Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 84

"Uhh, ohh, Hello, Manager Yan. I'm Guo Man. I just graduated with a master's degree from Fengan University in economics and management. I'm rather honored to have this opportunity to present to you my curriculum vitae. During the period of time I'm joining society, in order to even better exhibit my talents……"

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At first when she had bumped into Yan Tian again, Guo Man didn't want to interview, since from what she could see, this manager simply didn't have any sort of ability, otherwise he wouldn't have let the security guards carry him out. With such a manager, how could have any kind of job advancement later on?

But mulling over her family circumstances once more, Guo Man braced herself and spoke. It wasn't easy to find a job, let alone one as the secretary of a manager at a five-star luxury restaurant.

"Mhm, pretty good, pretty good. Go out first and wait for notice!" After he finished listening to Guo Man's self-introduction, Yan Tian said pretty good twice. Wasn't this exactly what he wanted?

However ruminating it over again, there was still one more secretary, so Yan Tian had to send Guo Man out first. What if the fourth secretary happened to be a heavenly-blessed beauty?

As soon as the fourth secretary walked in, Yan Tian rocked his head disappointedly. Although this person was pretty enough, he felt the air of haughty arrogance wafting deep within her bones. He really didn't like this type of person.

After he said several words, Yan Tian send the fourth secretary out.

"Manager Zheng, I choose Guo Man, I choose her."

"Ayy, good, good, good, I'll go call her in." Manager Zheng nodded, then spoke to his secretary at his side.

Soon, Xiao Zhao lead Guo Man in. Guo Man knew she had been selected, so her mood was quite stirred.

"Salutations, Manager Yan!"

Despite the fact that Guo Man had viewed Yan Tian quite unfavorably before, after she called the matter to mind again that she was going to serve as his secretary, she still had to greet him rather courteously.

After Guo Man entered, Yan Tian shot Manager Zheng a meaningful look. Once Manager Zheng understood, he immediately smiled nefariously and brought his secretary Xiao Wang out, thinking to himself could it be that Manager Yan wanted get in on a little action inside?

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Yet he was wrong. Although Yan Tian really wanted to get in some action, he knew as well that if did something right now and his secretary didn't want to do so, then perhaps he would be going to court. Nonetheless, Yan Tian believed in himself he wouldn't get in such a matter, since he had the Long Huang Squad's death exemption plate.

"Uhh…… Umm, I've come to work here today as well, and those employees down stairs from a moment ago didn't recognize me, so they carried me out." Yan Tian explained rather awkwardly to Guo Man. It was necessary for this matter to be clearly explained, otherwise, she would still believe he was a manager that even normal employees dared to bully.

"Mhm, I already know." Guo Man nodded quite nervously.

"Right, since you've come to be my secretary, then you'll be in complete responsibility of my job; you know about this tid bit right?" Yan Tian questioned after he mulled it over.

"Mhm, I know this."

For Guo Man to come interview for the position of secretary, she naturally knew what she was going to do. It was merely she was unable to make sense of why she as the secretary had to do the manager's work. Could it be that Manager Yan would spend the entire day lying down in his office napping?

"Good, go find Manager Zheng now to handle all the relevant procedures. I'm gonna nap first." Yan Tian said, reclining back in his chair and yawning.

Yet as for Guo Man on the side, seeing that Yan Tian was truly lying back in his chair sleeping, she was greatly taken aback. It seemed like sure enough, she hadn't guessed incorrectly. This Manager Yan really was going to sleep.

But pondering it, that was fine. If Manager Yan was going to sleep the day away, then her own wages would naturally be high as well. With such work, she wouldn't need to worry about the cost for her father's medical treatment.

Considering the matter, Guo Man suddenly glanced at Yan Tian gratefully: "Okay, Manager Yan. How about I take out a blanket for you?"

"No need!" Yan Tian promptly waved her off.


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At first, Yan Tian had planned on lying back on the chair for a little while, but he hadn't expected that the chair would be so comfortable. Surprisingly, he slept straight up with drool coming out of the corner of his mouth!

It wasn't until his cell phone rang did Yan Tian wake up. At a glance, he discovered it was surprisingly Guo Man standing at the side. At the moment, she was looking at him with a faint smile.

Yan Tian sat up in his chair immediately and wiped away his drool, but due to the flow being so much, he managed to cover his hand in it. On the contrary, Gou Man handed over a hand towel over to him quite meaningfully. Look at this, he darkly thought was ruined. His image within her mind was thoroughly trashed.

