Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 61

Taking the offered bag in Liu Ruoxin's hand, Yan Tian took the items and looked them over. Within the bag, he discovered there was a completely new evening suit. It seemed that she had prepared it in advance for him.

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As soon as he changed out of his clothes, Yan Tian discovered that the suit size was an exact fit. Moreover, he felt that he had become much more handsome as he stood proudly in front of the mirror, looking at his reflection for a while.

Studying himself, he discovered his hair was a tad disordered. Helplessly, Yan Tian was forced to go rinse it for today's wine reception. Liu Ruoxin's villa was big enough, so there quite a few places where he could wash. After he shed off his clothes, Yan Tian prepared to casually go into the shower. Yet as soon as he arrived halfway, he ran into Auntie Sun coming down from the second floor.

"Woah, Mr.Yan what are you doing?" Auntie Sun stared at him with fixed eyes and asked. She noticed that Yan Tian was clad in only a pair of underpants and actually didn't feel embarrassed.

Frightened, Yan Tian swiftly used his hand to cover himself once he heard Auntie Sun's voice. Although Auntie Sun wasn't shy, Yan Tian sure was. If he let Liu Ruoxin see him as such, Yan Tian would probably be unable to resist teasing her. Nonetheless, it wasn't the same with Auntie Sun; besides, Auntie Sun was still staring at him with her eyes affixed.

"Oh…… I'm gonna go rinse off." Yan Tian answered, then swiftly concealed his body and ran into the bathroom. This was too spooky.

Watching Yan Tian's sorry figure, Auntie Sun smiled wryly and shook her head. At the same moment, she snorted coldly: "Pansy, it won't do to be shy."

Yan Tian washed quickly, regardless of what the time was, since he was fast. Soon, he wiped his body down dry, wrapped a towel around himself, and stepped out. At the same time, his movements were soft. He let loose a breath of air after he found Auntie Sun was down stairs, since he didn't want to flash her again.

As soon as he changed into his new clothes, Yan Tian sat down on the sofa and watched an animated movie on the children's network, as a result that Liu Ruoxin had still not finished bathing. Even ages ago, women had always bathed rather slowly.

After no more than an hour, Liu Ruoxin descended from the second floor. Looking at her attire, Yan Tian eyes stretched wide open, staring at her in a daze.

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All that could be seen at the moment was Liu Ruoxin wearing a sensual black formal gown. Adorned on her neck, she wore considerably expensive jewelry, and her face was made with faint makeup. All of her hair coiled forth, and she emitted a different kind of charm. In the same instant, she held in her hand a brand new purse, which from its exterior, Yan Tian knew it was assuredly an item of considerable value.

"What are you looking at?" Noticing that Yan Tian was constantly staring at her, Liu Ruoxin glared at him briefly.

"Hehe, I'm not looking at anything. Are we going to leave now or later?" Yan Tian laughed and said.

"We'll leave now." Liu Ruoxin glanced at the time and responded.

As soon as the two of them left the villa, Yan Tian discovered his minivan was already gone. It seems that Ah Long had already ordered people to take it away. Liu Ruoxin naturally wouldn't pay attention to one less car, as she opened the car door and seated herself.

"Wifey, where to?" Starting the car, Yan Tian beamed at Liu Ruoxin.

"You…… We haven't even arrived, but what did you call me?" Once she heard Yan Tian call her 'wifey', she said in feigned anger.

"It's not that I'm putting on a show in advance, but by chance when the time comes for you to react, it's just that what will you do? So where are we driving to?"

"Drive, I'll give you directions." Liu Ruoxin thought it over and felt it to be true after she heard Yan Tian's reasoning. What would she do if she didn't respond retroactively when the moment arrived, and she revealed the truth of things?

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By the time they were driving for several minutes, Liu Ruoxin suddenly turned her head and said: "I'll tell you, you best not say too much tonight, so as to avoid losing face for me."

"Hey, my darling wife, what do you mean by your words? What would I say that would result in you losing face?" Once Yan Tian heard her, he suddenly couldn't ignore what she said; it wouldn't be as such.

"Can you drop those two words: my darling? It's disgusting."

Contrary to expectation, Yan Tian shook his head indifferently: "Alrighty, my darling Ruoxin, could it be it doesn't sound well? Darling, darling, darling."

"Okay, zip it." Liu Ruoxin said a bit bashfully, once she heard Yan Tian continue to call her darling several more times

"No way, why should I shut up? You're my wifey right now. Be mindful I'll rush over and kiss you twice." Currently, Yan Tian was justified. Didn't Liu Ruoxin want him to play the role of her husband? He was playing the role and some in a clear-cut manner.

