Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 86


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Nodding, Guo Man nervously picked up her bowl and chopsticks and began to eat. Looking the food over attentively, it seemed that the food ordered by Manager Yan was quite scrumptious.

Over the course of the meal, Guo Man nearly hadn't said a word, since in her eyes, she and Yan Tian were simply people of two different worlds. One of the was a wealthy big boss, and she was basically unable to compare.

Yet Guo Man didn't know that in the month before, Yan Tian had even been a crazy-looking basket case that told others stories all day. He didn't even have the money to buy a cell phone.

Although Guo Man really hadn't said much as they ate, Sun Nan wasn't the same. While he didn't talked too much with Guo Man, he put some food into her bowl from time to time. Contrary to expectation, the two of them were full of cheer and mirth together.

Upon noticing this, Yan Tian briefly glared at Sun Nan. This brat had spent so much of his money this morning, and he actually wanted to hook up with the secretary that he had just found? He would not stand for it. He absolutely would not stand for it.

"Oh my, Guo Man, come try this Szechuan shredded pork stir fry; I thought it tasted pretty good." Mulling over the situation, Yan Tian put a bit of food in Guo Man's bowl as well. This time, he would uphold his sovereignty.

Once she saw Manager Yan giving her food, Guo Man was stunned. What was up with these two moneybags? How come they were giving her food? Should she eat or not eat?

If she ate it, the two people's chopsticks were coated with saliva. On the contrary, Sun Nan was fine, since she considered him a little brother, and all in all, he was a little guy. But what was the situation with Manager Yan?

If she didn't eat it, then wouldn't it clearly demonstrate she disliked the two of them giving her food? This gave Guo Man quite the headache, thinking to herself if by chance Wang Feng was to give her food as well, she would be finished.

In fact, Wang Feng really did want to give Guo Man food, but he didn't dare to do so. Who would dare to have intentions towards a woman that Brother Tian fancied? Wasn't this looking for a bad time? It wasn't like he had never seen Yan Tian's abilities.

As Guo Man was left in a somewhat awkward state, some men suddenly kicked down the door to their room. Subsequently, three flip flop-wearing gangsters spilled in.

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Upon seeing this, Yan Tian furrowed his brows. His luck truly was rotten today. The little brat had rattled him awake before he had even woken up and afterwards when he went to the restaurant, his own employees had taken him for a basket case and thrown him out.

Later on, Sun Nan had cleaned him out of several million, and now, just as he was eating, some people had kicked into his room. Sure enough, if a man had fallen out of luck, even drinking water would get stuck in between their teeth*.

Guo Man clearly jolted up in fright after she saw that door had been kicked in. When had she ever seen such a scene?

As for Sun Nan, he actually didn't have the least bit of a frightened expression. With his interest stoked, he crooked his head to look at the three men, thinking to himself that it was a good show to watch.

"Whatcha you guys doing? Don't you see we're eating?" Ever since Wang Feng had grouped up with Ah Long, his courage had made great transformations, so he stood up immediately and said.

"Whatever, you guys have eaten long enough. Give us your seats now and step aside. Hurry up." The leading gangster clearly didn't want to shoot the breeze with Wang Feng. He directly ordered Yan Tian and the others to leave, blatantly demonstrating he had come to rob them of their seats.

"Hmph, don't you know it's first come, first serve here? As soon as we eating, we'll leave." Wang Feng snorted coldly and said.

"Didn't you hear what daddy just said? I said I want you guys to get out now. My big bro wants to eat." The leading gangster continued to glare at Wang Feng and clenched his teeth.

Listening to the gangster's words, Wang Feng glanced over at Yan Tian, but all he saw was that Yan Tian didn't seem to have heard them at all. He even continued to sit there eating pleasantly.

"How are you guys being reasonable? We clearly got here first; why should we hand over the seats to you?" At this time, Guo Man said quite reasonably.

"Why? Daddy's come to eat, so who dare's not give up their seat?"

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Soon after, a somewhat rough voice could be heard from outside the room. Once the three gangsters heard it, they immediately cleared a path; evidently this was the boss they had spoken of.

After the man came in, Yan Tian briefly squinted at him. All that was visible was the man's square-looking face and scraggly beard framing it. A cigar hung in his mouth, completely in the same manner as an underworld boss.

Glancing at the man, Yan Tian shook his head and continued to eat. If such a person was called boss by the several gangsters on the side, then anyone could be a boss as well. In his mind, he could only use a single word to describe them: "foolish"!