Wiping the drool with the offered hand towel, Yan Tian took out his cell phone. Once he saw it was Wang Feng, he furrowed his brows. Don't tell me that Wang Feng had got into an accident with Sun Nan?

With his in mind, Yan Tian answered the call at once: "Hey, Wang Feng, what happened?"

"Brother Tian, it's lunch time. Sun Nan really wants me to call you out to eat together. He said he spent a lot of your money today, so he has to treat you to a meal."

Wang Feng's voice sounded quite weary. Yan Tian didn't need to know that this brat Sun Nan had wore Wang Feng ragged many times aplenty.

"What? It's time for lunch? So soon?" Yan Tian evidently didn't know it was already lunch hour, so he promptly looked over to his secretary Guo Man.

"Yes, Manager Yan. It's already 11:53." Guo Man slightly nodded and said.

"Tell me where are you guys. I'll be right over."

Once he heard Sun Nan wanted to treat him to lunch, Yan Tian was pleased. It seemed like he had already won Sun Nan over. Sun Nan had actually even known to call him over to eat lunch. He truly was thoughtful.

Once he learned of the restaurant address, Yan Tian stood up from his chair and stretched out immediately. On the contrary, Guo Man came over, using a napkin to wipe up where Yan Tian had drooled quite tactfully.

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"Umm, Guo Man, let's go together!"

Just as he walked to the entrance, Yan Tian recalled Guo Man hadn't eaten yet. He thought to himself it was rather necessary for him to bring her with him, since he would be able to advance the feelings between the two of them as such.

"Oh? No thank you, Manager Yan!" Guo Man clearly hadn't expected Yan Tian would order her to go. Her boss had invited her to go eat on her first day on the job?

"No problems, let's go. I want discuss over some work matters with you once more." Yan Tian beckoned over to Guo Man.

In truth, it was nonsense that Yan Tian had a work matter. Since he didn't know lickity-split about the job, wasn't he supposed to let others do the talking? Yan Tian thought nothing more than of only cooking up various schemes to get Guo Man to go out on date.

"Alright, wait a moment, Manager Yan."

Seeing that Yan Tian was insistent on getting her to go, Guo Man was at a lost. She was forced to wipe clean the drool on the chair, then follow him out.

Just as they stopped at the car, Guo Man was frozen, since Yan Tian unexpectedly drove a luxury car worth several millions. In all of her life, she had never sat in such an extravagant luxury vehicle. She hadn't expected she was actually going to sit in one today.

"What are you dazed about? Hurry up and get in!" Seeing Guo Man standing at the side lost in thought, Yan Tian urged her on, thinking to himself it shouldn't be that she believed he was going to drive her off to a love hotel?

"Oh!" Guo Man agreed, then opened the car door and sat in. She was quite nervous as she looked around at the interior decorations of the car.

Yan Tian took note that Guo Man was quite nervous at the side, so he came to the conclusion that Guo Man's family circumstances weren't good at all. It was evident she had never sat in any luxury car.

After driving for a while, Yan Tian wanted to divert Guo Man's attention, pondering then asking: "How long were you standing next to me?"

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"Uhh, about over twenty minutes." Guo Man answered quite nervously.

"It took you so long to manage the formalities?" Yan Tian calculated a good couple hours had passed. How could the time it have taken for Guo Man to handle the procedures take so long?

"Nope, Once I finished managing the formalities, Secretary Zhao directed me on some working matter."

"Well, I'll say." Considering the matter, Yan Tian understood it as well. In the end, it was only Guo Man's first day. She naturally needed to learn about the managing affairs first.

"If you catch me sleeping and don't know something, then just slap me awake!" Recalling he was sleeping and that Guo Man was standing at the side for twenty-somewhat minutes, Yan Tian was rather goddamn screwed; his image had been completely ruined.

Hearing Yan Tian's words, Guo Man lowered her head a bit embarrassingly: "I saw Manager Yan was sound asleep, so I didn't dare to bother your rest."

Yan Tian smiled awkwardly then spoke no longer. That's just how it was, he was sound asleep, otherwise, how could he drool?

After no less than twenty-somewhat minutes in the car, they arrived at the place Wang Feng had spoke of. There wasn't any sort of grand restaurant here and so forth, only a few tiny ones.

Looking all around him, Yan Tian discovered two familiar silhouettes sitting in a luxury car. Glancing carefully, wasn't that Sun Nan and that prick Wang Feng?

Catching sight of this, Yan Tian's thoughts turned dark. His Swiss banking card only had 50 million left in it. It couldn't be that these two chaps had taken his money to buy a luxury car, right?

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