Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 70

"Oh?" Yan Tian narrowed his eyes and sucked in a puff of smoke: "You mean you have more men?"

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Just as Yan Tian finished speaking, Wang Feng promptly took the teapot on the coffee table and smashed it on the floor. This was the signal for Ah Long to bring in the boys.

Sure enough, not even twenty seconds had passed since the teapot had been smashed until the entrance was overflowing with a large gang of men. Each and everyone of them held a steel pipe in hand, and after they came in, they encircled Old Bear's twenty-somewhat men.

"Brother Tian, you really wanted cook us brothers to death." Ah Long wiped his forehead of sweat and grumbled.

Over the course of what Ah Long had said, Yan Tian had taken note of this as well. The foreheads of his fifty brothers were completely dripping with sweat. It seemed like it was truly unpleasant being stuffed inside the car.

"It's you, what do you lot want to do?" Old Bear recognized Ah Long at a glance, since at that time, he had saw Ah Long as well.

"What are we going to do? You guys wrecked out bar; what are you doing?" Right now, Ah Long's side held the upper hand, so he immediately used the steel pipe in his hand to furiously point it towards Old Bear.

"Let's just cut the crap. Wait for their helpers to come, but first go in and smash things up for me. You can completely smash everything, but don't harm the innocent." Yan Tian knew he had already drawn people's attention as well, so it was necessary to get a move on.

As Yan Tian finished speaking, the fifty brothers immediately charged forth holding their steel pipes. Some men wrecked the first floor, and some men charged towards the second floor. Even a couple of men surprisingly ran forward to tear apart the entrance.

"Ugh, quickly notify Brother Dong. Be fast and hold them off."

In a blink, Old Bear became panicked and promptly brought his men to fight against Yan Tian's men. However, Yan Tian's side was more numerous, additionally, every man held a steel pipe in their hands. Soon, Old Bear's twenty-somewhat men were left completely lying on the ground.

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But in the end, Yan Tian's gang of brothers weren't a genuine underworld gang, so everyone of them were unable to harden the resolve of their hands. It was fine for them to merely beat the men.

Soon, Yan Tian heard the shrill cries of men and women. Following, quite a many people who weren't fully clothes ran out. Some of them were only wrapped around with a towel, however, a great majority of them were wearing clothes, since once they had heard the commotion, they hurriedly dressed.

Looking at the scene, a malefic will rose within Yan Tian's mind. He cared only about smashing the venue, totally forgetting this was a bathing resort. He looked at the crowd of people quite apologetically.

Since things were already like this, then there was no way. Taking a look around, Yan Tian snatched a steel pipe from the hands of a brother, and then went straight to the second floor, since they had to speed up the smashing, otherwise, the police and Song Dong would bring men over soon to cause trouble.

Yan Tian swiftly entered a room that hadn't been destroyed after he reached the second floor, and noticing there was no one inside, he quickly took up the steel pipe and smashed things up into a disorderly mess. Very soon, the entire room was destroyed beyond recognition. He had even struck a hole into the wall.

Yan Tian promptly went to the next room after he finished banging things up, however, the room was surprisingly locked. Could it be the person inside didn't hear the commotion? Or perhaps the person was sleeping?

Mulling it over, Yan Tian kicked the door down. Today, he was going for broke, but just as he kicked the door down, he was stunned. At this time, all he could see sitting in a bathtub was a beauty like an immortal maiden. She had alluring ivory skin and a head of hair that draped over her shoulders. But the most surprising thing to him was that this girl was surprisingly Zi Qi!!!

It was no wonder why Zi Qi hadn't heard a thing, since she was actually wearing headphones at the moment and was a playing game on the tablet in her hand.

"Ohh……" After Yan Tian kicked the door down and came in, Zi Qi immediately responded and sharply tossed the tablet in her hand into the water and used her hand to cover herself.

"Uhh, sorry for the trouble, I'll leave first."

Yan Tian shut the door quite embarrassed, but at the same time was a bit dissatisfied. This was because although Zi Qi wasn't wearing any clothing, he wasn't able to see anything at all, since she was sitting in the water. Furthermore, it was a milk bath, what was one able to see?

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This was just flippin' fantastic. Even if he hadn't seen anything that would cause Zi Qi to misunderstand, it seemed like his status as a delinquent in her mind was firmly cemented.

It really didn't need to be said, but each and everyone of Yan Tian's gang of brother were pretty adept at smashing stuff. They didn't even spare the trash can or ceiling lamp. As they were going to enter Zi Qi's room, they were stopped by Yan Tian.

