Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 66

Possibly being that she had sensed Yan Tian's sinister gaze, Liu Ruoxin had a bad premonition: "You……Why are you looking at me like that?"

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Yan Tian suddenly laughed evilly and prepared to stand up to invite Liu Ruoxin to a dance, however, just as he was getting read to stand up, he heard the sweet voice of a woman.

"Sir, may I have the fortune to request a dance of you?" All that was visible was a twenty-seven to twenty-eighty-year-old woman standing at his side.

The woman had locks of beautiful black hair that seemed to flow down gracefully like a waterfall, willowy brows, and a pair of bright pupils that could rouse the spirit but frighten the soul. She had a rather elegant jade noise, faint blush on her cheeks, and lips that were like dripping wet cherries. Her flowery, oval-like face was like sparkling, translucent jade, and her tender snow-like flesh was as snowy as ice. Furthermore, her figure was absolutely beautiful and charmingly affectionate whether she was happy or angry.

As Yan Tian glanced at the woman appearance, he was stunned for two seconds. This woman was actually not lacking in the slightest aspect in comparison with Liu Ruoxin on the side. Moreover, it was hard for him to imagine that a beauty had surprisingly requested to dance with him?

Looking at Liu Ruoxin at the side, he found that she seemed not to have a heard a thing. Yan Tian contemplated to accept the invitation or not, but if he accepted, it was certain that she wouldn't be happy.

However, if Yan Tian didn't accept, then he would've missed an opportunity to chase some skirts. It had to be known that a beautiful woman had come to look for him, so he was positive that his charm had captivated her. With it being like so, his success rate with this woman would be very great.

Yan Tian was quite conflicted in his hesitation; in the end, what was to be done? He had suddenly discovered he was quite the hot commodity.

"What? Could it be that in regards to a lady's request, sir will decline?" The woman sensed that Yan Tian was uncertain of his decision, then smiled and said.

Hearing the woman, Yan Tian felt it to be so. If a gentleman invited a lady, then it was actually common for a lady to decline. However, if a lady took the initiative to invite a gentleman, then even a man would truly be unable to decline.

Mulling it over, Yan Tian prepared to first get the beauty's digits. As for Liu Ruoxin at yonder, at worst he would be pinched by her several more times again: "Hehe, since a beauty has invited me, I'm naturally obliged."

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A smile gently pulled at the corner of her mouth, then she pulled Yan Tian in hand to the center of the dance floor. Meanwhile, Liu Ruoxin glared briefly at Yan Tian in fury. Since she had to refuse everyone, how could he not decline?

"Haha, the pretty lady is truly beautiful. What is your name? What's your number?" Once they arrived at the dance floor, Yan Tian immediately revealed his roguish nature.

On the contrary, the woman wasn't pressed to answer Yan Tian, She gently turned around to face him and said: "Mr.Yan is a married man. Could it be that your wife will be jealous if you act like this?"

"I've heard an affair is even more exciting!" Yan Tian looked at the woman and winked.

"Hehe, Mr.Yan really knows how to joke." The woman actually wasn't disgusted with Yan Tian, but on the contrary lowered her head in embarrassment.

"How about the pretty lady leaves me her contact details? Since you were able to find me for a dance, it shows you've been deeply enchanted by my handsome appearance."

The woman didn't reply to Yan Tian at all, but laughed gently: "Haha, it seems like Mr.Yan's nature is completely in accordance with his dossier. You really are a rascal."

"What?" At this time, Yan Tian suddenly narrowed his eyes at the woman before him.

"I don't know if I should call you King or Hearts or Yan Tian." The woman suddenly gave a tempting smile.

At the moment, Yan Tian was already completely not in the least bit of a mood to make jokes, thinking to himself who was this beautiful woman? How did she know of his identity?

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"Who are you really?" Yan Tian looked at the woman coldly. Based on the fact she knew a bit of his identity, Yan Tian was completely capable of killing her.

"Long Huang Squad Vice Chief, Lan Yu!"

"What? Long Huang Squad?" Yan Tian looked at Lan Yu in befuddlement.

Lan Yu smiled gentle and said: "Since Mr.Yan is an assassin by origin, you should know that any nation should have a special forces division, right?"

"Oh, your intention is to say your Long Huang Group is similar to a security bureau?"

"Mr.Yan can understand it as such."

"Then why have you guys come looking for me? I want you lot to know, if you want to catch me, it won't be so easy." Yan Tian narrowed his eyes.

