Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 75

The remaining two people were Diana's younger brother and younger sister. Diana had been captured by the drug lord, and he was aware as well of her status, so he was using her and her siblings to blackmail her father.

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Amidst Yan Tian's understanding, he came to learn that Diana was actually the great mistress of the English Royal Family. However, at that time, she didn't have a bodyguard at her side.

After they chatted, Yan Tian became clear of things. Due to Diana's young age at the time, she just wanted to have fun, but her father was strict in disciplining her, regularly forbidding her from going out and having fun. However, how could she bear this?

Thus, Diana brought her younger sister and younger brother to sneak out, preparing to go out for a spell of good time.

Yet, they didn't expect that just as they were out having fun during the two days, someone had drugged Diana and her siblings' food. As soon as they awakened, they discovered the three of them had been completely shut off in a strange place.

They called out everyday from this place, but it was ineffective. Each day, their food would be delivered by someone, and after they finished delivering the food, they left, making Diana not know who had kidnapped them.

Finally, after the third day, a person had come. The person that had arrived was the captured Yan Tian.

Due to Diana originally just wanting to have a good time, and additionally since she had been locked up for three days, she kept grumbling incessantly to Yan Tian once she saw him.

Yet as for Yan Tian, it went without saying he was a delinquent. Seeing the beautiful little girl bothering him with question on question was a joy to behold, thinking to himself that his life was too good; he had been captured and even had a pretty young girl to accompany him. Moreover, there were even tasty snacks*.

Like this, Yan Tian stayed there for no more than five days. During the five days, he and Diana had already become familiar with the other. On the fifth day, his strength had already recovered.

Just as the food was delivered, Yan Tian killed the food delivery man and left after he swapped his clothes.

Due to Yan Tian's strength being quite strong in itself, he quickly found the drug lord's residence, and after he completed his assassination assignment, he initiated his flight away with Diana and her siblings.

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As soon as they left the oasis, Diana knew where they were. Looking at the boundless great desert before her eyes, she didn't have the confidence to walk out though.

Ultimately, Yan Tian continued to assist Diana until they smoothly got out. After she obtained a signal, Diana immediately called her family to request for help.

The power of Diana's family was extremely great, not even half an hour later when she had called, a local military helicopter flew in.

From that moment, the two people held affection for each other. Finally, the contact between the two became more and more frequent, and their meetings became more and more. Until at last, it had drawn the heavy gaze of Diana's father.


"I won't let go." Yan Tian grit his teeth abruptly and said.

Why should he let go of the woman he loved? Didn't her father say as long as he could surpass that family, then it would be fine? Although he didn't know how formidable that family was when all was said and done, he would wholly attempt it with great effort.

"Huh?" Diana heard Yan Tian and was stunned into incredulity.

"Yes. I won't give up so easily, believe in me." Yan Tian summoned his courage and said.

"Really, Yan Tian?"

"Hehehe, if I, Yan Tian, want to do something, then no one better think of obstructing me." Yan Tian laughed heartily.

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Learning of Yan Tian's answer, Diana wept, bestirred in emotion. Sure enough, Yan Tian was still the same man of the past. He hadn't changed a bit towards her.

"Mhm, I'll be waiting for you." Diana covered her mouth and nodded her head: "Oh, that's right, I've found the blood jade you spoke of. I could only find the brimming snow red you spoke of. It's in the hands of a wealthy arab. Moreover, it's not for sale; no matter the price, he won't sell."

Yan Tian furrowed his brows once he heard that the wealthy arab wasn't selling. As expected, the rooster blood jade wasn't going to be so easy to obtain at all.

"Does he have some condition?"

"Presently, he still hasn't said anything." Diana shook her head and said.

"So it's like that. Discuss conditions with that man and continue to seek out the two kinds of blood jade I spoke of as well."

Yan Tian urgently needed the blood jade, so he had to find the wealthy arab and talk conditions with him. However, if that wealthy arab was unable to tell the good from the bad, then he would rob him of the blood jade as well. He would first come in peace before war, but this blood jade was something he was determined to win.

"Alright, if I have news, I'll tell you."

Yan Tian nodded his head and then recalled something, promptly saying: "Right, how's your family's intelligence network in China? If you can, I need detailed information pertaining to it."

Since Yan Tian had already planned to begin developing in China, he needed to understand it first. This was the so called 'know thyself and know thy enemy and then in a hundred battles one shall have a hundred victories'.