Soon afterwards, Zi Qi came out with her wet hair spread out. She looked at Yan Tian fiercely: "What the heck are you doing? What did you go mad with?"

"Uhh, I brought the boys to smash this place up." Yan Tian scratched his head in slight embarrassment.

"What did you just see?"

"Whaddaya what did I see? I didn't see a thing." Yan Tian had actually spoke the truth, since he genuinely didn't see a thing. Zi Qi was sitting in the water, and more over, it was a milk bath. What could he see?

"Hmph!" Zi Qi glared at Yan Tian and snorted coldly after she heard him.

Yan Tian saw the brothers had already finished smashing things up, so he promptly charged into Zi Qi's room carrying the steel pipe.

"Hey, wait a sec, I want to break things too." Zi Qi was an old hand at fighting as well. She promptly snatched a steel pipe from a brother's hand and charged forth.

Soon, Yan Tian and Zi Qi had already wrecked the room beyond all recognition. The brothers at the door looked at them in a daze; Yan Tian had surprisingly not even spared the floor, stomping on the floor tiles and shattering them into pieces.

"So what the heck happened?" Zi Qi looked at Yan Tian curiously once they finished wrecking the room. How could he bring a gang of men to smash up the venue without rhyme or reason?

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"We'll talk soon, we need to leave fast."

Yan Tian immediately pulled on Zi Qi's hand and ran down stairs. All that could be seen was that the entire stairwell and lobby had been destroyed beyond recognition by the fifty brothers.

Old Bear and the group of men saw Yan Tian coming down and didn't act rashly. He knew that they weren't his match right now.

Yan Tian surprisingly didn't make things difficult for these men. Since their venue had been wrecked and none of his men weren't injured, he naturally wouldn't go beating them up again. He promptly took the gang of brothers to depart.

On the contrary, Wang Feng was tactful as well. At the time he got into the car, he took the initiative to bring the minivan over, but didn't he see his Brother Tian pulling a woman along?

However, Zi Qi didn't sit in Yan Tian's car, since she had driven her car as well. After they appointed a location, the two cars and seven minivans sped away at the same time.

Five minutes after Yan Tian and the rest of the men had left, a commercial vehicle and over a dozen minivans arrived at the entrance of the Illusory Dream Bathing and Recreation center. Subsequently, Song Dong and Leopard hopped out of a car, charging into the bathing resort with over a hundred men. However, once they entered, they discovered the entire bathing resort was already beyond recognition.

"Fuck, that group of Changing Times bar people are truly living impatiently." Looking at the things smashed by Yan Tian and his men, Song Dong directly kicked over a chair angrily. "Brother Dong, that Yan Tian brought the gang of men over from the Changing Times bar this time." Old Bear ran up in front of Song Dong and said.

"What? Yan Tian? Why did he help out the Changing Times Bar people?"

"I don't know too, but it seems that Yan Tian is the true boss of the Changing Times bar."

After Song Dong heard Old Bear, he angrily kicked over a table: "Fuck, daring to wreck my territory, those Changing Times bar people won't even think of opening their doors for business later on."

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Yan Tian naturally knew Song Dong had already come with men, since Song Dong's three properties weren't quite far from each other. From the both sides, it would take over a dozen minutes to to bring men over to this side, so Yan Tian brought the men over here to fight at this location.

Yet presently, Yan Tian had already drove to the entrance of Liu Ruoxin's Far Magnificence restaurant. He had agreed to treat the boys to a soak in the spa and a meal, so he naturally wouldn't break his promise, otherwise, how could the brothers look upon him as their elder brother later on?

Soon Zi Qi and Ah Long had come. After the rest of the cars came, the gang of men stood up together with steel pipes surprisingly still at hand. Yan Tian saw this and was struck by a fit of speechlessness.

"Umm…… All of you bros, we're here to eat, not fight. With the steel pipes you guys are carrying, I reckon we won't even be able to eat, and we'll scare people off." Yan Tian said a bit helplessly.

Once the brothers heard Yan Tian, they deliberated the matter and then each of them set aside their steel pipes. It was then that Yan Tian brought the large gang of men into the restaurant.

As they entered, the people inside were scared into agitation, thinking to themselves what did these men want to do in coming in?

However, several waiters recognized Yan Tian, so they quickly went to find the manager to bring him over.

"Oh my, we're honored by your presence, Mr.Yan, hehe. It's just that what is this?" The restaurant manager saw Yan Tian and didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest, at the same time he was quite curious what Yan Tian had brought the gang of men for? Could it be it was to destroy the restaurant?

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