Yan Tian had a habit and that was if he was planning on undertaking a matter, he would do it well. Otherwise, he might as well not do it all. If they wanted the job to be done well, Yan Tian and Liu Ruoxin needed to play the part to a tee. Not even to speak of kissing, even if they were put under an unavoidable situation and had to do the horizontal tango, then it shouldn't be a problem.

Just like some female assassins, in order for them to be able of approaching the assassination target, they would regularly offer their own bodies to get closer to the target. As the man relaxed their guard, they would then kill the target in a single strike.

In his early years, Yan Tian had once seen such a thing with his own two eyes. In the past when he was carrying out an assignment, his master had wanted him to assassinate a certain somebody, the leader of a mercenary corp that held control over a large group of me. Moreover, their combat strength was quite strong, as well as their considerable amount of firearms and ammunition, so if one wanted to oppress them, it would require a substantial loss of men.

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Thus, the mercenary corp was the assignment Yan Tian had to undertake. Due to the whole mercenary leader's outpost being heavily guarded, it was quite hard to infiltrate it, so Yan Tian had to take advantage of an opportunity to sneak in earlier while the mercenary leader wasn't present. Afterwards, he concealed himself inside a wardrobe for several days with just a few scraps of food at hand.

Finally, the day had come where the mercenary leader arrived, thereupon Yan Tian heightened his perception to the maximum to prepare himself to find an opportunity to assassinate the man. However, he discovered that the mercenary leader had brought a woman along with him. The two of them entered the room and pulled at each other aggressively, then soon without a stitch of clothing, they formed the beast with two backs on the bed.

Contrary to expectation, Yan Tian wasn't rushed at all to make a move. He had hid himself in the wardrobe for several days already, so naturally he would take advantage of this chance to enjoy this feast for the eyes.

Yet when the mercenary leader relaxed his guard, Yan Tian thought darkly it was a good opportunity, promptly pushing open the wardrobe door and flicking a metallic playing card towards his head. All that appeared on the side of the card was the suit and color of the king of hearts.

Despite this, Yan Tian didn't expect that in this moment, the woman's hand would pinch the mercenary leader's larynx as well. At this same second, the flying card that Yan Tian had thrown entered the man's head, and the woman's hand had crushed his throat where upon several bloody streaks flowed from the fingernail imprints..

In that moment, Yan Tian had finally realized the identity of the woman. So it had turned out the woman was an assassin as well and had come to kill the mercenary leader too. However, due the heavy fortifications of the target site, it was quite difficult to infiltrate it, so the woman had no choice but to use her own body as bait.

Yan Tian greatly admired this woman; in order for her to be capable of completing the assignment, she had truly not spared any cost.

Later on, the name of the King of Hearts had began to resound outwards from that moment on, since that mission in the assassination world was rated as S-rank, but with Yan Tian's status as an A-rank assassin, he had completed the assignment.

After that mission, Yan Tian continued to do quite a few high intensity missions. From that point onwards, the name of the King of Hearts struck the entire assassination like a clap of thunder.

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Over a dozen minutes later, Yan Tian had arrived at the venue of the wine reception Liu Ruoxin had spoke of. It was a large-scale country club, that ordinary should've had hosted business aplenty, yet at this moment, the country club seemed to have been completely reserved by someone without that many people at all.

All that was visible at this moment were all kinds and sorts of luxury cars parked at the entrance, each of them was valued over a million. Yan Tian thought to himself that these luxury vehicles ought to be owned by the participants of the wine reception. At the same time, he spotted two familiars cars among the lot of them.

The first car was Zi Qi's Sports Benz. Yan Tian didn't expect that she would come participate in this wine reception, however, mulling it over, he was relieved. In the end, she was a mistress of the Violetmoon gate. In Fengan City, it was a great power as well, so it was by no means odd for her to have been invited.

The second car was Gao Chengwen's red Ferrari LaFerrari, valued over 20 million RMB. Within the group of cars, it appeared especially dazzling.

In the same instant, at the entrance of the country club there stood a line of identically-dressed bodyguards wearing black suits. They all wore black sunglasses and wore bluetooth earpieces suspended at their ears. It seemed like their demeanors were quite good.

Yan Tian's intuition of the group of men was that they were quite outstanding. The combat strength of each man was very formidable, and although they weren't as fricking awesome as himself, they could probably deal with a dozen ordinary men at once.

At the same time, there ought to be pistols and several clips of ammunition at their waists. Of course, this was Yan Tian's guess.

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