Hearing Yan Tian, Lan Yu laughed and shook her head: "Hehe, why would we want to apprehend Mr.Yan? To state once more, if we wanted to catch Mr.Yan, then why would we tell Mr.Yan in advance?"

"Then what do you guys want?"

"Hehe, doesn't Mr.Yan know you've already broken Chinese law? If proceedings occur, you would be executed by firing squad." Lan Yu said gently.

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"Get to the point." Yan Tian was a bit impatiently.

"We know you killed a man that night. That man was an assassin as well named Hua Nanhu. Moreover, as for the Liu Family Conglomerate's clothing corporation's vice chairman, Zhang Linzhi, you're connected to his death as well, no? Addition, you've recently fought quite the few people. If we investigate into these charges, then does Mr.Yan believe he can still stay in China according to the law?

"I don't want to hear your useless crap, get the point."

Lan Yu faintly shook her head and smiled: "Alright, we know Mr.Yan has recently offended quite a few people, and we believe given Mr.Yan's nature, you definitely won't let the matter be, so we're certain you'll offend Chinese law once again. If Mr.Yan wants to stay in China in accordance to the law, then it's necessary for you to agree to several of our matters."

Yan Tian furrowed his brows after Lan Yu finished speaking: "You lot want to monitor me? What I loathe the most is the supervision of others."

"Hehe, with such a dangerous person like Mr.Yan returning to China, it couldn't be avoided to have drawn our high valuations."

"Speak, what do you want me to do?"

Lan Yu heard Yan Tian was a bit interested and revealed an alluring smile: "It's quite simple. The first is to join our Long Huang Squad. This is a kind of security for Mr.Yan. Members of the Long Huang Squad have the right to 'shoot first and ask questions later'. Even if you seized the mayor of Fengan City, you could kill him in a situation without giving prior notice."

"From this moment forth, you'll be able to walk with great aid. What's more, we won't restrict Mr.Yan whatsoever. Mr.Yan will still be a free agent. It's just that when we need you, we hope Mr.Yan will be able to extend a helping hand."

Yan Tian was truly tempted after he heard her. Wasn't that to say he could walk later on across China uninhibited? He could kill those who he saw were bad? He wouldn't need to be worried of China giving him trouble. It was completely like the death exemption plate bestowed by the emperor from ancient times.

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"You just spoke of me doing several things, what are they?" Yan Tian naturally knew this death exemption plate wasn't so easily obtained. It was certain there was some sort of request.

Once Lan Yu heard Yan Tian, she raised her head, using her enchanting eyes to stare at him and say: "It's very simple. We wish Mr.Yan to help us clean up China's underworld powers."

"Be a bit more specific."

"I think Mr.Yan should know of China's Nine Great Powers. These Nine Great Powers are divided into black and white paths. The white path consist of the Five Grand Families and the black path consists of the Four Great Triads. In China, not a single one of the Five Grand Families are dispensable, but as for the Four Great Triads, we could do without."

"Additionally, in recent years, it could even be said that the Four Great Triads act regardless of law and morality, causing trouble for all living things. Thus, we hope Mr.Yan could completely tidy up China's underworld powers. It be best to pull them up by the roots." Lan Yu said quite gravely.

After Yan Tian heard her out, he contemplated the matter. Yan Tian knew of the Nine Great Powers as well: the Huang Family, Liu Family, Yang Family, Zhuge Family, and Zhuang Family made up the Five Grand Families. Then there was the Azure Dragon Group, Violetmoon Gate, Silent Society, and Swan Goose Hall who composed the Four Great Triads.

If the government agents wanted Yan Tian to sweep up China's underworld powers, then that would be the Four Great Triads. Yet presently, Yan Tian only held a feud with the Azure Dragon Group, and he actually made friends with the Violetmoon Gate. As for the Silent Society and Swan Goose Hall, he moreover didn't have any association with them.

Mulling the matter over, Yan Tian felt it wasn't worth it. They wanted him to clean up the Four Great Triads? Then what would they undoubtedly do to him following the destruction of these four powers?

Yan Tian thought it through and planned to reject it. They wanted to set him up against the people of the Four Great Triads, but he still wouldn't even enough life to do so.

"How could I be so virtuous? You want me to clean up the Four Great Triads? I don't have such great abilities. I'll say it again, right now, I'm only associated the with Azure Dragon Group. I don't want to offend so many people."

On the contrary, Lan Yu didn't feel that this was unexpected, hearing Yan Tian's response. She laughed and said: "Hehe, sure enough, what chief said wasn't wrong. You won't agree so easily."

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