Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 89

"There's nothing that can be done!" Diana spread her hands out helplessly.

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Mulling the matter over, Yan Tian suddenly had the urge to rob the arab directly. He was an assassin by origin. Wasn't this what he was best at?

"Hey, that's right, where is that wealthy arab? Can you find out the specific location of where he's placed the rooster blood jade?"

"How come? What are you going to do? You want to run over there and snatch him of it straight away?" Diana had evidently already guessed what Yan Tian was thinking of doing. Based on his nature, wasn't it that he was fond of using force?

"Uhh, ehehe, no, I was just thinking about paying a visit to the old man." Seeing that Diana had hit the nail on the head, Yan Tian shook his head a bit embarrassingly.

Diana heard this and shook her head helplessly: "Hey, Yan Tian, if the man didn't put forth a condition, did you plan on robbing him of his item? You're too immoral!"

"Well shoot, is his condition really a condition? It's too fraudulent."

"Hmph, isn't it just a little difficult? What about it, you scared?" Diana asked rather smugly.

"What? Scared? I, Yan Tian, don't have the word scared in my dictionary. What am I scared of? What a joke." Yan Tian said boldly.

Listening to Yan Tian's words, Diana said disdainfully: "Really? I seem to remember that someone spent two days and two nights being chased to death by three people two years ago. Who was that person?"

"Oh? Uhh…….. Well, that can't be considered scared. Don't you understand that's a battle technique? In China, we have an ancient saying in the script known as the Thirty-six Stratagems; if all else fails, retreat." Hearing of Diana speaking about the matter of him being hunted, Yan Tian shook his head in embarrassment.

At that time as Yan Tian was executing an assignment, a development occurred. He had to go into a mercenary lair and rescue a person, but in the end, the person hadn't been rescued and he had even been hunted down for two days and two nights. This could be blamed on him having underestimated the enemy at that time.

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"Hmph, since you're not scared, then why don't you test out that arab's condition?" Diana snorted coldly and said.

"I want to as well, but it's just that this condition is too friggin' dishonest."

"I don't care. If you want to go straight to robbing the rooster blood jade, I won't tell you the location." Diana pouted.

"Then what's to be done? Could it be you have a clue about his son?"

Suddenly, Yan Tian's eyes glimmered. If Diana's intentions were for him to go help complete the wealthy arab's condition, then he could guess that she definitely had some kind of clue, otherwise, she wouldn't obstruct him from immediately snatching the item.

"Mhm, a clue. Indeed, I've found one. How about that? Do you wanna know?" Diana said smugly.

"I want it, I want it!" Hearing that sure enough there was a clue, Yan Tian nodded his head straight away.

"Alright, I'll tidy things up a bit on my end first, and I'll send it to your email later on."

After the call was finished, Yan Tian lied down on the bed in the guest room and yawned. Since there was a clue, then things could be properly managed. Wasn't it just rescuing a single person? That wasn't an issue.

Lying down for a while, Yan Tian's phone rang. He knew it was his email, so he opened his cell and looked it over.

Once he finished studying the information, Yan Tian furrowed his brows. It appeared that this assignment wouldn't be simple by any means. It would be a bit challenging to complete it alone.

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The name of the wealthy arab's son was Kaiser. Eight years ago, a group of mercenaries had taken him away. Based on the intelligence, Kaiser was presently in a mercenary corps known as the Sea Wolves. As for what he was doing inside, the intelligence didn't explain it.

Yan Tian knew of the Sea Wolves as well. It was merely that he had never seen them was all. Their mercenary corps consisted of no less than a three hundred well-trained, accomplished mercenaries and their lair was within a jungle in Africa.

Currently, it was extremely probable that Kaiser was within the den of the Sea Wolves, so if Yan Tian wanted to bring Kaiser out, then it was necessary of him to infiltrate their lair.

Without a doubt, this was an assignment of the highest difficulty, since if he lapsed in his vigilance in even just a little bit, the three hundred mercenaries would send him spinning. Although Yan Tian was quite awesome and could take on a hundred men, that was only limited to ordinary people.

If they were replaced with hardened mercenaries, then Yan Tian wouldn't be able to do it. At most, he could only handle ten-somewhat men. Of course, if the strengths of the mercenaries were a tad weaker, then he would be able to fight more.