"Woah, there's even a little beauty here." Just as the man entered, he laid his eyes on Guo Man sitting down at the table. His eyes suddenly glimmered.

As she watched the man stare lecherously at herself, Guo Man lowered her head in fright.

"Pretty lady, how about you have a drink with big bro." The man stared at Guo Man lasciviously and licked his lips.

Wang Feng was immediately sent into a foul mood once he saw the man staring at Guo Man like so. He actually dared to hit on Brother Tian's woman. Wasn't this asking for a beating?

Just as Wang Feng was preparing to say something, he heard Yan Tian step forward first and say coldly: "I'll give you guys three seconds. Get out of here within three seconds, or else you'll have to bear the consequences."

Yan Tian didn't even raise his head, engrossed on eating his food with his head lowered. It was as if the words he had just said didn't match up with what he had spoke of.

The man clearly hadn't heard Yan Tian's words, as he continued to stretch his hand out, wanting to grab onto Guo Man's hand.


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Suddenly, a crunching sound echoed out between them. It was unknown when Yan Tian's hand had flew out, but he had already seized the man's finger. With all of his strength, he snapped it.

"Oh…… My hand, my hand!"

The man finally felt immeasurable pain radiating from his finger and drew his hand back, crying out incessantly.

"I said it. If you didn't step back within three seconds, then you would have to bear the consequences." Yan Tian clapped his hands and picked up his chopsticks to continue eating with quite the indifferent manner.

Wang Feng watched Yan Tian directly snap the man's finger and felt fear in his heart. Yan Tian was too vicious. Without a second word, he had sent a man off to the hospital. This was truly a ruthless person.

"Wow, Big Bro is awesome!" On the contrary, Sun Nan didn't find anything out of place. He clapped his hands happily.

As for Guo Man, she didn't even dare to pick up her chopsticks right now. This was too terrible. Her boss was extremely merciless.

"Argh…… Beat him up for me. Hit him, argh, my hand!" The man groaned for a good while then called on his several brothers to make a move.

After the several gangsters heard the man, they immediately sobered up. Each of them glared fiercely at Yan Tian who was sitting on the chair. He had actually dared to strike their big brother, wasn't this begging for a rumble?

Each of the thugs swung their fists towards Yan Tian's head in greeting. At the same moment, they laughed at Yan Tian's foolishness in their minds. The man was actually still sitting unperturbed while eating?

"Ah! Be careful, Manager Yan!" Seeing Yan Tian sitting there cooly and eating, Guo Man warned him.

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Although Yan Tian appeared to be calmly eating, he was paying attention to everything in his surroundings at the moment. Just as the several gangsters were about to strike him, he immediately waved his hand.

Followingly, the three gangster's arms were slapped by Yan Tian in different places, yet he still wasn't finished. Just as the trio were slapped by him, he extended his foot, immediately attracting the attention of several people below by sending them crashing into the floor.

"I even just said it. If you didn't get lost in three seconds, then you'd have to bear the consequences." Yan Tian said coldly.

Hearing Yan Tian say this, the three gangsters retreated backwards in terror, since they were scared that they would have their fingers snapped like their big brothers in the next second as well.

"Goddamn, what're you scared of? Beat him up for me!"

As soon as the elder brother who had his finger snapped saw his little bros so scared, he angrily kicked one of them in the butt, inciting them to continue on.

The three gangsters met Yan Tian eye-to-eye and charged towards him, yet this time, not waiting for them to make a move, Yan Tian made the first one. At the same time, Wang Feng brandished his fists and charged over as well.

Without the least bit of mishap, the three gangsters were directly sent out of the room by Yan Tian with two kicks. The remaining boss saw that Yan Tian was rather ferocious, so he gunned it out of the room, crawling out. He had kicked a hard point this time.

"Truly disappointing. People were eating, but they wouldn't let them do so in peace. What trash!" After he drove out the several gangsters, Yan Tian clapped his hands and proceeded to return to his seat.

"Wow, Big Bro, you're so fierce." Currently, Sun Nan was looking at Yan Tian in even more and more adoration. He hadn't expected this big brother wasn't only loaded, but even knew a bit of kung fu too.

Guo Man had a whole new level of respect for Yan Tian as well. Before, she had felt overall that Manager Yan was rather agreeable with his seemingly benevolent manner, but she hadn't expected he would be so ruthless. He had snapped another man's finger without any qualms.

*meaning of this is bad luck is super bad luck

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