

"Well, at first he said that he didn’t know it was poison, so he just threw it into the food."

"Where is he right now?" Liu Ruoxin asked.

"In the interrogation room. Sis Ruoxin, come with me." Zhuang Yiyi brought Liu Ruoxin to the interrogation room after she finished speaking.

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The interrogation room in the police station wasn’t too far. In less than a minute, Zhuang Yiyi had lead them there. The police officer at the entrance saw that it was Zhuang Yiyi who had come, so he immediately opened the door and saluted her quite respectfully.

Watching Liu Ruoxin enter, Yan Tian didn’t even think as he followed suit. However, just as he got to the door, he was blocked off by a fair-white hand as tender as jade.

"What are you doing trying to get in? This is the police station, not your home. Just because you want to go in doesn't mean you can." At this time, Zhuang Yiyi seized the opportunity. In any case, she was the one with the final say right now. It was only natural for her to clash against Yan Tian.

Yan Tian rubbed his nose helplessly once he heard the beautiful policewoman. He thought to himself that he couldn't even enter a trifling interrogation room? What a joke; it had to be known in those days when he was locked up in prison, didn't he escape well and dandy? He was completely capable of coming and going with ease, leaving gods unknowing and spirits unfeeling of his presence.

Just as was getting ready to speak, he heard Liu Ruoxin's voice: "It's okay, Yiyi. Don't make a fuss and let him come in." Yan Tian smiled and shrugged his shoulders after he heard Liu Ruoxin finish speaking. He adopted a brazen appearance and looked at Zhuang Yiyi.

"Hmph, just you wait. You best not let me catch you breaking the law, otherwise, I'll lay you to rest." After she heard Liu Ruoxin, Zhuang Yiyi glared at Yan Tian. Yan Tian didn’t care about what she had said though. He briefly glared at Zhuang Yiyi and swung his butt into the interrogation room. After he got in, Yan Tian discovered there were four people seated in the interrogation room. At the moment, Captain Cai was in the middle of questioning a slim man in handcuffs. At his side, there were two young policemen taking down notes.

"Come in, Chairman Liu, please be seated." Once Captain Cai saw that Liu Ruoxin had entered the room, he immediately stood up and made the officer sitting at his side leave his seat.


*Li Kui is a character from one of four great classical chinese novels, The Water Margin. Li Kui is said to be really bad ass and wrecks everyone. Learn more about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Kui_(Water_Margin)

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