But in modern society, who would close in on you and fight? If Yan Tian was discovered by them, the mercenaries would level their submachine guns at him and riddle his body with gunfire straight away.

Although Yan Tian could dodge a few bullets, if it were several tens of men to even a hundred men aiming their submachine guns at him, then he would be sprayed down in a hail of bullets. Even if the Heavenly Emperor descended to get him, he would be turned into a sieve.

Mulling it over, Yan Tian felt it was quite necessary to find some helping hands, since he wouldn't be able to accomplish this mission by himself.

After searching around in an encrypted file for a long while, Yan Tian found a number. Smiling, he picked up his cell phone and dialed it immediately, yet no one answered at all. The off beep could be heard from the phone.

"Dammit, this guy's gone and went to the cat house* again. He actually cut the line on me."

Hearing that the cell had been shut off, Yan Tian smiled and cursed. It looked like he had no choice but to give the other a call again at night.

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Shaking his head, Yan Tian returned to his office. He was still thinking of his skirt-blowing game, not knowing that Guo Man hadn't shut it off for him.

Just as he entered the office, Yan Tian noticed Guo Man sitting down on the office chair, reading documents rather earnestly. It truly didn't need to be said, but her appearance as she read the document was rather similar to Liu Ruoxin.

"Manager Yan, you've returned? Do you want to continue gaming?" Seeing Yan Tian had returned, Guo Man stood up at once.

"No need, you're busy with your work. It's fine if I sit on the sofa."

Waving his hand, Yan Tian sat down on the sofa. Contrary to expectation, he didn't play his skirt-blowing game, since he knew managing a restaurant was busy work. He wouldn't manage it, so he left it to Guo Man to handle the documents over there by herself.

As soon she got off work, Guo Man sorted things out and prepared to take off. Yan Tian looked at the time, knowing that Liu Ruoxin would be working overtime again, so he wasn't anxious to pick her up.

"Guo Man, where's your house? I'll take you back, alright. You don't have car."

Mulling it over, Yan Tian felt it was rather necessary to escort Guo Man back home, so he could advantage of the opportunity to deepen the feelings between the two. At the same time, he thought to himself wouldn't a boss accompany her with a car?

"Huh? Y-you don't have to, Manager Yan. It's fine if I'll taxi myself back." This was Guo Man's first day on the job; how could she let her boss driver her back straight away? Thus, she immediately declined.

"It's not a problem, I got nothing else to do. C'mon, it's not safe for a lone girl to hail a cab." Yan Tian said, swung the door open, and walked out.

"Oh my, Manager Yan. This really won't do!"

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"You see, you've called me manager. Since I'm the manager, then I got final say. Let's go." Yan Tian said quite tyrannically.

Seeing Manager Yan was going to escort her back no matter what, Guo Man shook her head helplessly: "Alright, I'll have to trouble Manager Yan."

Once they were seated in Yan Tian's Sports Convertible, the two of them sped forward. At the same time, Yan Tian was euphoric. It was the first day, and he actually already knew where this beautiful lady's home was.

"Hey, that's right, is there anyone home?" Driving, Yan Tian questioned abruptly.

Hearing Yan Tian asking if there was anyone in her home, Guo Man looked him in alarm, thinking to herself what the heck had he asked this for? Could it be that he wanted to bring her home to fool around with her?

Calling this to mind, Guo Man was so frightened she broke out in a cold sweat from head to toe. If had to be known she was the only person in the rental apartment, but in order to scare off Yan Tian, she decided to spin a lie.

"My father is at home and so are my two brothers." Guo Man smiled and said.

"Oh, so many people. What do they do?"

"Mhm, my father is a boxing instructor and my mother is a judo practitioner as well. Both of my two brothers are soldiers in the army, too."

Hearing that Yan Tian was asking what her family members did, Guo Man continued to lie and said they were all trained in martial arts. She wanted to see if he still dared to hold improper thoughts towards her.

Listening to Guo Man's words, Yan Tian shook his head helplessly. Just a moment ago, he had paid attention to her from the beginning, so he could notice at a glance that she was lying. He didn't need to guess to know she definitely took him to be some perverted delinquent.

Ruminating over this, Yan Tian was a bit bewildered. Was he so bad? How come every beauty was guarded against him like he was a wolf? This time, one had even used a family of martial practitioners to frighten him.

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