"If it was another place, then it would actually be fine, however, China won't do. China's information network is entirely within the hands of China's Zhuge* Family. Our people are simply incapable of staying in China for long periods of time. We can only understand the most elementary of matters." Diana shook her head helplessly.

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After he listened to Diana, Yan Tian was dazed for a moment. How could this Zhuge Family be so awesome? Even Diana's family wasn't able to make do? It seemed like the Five Grand Families weren't simple at all as well.

"Then give me the most basic of run downs. Right now, I don't understand a smidgen about China." Currently, Yan Tian truly still didn't understand a bit about China. He only knew of the Five Grand Families and the Four Great Triads. In addition, he knew nothing more than what he was barely limited to. Yan Tian didn't even know what the Five Grand Families did.

"Alright, I'll send stuff to your mailbox later on this evening." Diana nodded and promptly turned on her computer to investigate. It seemed appeared that she treated the matter of Yan Tian's quite confession quite seriously..

As soon as the call ended, Yan Tian stood up and looked at the window blankly for a moment and suddenly felt a very heavy burden on his shoulders. In China, there were several great powers and abroad there was currently the unknown grand family as well that he had to contend with.

In addition, listening to Diana's father's tone of voice, this foreign family in comparison to Diana's family was only stronger and not weaker. Presently, Yan Tian could only swiftly expand his own power. Moreover, he didn't have any backer right now, so he could only crawl upwards step by step.

Once he re-entered the office, Liu Ruoxin glared at Yan Tian, panting fury with an expression like she wanted to eat him. Looking at her, his heart was ill at ease. "Uhh…… Uhh, Chairman Liu, I know I'm quite handsome, but if you look at me like that, I'll be embarrassed." Yan Tian said awfully shamelessly.

"Scram, go die! If you're handsome, then there are no ugly people in this world." She was originally enraged, but hearing Yan Tian's opinion of himself, the angry Liu Ruoxin subsequently flung the pen in her hand at him."

Yet how could he possibly be hit by the thrown pen? It had to be known, even if it was a bullet, it would still be quite hard to hit him, so he immediately used his hand to directly catch Liu Ruoxin's pen. Studying it, Yan Tian discovered her pen wasn't any ordinary one. Yan Tian estimated that her pen was at the very minimum several thousands of dollars. Indeed, Liu Ruoxin didn't have a single street good on her entire body.

"Geez, Chairman Liu. Such a good pen, and you've thrown it so easily. Fortunately, I'm rather agile, otherwise, what would you have done if your pen hit the ground and broke?"

Yan Tian took the pen and gave it to Liu Ruoxin quite achingly, thinking to himself if by chance it dropped and fell, it wouldn't be cost-effective for his own wages to be slashed. After all, when it was thrown at him, it could've broke.

"I don't want to see you, get out." Liu Ruoxin took the pen and said to Yan Tian.

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"Oh, then I'll leave." Hearing she wanted him to leave, Yan Tian shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Meanwhile, as Yan Tian was leaving, Liu Ruoxin suddenly called out to stop him: "Halt, come back."

"Oh? Chairman Liu, do you have something to command?" Just as he turned around and was called out by Liu Ruoxin like so, it lead to Yan Tian nearly falling over on the floor due to his instability.

Liu Ruoxin rolled her eyes at him and said: "The matter I just spoke to you about, have you considered it?"

"What matter? You just spoke about it? You just yelled at me to get lost." Yan Tian feigned innocence and said.

"You…… I'm asking about the matter of managing the company." The angry Liu Ruoxin pounded the table after she heard Yan Tian being so deliberate.

"Stop, stop, stop, hold on, you can order me to serve as the security captain or a porter, and it'll be fine. But there's nothing to discuss if you want me sit in an office like you and read documents."

Yan Tian's words illustrated the matter as well. If you ordered him to do military or physical tasks, then he wouldn't even blink. However, if you ordered him to sit in an office, then he would've been better off dead.

*tone of the entire passage is somewhat sarcastic. Original chinese for tasty snack is more like "imported goods" I even thought about using the term room service instead. I went with what I felt was more sarcastic *Zhuge family being in control of China's intelligence, didn't see that coming /s. For those unaware, the surname Zhuge is tied to the great Chinese military tactician Zhuge Liang, who was renowned during the three kingdoms period for his intelligence and tactics. You can read more about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuge_Liang

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